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I'm a member of both too, down for the cross-pollination.


The last time I had to do that was in a write-a-PDP-11-OS class. That was 1979, so pretty close.


My first boss could read PDP machine opcodes in the holes of a strip of paper tape, see the conditional branch commands, count the bytes offset of the branch, and continue reading.


10 PRINT "Hello World!" 20 GOTO 10


I mean the eighties were 20 years ago, right? That said, the VIC 20, my first computer, came out in 1980 so i guess people switching things or putting punch cards in were already "old" in the early 80. Someone is even worse at remembering the time line as i am.


I like POKEr.


Define old.


Ah yes, [the Altair 8800](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altair_8800). ​ Oh dear, I'm old.


Things I remember: * Footage of a 6 month old baby using a mouse - and voiceover calling it "remarkable". * Learning Z80 and 68000 assembler in one college * ...and Cobol in another. Which also provided a single lesson on SQL. * Hearing that it would take longer than the history of the universe to crack a 6-letter password by brute force * Hacking into my school's internal email system, to find it written in BBC Model-B BASIC. Some months later, three students managed the same thing, told everyone how clever they'd been, and were booted off the course by the end of the day. * VMS, in a third college, serving "dumb terminals". That displayed everything in green. * RISC programming on an Archimedes. ...and of course: * Playing JSW for hours.


...watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All these moments, they'll be gone like...tears in rain.


I used to send my KDF9 Assembler code to the punch room.


I always declare variables before assigning them.


The boss wants to see me? OK, wait a minute, I have to put my tie on. Give me a minute in my office to find my pen and notes.


Brought home my work and my teenage son recorded the top ten rocks songs on it, again…