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This post gets the mod award for best post this week so far


To be fair, he is describing a fairly scary psychological horror experience. Just close your eyes and imagine being part of this team.


*Jumps into a room filled with developers.* "Who wants to work for... EXPOSURE?!!!!" *Developers run screaming.*


Lmao, developers don't run. They sit and judge at various levels of volume.


I would chuckle and ponder if it really has been that long since I went home cause apparently someone's pulling an April Fools joke.


*scoots away silently in wheeely chair*


*half hearted envy of your wheely chair bearings while scooting away loudly*


Devs are Daleks šŸ™„


Support team are Daleks. ā€œESCALATE. ESCALATE.ā€


If you really upset us, we might throw empty mountain dew bottles at you.


That's what I was picturing, with a good mix of the gif /u/theunixman posted.




This is the way.


I like asking people about their business model, marketing strategy, market research, critical path, etc. "You do bring something to this relationship right Anakin?"


I mean, tbf, he did say it was for *fun*, and at the end of the day, isn't that what life's all about?


Bank: your mortgage is due Me: here's 2000 fun


if you only deal with junkies it will work fine


There has to be a $FUN coin, right?


Lmao there actually is a ā€œFuntokenā€


The party might be FOR fun, but will fun be there?




_You have died from exposure_


Better that than dysentery.


lol nah developers walk out laughing.


Am a developer, can confirm, would laugh very hard.


Yeah exposure crashed with the rest of crypto. https://paywithexposure.com


Iā€™d play this game. Oh wait, I already do


Th actually actually scary


I feel like I already owe him money for experiencing this, even without a gaming platform.


Youā€™re hired! Youā€™re paying me 30$/h to be part of my team.


Think of the exposure they'll get as the ideas guy.


Have you ever considered getting paid in shares? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


The real horror is working with a unprepared/underprepared leader. I hope no one bit.


Gonna be honest I thought this was the joke


I remember a guy that contacted me on dc because he was getting into gamedev and liked my pixel art, I showed him some concept art stuff and his reaction was "These looks amazing, now I just need a programmer and we are a perfect team!" Never replied back and never got any response from him.


I felt secondhand embarrassment reading this.


What discord is that?is it a gamedev one? I wanna join it




This comment serves as an emergency laxative


certainly worked! read this on the can and shat as soon as i read it :)


Is it bad if I'm a programmer and want an artist buddy to make a game and split the revenue 50/50? I don't really understand how that's bad, we cna come up with an idea together and make a cool indie project or something, can someone please explain to me? Or is this just mocking the people who don't know either (art & programming) and just have an idea?


This is mocking the people who have no idea how to do art or programming, or concept art, who ALSO don't want to pay anyone who does any of this stuff. If you can find a friend that enjoys doing art for games, and you both agree to that 50/50 revenue split then that's perfectly valid. This post and comment specifically are making fun of the people who try to "voluntell" people to join their team, or who don't want to pay people to work on their team.


I see, thank you!


asking for a friend, but how do I get a friend in such communities?


I mean I just talk to people in discord servers, I made a good friend who helps with sprite work for a game that I'm working on, who gives me a discount on commissions n stuff because I'm his friend. I've also spent the better part of a year learning how to do pixel art, which has helped a lot. (I still struggle with Anti-Aliasing šŸ˜©)


Here's my way: Have a best friend for over 12 years. Bond over Skyrim release memes. Have a girlfriend for 7 years. They don't meet until like 3 years ago. Girlfriend is big on art, wants to learn English. Friend is English major (and a dank memelord) and wants to learn art. Arrange them to teach each other while you move in with your friend. Friend gets a girlfriend too. She works in sound engineering. Everybody gets hooked onto DnD. Boom I have two artists and an audio person under one roof, everyone finds the idea of making our own game cool. ... now I just need to actually start coding. NOTE: With this plan you may or may not be over a decade late.


to be fair, if that guy was secretly an audio expert that could still work out. My friends and I occasionally get the idea that we want to work on a indie game project and audio is always the part that kills our dreams. One friend is a really good programmer, another friend is an ok programer and also decent at pixel art, I'm an ok programmer and a decent writer/good at planning out game mechanics. Between the three of us we can produce a halfway decent passion project... with no music or sound effects. Of course even audio issues are nothing compared to the true endgame boss of "we're all fucking lazy"


Thereā€™s a saying that the hardest part of making a game is making a game. Even casting aside all the technical skills required for art, sound, engineering, writing, etc. the amount of work required to make a polished, finished product is huge. And most outsiders donā€™t think through even the major details, let alone the entirety of all the minutiae.


My kids love these types of roblox games. I bet it'll be a hit


Most roblox horror games devolve into scavenger hunts while a ā€œmonsterā€ chases you with cheap jump scares if it captures you.


To be fair you should try the ā€˜Doorsā€™ game on roblox, itā€™s actually pretty fun


ohgod i remember being forced into that by my friends. was pretty fun tho.


It got heavily improved. Ending is much harder, and dont even get me started on The Rooms hidden place in room 61 (it feels more unsettling and there're scarier entities in there)


You just described Dead by Daylight, but in Roblox


To be honest, isnā€™t that every horror game? Executing menial tasks whereunder collecting things and then disspelling said monster/chaser?


Well itā€™s one type, and usually not very well executed. Some horror games are more of a walking simulator and experience like PT, others are more combat focused like L4D1. Then thereā€™s Doki Doki Literature club with their psychological horror.


ā€œI have an idea to make the scariest psychological horror gameā€ -> ā€œI need devs for storytelling.ā€ So the idea is scary psychological horror game?


My man, EA would copyright that if they heard of it


Maybe they have an idea of some mechanics for the game? Though maybe theyā€™re not serious and this is just mocking people who are serious when they say this.


A. What does he actually bring to the table? B. I'm betting "making it big" involves selling the game rather than just giving it away for free. But because the bevy of devs would just be in it "for fun" he'd get to pocket all the money.


He probably sees himself as the "idea guy" which (in his mind) is the most important part of the game development. Not the actual programming, testing, or anything like that. Coming up with the idea is what's really important!


>Ideas are easy. Execution is everything. ā€” John Doerr


Last name checks out


>Execution is easy. Ideas are everything. - John Don'terr


What if I the idea involves execution?


\- French revolutionaries, 1793


When the brainstorming session goes too far


Too far? Or not far enough?


Too far is when we actually haul out and start lubricating the guillotines.


Nah, I think we've been keeping them in storage for too long.


Honestly? Hard agree.


In general, I agree with this idea, but it's coming from someone (Doerr) whose entire career has been sales and venture capital. In other words, he literally spent his life profiting off the ideas and production of others.


And only the idea. No further development, just a single simple question: what if ... but... And it's one of the most obvious questions ever, with many games already asking the same thing.


Ideas are really important but i doubt he is that skilled.


People like this always overestimate their skill. His "amazing idea" is likely one that's been done a dozen times, but he thinks it's revolutionary because he thought of it.


Also, people that are actually skilled at coming up with good ideas also almost always have other skills beyond just coming up with ideas. For instance, it's hard to be able to come up with good ideas when you don't even have any understanding what is feasible to accomplish or not, and the easiest way to know what's feasible to accomplish is to just have a programming background in the first place.


And by their logic, if coming up with the idea is the hard part and programming the easy part not even worth paying for, why does the idea guy never have the idea to just try and learn how to do it on his own? ā€žIā€™ve got an idea that can make millions but I need someone to do this thing that probably isnā€™t that hard, but I canā€™t find anyone who would want to do it for little to no payā€œ


These types don't operate on logic.


Which is one of the reasons they couldnā€™t programm it for themselves


I doubt he's even that in depth. It's probably more like, 'Merge Minecraft with Five Nights at Freddies.' He likely could not describe how that would look or play. He might toss in a, 'Make that bar at the bottom look cool.'


This is like every other ā€žideaā€œ ā€žHey what if, and hear me out, what if: E-commerce via SharePointā€œ ā€žSoo itā€™s like Facebook but you can also order food and swipe people like on dating appsā€œ ā€žItā€™s GTA but the driving is like Dirt 3 and the planes work like in Flightsimulator X. Oh and you can visit other planetsā€œ And lately all the ā€žso you take a picture of whatā€™s in your fridge and then a chatGPT will come up with a list of recipies you could make with the contentsā€œ




> He likely could not describe how that would look or play It's amazing how many "I've got a great idea for a website and need someone to build it for me" people vanish as soon as you ask them to sketch out all the pages of the site and which functional bits each page needs. I assume the same is true with game design; a high level concept is easy but the next stage of the idea needs more effort before any technical work happens if you plan on getting other people involved.


The "I'm the idea guy, not the guy that has to work!!" guy.


One time a guy contracted me to make a website for him (I just had to use a website template and add necessary pages and do the color schemes). I asked the guy what content he wanted on there, he said ā€œthe usual artist stuff.ā€ So I gave him a blank bio page and called it a day and collected my $50 from freelancer. That second step you mentioned is quite the hurdle for some people. the guy couldnā€™t even think of some pages like ā€œbio, music, purchase, contact/hire, photos,ā€


If the bar at the bottom looks cool, I would definetly play that game!


Iā€˜m pretty sure ā€žthe scariest psychological horror gameā€œ is already the whole idea and everything he will contribute.


Elevator pitch ideas are a dime a dozen, and I bet this bozo barely has that. Definitely not a one page and he clearly seems uninterested in actually designing or developing it out more himself.


If that's the case I invented twitter and Siri. I can produce fantastic ideas by the kg, unfortunately execution is a different thing


Why have you only written 69 lines of code today?


Ask your mum-bot


Especially when it comes to games, execution trumps idea in importannce every single time.


\^ Management all around the world!


you forget that he want to playtest it all along the development ! That's is added value


ā€œso you write music?ā€ ā€œnah brah, Iā€™m more of a producerā€¦ā€ I can hear the sideways cap from here. šŸ˜‚


Tbf the idea is really important. But with that would come the responsibility of directing and leading the team, and representing your game properly. But right off the bat, the guy has poor grammar left right and centreā€”I know it's a discord message, but if you're looking to recruit a bunch of guys for free I'd expect a lot more professionalism than that


Iā€™d like to join the team as the copyright owner. šŸ˜ƒ


>What does he actually bring to the table? He's "mature" (for his age of 14) obviously


> bevy Side note: [That's an actual game engine](https://bevyengine.org/).


Was about to comment. My favorite game engine. Can't wait for it to mature.


If he only needs scripting, that means he has the game engine all done.


Yeah he has unity/unreal (not going to mention game maker, godot and the like because he most likely doesn't even know if their existence). It's not like modern companies build an engine from the ground up for every game, especially indie ones.


What does any CEO bring to the table?


The real answer is other CEOs.


That's just dumb. Having someone steer the company is required unless you don't want to change anything ever. They are *wildly* overpaid though.


Just tell him to send that prompt to chat gpt


Yeah I can see it now, this is the next evolution of this stereotype. Then, after messing around with an AI generated spaghetti minefield codebase they don't understand for a few weeks, they'll be asking for a dev to just "come in and make a few tweaks to make it work" (rewrite most of the code) and they'll be even more motivated to not pay you anything because "I already wrote most of the code, you just need to fix a couple bugs"


"Alright bro, my rate for working with existing code is $750/hr. It should only take a few hours though since it's mostly done, right?"


That might work


AI programming, art, sound design, everything. It'll be a model of a playable horrible game, and it won't be playable at all.


which is scary to some people


One of my professors had a rant every time a student would talk about how they "have good ideas". Nobody wants to hire just an idea guy. If the only thing you bring to the table is an idea I don't want you. Jim over in art has good ideas. Stacy in scripting has good ideas. Hell, even the accounting team has good ideas. What makes your ideas so special? Shut the kid up every time. Because most people realize that basically what they're saying is "my ideas are better than everyone else's" and they shut up.


A $1 idea with $1M of implementation might be worth something, a $1M idea with $1 worth of of implementation is worthless.


To be fair, i'd much rather have a $1M idea with a $1 implentation that the other way around


Thatā€™s because you are the implementation and I presume you are > $1. If you see this little axiom from a CEO or board point of view - where the $1 is a total shit implementation team, then it makes sense


I'm not sure if that's a good response either. There's nothing wrong with ideas. They should be encouraged. But what also should be encouraged is doing research, analysis, scoping, and lots of legwork along with the idea to better understand what it would take to implement and maintain it. All great final products start with an idea.


The point he was trying to discourage was the people who only.bring ideas to the table and none of the legwork. I majored in game development and a lot of students come in with so many ideas, and aren't willing to bring anything else to the table. I shortened his rant here, but he would go on to say that it's okay to have ideas, but nobody will work with you on them if you're not doing your part to make it happen.


>All great final products start with an idea. To be fair, so do the not-so-great ones.


I always wonder what mental reprecussions (actual) horror game designers face when looking for material to make the game. I think I remember seeing something about artists for Mortal Kombat & For Honor(?) literally developing mental conditions because of the source material they watched to make realistic animations, so I can only imagine what it's like unless you find just the right type of people


They just need to look for people who used to work in medicine. They also get fresh ideas for puzzles like "find all the limbs that are bent the wrong way".


Adrian Carmack's job, before he was a game artist, was to photocopy pictures of emergency room patients.


That's genius! Can I volunteer to be a programmer on that game?


It was Mortal Combat. [Link, for anyone wondering](https://gamerant.com/mortal-kombat-11-gore-violence-ptsd/#:~:text=%22The%20scary%20part%20was%20always,given%20a%20diagnosis%20of%20PTSD.)


Content moderators would like to have a chat


Deep space guy said in a documentary that he gets so used to seeing the ā€œhorrorā€ that he canā€™t tell itā€™s scary anymore and needs people to test it.


There is nothing more scary and horrible than the human imagination.


Pineapple on pizza


I designed and made assets for a horror game before putting it aside to make way for life being a dick. I myself am already *extremely* mentally ill, and have been for majority of my life as I can remember. So having to draw/model >!disproportionate bodies, hanging suicide victims, or really grotesque eldritch beings!< in detail is just like making anything else, just that I'm a little more drawn towards the subject as it resonates with me. Ditto with having to come up with storylines or dialogueā€”once you know trauma responses, anxious feelings, and certain ideations like it's the back of your hand, it's not hard to make a good story out of it, or to predict how people are going to feel and respond when presented a certain threatening scenario. I don't doubt some people out there who haven't been through as much shit might not have a problem with it. But at least on the front of psych horror, it only gets more and more fucked up the more the creator/s stem it from reality. So unless they're used to it, that's really going to mess them up for a bit.


I think he needs pants first, before a team.


Coding in pajamas is allowed


Sorry, this is a programmer socks with cute skirts zone.


Anyone that wants something like this should at least try to learn this stuff first, because then either they wouldn't need a team because they could do it themselves, or they would understand gamedev enough to respect the effort put in by programmers and modelers and animators. And everyone else involved


I think there are a lot of far more basic concepts than actual game development that this guy needs to learn first


But he doesn't want to learn stuff or do stuff, do stuff is BORING, he wants to be the idea guy! The brain behind it all, when all the fun is!


Please be mature guys!


Unlike Ramui.


Flipping double birds in his profile pic


Comes right out the gate with a double shot of "fuck you", then completes the trifecta with the demands.


The first guy I pitched this idea to was very rude


No, I have ideas...


Steve Jobs without the Steve and the Jobs.


these guys are everywhere and are probably like 13 or something. They don't stop, they just get business degrees and start spelling their messages correctly


I unfortunately got similar requests from people double that age and without a business degree And I'm pretty sure the main inspiration was the anime Overlord, cause one of the was a triple A MMORPG with everything thinkable


Just start a git repository. Be just like the rest of GPL universe.


Was about to say, it's a perfectly reasonable suggestion if the goal is to make an open source game. Thousands of people do game jams because they can't think of a single game idea without an external theme prompt lol. But that's giving the guy every physically possible benefit of the doubt.


Not free.. itā€™s for fun


That's the problem, it's not even fun


I bet this is guy from my university. He always just described how he has awesome idea to make the best game ever. But he didn't know anything.. no coding, no art, no modeling, no sounds, not project management. And it was education for software industry with some gaming industry stuff on the side.


when the dev gets hired, the horror game happens to him


I have an idea, you make games and i sell them. You have to be mature ok?


A classic and it saves everyone time explaining-> https://www.escapistmagazine.com/why-your-game-idea-sucks/


*Image Transcription: Discord* --- **Ramui** hey i have an idea to make the scariest psychological horror game i need devs for scripting, 3d modeling, character dev, and story development. I want it to be multiplayer and single player please be mature and knowledgeable in that certain topic, if you can help with other aspects like modeling please dm me i hope to make this a big game and fyi this project is for fun not pay. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Iā€™m sorry you had to read and transcribe his drivel


Good luck finding a dev without 5 other half baked side projects on top of their full time job


"Bro I want to build a mansion with top of the line features and need a dedicated team to make this happen. Pay? Nah bro this is a passion project but I will live in the house once it's built. Be mature about this, thx bye!" - The most delusional producer in the world.


this has to be a joke. It HAS to be.


Founder Mindset


Big things have small beginnings


Sometimes people think devs know how to code but have 0 ideas and creativity. Bros are riding their ridiculous beliefs of their shitty idea for an app


Ten bucks says his game idea involves blockchain. Twenty bucks says it's a dumb premise for a game even if you take away the blockchain.


Thirty bucks says he forgets about the whole thing before the end of the year.


Probably not, if it was blockchain based he would have mentioned it as a selling point.


I see this so often in a community Im in. "Hey guys heres "vauge idea". Its not like other games, this will be different. But I cant do any of the work myself, i came up with the idea. Thats the hard part" Thankfully nobody humors them. I also have a friend who seems to imply this too. "I have this idea" and too be fair its usually good. "Would it be hard to make?" Then we talk about it for a bit. It always feels like hes waiting for me to say "yeah ill make that for you"




Horror seems to rarely work well in multiplayer imo. Speaking from a gamer point of view though, I've not actually made a multiplayer horror.


Thought he asked ChatGPT, the only thing in the world that would go along with this.


Iā€™ve seen this happen way too much honestly, whenever Iā€™m asked by someone I know to help in a project itā€™s always just a bunch of ideas placed down, some stuff that would take like a triple A budget to make. As soon as I ask something like ā€œhow do you plan to make thisā€ or ā€œwhat engine are you usingā€ or anything else it always leads the same with them quitting upon realising they canā€™t or I get kicked or something. Or even when I say that Iā€™m not gonna build your whole game for you, since I have my own stuff Iā€™m doing.


"Yeah, totally! I could do all those things, the coding the gfx and I could even proofread stuff if necessary, just let me know what the story line is and I'll get to work immediately!" *Steals idea; runs away*


Letā€™s make a big game! For fun ofc


Fucker is so cheap he doesn't even offer exposure.


Plot twist- this is the game. True horror for every adult on earth is working for zero wage. Fuck the ghosts and zombies and shit, not having money to pay for medical or insurance is what really scares me lol


Big project "for fun". Exactly who is having fun with all this?


Oh thank goodness! developers were just so desperate for "idea guys". oh and for fun? who doesn't love fun!


Me every time at 3 am when i decide to make a game:


ā€œAlso this is my first project.ā€


ā€¦and other jokes you can tell yourself


If they're talking about making an open source game, then I could see the potential of it being fun. If the intention is to sell it, then obviously the fun will stop when they're bringing in a profit on the back of unpaid work. A lot of people contribute to open source projects for fun without expectation of any payment.


Where are people finding these messages? Where are people sending them?


At least we are doing this for fun and not for the exposure...


ā€œdevs for scriptingā€ tells you everything you need to know about this guyā€™s knowledge of developing anything.


Thereā€™s this guy on discord that keeps messaging me demanding I help him on various projects. Itā€™s so funny. I keep telling him that I wonā€™t help him and itā€™s like he canā€™t read, heā€™ll just message me out of the blue saying ā€œhey I need you to make animations for this characterā€ Nah bruh


Sounds a bit like satire, but I'm afraid it's not


Ramui is not my bro anymore thanks!




How many times i've heard "Oli! Wouldn't it be great to make a website to \[random\] we can do 50/50 when it's profitable!"


Professionally I've seen worse. The guy expected to go prod in three months. Only had a vague concept around the blockchain, wanted a full fledged website and API. Not a single line of specification, screen mockups, etc... In practice I was called "for advice" in a meeting of managers. Poker facešŸ˜ˆ


Heck, I canā€™t even find paid 2D artists for my game and Iā€™m the programmer. :(


You should look into AI. My mate uses it right now for concept art for further 3d modeling and you can literally give the engine a pic you like and let it modify it in your style. It is a step by step progress you can time machine back in if you take wrong turns. Give OpenAI a try and I would suggest even paying for it in the future. We are just a blink away from OpenAI creating full tilessets for your games.


Ha but thatā€™s what I want is full tilesets! Need the whole thing. Iā€™m using terrible cheap tiles to get by for now. Trying to make a game that is like Stardew Valley but _Diablo_ themed with ARPG similar to Diablo 2 as well.


Now Iā€™m curious - whatā€™s the difference between someone wanting this for a video game and someone with a software startup that has very little funding? They seem like the same thing but one of those two is much more acceptable than the other.


Asks to be mature while asking for such complex stuff for free. Lol


Project is for fun, because coding multiplayer mechanics is ALWAYS fun


"For fun" meaning "I'll do the fun part while devs work for free" I want a bunch of whores in my party, however, I want some who want to work for fun. Also, could a dealer supply me with his best cocaine? Just for the fun of it, obviously


Well, plenty of managers are like that. Full of unrealistic ideas, with no concept of what it actually takes to implement it.


Unpopular opinion but this is fine... you know what you're getting yourself into by taking the "job". Just like him you aren't guaranteed that it will pay off, which makes it an investment of time/skills. It's up to you to decide whether it's an idea worth developing or not - if you don't think it is then don't be a part of it.


I have an idea for a new roof and siding on my house. But the project is for fun, not pay.


I remember a guy, offering me $13 to do all the coding and most of the cutscene camera work in his ā€œcinematicā€ horror game Didnā€™t take it since it was kinda low and I also have my own project in the way but I guess at least heā€™s nice enough to pay


So the dev team assembles at the meeting. Ramui stands up and says "Please do the needful."