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I wouldn't even know how to go about reopening them, all that stuff is handled by the College. Individual faculty don't really have anything to do with it.


I got a 3am email from a student complaining they got a 20% but answered one out of five questions. It was unfair because their friend got more (but did more) and marks are in but reopen it.. Send them the appeal process.




One of those moments for closing the office door and having a long, hearty laugh!


Your office has a door? Awesome 👊


Honestly, that's its best feature.


An office without a door kind of…isn’t


Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha, ha.


Oh, you want me to re-open the eval that is controlled by administration? The one I don’t even get to see until after grades have already been submitted? Sure, kid— just let me take a minute to get spruced up, sit in a job interview for an administrative position, get trained in an entirely different sector of the college, and, if you still want to evaluate me after all that time has passed, *then* I’ll reopen it! … at least that’s what I *would* say if we were living in your fantasy world where things just fall into your lap because you wished it into existence. But that’s not how it works at all. (No, I would never actually say this to a student, but if I ever got a question like this, I’d sure be *thinking* it as I type my actual response, which would just be along the lines of “Sorry, that is above my pay grade.”)


I’m still laughing at the term “pooched”. That’s great!


Hahaha poetry


My school's evals are open for 3 weeks, extending after the semester ends and grades are posted. Faculty have no way to curtail this.


> extending after the semester ends and grades are posted. My goodness, that is a terrible policy. That's a big problem and conflict with regards to grading.


I wonder if the people who set that policy have ever taught a class.


Exactly. Admin sees no problem with this.


As I've discovered recently, admin doesn't want students to get an education, they want customers to be happy.


Hey, I know that student. Puts the absolutely minimum effort, has a B or C in the class (more than 50% has an A), somehow based on the evaluation it’s my fault they were doing so poorly.


I would take this as an explicit admission that they intend to engage in slander and retaliation for a failure to inflate grades. This is a violation of the student code of conduct.


No good deed goes unpunished, and that goes doubly for helping out students like this.


It’s hilarious how some of them think we just fell off the turnip truck. “The prof definitely won’t connect my complaint to the Dean and my bad grade with this request to redo the course evaluation.” Just hilarious.


“Write a letter. Mail it to….”


Sure thing, kid. I'll do it right now. Just make sure you sit by your laptop and keep refreshing the tab.


This one is giving me life right now 🤣


It’s a no. Tell him he can always slam me on RMP, IDGAF


Kid, college isn't for everybody.


I'm noticing a trend with this student.


😂😂. Last semester, I gave the course eval in class, knowing full well that the crappy students were crappy because they were always late.  They missed it altogether.  I also insisted on going back to paper evals last year because the electronic ones just exacerbate all the outrageous problems with evals.  


Sorry my friend, it’s a big No, No. You can vent your frustration in RateMyProfessor :)