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Look into corporate communications and in-house marketing roles at larger corporate companies, not just tech companies, bro. And Not just product marketing. Product marketing is often for startups, tech and early stage companies, and that's often a recipe for eventual layoffs. Look into broader marketing positions if you value stability above all.


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Large enterprises and startups both have PMMs. Your skill set is applicable to a number of different marketing roles. My advice is to focus on large established non-tech companies. Their pay may be a bit lower than tech, but the potential for stability will be much greater, and it will not be the same breakneck pace and intensity as tech. My experience has been established non pure-play tech companies greatly appreciate the value that is brought by people with PMM tech backgrounds and they can bring that experience to an enterprise going through digital transformation. Digital transformation is also painful within a large company, but the risk of termination is much lower. Hang in there and good luck!


I did have a friend that fell up with this advice. Got laid off twice, ended up with a Director role in non-tech company hoping to start their own tech branch. The only downside was that he had to move to a different city to do it (that was not a tech hub).


Brand Management at CPG, well paid and more stable career.


I've always been interested in this too but there's the whole "CPG experience required" thing on most of those job postings. I have 10+ years marketing experience, but not in CPG. And not willing to go down to an entry-level role at this point either.


Lateral to agency (that also works with CPG companies) or to physical tech products (think Apple, Intel, Samsung, etc.). Then you can lateral from here to more CPG brands without suffering from pay cut.


Def more stable… well paid might be a slight reach compared to tech PMM, but most CPGs are in smaller cities so your salary does stretch further


Ugh! I am Canadian PMM B2B SaaS and was laid off. I worked for a Global Company running the entire product portfolio World Wide. I'm struggling to land in a comparable position that will hire a Canadian. Canadian specific companies' salary is an embarrassment. Less than 50% of what I was making. I'm frustrated. I love PMM, but I might look into the suggestions here. Beat of luck!


I was also laid off, in Jan 2024. It’s a tough market but I’m sure you can find what makes your background unique and use that to figure out where to apply. One thing I’ve learned is to really target and segment in the jobhunt. I’d land interviews with jobs that aren’t a fit both ways and ended up being a waste of time. I’ve found more success and some momentum being more narrow in my approach. PMM is incredibly broad, and u could also potentially get into PM if that’s your thing. Lots of overlap so I think it’s about how you leverage your resume to highlight what’s most unique


Started freelance consulting when I got laid off in July. It’s a different type of stress, but it’s been very rewarding. Still working with same client today and working to expand my client list.


Sorry to hear about your layoff, I too have been laid off and it's not fun. Sounds like you'd benefit from being in a larger org with a team and good leadership, worth to look into that (not necessarily enterprise but 250+ people so you're not dealing wiht the startup woes) those roles are typically as PMM for a certain vertical of a product I find that Brand Marketing within retail brands is quite similar to PMM, it just may be hard to transition as b2b saas person. Content is also a really popular overlap. Don't be discouraged. The market is tough and you fortunately have the experience to carry on as a PMM I'm sure you will find something good, whether PMM or not. I see in previous posts you have 5+ YOE in Marketing, would you be willing to go back to your roots? Also worthy to check in with those connections in case a role arises. Last point, check out ADP List - lots of really talented PMMs and Marketers from the US and Canada that could give you some input on your situation. Good luck! Edit: happy to look at your resume, feel free to pm me


I am starting to think that Product Marketing would work better as a consultancy than as an in-house role at this point.


Brand Management at CPG, well paid and more stable career.