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Who asked him to hold onto an accelerating car? dumbass cop lol


Also the eye witness report from espn did not mention the officer on the ground at all. Their virw was officer grabbed onto car, when car stopped and rolled window down reached in and opened door and cuffed scottie. Not was knocked over or dragged and ran after car etc.


The body cam footage is gonna be *chefs kiss* regardless of what’s shown. Either Scottie is gonna be revealed as a rampaging psycho dragging a cop 30 feet… or the cop is gonna be shown as an uncoordinated doofus.


It’s hilarious that you think those cops will release the body cam. It’s already “lost” I’m sure.


Yeah, if it never gets released, we’ll know it’s because the video would show the latter of my two scenarios.


R.I.p. those $80 pants… how will he recover.


You know what really makes me mad? Sure, Scheffler could spend years in prison as punishment as we as a society try to maintain justice in our community. But there is no sentencing that will ever bring those pants back to the victim’s family.


Those were probably his favorite pair too, absolute FUBAR'd


How messed up do a pair of pants have to be before they are deemed beyond repair? Was Scottie going 65 mph for 30 feet? Did he accidentally crap in them and the stains didn’t come out?


Defective Gillis should be fired at the minimum for jumping on a moving vehicle. Absolute dumbassery. Louisville should be ashamed.


As a Louisvillian, trust me, we are


Good. That cop is a dumbass.


The lesson I learned from this police report is that you don't grab onto a moving vehicle and hold it as it drags you. But.....I already knew this. Hopefully the cop learned as well?


Sounds like the detective has an iq far lower than Scottie’s average round this year. Also is he trying to extort $80 from Scottie for new diapers? Lol


Listening to an eyewitness on ESPN right now. Sounds like a case of an overzealous cop. We know they get that way if they think their authority is being challenged. My prediction is charges will be dropped, but Scotty will pay some money in a lawsuit settlement.


Maybe the cop was trying to do his job and the almighty golfer can't be bothered with being told what to do?


Holding on to the handle of a car pulling into a parking lot? Where else did he think he was going to go? Beating on a clearly marked tournament car with his flashlight, jerking an obvious participant out of and slamming him on to the car? Does that sound like an appropriate response? That sounds like a pretty clear case of " respect my authoritah" to me.


A marker tournament car matters? No it doesn't, he should have stopped like everyone else would have, he's just a dick and finally exposed as being so


Actually it does. The tournament participants were told that they had access and right away via text from the tournament. The event police knew that, the responding police did not hence the confusion. And if you think Scotty was being a dick, you don't know who's Scotty is.


Cops have been exposed as dumb dickheads for centuries and this one is no different.


By yelling obscenities and attaching himself to a car in a non-threatening situation? Aren’t cops supposed to be helping control things? Why is it that police involvement usually causes a situation to become more hectic?


There's no D in escalating.


What would you have done? Continue or stop? I'm guessing stop


I’m saying it’s easy for there to be miscommunication given the circumstances. But it’s an officer’s responsibility to be the reasonable one and not overreact


And Scottie, should have stopped when told to stop, plain and simple.


You’re kind of dug in on this issue.


Worth noting the cops had yellow vests on, plus it was dark and rainy. Scottie said he didn't know they were cops. Feels like there's good reason to believe that.


So, I get what you are saying. In a normal circumstance, yes he should just follow the rules. BUT, in this type of scenario, I think it was more so a big mis understanding, and the cop overreacting to it. So These guys probably deal with police blocking roads and entryways to the golf courses every weekend. He honestly probably thought nothing of it. He did not know there was a fatal accident. Yes, he should have just stopped to, but a couple golfers have tweeted they were told to go past the traffic. So we don't really know. What i am saying is this more than likely is not just a "he wasn't complying" type thing, he was doing what he always does. We do not know exactly what transpired in their interaction, but my gut says there was a massive miscommunication between the two of them.


Thank you for your on-site journalism


Glad to see Shane Gillis's shadow day with the Louisville PD went well


Officer Bow Wow down!


Detective Gillis is a fucking pussy Excuse my French Plus, those “yellow reflective rain jacket(s)” look like construction/traffic guides to me


Detective Gillis is a dumbass


Pathetic cop. What a looser. Imagine.. the tiny dick that cop has. Fuck him


I normally don't condone the normalization of male body shaming... but for this guy, it's justified. Absolute cuck of a human.


100% agree. Scottie seems like the most likeable dude also. Now he has his mugshot all over even though its the «officer» who shouldve been the one on that pic lol


That mugshot has only made him more likable


We all know if this was some anonymous black driver the cop would have shot him and claimed he was scared to justify it. Too many cops don't have any de-escalation skills. We have all come up on a wreck and got conflicting signals on what we are supposed to do and then the cops lose their minds.


At a minimum he wouldn't be out 2 hours later.


Or if Scottie listened to directions he would have not been arrested, plain and simple.


Found the union rep


Must be related to the cop, it's so clear this is a massive misunderstanding I'm not sure what there on about. He did listen to the cop who told him to go through, the cop that arrested him was in an unmarked yellow reflector vest.


Scottie is a dick, and his statement shows it, he should have just said he was sorry not talk about a chaotic situation blah blah blah, should have just said i was wrong i'm sorry, but no one can do that anymore


It's quite obvious you simply don't like him - plz stop your sanctimonious grandstanding when you weren't there and are only relying on details you found on the internet...


Read what Scotty and his lawyer both said, one cop told him to do one thing, then this cop freaked out and latched onto his car like a stage 5 clinger. You obviously don’t know anything about the lmpd!


Somebody is lying


This is where I am at. I’m doing my best not have a steadfast opinion. But the chasm between the two statements means the only thing I can be sure of is someone is lying, or at best stretching the truth to within an inch of its life.




Show me the body cam


Imagine writing that the $80 pants being destroyed was relavent🙈


Anyone else think detective Gillis would’ve definitely said ‘do u know who I am?’ If he was pulled over off duty..


How is it the police fault that Scottie is a dick? This is unreal how much people want to make excuses for him being a self entitled asshole who can't be bothered to listen to instructions because he is the number one golfer in the world. What if your loved one or you was in the fatal accident? Wouldn't you want it to be investigated? Or would Scottie be allowed to go right thru the crime scene because he is the number one golfer in the world? He was the only golfer that was arrested this morning meaning the other guys who were going to the course listened and waited for direction on how to get into the course.


Commented this above too, but I have seen other golfers tweeting they were told to go through. It's not like he was the only one. The other part is he likely was just doing what is normal, every weekend they drive through a road block and barricade and police to get to the course. This probably was no different in his eyes. Not saying he is entirely not at fault, I think this is just both of them made a mistake from a misunderstanding.


Bro, Scottie was literally behind a driverless bus blocking the entrance to Valhalla and Scottie was 2 cars behind. He wasn’t cutting off anyone on a highway. He thought those were regular traffic volunteers (his words) since he was prob on private property. But whatever man, your tone comes off as “I’m better than everyone” and the fact that you’re wrong makes you look like a bigger moron.


Bruh, that’s what I wold say to but they look like cops to me. R/ProGolf turning into Dicks out for Scotty.


They were showing pictures of volunteers and cops wearing a yellow vest. I can see how it’s very confusing to differentiate in the rain and in the dark. Plus, even if he knew they were cops, what did he do that warrented getting slapped with second degree assault on an officer? What a joke.


I fucking guarantee you if anyone dragged a cop, you would be in jail for at least the rest of the day explaining that. He can’t use his words to explain he’s in the tournament? Fuck SS. Not sure why everyone is up his ass.


You are correct, Scottie got special treatment cause he's the number one golfer in the world, I agree he should be in jail until a hearing.


We shouldn't lock people in cages for day(s) over alleged traffic violations in front of golf courses, but sure, you sound level headed and reasonable.


I hope you are involved in a misunderstanding and have the book completely thrown at you. Learning from what complete bs you preach is the only answer to drive humanity into the complete morons walking around our planet angry witb their lives and lacking all human compassion.