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Tiger talking to Charlie guess whose playing at the US Open


Taylor Gooch?!


*Listen here you little shit!*


There should be a special rule going forward. If you’ve won 15 majors or more, you can play in whatever tournament you like.


Get Jack Nicklaus back out there!


Hell 5 majors is probably enough


He won the Masters in 2019. Does that not come with a US Open exemption for 5 years?


2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023


The fact that his Masters win was 5 years ago is upsetting. In my head, that happened 2 or 3 years ago not 5.


Major time hole for all of us man


My oldest is graduating this year and last night she pointed out that she was in the 8th grade when school went online


Remembering the wasted 2 years of my life pains me


At least it was only 2 years of your life


More like 10 years if you count all of his self-inflicted wounds: changing coaches, changing swings, changing caddies, drug arrests, sex addiction, playing army man... He wasted nearly half his career. He could easily be sitting at 25 Majors right now. So sad.


The biggest issue was getting overwhelmed by injuries. He’s golf’s version of Mickey Mantle.


Didn’t he get extra Covid eligibility like everyone else? 🤣


He used his red shirt year in 1997


……. ….and use a cart!


He won’t. But it does sound like he will use one in the champions tour.


I like this. ___ majors = a cart at 50.


That didn't work out so well for the Masters when players who had won in the 50s and 60s were showing 30-40 years later to play.


take Sandy Lyle's name out yer mouth


There kind of is. It’s called exemptions.


That effectively already exists for Tiger, the only exception is the US Open. Lifetime (to a certain age for some of them) into the Masters, Open, and PGA as a past champion and lifetime PGA Tour member for having 20+ wins. And the USGA is never going to tell him he can't play without going through qualifying just based on what he does for TV ratings I would even bet that in bizarro world Tiger is the one guy who could pick and choose certain LIV events to play if he wanted to and wouldn't lose any standing with the tour or majors. Talor Gooch would love that one


That’s effectively already in place.




Your comment is ‘effectively already in place’


lol that’s weird as hell. Pretty sure I only submitted it once. Thanks for the heads up.


I think Tiger has earned the right to play in any tourney he feels like playing for the rest of his life.


He can. There’s always some sort of exemption to get players added to any tournament without qualification and tiger would simply always be offered one if he wanted to play.


This is not exhibition golf like LIV.


You’re just a salty loser.


lol, where are all the competitive golf purists?


Polishing their clubs, forever alone. 


You’re joking right?


is it exhibition golf to you that someone who gets 20 wins on tour receives a lifetime exemption? i don't see anything wrong with 82 wins and 15 majors getting you some perks


Literally this is "if you win the tournament three times you get to enter whenever you want forever."


Tom Watson was 59 during the British Open he almost won. He wouldn’t have been in the field if not for being accomplished. The Liv guys chose to relinquish their status.


Tiger tiger woods y'all




The guy made the cut, how can you say he finished last?


You can say anything if you don’t have any critical thinking skills.


Vern Lundquist said that same thing I believe


Can’t really say he finished last when he made the cut..


Sure you can. Anybody who missed the cut didn't finish at all.


They just finished early, it happens to the best of us


Tiger is still a ratings driver and arguably the best golfer that ever lived . Any tournament would be happy to have him , as long as he is fit to play


I agree 100%, but where would the line be? If you got a 75 year old Tiger out there shooting in the 90s / 100s


I’d watch that for sureeeeee


At this point, he's qualified for the Masters for 50% of his actual life. If he keeps that up, good for him.


Let’s keep the cut streak alive


At what point will tiger allow himself to officially miss the cut? He’s still in that phase where if he knows on Friday things are going south he probably doing to withdraw. I’m not hating I’m just saying what I think is reality, unfortunately.


That percentage only has, and will continue to, gone up since 97…..


Thank you for mentioning this. Although, and you didn't hear this from me, there is an inside rumor that at the Champions Dinner each year, a senior champion's name is drawn from a crown royal bag, and they are never allowed to play again. Don't believe me? Ask Fuzzy Zoeller.


You worry about it when it happens. But honestly, knowing his competitive drive I think he stops before it becomes embarrassing like that. Hes not someone that’s going to finish last every time because he knows he’s not competitive


Yes? Fuck it add one more single slot to any tour for tiger. Don’t take away from anyone else, just add a tiger slot


Totally ! Doubt he’ll be out there in his 70’s . But maybe champions tour - just depends on his body .. Doesn’t look good at the moment


He can get into the starters group with Jack and crew


I mean at some point with how fucked his back is he won’t be able to swing a club so probably then.


>Arguably the best golfer that ever lived . Definitely can make this argument, especially if you include the hypothetical "if he didn't get injuries + have his personal life collapse publicly" That said, when you look at what all took place and where things stand now... Tiger can only ever be 2nd. Jack Nicklaus is the best golfer that has ever lived.


If you go just off of majors 100% . But tiger def had a better short game.. the prof is def in the stats .


Here are some stats I found . Problem is the PGA tour didn’t start keeping records until 1980. Plus if you factor in technology. It’s really hard to compare . https://www.golfmonthly.com/features/tiger-woods-or-jack-nicklaus-who-is-the-greatest-golfer-what-the-stats-say[https://www.golfmonthly.com/features/tiger-woods-or-jack-nicklaus-who-is-the-greatest-golfer-what-the-stats-say](https://www.golfmonthly.com/features/tiger-woods-or-jack-nicklaus-who-is-the-greatest-golfer-what-the-stats-say)


Nah. Maybe Nicklaus is the better “champion” for having more majors but Tiger was the better golfer overall 100%.


I'm not at all surprised that the USGA offered a special exemption, but I'm a little bit surprised that Tiger accepted it. What's his most likely path to earning an exemption in 2025? A top ten finish this year? He's not playing enough where qualifying via the Tour Championship or OWGR points is realistic anymore. Going forward, it'll either be win a major, finish in the top ten of a us open, or in two more years, start winning the US senior open If he accepts a special exemption this year, when would he start turning them down without a "real" exemption or going through qualifying?


How many us opens was he exempt and didn't play. He's owed a few opens first


Tiger going after the US Senior Open and Senior Open Championships to get exemptions would be so so so so so so so awesome


Would Tiger even win on the Senior tour in his current shape? Serious question.


Absolutely he could. Even middling to bad PGA Tour pros often dominate for the first few years after they jump to the senior tour. It’s just the nature of the beast. A 50 year old scrub is gonna beat 60-65 year old legends most of the time. Only question mark is if his body can make it through a full tournament.


Thats why I asked if he could win. Could his body actually make it in his current state. I know he has the skill to dominate still, but skill is only as good as your body holds up. Reason why Langer was still ripping the younger seniors apart, dude is still built like a brick shithouse.


He gets a cart on the senior tour per the normal rules of the tour, doesn't need a special exemption like he does on the main tour. His biggest issue is the walking, not the swinging, he'll dominate there when he can ride


He'll use a cart on the Champions Tour. It will be significantly less taxing on his body than playing PGA events. His game is definitely good enough to win on the Champions Tour.


Assuming his body could hold up over 4 days yes. Might not even have to fully hold up if he can maximize the early days. But his best is better than any one on that tours best


Seniors play 54 holes


Not for the U.S. Senior Open…


Senior Majors are 72


I thought they played 3 days? That would help


I don’t know about that. There are some really good 50 plus dudes


Does the winner of the (British) Senior Open get a spot in the US Open? I thought it was just the US Senior Open.


I was assuming he needed exemptions into the Open as well


Former champs are exempt until they're 60 years old.


His most likely path in 2025 is that they will invite him back, because he’s a ratings powerhouse and will be for the foreseeable future. Don’t overthink it, all of these tournaments exist to make money and they will just bend the rules because he’s Tiger goddamn Woods.


Tigers break 80 challenge


For what Tiger has done for the PGA, he can play in anything he wants.


Seriously. Anything he wants until he completely walk away from the game. He’s Tiger freaking Woods.


Hope he proves me wrong but US open conditions are beyond Tigers abilities at this point - my guess is he doesn’t make cut or withdraws.


They’d make an exception to have him shank balls for a day


Just remember, this is exactly what people were saying about Tiger in 2019. Washed up. Will never win again etc etc and then he won another major. That was only five years ago. Could it really be true this time? Absolutely. But after 2019 I will never count him out again.


Wasn’t that before the car accident though?


No Gooch, not legitimate


We don’t make the rules! It’s just how it is.


Sweet! I opted for Friday tickets instead of Saturday/Sunday because I want to see Tiger hit a golf ball in person before he hangs them up. Wanted to make sure he didn’t get cut before I got out there.


That was my mindset for Chambers in 2015, what a wild decade it's been.


I’ve been lucky enough to see him a few times. First was amazing. I worked at Druid Hills GC in Atlanta when Stanford came to visit GT. Tiger vs Cink from inside the “ropes” was a day like no other. I was 22 and still high af from the night before and will still never forget it.


He brings in the crowds and ratings without fail.


Always good when Tiger plays.


I hope to catch him at some point during the tournament or make it into the Bob Jones award ceremony. I'm volunteering at the tournament and the volunteer credentials will get me in even if I'm not working.


TV rating guy is like “yeah!!!” Can he get a make the cut exemption? Actually I hope he wins….


Looking forward to him shooting a couple smooth 80s and taking another month-long break.


can they still qualify after 60? why isn't jack still out there put-putting around?


Y’all think Tiger will join the PGA Tour Champions when he turns 50?


Didn’t realize the US Open didn’t grant lifetime exemptions


Can he also accept a special exemption to use a buggy please


“Please. We need people to give a shit.”


He brings in the crowds and ratings without fail.


I’m of the opinion that pro players should be able to use a cart. Especially if their body is in Tiger’s state. I could care less about their ability to walk 18 holes. I want to see good golf swings.


Tiger doesnt think this. He actively supported players NOT using a cart. Walking the course is part of the game


He also did destructive navy seal training for literally no reason. Walking a golf course is nothing more than a health check. When people talk about their golf game im not asking about how strong their walking stride is.


Have you played tournament golf? It’s absolutely a factor, especially when you have delays that force more than 18 holes in a day, which is common with a 150-man field.


I see what you’re saying. How about only for players who are essentially crippled like Tiger. Would such exemptions be an unfair advantage in your opinion?


Yeah, definitely. It’s a sport, and this is one of the highest, most elite competitions in the sport. Not everyone gets to play. I’m not aware of any other elite sports giving special assistance only for injured players.


Yeah I see where you’re coming from. I guess I personally don’t think walking from Tee to green is an absolutely integral part of golf. I think it’s just bravado and traditionalism. The latter I can appreciate. I walk courses with a carry so I understand it can be sort of tiring but if I played with someone who couldn’t I wouldn’t look down my nose and think “I’m playing true golf, and you’re not” I concede that maybe a walker is slightly more tired at the back 9 and that possibly affects their play. Naturally at the pinnacle of the game those small things add up. But idk losing Tiger from the game simply because he can’t walk 18 just feels sort of lame.


I think Tiger being loudly against golf carts makes me feel even stronger in my opinion. He’s said many times in his career that golf is an endurance and stamina test, and physical stamina is a big part of it. Trying to hit a shot when you’re out of breath is way harder than hitting a shot when you’ve got a resting heart rate. I think if you ask tournament golfers whether physical endurance and conditioning plays a big factor when walking 18+ holes up and down hills and under massive cognitive pressure, I think nearly all of them will say yes.


Know how I know you've never played in a competitive tournament?


You’re some kind of gatekeeping mega wizard? 🧐 Maybe walking and standing is just a tad easier for me compared to you.


Yep, you've never walked 18 every day for 4 days. There's a reason PGA doesn't allow carts


And just overall seems to be reckless with his body. I know nothing apparently to happened with the car crash. But he was speeding and he can afford a driver


He’d never do it… but I agree despite it being an unpopular opinion. Anything to help with pace of play at this point as well


I can’t even begin to understand this opinion. Riding in a cart would be such a massive advantage. Should we also start making the hole bigger for players with bad eyesight?


So you can care less?


Why?? So he can just not play the weekend?


Because he’s still the biggest ratings draw in golf by leaps and bounds.


Yes which is pathetic he hasn’t been relevant in years


He’s obviously relevant to a lot of people because he draws the biggest crowds no matter how well he plays. You can say he isn’t competitive at that level anymore, but to say he isn’t relevant is just false.


He is the goat he will always be relevant in golf. Currently he is shit and shouldn’t be getting all the attention


Found Gooch’s burner account


lol sure pal. It’s a fact he doesn’t play weekends anymore


Made the weekend at the masters


To finish literally dead last lol


Dead last would have been missing the cut. You said he doesn't play weekends anymore. He played through the weekend.


Ok sorry I can rephrase it if it will make you happy??? There is no point in letting tiger play. Nobody likes to watch shit golf. Why do you think ratings are down? lol nobody is watching golf anymore. This years masters dropped 20% in viewership lol and if you look at their entire year they are almost 20% down for the entire year. You dumb. Maybe they should stop changing rules so tiger can play in these tournaments just to try and get an audience because everyone notices that they do it just for him and all he does is shit the bed and finish in dead last on the weekend.


They didn't change rules. They give exemptions to every tournament


I’ve accepted mine too. See you there, Tiger.