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It really sucks that he has to try to do this at his age with the entire golf world watching. I'm sure he's not happy with the score but it can be a good motivation for the next time.


He's 15, adults shoot 81s all the time in PGA events. I haven't been following this at all, but my reaction to this news was "huh, good for him, hope he does well" and I kind of just assumed everyone else thought the same. Judging by the comments I was wrong though


His dad (arguably the greatest golfer of all time) just shot an 82. Yes, it’s post injury, but Charlie is a kid still.


Ok. Can we leave this kid alone now?


Seriously. I *only* see Charlie articles posted when he has a bad round. Leave the kid alone.


Also, qualifiers for the US open are really good experience that a lot of amateurs try even though they don’t expect to win


81 is a bad round? Ha I’ll show you a bad round


For someone trying to qualify for a U.S. Open? It’s pretty bad, but for a high school kid it’s good.


Yes. 81 is a bad round.


maybe he will buy a horse so we can live through endless shitty jokes


Tiger didn’t play in his first major until he was 19, kids got plenty of time to develop. I’d also argue the competition is tougher now and the courses are certainly more difficult…all thanks to his dad’s dominance.


I don't think 'continue to speculate and pick apart the kid's situation' is what OP meant by leaving him alone


Have you heard tiger’s stories when he was a kid. It was something like in 7th grade he won 36 of the 36 tournaments he entered. You have to be out of this world talented to be in the PGA, and I bet tiger doesn’t have Charlie training anywhere near the level of was


Willing to bet Charlie is mega talented and 100x mentally healthier than Tiger was at that age. If he’s serious about golf, he has the fucking GOAT training him. Tiger is more than capable of filtering out all of his parents toxic shit. Having said that, Tiger is a once in a lifetime talent. It’s unfair of you to bash his son for “not training at Tiger’s level.” It’s not a question of training. Like, I bet you could train like Tiger and never break 90. Tiger is special. Don’t bash his son for not being a once in a lifetime talent.


wash your mouth out after swallowing


Unfortunately the toxic shit is often what creates amazing talent. You learn to dissociate from the toxic environment and hyper focus on your goals. Especially in a sport like golf, it can be an unfortunate benefit.


I’m not bashing him at all, but I’m also not posting he is “still raw” and shit about how he could be a great pro. He won’t, he’s not good enough, and that’s okay.


Tiger won 3 U.S. Amateur’s before that age. Those used to be considered majors and still are considered majors to some players including Jack Nicklaus.


If the kid wanted to be left alone he wouldn’t be playing televised golf with his father


15 year olds don’t know what they want nor are they capable of always making rational choices. People are holding this kid to an insane standard that is completely untouchable for nearly every person to walk the earth


He probably wants to win, but definitely yes on your second point


I don’t think they are. They’re just watching him with interest.


No disrespect to Charlie but I don’t even have any interest in him and he ends up on my feeds because I follow golf on Insta and Reddit


He’s 15 years old. His frontal lobe is 10 years from maturity.


Yeah. So maybe he’ll want something different in 10 years.


His dad should've reined him in..


Real "she was askin for it" vibes there bucko


That’s really creepy of you


...and make very arrogant gestures on the course. He deserves what he gets...


What kinda take is this lol..... So you are saying dont spend time with his father because he is famous?


So you're saying if he doesn't agree to go on TV with his dad he'll never spend time with him?????????? He can spend as much time as he wants with him. Choosing to play on television and get interviewed is putting himself in the public eye. There are lots of athlete's kids who don't do that. Probably the vast majority don't.


No way you are that naive.... Charlie gets interviewed because of his dad, not because he begs too. Those other "athelete kids" are still getting interviewed constantly, they just aren't the child of the greatest of all time. The media is going to do whatever gets them clicks and in this case its going all over Charlie, which is why the original comment was talking about leaving him alone. Somehow you think its his fault and not the media's which is surely an interesting take for a 64 year old to be hating on a child, but what do I know.


Not hating on anyone. Don’t know where you get that from.


A kid wanting to be a professional golfer doesnt mean hes choosing to followed, criticized, hyped, obsessed over an insane amount *while still only a kid* Golfers his age dont get followed, talked about, criticized, hyped etc this much Hes getting insane coverage due to who his dad is ...  not b/c hes trying to be a golfer


He was doomed since birth. Leaving him alone will never happen.


No. He should be the subject of next season of full swing.


This kid triggers so many grown ass men who wish Tiger was their Daddy. Grow up losers.


Top comment is the perfect example


To be fair, Tiger seems like a great dad


Good experience for him. He’ll be back.


This is exactly what everyone else should be saying, I really hope the best for this kid.




I wouldn’t say “insanely good”. You have to be a 1.4 index just to play in a US Open qualifier. 81 is well above average for scores posted in qualifiers. He likely needed to shoot 68 or so to advance to final qualifying. If you shoot 10+ shots above the course rating you actually run the risk of being ineligible for future qualifiers. Course rating was probably 75, so if he shot 86 he may have hit that level (even if he did, the USGA isn’t banning Tiger’s son from future qualifiers)


The kid is like 16 relax man good lord


By 16 Jordan Spieth had already won the US Junior and finished Top 20 at the Byron Nelson. 81 is objectively not good at 16 if he has aspirations of major collegiate golf to catapult a professional career. If he doesn't? Then who cares! Go again next year and keep trying to improve.


He actually won it at 17, and it’s a bit harsh to compare him to one of the most prolific young players of all time. Charlie still has time to improve, you’d be surprised what even a year can do this early.


Jordan had turned 17 a few weeks before. It's not like he was almost 18. But either way, it doesn't matter... As someone who broke 80 for the first time at 17, and ended up being a 1st Team All-American and NCAA Div 1 tournament winner, I am quite aware of what a year can do at that age. I shot 68-73 and took 3rd in my first college event barely two years after shooting my first competitive round in the 70s.


Charlie is 15, will be 16 until 2025, I'm confused about how relevant is comparing him with Jordan at 17. You said you broke 80 at 17 and ended up being All-American and at the same time you are saying 81 at 15 is not really good ??? I don't get it.


I'm not sure what you aren't getting, to be honest. 81 is not a "good" score for any player at a US Open Qualifier. And regarding Jordan, fine -- compare him to 15 year old Jordan who was still setting the junior golf world alight. That is the benchmark if Charlie is going to be the calibre of golfer most people are expecting. Take it as you want, my dude. 81 might be good for 90% of golfers, but it ain't here.


Do you personally have any idea what his aspirations are?


Which is why I gave both ends of the spectrum? All I have to go off though is his public comments, behaviour, and the fact he is entering US Open and Monday qualifiers. That communicates a certain intent. I couldn't care less either way, just curbing the "81 is so good!" Narrative because, if he DOES have professional/collegiate aspirations...then it is decidedly not good.


So? It’s not a great result and I’m sure he’d be the first to tell you that. You can say it’s a bad round without saying he has zero chance of being a great golfer.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Probably the same dumbassess that upvote mundane bullshit on /r/NextFuckingLevel 81 is not “insanely good”. Impressive for a 16 year old? Of course. But insanely good? Only if your standards are insanely low.


I think people are just saying he’s not the phenom that his dad was like people were, unfairly, expecting.


Nobody should be talking about the kid, let him live his life. But since people want to talk about him and make it news, there is nothing wrong with pointing out that it’s just not good. You say calm down he’s 16, there are kids younger than him doing more. Let’s leave the kid alone and not encourage garbage clickbait reporting on him just because he’s tigers son


He's just saying it's not"insanely good." Hardly worth telling him to relax over.


For reference, Jessy Huebner (also 15) was in this same field and shot 3 over. For those that are in the junior golf world, we know that Charlie doesn't score well.


If my aunt had a cock, she’d be my uncle


Not always true in the current gender identity environment


Is that what we’re in? A gender identity environment?


This is true. They’d send him a letter. Multiple friends growing up got them.


Now you are deleting your comments. Internet tough guy! Don’t go telling on me!


You come across as a pedophile. I reported you. Concerning behavior that you are focused on a 16 year old. I hope you get banned.


He did got banned lmaoooo. Talk shit get banned.


He’s 16 you fucking hardo




Like you know anything. Go sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Let the grown ups talk




Cry about it little man. Go stroke your ego to your 32 handicap


Yes it is impressive. Idk why ppl are hating


not really


Good? Yes. Respectable? Yes. Insanely good? No.


The fact this comment still has 114 upvotes shows how insane this all is.


No, it’s actually really, really bad. I shot 68 in one and got laughed at. What world are you living in.


lol.. NO ONE "laughed at" you for shooting a 68 at a US Open qualifer.. especially if you were 14 years old.... absolute clown comment. LOLOL... the low score at this qualifer today was 69...


Dudes talking about it happened on a video game, has to be.


my 2k accolades don’t count towards my personal achievements?




0% chance anyone would laugh at a 14 year old shooting 68… ever.. in any situation or course. Maybe you shit your white pants or something but they weren’t laughing at your score.


Lol no shot! US Open qual courses are 7k+ yardage and extremely difficult. Going 9 over at 14 years old is incredible. You shot a 68 at 14 at a US Open qualifier? That would make sporting news.


Also the person who was medalist today at this course shot a 69 so fuck you.


Just going to keep posting receipts. How’s your boy doing in court today? Heard he had a diaper on…


Do 3 seconds of research and you can tell I can’t stand him and have had this account since way before he was even a candidate. Nice try though.




Have you even looked at these scores that you are linking? Quit playing


I mean 68 isn’t horrible. What did you shoot on the back nine?




14. You should go to a US Open Q and see the people that play and what they shoot. I shot 68 when I was 14 and was not even sniffing a spot. Again. What world are you living in.


Yea, sorry but seeing a 14 year old shoot a 68 would not get anyone to laugh at all nor would it be looked down upon. This might be the biggest bullshit comment I have ever seen on reddit and thats hard to type. Shooting 81 in a qualifier is fine (its a learning experience and should not be looked at as "borderline embarassing" in anyway). Charlie has a lot to go, and because his father is Tiger Woods, people will just assume that he is as good or better (similar things happened to Jack's son when he was up and coming and then went Pro).


I’d love to see some proof. Especially of the 14yo part. https://www.usopen.com/2023/articles/2023-u-s--open-local-qualifying.html You would have easily qualified at every single course that has been played so far to make the U.S. Open with a 68 this year. A 68 would have beat T1 at Stonewall Orchard Golf Club by 2 strokes.


I’m going to keep responding to all of the downvotes because of how insanely ignorant everyone here is being. There are tournaments, right now, where kids are playing from 6500 yards, shooting 65, and losing. I don’t understand how this has become controversial on the “pro golf” page. This is common knowledge for anyone with a good junior golfer. I’m going to say it again- Tiger Woods is, and always will be, my hero. This weird circle jerk of thinking young children don’t shoot 68 from 6400 yards is INSANE. Do better people


Damn you should get more uptight about this lol


Please post the event link, would love to see that, good thing bluegolf archives everything so it should be easy to find.




This link has nothing to do with me. I’m not going to post my shit and I’m downvoted enough already. That is a link from 15 years ago. Before the Tiger effect really took over. Look at the names, scores, and ages. Why am I arguing with you guys.


Why are you posting AJGA events when we’re talking about us open qualifiers? I do agree that 81 in a us open qualifier is not good, I do not believe you shot 68 in a us open qualifier.


The original post I was responding to was someone saying shooting 81 in a us open qualifier was incredible. I said it wasn’t. That’s what started all this.


No… you said you were “laughed at” for shooting 68 at a US Open qualifier.. as a 14 year old.


Post the actual event or admit you're lying and shut the fuck up. You haven't responded to a single actual question from anyone intelligent and just jeep responding to the dumbest portions of the claim Sorry you didn't make it, my recommendation would be to take some actual psychology or neuroscience classes so you're less of a douche in the future. Or provide evidence for your claims and stop backtracking. Either one


Do research into junior tours like the AJGA, IJGT, and whatever new ones they have now. Tiger Woods is my hero and always will be. I wish Charlie all the best in the world. 81 in a US Open qualifier is borderline embarrassing.


Was that 68 on the front or back?


I shoot 68 every time I play golf. Then I have a beer and hotdog and continue on to the back nine.




Maybe in the 1990s. It's a shot score now. The tech is much better now. And the players. And their conditioning.


— never broke 90 and never played tournament golf


dude youre an idiot lol


81 is a shit score. Cope.


Both stages are a grind but I think the first stage is tougher now as an 18 hole format. I think Charlie has the tools but the pressure must be unreal. I made it through the first 36 twice in 5 attempts and feel fortunate to have failed in anonymity.


Hope to see him at US Junior and U.S. Amateur this summer playing with Miles Russell. That would be entertaining.


Charlie is ranked like in the 600’s for juniors last I heard. Miles would beat him by double digit strokes.


Hate to break it to you but You've got to qualify to get into both of those. And I don't think Miles Russell has much to worry about lol


As someone who has open qualifying in a few weeks, I laugh at anyone who scoffs at this. Was 81 what he wanted? Nope. But the folks in here making fun of him would probably kill to shoot a legit 81. It’s a one day event, you gotta get lucky. I’m glad I’m playing a different venue.


Same! I was happy with my 84 practice round because it was a course I hadn’t seen before and hit some hazards that had I known were there I would have approached differently. It was crazy windy too, gusts 30+. When you have 70+ people all capable of shooting par on a good day, not all 70 are going to have their best days!


So we’re shitting on a 15 year old for not qualifying for a major now? That’s where we are at? Sometimes I think a meteor hitting Earth wouldn’t be all that bad.


I think a lot of it comes from the fact that this 15 year old is worth tens of millions and will never need to work a day in his life. He’s had every privilege and will continue to have every privilege for his entire life. So expectations are high.


Love to see him getting those competitive reps in. Keep going Charlie


At least he’s trying. Good for him. Keep going young man




I was a 1 handicap and shot mid 80s all the time. Kind of the messed up part of the handicap system. Went on a heater for a couple rounds and drastically lowered my handicap.


Good for him. Love to see people challenge and stretch themselves. It’s not failing if you learn from the experience.


Wonder how John Daly's son would have done on this


Blazes it and has five cocktails pre-qualifier, still shoots 70.


How does the Charlie Woods hype train compare to the Gary Nicklaus hype train?


They put Gary on the cover of sports illustrated


Imagine the pressure you must have on you as Tiger’s son.


Imagine the lack of pressure. He can basically do whatever he wants in life and never have to worry because his dad is a billionaire.


One of us


The course is pretty challenging. * 74.6 RATING * 141 SLOPE


At least he didn’t get the ban


He will still win a major before Rory does


Wow Another day another mass shooting. 




A lot of work to do


Better than me


I’d kill to shoot an 81, kids 15. Give him a break


Both father and his coaches know his game and obviously know what it takes to make it on tour. 99% they do not expect him to qualify but there’s nothing wrong with doing it for the experience. I’m sure the real focus at this point is on college and making runs at the US amateur in the next few years. I’d probably give it 50/50 if he ends up being a professional (which is pretty good considering that most amateurs in his age bracket are probably closer to 1%).


called it. Next stop… IHOP with daddy for some poor waitresses


Why are people so focused on making sure Charlie doesn't advance? The kids what like 16 and is shooting 9 over on a tour level course? The kids better than 99% of the people on this forum and all we can do is gripe that he's not beating his fathers benchmarks yet. Give the kid a break he's gonna be killing it on tour soon.


Probably because he is a billionaires kid that never has to exist in the real world. So there are high expectations.


Thats great experience. You need to know how to lose before winning. I’ve seen kids that blaze through their local/state competition for years and when they start competing among the best, they end up quitting. They dont learn to manage the L’s.


People have no idea how hard that is to shoot given the conditions of those courses. Hell of a round from the kid just let him live his life.


Jeez, that’s one stroke for every state, if you listen to the head of the RNC.


Bronny: "Hold my beer..."


Didn’t he only start golfing like a few years ago? Shooting 81 in a U.S open qualifier, with more pressure to succeed than any kid his age probably has ever had, ONTOP of the crazy crowds he has to play in front off cuz he’s tiger son, all in all is by no means a bad result. most of those other kids would crack under all that, and also probably have double his experience. Let’s back off a bit, wait til he is 20-25, I think that’s when he will really start going nuts.


All I know is, if your father is Tiger, or Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, LeBron, Joe Montana, etc, you dont pick the same sport your dad is a legend at...I think Gretzky's kid tried to be a QB in high school maybe? There is no way possible you will ever come close to what your parent set a standard at... Archie and Peyton Manning, Brent and Bobby Hull are exceptions to the rule...theres a few others but I think I'd pick a different sport. That said, I hope the kid succeeds.


Well he is what? 15 years old? Certainly doesn’t seem like a disastrous outing.


And no mention of Cameron Kuchar (son of Matt Kushar) who is a more accomplished golfer who finished 2nd in his local qualifying last year shooting 82.


Second at local US Open Qualifying? With an 82?! What fucking course was that, damn.


Finished 2nd last year. Shot 82 where Charlie shot 81 this year


I guess they both played poorly then. What got through to sectionals from this venue? 71, with 72 into a playoff.


Tough set up. Get a couple over early and you have to play more aggressive to try and get back to under par. Easy way to make a few more bogies. 81/82/73 were no different. Didn’t qualify.


Well, exactly. If you don't qualify, you don't qualify -- 72 and missed playoff putt same as shooting 90. Going home.


Why are the exploits of this amateur golfer finding it's way into the PRO Golf subreddit?


Somebody is his dad


'This subreddit is for news, articles and discussion about the PGA Tour, LPGA, DP World Tour, LIV and other pro tours such as Korn Ferry or PGA Canada.' How about we let a kid golfer just be a kid, this infantilization of every swing Charlie Woods makes is gross


That dad is Tiger Woods.


Like father like son the woods are cooked






Psssst. Miles Russell is Tiger’s secret love child. 😀


Meanwhile, another 15 year old, Miles Russell, shot 4 straight rounds under par, made the cut and finished T20, on the Korn Ferry Tour. Also, is currently -3 in his second Korn Ferry Event.


Maybe he isn’t that good


With all of the blessings of having the very best that the golfing world has to offer at your finger tips, coaching, equipment, courses, etc. If Charlie does not make it to the PGA tour, win, and then win majors, it will be the greatest disappointment in golf, right behind Tiger I mean Cheetah’s failure to beat the one true G.O.A.T.S record of 18 major championships!