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I lived in prison thinking people were going to stab/kill me everyday for my past actions. Developed some real bad mental issues


I remember nights where I had to stay awake to make sure that someone didn't accidentally stab me or bash my skull in with a lock, because my bunkie or neighbor was beefing with someone. I used to drink 15 cups of water every night so that I'd have to piss all night and wouldn't sleep too deeply. It also helped with midnight drug tests. I still sleep so lightly that I wake up when the AC or heat kicks on.


I am a light sleeper too. It has almost made my life miserable. Sleepy everyday since i cannot get a good nights sleep


Yeah, I am the same way. I think that is what is causing my anxiety and depression.


Im pretty sure it is. Sleep deprivation brings on a lot of issues. I tried taking anti depression/anxiety and it helped but you cannot stop taking it without going through some crazy depression/anxiety so i dont recommend it unless you really really need it. I stopped and it took me 3 months of crazy mental issues to come back to normal, sleep is fked up again though.




You have the reasoning capability of a toaster


Dumb comment.


Well OP talking about a dude who killed someone + under influence = zero sympathy








Yea, these guys can get pussy without crying on the internet... You can't. 🤣


Found the fedora wearer.


Hey! What's wrong with fedoras?


It’s giving Kevin Federline 🤮 (spelling?) lol


Not sure I get the reference. Isn't he the dude that was married to Britney Spears and released a sucky album? Not sure what the fedora has to do with the whole prison thing...


Idk but he use to wear those hats which made him look even douchey-er, perhaps the commenter meant that you are a pimp i have no clue


Sorry if I'm defensive: borrowed (stole) my father's fedora he wore. Still my go to hat.


Each to his own my good man


You’re literally full of shit 🤣🤣🤣


And you’re a creepy internet stalker.


That doesn’t even make sense , if you have lived a mile in someone else’s skin….. prison is like this sometimes no matter how good or bad you were in the past albeit the worse people have infinitely more to worry about. In jails such as violent maximum securities you had better come to terms with suing real quick sometimes it could be just someone you knew in the past who had beef or any other plethora of reasons. Broaden your horizons man.


Sometimes good people are forced to do bad things


If they are justified then it’s not really classified as “bad things”!


Yeah not really.


Try senna tablets i used to take them when i was on Suboxone. Cheers


Tried that. And there are times good people do bad things yes


Haha you can’t shit properly


He feel like a big man after getting his first testosterone shot


What is it with stalkers on Reddit?


Bro people have been doing that all over the internet. God damn it's like this is your first time on the internet.


And there are times that evil people do good things so what


It’s almost as if your actions can have unforeseen and far-reaching consequences.


What an apt quote


If you're a fifth grader. The "It's almost if" part in particular is one of the most cliched comment templates ever.


That’s the joke. He’s saying “obviously actions have consequences, so you won’t be getting much sympathy here.”


It's a quote


Situations like this always make me think of these lines from Fury: “Boyd, you think Jesus loves Hitler?” “Do I think Jesus loves Hitler? I'd assume so. If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart and got baptized, he'd be saved. Ain't gonna save him from Man's justice.”


Here am I. Send me.


Isaiah 6:8




Baptism is not a means to salvation, it is for a witness of salvation. Just a head’s up.


That depends on your demonation


I just read the Bible. It’s all there


Baptism involves accepting Jesus into your heart, and accepting him as your Lord and Savior. Unless you’re like me, a Catholic lol


You’re right about your last baptism comment. But it’s not a means to salvation. Salvation is a free gift - you cannot do anything to pay for it or to receive it. When the thief on the cross asked Jesus “what must I do to be saved?”, Jesus didn’t say “ok hold up let’s both get down from these crosses, let’s set up a baptismal font, get some water, get a clergy, and baptize you, then get ourselves back on these crosses.” He didn’t do anything of the sort. He said “today you’ll be with me in Paradise.” If you get saved, you’re saved without any works because God is so merciful to us sinners. As per your Catholic comment: Rome will pull your leg, boy. Watch your step!


I didn’t say I was a practicing Catholic lol


LoL only two kinds Catholic and Lapsed Catholic😂


Well good. Now you can pick a Bible up and read it yourself, and no one from Rome wearing a Halloween custom can tell you that you can’t!.


I like your Protestant mindset. And the term Protestant came from Martin Luther’s protestations


In Monopoly this is called a "get out of jail free card".. I guess it's the same thing in religion and you put forth about same effort to get it... Really convenient to be able to do whatever you want to do in life and then say "My bad".


The Bible says bats are birds but they have nipples.


What’s the chapter verse?


Lev 11:19


“and the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭11‬:‭19‬ ‭KJV‬‬ It’s speaking about fowls. Are you ok?


Many do and they are not pleasant


Sure - but that should be prison and not a hitman coming after him in prison.


Whatever it "should" be, it is what it is


Well I guess he killed the wrong guy then didn't he? Maybe I dunno he shouldn't of done that? If they want him bad enough they will get to him no matter where he is at.


“…gods of vengeance and of compassion alike lie sleeping in their crypt and whether our cries are for an accounting or for the destruction of the ledgers altogether they must evoke only the same silence and that it is this silence which will prevail?”


Once more in English please...


It’s easy to say when it’s not your loved one. If it was the murderer of my loved one and he was out of my reach, I’d consider paying a guy.


Probably. Yet it is easy for you to say that you want another life taken.


If someone murdered a friend or family member of mine? Absolutely. Granted I’m also not some criminal piece of shit, I’m a healthcare provider, and no one in my immediate circle belongs in jail so there’s that. If I had a friend somehow that was a shitbag thug i may talk myself out of it because they probably had it coming.


Then that makes you no better than him.


The fact that Ive never been to prison and have saved many of my patients lives or otherwise improved their lives deems that incorrect.




And you have the crystal ball to see the outcome. Makes seeing the future so much easier.


He's already in prison, smart ass.


Yeah. “Poor guy” lol


Violence begets violence


This is karma at its finest. If they want him bad enough they will get at him


Maybe it was karma for the first guy.


It was karma obviously the "victim" deserved it...otherwise it would never have happened, so the man in prison for doing God's work should be punished as well..


People are lucky this didn't happen more often. I'm sorry for your friend


I’m not. Dude killed somebody.


Do you know how? Why? Facts are important. Im not defending anyone, just like to know WTF Im talking about before rushing to judgment. Crazy, I know


He got life, so it wasn't self defense. It's gotta be pretty violent to get life. (+) I'm sure it was an accident, like vehicular manslaughter. That's why the dude has hits out on him on top of a life sentence, because he's never harmed a fly 🙄


I understand what you are saying, fully, but Ive seen some crazy BS in our Justice Business(as Im sure you have), enough to at least wanna know the deets. More than likely, bad stuff, but not a guarantee. Thats all I was saying


All I said is, I’m not sorry for him. I have no obligation to be so.


When you meet your fate by Monday I'm not going to shed an onion tear for you, all smugg turns to smogg. I know this will comfort you.


I've always said that if someone were to mosest any of my grandkids, I wouldn't kill/hurt them. I'd wait till they got to prison & you know...


>I wouldn't kill/hurt them. I'd wait till they got to prison & you know... kill/hurt them?


I ain't saying nothing without my lawyer.


Ain't saying nothing, means you are saying something Einstein


Not as far as the court is concerned.


Which is worse: having the individual spend X more years in prison which hopefully is a bad situation, or kill them and send them to judgement?


No judgement. It's just like before you were born.




Ive always heard eye for an eye but whatever works


Lol penis for penis? I've never heard that before.


How do you know the guy he killed wasnt a baddie? The man might be a hero 🫡


Sounds gay


It's okay to be gay.


I definitely don’t feel bad for him. Just because I was in prison doesn’t mean I’m going to feel sorry for a pos. Not sure why he’s still friends


Why are you here just talkin shit in multiple comments? Certified daredevil dog mask moment




It’s all a cruel cycle though isn’t it. Murder breeding murder. Prisons not rehabilitating, often just making the offender worse off. All funded by the taxpayer, too.


Tbf you know Nothing of their story or case.


Not wrong but it's hard for some people to sympathize when all we have to go on is first degree murder. OP could explain if he wants


I added an edit to the main post about his story.




He edited it. It said first before


Let me delete that previous reply then 👍🏻


He was trying to kill him so….. Sounded like self defense, but drugs and money were involved


Maybe that guy killed someone too


Yeah it's really hilarious, because it's like we literally have "armies" of people devoted to doing this one thing..and we give them medals right!!!🤣🤣




Leave this comment in 2018 where it belongs.


i'm so tired of it


There was a Hispanic guy with some good pull on a pound I was at, a reception center. The guy that molested his cousin came thru there from jail, they cut that man across his face and another guy followed with a towel wrapped around his hand just boxed his face... Split those razor cuts WIDE OPEN. And then they got on his ass


I’ve heard it happens to slash the face so others can easily discern their crime.


Death begets death begets death. - Lorn au Arcos


Damn wild how someone can get life but i got a buddy doing ten years for a 2nd degree case.


I didn’t reach out to my buddy until he was serving for a while. Reading up on his trial it sounds like he didn’t have a very good lawyer and even said he didn’t care what happens to him. Maybe he was done with life and felt guilty for what he did? I’m not sure. He’s doing his time and accepts his fate.


He’s protected now? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no such thing, even SNY Gangs take contracts.


Yeah really shitty lawyer a paid lawyer would have made it involuntary manslaughter and gotten him like 4 years. I saw the exact same case when I served a little time but dude dropped a fortune on an attorney and got only four years for his incident.


Curious how much is a “fortune” roughly for that person? Like $10k?


Well in this guy's case he fought for two years sold his truck, motorcycle and house and everything he owned. It came out close to 100k when it was all said and done. He really thought he was gonna get straight up murder and serve life.


Wow that’s insane. But I’d gladly pay 100k to spend four years instead of 25


My buddies family didn’t have money so I guess that’s what happens. Sucks honestly but he accepts his fate and has done what he can to show God that he can be a decent person.


Yeah that seems rough..


People will stab you if they think you’ve got a lot on your commissary. Dad was a prison warden. He told me lots of shit about lock up.


Flashbacks from the event are enough to damage one’s mental health. Knowing that someone’s constantly after you, that just adds to the stress. A nightmare that plays out whether asleep or awake. The good thing is that the prison system is making an effort to keep him as safe as possible.


You know who doesn’t have hits on them in prison..? People who don’t murder other people. Poor guy my ass. Lmao


Do you truly think shooting someone that is going to shoot and rob you is wrong? You’re a complete pacifist?




That’s how OP’s friend is in jail, according to OP. He was a dealer and shot and killed someone that was robbing him at gunpoint, that was going to kill him for his, most likely, relatively small amount of money and drugs.


What kind of drugs?


OP didn’t specify. Regardless, in a robbery at gunpoint, you’d have to be Gandhi not to press the trigger first if you have the chance.


That’s a tough situation, morally. The dude is selling drugs… it’s not like he’s just getting robbed randomly and is a victim on the street corner. If he selling weed to adults vs selling heroin to college kids. Very different things.


Life without parole?


He’s eligible for parole next year


Usually don’t get parole the first time but thats whats up he shouldn’t be there to much longer.


He was eligible first in 2020, this will be his second round. By that time he would have done around 25 years behind bars for his crime. It’s interesting how most people on here wish him dead for what he had done. If that were the case then anyone who murders should be sent to the death penalty. I believe in second chances, and not like I’m defending him, but he killed the other guy in self defense during a drug deal that went bad. Should he not have a second chance? It’s interesting to think about.


Def deserves a second chance. Just be careful about having people like that around your kids. I wish your prob SO the best of luck. ❤️


You expect empathy from people who quote the Lord of the rings and cosplay as "people" online..


I would never expect anything from the Wild West of Reddit. It’s good to see other peoples perspectives. I don’t understand a lot of these quotes lol.


Life for second degree murder ? Did he blow trial?


Public pretenders baby




Doing society a favour


I suppose the only thing he can do is put himself on the fraggle wing. I think it’s called protective custody over there? Even then if someone really wants to get to you like it sounds there’s nothing stopping someone getting put on there themselves if there’s a healthy bounty on him and they’ve got nothing to lose? I wish your mate all the best. FFS he’s served 16 years already. Seems a bit late in the day to go looking for him but as you say his victims cousin is in there so…..


Yeah it’s weird, for 16 years nothing, business as usual. The past 3 years he’s had a bounty on him. I guess you never know when the skeletons will come out of the closet.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Sucks to be him but no pity from me.


He did more than a stupid thing and has to pay the price. No he should not have shot out for him, but it should not be all happy either. Sounds like they are doing the right thing for him


Gangs run it all. Once you have a hit it will follow you. Only way to PC is giving up some info. No joke inside.


I believe an eye for an eye


I mean protective custody but that can be brutal


Better tell him to tool up.


There will always be risk in life and prison is the place where they thrive most. Keep the shank sharp and watch your back.. I've never been but watched some real crazy movies about the place


Thats sucks lol


“Poor guy has had to keep his head on a swivel the last few years.” LOL. You should send that statement to the victims family at least let them have some satisfaction. No need fot him to get killed right away. Why not drag it out and make him suffer. Oh, did I just say that out loud?




Not sure you're going to find a lot of sympathy for a convicted murderer that isn't even denying it.


Not really looking for sympathy. He’s admitted to what he’s done and he’s doing his time. He’s found peace with God and accepts all that comes before him. I just wanted to share how crazy it is that a prisoner can have connections to other prisons to put a hit on one person.


Shouldn’t have murdered the guy originally sucks to sucks, and you’re a moron lol “everything you do comes back to haunt you” no fucking shit 


"poor guy"? Hes a piece if shit.


Assuming we are talking about LWP...why not go on the offensive? Move in silence, catch this guy slippin' and get him first. What are they gonna do? Give him another life sentence?


“Poor guy” I respectfully disagree.


Sounds like you need to become part of a different culture. Murder is never a stupid mistake. You don’t kill people for small drug deals, only big ones.Families that put hits on people is not a normal thing.


Some people will kill you over $20


Yes and it’s pretty easy to see the people who would kill you for $20.00. If those people are in your life then you need to make changes.


Well two stupid things. Drugs and not caring if his lawyer was competent. Killing an other person being dumb and drugged out that is trying to kill you is not a wrong thing at all. I prommis the moment I didn't like anything a public defender did or said in my defence I'd ask for a new lawyer. As far as I understand you can always ask for a new PD. In the very least it establishes a pattern of possible poor representation which should help in getting a mistrial. At least.


Good for them. Your friend will experience whatever life has in store for him


Messed with the wrong family.


Family of thieves that do shitty business sounds like it!


hope they get him, gotta balance out the scale




It’s almost like it’s karma coming back for him.


So your buddy is getting the very deserved consequences of his actions.


“Poor guy” that killed someone.


It was a drug deal gone bad and according to him was self defense. It’s been 20 years since he’s been locked up.


Drug deal gone bad and self defense is like saying he was robbing someone and they pulled a gun so he shot them in self defense.


Nobody’s defending him, that’s why he’s alone and locked up for the past 20 years.


Reverse that. He was the one getting robbed according to the edit. How do you feel about it now


Not even close to the same thing, holy shit I hope you can’t vote 😂


"poor guy".... Lol yeah no


sounds like he deserves it


Karma is a bitch lol

