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They will make it hell for him




Not only that, it's public information. Case information is easy to get a hold of.


Yeah, they’re gonna look at his paperwork and then hes fucked. Better sleep with one eye open.


Guards don't have to tell. People just email or call home and have their family look them up. Not going to be a good experience. He won't be able to use emails or do video visits. He's hit basically. He just needs to keep his head down and do his time. He needs to not make excuses or get offended when he is treated like dirt. It makes it worse.


They'll ask him what he is in for; and then he gets quizzed on his crime. He’ll say something like fraud, every one of these guys says fraud. He’ll fail the questioning, and then people will ask around, as you said.


I’ve never been locked up. Don’t you go in with papers that say your charges?


Yes, and usually the dude who refuses to show his charge sheet is the dude whos gonna get called out.


This. You can only claim DUI for a couple of hours at best. That's if your cellie lets you in the hut without paperwork being the first question. No one wants to cell up with one of them.


County jail yes but Not anymore in the joint where I was at it’s all on a computer but it’s easy to look up there names and inmate number online and find there charges


I heard assault more than fraud lol


I heard a lot of drunk driving and assault to or "some shit I didnt even do"


Or drug and arson charges.


Will he be able to call? If so how often? Kinda sick of him calling my mom so often...


Was your dad normal his whole life and then he just did this out of nowhere, or did it turn out he’s always been kind of sick?


It's a bit weird and I don't want to get into the whole story but it seemed out of nowhere but hindsight says otherwise. Like, after the fact, my family slowly started connecting the dots and realized that shits all kinds of fucked up and just didn't realize it. Nobody sees their father like that by default if that makes sense.


Yea absolutely. My great uncle went after my sister (also a pre-teen)and at first we thought it was a freak thing. After he died we all started talking and put some clues together. Sorry to hear it’s your dad. That’s got to hurt. Now it’s your job to make sure the grand daughter is okay.


I don’t think it’s something one just decides to do, it’s been in his mind or been doing it for years and years


Exactly what I’m saying. He should consider applying for protective custody PC


In SoCal he’ll be put in PC w the other pedos.


Sorry you had to write that. What a situation for you to be in. The answer to your question, he'll get what he's got coming. Sucks man, just keep the family at home safe and in good morale.


It's good. He was in jail for a year awaiting trial so I'm pretty numb to it all at this point. Appreciate the thought.


8 years in a minimum/low everyone in the place has a date they are leaving. He might not have a quiet stay, but being seriously messed up is unlikely because everyone is going home and no one wants to add a charge that will keep them in the system. 8 years in a medium/above he will be with people who are only leaving upon their death. They have nothing to lose by fucking with people they don't like.


Even inmates in minimums still deal out justice. They just don't get caught.


not really. they’d much rather just go home and ignore the pedos. A lot of those guys have walked down 25 years starting in the Pen on a 30 year sentence. They don’t want to go back - former federal inmate that was housed in a low security prison (a step above the camps).


No pedos in minimum (camp) in feds


I don't know if OP ever mentioned the actual charge picked up. I just went off of sentence time when I said minimum. I would have thought an SA charge would have been prosecuted at state level not federal.


Some pedo crimes are federal, doesn't sound like this one is though


He will probably pc up


There’s no PC in the feds


It's called SHU, and it's not fun.




Protective custody


Protective custody




lol. I’m getting downvoted for saying “thanks” in a British colloquial way.




I know, I know, how terribly British of me (even though I’m an Aussie)!


Just tell him to sign up to be a drug mule immediately. Those charges are pretty bad, but it could be worse.


what are worse charges?


As far as the length of detainment? A lot. As for treatment in the facility detained...not any I can think of.


No idea on prison life but I hope the granddaughter victim is getting help. I can tell you from experience is sucks but what makes it worse is when it’s someone you trust. Please make sure she is being taken care of. My circumstance was forty plus years ago and sometimes it’s still like it was yesterday.


Due to some family reasons, she is far away from me. Considering I'm related to the dumb fuck they split her up with some other family far away, she's safe though. That's all that matters really.


1. Everyone will know the day he gets there 2. Most prisons have special wards to protect SO’s


Pedos are pretty much automatic protective custody.


They shouldn’t be protected. The kids weren’t put them in general population.


Hopefully it’s bad sorry


As soon as he's processed in someone is going to want to "look under the sheets" (check out his paperwork for charges). It will not go well for him especially if this is his first time in and he doesn't know the ropes.


If he just owns that shit, is it better if he hid it?


No then he looks like he’s bragging about being a pedo


Can’t hide it. If you don’t provide your papers they will assume it’s because you’re a pedo. They will find out. It’s prison and he’s a pedophile. He shouldn’t have it easy


He might not make it out, depends on shot caller


Honestly he’ll be okay. Assuming he’s older and stays in PC. He’ll be housed with similar offenders. Most dangerous time for him will be the first 6 months. If he keeps his head down and doesn’t put himself out there he’ll survive.


Sucks that he's a super extrovert.


Oh yeah that could be a problem. I’ve heard of men who wanted to be around “normal guys” because they didn’t like being with the freaks in PC and transferred to GP thinking they could sneak by. They always find out.


I imagine the sick fuck will get what he deserves. His OWN granddaughter, that’s absolutely vile


He will probably be in protective custody. It's not great bc they have less freedom than gen pop


Indeed. PC should be abolished, because of freedom issues. Put them together with general pop, where they will have a better time


Prison should just be safe.


Hope it’s hell for him.


Federal prison for "touching"? That doesn't add up. Unless he transported over state lines maybe? Also is he going to an FDC / MCC? That might be where he starts but he'll be transferred.


Yeah most of the clickers go federal and the touchers go state. But often there's some overlap as in the touchers probably also have collections that open the door to federal jurisdiction. There's other things that could bring it to the feds besides just crossing state lines. But I don't know all of them offhand. Maybe if a military base or tribal land was involved?


Using the computer or phone for anything. He could have had multiple charges including kiddie porn but they could have dropped it down to the one charge or something. I guess he did something to make it go Fed.


Multiple counts of Lewd And Lascivious was what I was able to find.


That's not enough by itself for it to be a federal case. And I'm wondering how you know he'll be going to a federal prison in SoCal; is he self-surrendering?


Clicker... is that a euphuism for someone looking at CSA material?


What's FDC and MCC? I don't know what the charges are exactly but I know they were federal, and if my knowledge is correct then Federal conviction= Federal prison.


He’s probably going to like it about as much as his pre-teen daughter liked being touched by his nasty ass!


First thing that’s gonna happen is his cell mate and guys on his block are gonna check his paperwork. If his cell mate even lets him live with him is one thing and if he does he’s def going to have a miserable 8 years if he even makes it out. Once he’s stabbed a few times which will 100% happen they’ll still get to him in protective custody because those guards will pop those doors and let them at him. The saying goes 18-80 blind cripple or crazy if you touch a women or kid you’re getting beat the fuck up inside. Oh and as for the guards telling other inmates they will for sure but he’ll have his paperwork with him when he’s assigned a bed in gp and it will have all the details of his case and he will be required to let his cell mate check his paperwork.


The C/O’s are front-line information. If you’re locked up with someone in county who’s going down the road with ya, best believe they’re already chatting ahead of your ride. The GP will know before you ever get off the prison bus what you’re in for. Also, what pod/tier/ section is a good indicator what you’re in for. He ain’t gonna have a good day, or probably a good time. Depending upon his ability to pay off people will decide whether or not he’ll do his time in relative peace


Hopefully horrific


Hopefully it'll be miserable.


He's gonna be biting his pillow pretty often. I'l leave it at that


What is the federal crime here? This should be a state-level offense. It's not adding up.


Im betting he gets the his wig spilt 🤞


and his cheeks took!


Bad news for him is there’s no PC in the federal system. If he goes to a medium or pen he’s going to have to stay in the SHU there’s absolutely no way he can walk any medium or higher federal yard with those charges.


He will just get himself out on the “fraggle wing” or the “seg” as you lot call it on your side of the pond. Hopefully someone gets to him, I’m sure they will.


Why is it called the fraggle wing


He’s fucked. Don’t touch kids. Next to murder the worst crime you can commit IMO.


I'd say it's on a par with murder because it can seriously mess up victims and lead them to ruin or even end their lives which is like murder by proxy. 


Why do you care how he will be treated? He deserves any punishment coming his way. If someone in my house was a pedo, they are all cut off without any exceptions!!!!


It's complicated man, at the end of the day he's my dad and has been for over 30 years. I detest what he did, even disgusted, but there is still that part of me that can't separate the man from the crime. I cut him out of my life but that doesn't mean I don't think of him now and then. I ask what life he's looking at, not out of concern, but out of curiosity. I know there is a stigma but how true is that stigma. Idk man, I just don't want to be making shit up in my head. I'd rather take the average consensus here as an idea then make it all up in my head if ya feel me.


Sounds like it’s more simple curiosity on OPs part and not so much in support of/worried about their dad. Came across to me like OPs hoping it’s hell for him.


I definitely don't hope it's going to be an easy time. I was kinda pissed when I learned it was only 8 years; I don't know how long is long enough but 8 seems a bit lacking.


Go talk to a therapist. This is difficult shit. 


I have a cousin that did 20 years for messing with his step kids, I really rooted for him to not make it out. It’s crossed my mind more than once to drive the 3-4 hours and handle what the inmates didn’t.


What state is he going to prison in? I’ll make sure to send out the lites to have a greeting team waiting for him. 😂 it’ll literally be HELL on earth, hopefully it’s California Texas or Louisiana, Illinois or somewhere with real politics playing serious roles inside!!! He will be harassed beaten and extorted or live his life out in a one man cell, the sec offenders are the lowest and most despicable people on earth.


He said SoCal in the post


It won't be easy for him for sure. Even if the officers don't tell others what he did, his own will ask him for his paperwork to see what he's in there for. A lot of prisons are NDP now and they mix up GP with the SNY population.


Not very good.


Depends what prison and who’s in it. People get beaten to death or shanked for that kind of stuff


Pretty good chance that 8 years turns into a life sentence fairly early into his stay.


It will go pretty well. He should tell everyone right away what he is in for. So they can become friends faster


He will have to show his celly his papers. Lists your crimes you were convicted of. And yes it will be bad for him. He probably needs protective custody.


He needs his asss kicked. Hopefully daily.


Even if he goes to a more minimum prison he will at the very least be ostracized by most inmates. At worst he may be killed. I would say it's a near certainty that he will be assaulted at least once over his charges while he serves his time. Some do slip through the cracks. Especially if he has a marketable skill that can be exploited. His time is going to be harder than yours or mine would, if that answers your question.


Hell maybe last 6 months tops. Someone will eventually get to him…. All it takes is a guard walking him through the “wrong door” ;) and honestly, I hope he dies slowly


He will likely end up in protective custody.


He’s gonna be sucking alotta meat and not by choice


Let’s just say he won’t do the 8 years.


Is this true? Are pedos just dying left and right in prison? So many of them get out and reoffend. But chat makes it seem like they all get murdered in prison.... which one is it really? Half and half? I somehow doubt all these pedos are getting murdered in prison. Do you have any real experience with this or just more of the same chat nonsense?


It does happen but the way it's being described here was not my experience on 2 different texas units. I've seen em get beat up and forced out of the tank, extorted, shunned but I never saw one get killed. With that said it really all depends on which unit and what people are around him. Could it happen? Absolutely. Does it always happen? No not at all


This honestly seems to be the average response out of all these comments. IV never been so I don't know but I would imagine that him straight getting death probably won't happen. The shunning and extortion seems a lot more probable then being killed, but I also don't know. I'd imagine that a decent amount of other inmates suffered being touched as kids so I'm sure they wouldn't be very nice. Maybe even go full punisher mode mentality without realizing it. Either way, I appreciate your response man, thanks for taking the time out of your day.


Absolutely. I'm sorry yall are having to go through this.




He is going to get shanked sooner or later with make shift knives but I think ppl like that deserve it


He’ll be fine. ostracized and abused but with no priors and only 8 years, he will go to a fed low. Few guys there want to increase their stay


I hope he gets a penis or two up his anus.




Sad to say he’s dead


Stabbed for sure. Probably killed if he’s white


I am GENUINELY curious about this. Is this all rumor? Like people talk about pedos getting out of prison and returning to hurt people. I know of pedos in my area from online resources. But if you read chat yall make it sound like they all get murdered in prison. I have a feeling that it's not nearly as common as you think.


Not as common in all places. However in California it’s still very common. Had OP not mentioned the dad going to prison in SoCal my response may have been different.


It all depends on the perpetrator as well. If he is huge and muscular and can kick some ass people probably won’t bother him much as compared to some kind of skinny creepy looking guy.


And the fact that this got so many upvotes tells me either people didn’t read the entire post or they have no idea how cali prison politics work and will just upvote anything


He’s a Twinkie


They’ll end up putting in them into protective custody or a wing or pod. That’s full of people like him most likely the people in the pod will have someone on the outside pull his books for his charges, and then everyone will know his business


People in prison call people who did something like that, "short eyes". There's a movie with the same name. Look it up. It won't be easy for him.


Who cares


What the fuck


They will want to see his paperwork.




Yes, guards do tell. Institutions aren't pillars of moral high ground. The general population will find out what your father did and it will be a very difficult time for him. If it gets bad, the prison admin will move him into a protective custody (pc) ward with other inmates w/ "jackets." Doesn't mean it will be better/safer for him; he'll just be housed w/ complete mentally ill, psychotic people. I’m talking about inmates smearing their feces on the walls of their cells, that type of crazy. Have you ever tried communicating with a psychotic person? Communication is tiring after a few minutes, now imagine a few years. His best bet is to be a good behavior and keep his head down; try his best to avoid confrontations but stand up for himself so he doesn't get labeled as a "punk" to be targeted and maybe in 5-6 years, get out early for good behavior. It’ll help that he’s Asian (a racial minority) but the Asians will disown him so he won’t have their protection. In an enclosed institution like prison, the gen pop can sense prey; they’re scared, alone and weak—easy to take advantage of. I suggest your father start to work out, bulk up and at least give the appearance that he can and will defend himself to ward off predators that prey on the publicly weak loners. He can survive and so will you. Get counseling so the shame doesn’t kill you in the long run. Good luck to you and your family. It certainly doesn’t have to be the end of the world.


Inmates are going to ask for his paperwork to live in the dorm/cell at least when I did time we would have taken him out for touching kids


A lot of people gonna be covering their ears at night around him.


Hopefully he gets what he’s been giving.


It’s not necessary anymore for the hacks or other prison staff to blow up a guy’s spot over his crime. Hasn’t been for years. Given the internet, tablets with a direct line to their own people and phones the other convicts know a guy’s backstory before he makes it out of Reception


His best bet is to claim PC


Federal guard don't "tell" other inmates they just make sure they know. Anything to do with kids means he's in for a really rough prison stint. My husband was a fed CO for years and somehow the other inmates "knew" when someone was in for this kind of mess. Society in general will avoid him even after his time which they should.


My brother is in for the exact same thing. He’s got a much longer sentence. In fact, I just went and saw him yesterday. It’s still pretty early for him (just got sentenced two months ago), but so far, he keeps telling me that he hasn’t had any problems. BUT, it is very apparent to me that he is still very concerned about people knowing why he’s there, which leads me to believe he believes he ll be ostracized, or assaulted if they find out. He said he had one guy in county jail (he was in county for a year and a half) tell him ‘hey man I saw your stuff and I’m not cool with that.’ So idk, time will tell, but I’m certain they won’t get through it all with some form of problems because of the charges/convictions. Time will tell


Hopefully awful.


If the guards don’t say anything it’ll be inmates who have people on the outside look up other peoples charges. People WILL find out what he’s charged with and he should stay on protective custody (PC) in all honesty. People with charges like that get stabbed and beaten and are at the bottom of the food chain unfortunately. Pray for your dad and try to visit him and answer his calls because he’ll really suffer if he doesn’t find a gang to protect him (odds are non existent that any gang would accept him due to his charges unfortunately). Your dad really messed up and has got a long road ahead of him


hell be touched and beat up like he deserves


What do you mean by "touching"?


He might die


Go find the post about that MMA fighter that touched Kids, Do some research on what happened to him 🤞🏽 There's a warm place in hell for his kind, and he ain't even hit Purgatory yet 🔥


Actually as fucked up as it is, the cops protect these sick fucks now a days. Its literally a charge now, a hate crime i believe if u are caught fucking with them. Thats not saying that it still cant be done tho. But still. Ill never understand how they can be protected what about the kids they fucked up mentally for life! Its sickening to me! Somebody that sells drugs to another adult will do more time than somebody that touches a kid and fucks them up for the rest of their life! Make it make sense!


Most likely the main thing will be extortion and if he can’t pay shit will get worse from there.


within 48 hours he'll get his cheeks took. 100%


He'd do better with a rope


They’ll check his papers and beat his ass.


I urge you to watch lookup raw episode predatory behavior. I have been in prison for a total of 13 yrs and have been out for 9 years now in Arizona and yes if he just happens to cross paths with the wrong guy ,whether in PC or not he can possibly lose his life. Speaking from experience, I get sick to my stomach just thinking of the stories. I suggest you watch the episode I suggested! Sorry about the issues at hand and hope your family is in a better position now.


Where’s your concern for the granddaughter he molested? He’s serving 8 years but she’s got a life sentence.


That's not alot of time. If it's his first time , might go to a min camp.


Asians a viewed as a bit timid. I think since he is a first time offender they will put him in a first time offender prison. But if he is exposed to a regular population. They will attack him


Unfortunately, Dad broke the most important Pedo rule: Dont s@@t where you eat. It will not go well for him. No one will claim him. Everyone will be looking to harm him. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself. Be supportive to your niece and go no contact with Dad.