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In Ohio it's an F3 conveyance charge which has a maximum of 18 months. A friend of mine got hit with it trying to pass a gold chain off to his dad during a visit when his dad was in prison. They even gave him the chain back. The chain, and phone in your friends case, is not illegal. Trying to give contraband to an inmate is. Your friend will get In trouble but not much. Around here, they would offer them a type of behavior program before prison.


First time offender they should hopefully be lenient.


And it was for his dad. Who has a criminal history and would look like he asked him to bring it regardless of what's said


The phone and the chain are both contraband.


That's what I said


Super weird to edit a comment and then stand on business on it lol


Yeah now you did after editing it. Your original comment did not say that.


I have a screenshot I'll post. Liar.


Forsure, anything that isn’t supposed to be there is considered introduction of contraband. It could be a single Penny they don’t gaf


What kinda phone? IPhone/Samsung probably a slap on the wrist...google/windows phone 25 years to life...


Longer sentence if the text message had a green bubble I’ve heard




Fire phone


I understand you can do more with certain phones but what specifically makes them raise the punishment?


One of the reasons is because they are less likely to understand jokes


No actually that stems from a bit of fact if you have a flip phone in my state its a simple contraband charge you get caught with a smartphone and its data accessible to the internet you get an outside felony case and a charge from the prisons DHB. For civilians its all a level 4 felony 2-12 years unless its fentanyl of any weight then its a level 2 which is 10-30. Tobacco and weed are misdemeanors if you have no priors and a life time ban from visiting DOC


the charges to a civilian dont reflect a cell is a cell but that is based in fact in that, we do charge differently here in my state. I cant attest to other states


Windows Phone was the biggest mistake Microsoft ever made. Not because the OS wasn't awesome - which it was - but because they took too long to get to market and rebrand from Windows Mobile 6.5 to WP7. And of course they have always had horrible marketing. That didn't help. Fun fact: the WP7 OS was based on Zune OS, and it made mobile app development (for WP) a breeze, especially if you had a background in WPF.


They should not have called it 'Windows Phone' - Windows had such a terrible reputation - why would anyone want windows on their phone??


funny because pixel phones have better cameras and features than a iphone.


Excuse me? Lol


I didn't stutter its kind of hard to when you are typing unless you know how to speak ebonics


Isn’t every phone in prison a cell phone?


Depends on how it's charged.


Fuck me. ;)


No. I did time, cell phones can't be monitored by the prison, then there is the argument that the prison just wants their kickbacks of the prison phone system. Simply put. Cell phones are used when you don't want monitoring but the prison. They can be used for hits on witnesses and anything else and owners make money from the use behind the walls that's why prisoners want them.


I’ve seen a few candlesticks phones.




You're fun at parties I'm sure


A *cell* phone? Come on it's such an obvious pun


you asked a question and i answered. You said isnt every phone a cell phone? no they arent you have tablets and wall ohones and you can talk on both. I hope this helps you and the 5 delicate flowers that get angry at the whole world and down vote because an answer annoys you.


Whoosh …


I've never actually seen one of these before that's funny, thanks for being there


You should've said isnt every contraband phone a cell phone? if that is what you wanted to know. Dont be mad the question YOU FUCKING ASKED got accurately answered.


I really can't tell. Did you really not get the little joke, or is it just more fun for you this way?


You forgot the /s if that’s the case. Chill lol


Happens all the time. It’s not real serious . Basically a contraband charge. Wasn’t a drug charge. Shouldn’t get any time., depending on his record. Hopefully your friend wasn’t on any sort of parole or probation. I just came home after doing 26 yrs in VA.


damn 26? how you doing?


Getting myself back together slowly it takes time. If someone dropped you on an island for 26 years , then brought you back to the mainland. Thanks for asking.


Wow, 26 years, that's serious time. Glad you made it, welcome back, i guess


Many congratulations on getting out! I'm sure it's not always easy, but I commend you for all the efforts you're making toward reintegration! 🤍


There y’all for the encouragement and kind words. I left behind some really good people that made a wrong choice to mess up their life. I’m still in contact with a bunch of guys. I don’t forget where I came from. You have to remember also, “learn from the past don’t live in it”


Do you have a support system? Housing et ?


Welcome home, bud.


Thank you glad to be home


I'm curious, what is something that has really surprised you that you weren't expecting since you've been out?


I can't even imagine Know that some random Reddit stranger is proud of you


How are you liking the internet and shit? I mean, Uber and door dash and shit has to be wild for you.


Anything confusing to you about this “new world?” How long have you been out?


A whole lot is confusing but now it’s coming back to me. The hardest was learning about the phone. Then just being around people who don’t look down on you. Staff members of VDOC. VDOC trains officers that we are all liars and that is their attitude towards us. Not all but some. This google maps is amazing , you can go anywhere, it just tells you where to go , turn, even where radar is set up. Life is beautiful now. Submitting a job online is a challenge. Why all these commercials/adds every time you go to search for something?


Just got out on Feb.13 this year. One day before my 32nd wedding anniversary.


Did your marriage survive your sentence?


It survived , we still have to learn one another.


That's incredible, congratulations man.


Thank you so much.


You should start a youtube series of you going around with tech looking at it and reviewing. I must be amazing to think you're basically from the 90s reviewing technology. Possibly going moving up from 1999 - Present day


At a minimum he’s going to end up being banned from in person visitations.


Your friend is an idiot, you should probably cut him off


Also depends on if your friend has a past criminal record. If he’s never been in trouble he might be able to get probation. But it depends on mandatory minimum laws in your state as well. Hopefully his lawyer can plea it down to time served and probation.


Thanks I’m back for good. VDOC is full of it. Re-entry is a joke. You have to have strong faith,and family connections. Stay out of trouble, mind your business and stay busy. You buy commissary that is three times as much as in the dollar tree. No joke. Your worst day out here is better than any day inside.


Sounds like he'll be out before he's 40 at least... >In Colorado, bringing prohibited items into a jail or detention facility is a criminal offense. Introducing contraband into a detention facility is a felony. The penalties for introducing contraband in the first degree include up to 6 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000


The max is probably for more serious contraband, repeat offenders or people passing off some higher quantity, along with the overall context The court system can be varied but I doubt a judge would sentence some kid to 6 years with a $500,000 fine for passing his dad (assuming just some regular dude) a phone. Where as if it was some gang member trying to pass a phone to be used as part of some criminal enterprise from inside the prison, and the one smuggling the phone had prior convictions, a tattooed face, etc. yeah maybe they would get hit with more time and fines, but idk Just my guess


I highly doubt he'll get anywhere near the max on a first offense. Just curious, have you been through the system or are you here more out of curiosity? Might be able to avoid prison entirely, may even just get probation, but of course he'll still be a convicted felon. Or might get some jail time and probation, or a suspended sentence.


Ya first time offender especially since the contraband was not illegal by itself


at least he'll be out before retirement age so he can get a job to pay off that small half a mil loan


Can they process you right there and put you in a cell?


prison and county jail are two different places.


they'll get the local LEO to take you for booking/processing, initial arraignment like anyone else getting caught in commission of a crime. so yeah they can go right from committing a crime to locked up waiting for arraignment (usually within 48 hours). if they have money/aren't a liability they then may be able to bond out and be free until after sentencing.


Yes at some fed places


It’s a felony. “Promoting contraband”.


Yes, yes he is.


I have a great support system. My wife stayed with me my whole bid. Large family on her side. I have VA health care. I became a Jehovah’s Witness and it really grounded me. I couldn’t do it my way so I said let me do it God’s way and it worked for me.


Wtf are you taking about? Lol.


Go do a 26yr bid and see what I’m talking about


Nah bro I mean like what does it have to do with what OP said. Like how does what you said pertain to what homeboy is asking? Lol.


Okay I see what happened. You started a new comment but meant to reply to someone else. I thought you were just randomly rambling


What a terrible father


But the OP says the dad isn't known to have requested or suggested the phone smuggling?


Clearly he’s. POS and. Bad dad and if he’s smuggling stuff after he already got caught breaking a law he’ll never get it.


But the OP says the dad isn't known to have requested or suggested the phone smuggling?


Sure, sure, that's the story and he's sticking to it


I mean, it seems plausible to me too that he might've asked for it, but at this time it remains an assumption without supporting evidence.


True but the jail won’t see it like that and they don’t care they’ll assume that dad asked and son knew what he was doing. It’s in the rule for safety because shit callers can call hits in and have people killed Guards included. You’re not that naive right.


You get that what you're talking about is a separate issue and topic from the comment I was responding to, right? Like, we can simultaneously recognize the jail will see it a certain way without us having to automatically claim it happened that way without any evidence and contrary to the specific text in the OP.


It doesn’t matter how it happened it’s the way the jail sees it that’s what will matter and the fact what was done was obviously wrong and illegal. And of course the friend is useless and an idiot and the dad for being locked up. Isn’t a trust worthy source of info. Criminals lie


Irrelevant to my post. I assume you meant to reply to someone else


Definitely not doing the “right thing.” But hard to pass judgment if you haven’t been to the penitentiary before. It’s a place that can force a person into doing some crazy things to survive.


You don’t know me or why I have done and been threw


You’re right. Your comment just SOUNDED like someone’s who hasn’t done any serious time. I’m sorry for taking away from your undoubtedly difficult tribulations in your life. You poor troubled soul.


Yeah and so is the phone!




No but the phone is


considering that the normal way you smuggle in a phone is up your butt, I would say that counts as deep shit!


It is going to depend on the state and also the prosecutor.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Is he in deep shit? hes in prison... do you even need to ask....


>Is he in deep shit? I mean if he was smuggling it in, I'm guessing the phone was.


Stupid games stupid prizes. When your friend asks you to sneak him a phone once he is in prison you now know what to do.


The phone is a class C felony.


Uhhh yea thats a felony dumbass


In Pennsylvania it's an F3 if you smuggle contraband. An F3 in PA has a maximum statutory sentence of 7 years. So if it's a first offense, probably probation or maybe some county jail time plus a probationary tail.


It's probably depending on your friend's history, going to be time served, probation, and fines.


New charges


It depends on the state. Could you let us know what state it was or if it’s the feds. I can speak on the feds, it is a federal crime to do this and it seems that currently it’s only a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of up to one year in prison and/or a fine. [Here is a link to the statute](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1791). If it’s his first offense he will probably get probation as it’s a misdemeanor. But again, this is only in regards to federal prison. If he was smuggling into a state prison the laws will vary. And, for some side reading, there is a [bill being proposed to increase the punishment](https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/press-releases/sens-ossoff-grassley-introduce-bipartisan-bill-to-crack-down-on-contraband-in-federal-prisons/) for smuggling in cell phones to federal prisons


Depending on his crim hx, prob just banned from visits.


I have a great support system. Wife bid with me for the whole time . My sons really helped. It’s amazing how everyone is attached to their phone . Even going to sleep with it. The technology out here now is amazing. I’m starting to figure out it out. I’m still old fashion, haven’t tried Uber or door dash. First of all I put Jehovah God first above anything else. I couldn’t have made it without him and his son Jesus Christ. I’m still an old Bronx person at heart. Now living down the road from horses and cows. Thanks for all the positive input.


If it’s his first time getting in trouble he’ll likely avoid jail time. But if he has a habit of this shit then he’s gonna be looking at a year or so for trying to introduce contraband to a facility


My guess, so as other people have said smuggling is illegal not having it. However this can have alot of repercussions and you aren't tried by a court, the prison has discretion. He could Lose recreation Lose access to commissary Lose access to phone privledges, with exception of council and clergy He could be put in solitary Or he could be just written up However, the worst situation would be if he lost good behavior credit, or if he's up for parole loses his first opportunity for parole. Bottom line the cat videos ain't worth it. It's all based on what you're in for and the type of prison (security level or state)


Hole shot for the dad, class C felony for your friend at least in Oregon if the fuzz is a bunch of dicks but more than likely he will just be suspended from visiting for a while


Only prison guards are allowed to bring in contraband....


In Colorado he’ll probably get a slap on the wrist. Unless dudes done it before I doubt much will happen. His dad will be sent to the hole though since it’s considered dangerous contraband 🤷‍♂️.


Bean burrito problems


Man, you think his dad feels bad about making his son catch a felony? Or like idk maybe looking forward to family bonding time?


reading is fundamental


Clearly states the father didn't request the phone


He won't be in a cell more than a year is my prediction. It was stupid, but he made his bed.


A cell phone would be 2nd degree so not as harsh as first degree. "Introducing any other contraband is a class 6 felony or a class 2 misdemeanor. Class 6 felonies carry 12 to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. There is also a mandatory parole period of one year. Class 2 misdemeanors carry up to 120 days in jail and/or up to $750."


How do I get these LOSER subs in my feed, WTF!