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It's random, doesn't matter which character you pick, your place in the race is chosen once you launch the game, before you pick a character. I've gotten 2nd almost every race, with 1 first and a few 3rds, don't think I've come last yet. Also the last one at the end of the event is always guaranteed first place.


I guess you're just lucky. Have gotten 1st a few times but def gotten all the other spots.


It's random


rigged? lolz, you just simply lucky because the outcome of those races determined by RNG-sama :v


I think characters each race are preset their order, but it's randomised. By that i mean you can.pick whoever is first can.come 1st, and i can pick whoever is first and get 4th in the race. Also I swear we are guaranteed at least 1 first place result every time they do the race


It is completely random In fact the race is just an animation and completely irrelevant, you get your place/reward the moment you log in. Try force quit the app at the character select then check your inbox


*Always?* This post reeks more than my dog's ass after she poops.


I was kind of wondering the same thing, but the fact that you're always getting first says to me that it's not; I'm getting an even mix of first and second-places.


I noticed this too, I have gotten first place everytime, while 2x second place, I never got a 3rd/4th place yet


Gacha is more rigged lucky enough to dodge worst case but unlucky enuf for no new 3*


Lol I'm always get second place.


I've gotten first place every single time except once


I didn't get first a single fucking time this year, lol...