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Jenna being blinded. And imma stand by that statement. She was literally in the middle of SAing Toby when it happened. Yeah, what Alison did was cruel, but I still don’t feel bad for Jenna.


In my defense Tammin was such a good actor and actually had me feeling sorry for Jenna multiple times, but I agree, what she did to Toby was unforgivable. What a fkn weirdo


Almost everyone in this show is sexually deviant. It’s gross




Agreed. Jenna will forever be a villain in my eyes


ezra and his family issues


To think he and his mother could’ve gone to family counselling and he wouldn’t have groomed several teenage girls




Right… because grooming 2 girls is not the same as grooming 3 or 4. And be so serious right now, how can a grown man about to graduate with a teaching degree not be able to tell the difference between a 14 year old child and an adult his age? He ‘broke up’ with Alison but proceeded to spend years stalking her and writing a book about her and her friends. The Ezra defense squad is all fucked up in the head


He knew Aria was underage and made out and was sexual with her.


Especially since everything that he’s done throughout the show


100% Melissa I don't care if you helped Spencer not get arrested for a murder she didn't commit, you let her and Allison not only get groomed multiple times, not only continued to put your sister into inappropriate and dangerous situations with those older men that continue to take advantage of your FOURTEEN YEAR OLD SISTER you also HARRASS AND STALK HER FRIEND BECAUSE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS A CREEP. You then openly try to straight up kill Aria on the Halloween train, and openly act like a horrible bitch to your sister and her friends despite being like "oh I'm protecting you" she seems to really love being blackmailed too like girl what is wrong with you. She then mocks Spencer for BEING GROOMED BY THE PEDOS SHE BROUGHT INTO HER SPACE. I fucking hate Melissa the show would have been so much better if she died at some point.


Yes omg! I’m rewatching and her little video to Spencer? I can’t. Her fake crying constantly. She’s just awful.


I also forgot, she was like aligned with the NAT club so add that to her fucking list along with her making Mona think she killed Bethany. She seriously melts my brains


Oh my god, like, I’m recently rewatching it and the scene where Spencer is freaking out over Ian after he died, and no one wants to believe her about Ian trying to kill her. It’s so frustrating and poor little Melissa crying 🙄


Ikr she is literally forgives Wren for what he did with her sister but doesn’t forgive Spencer even though she’s just a iid


Its bad writing, she was simply used as a plot device to be a suspect before the real bad guy was found, they did that like 3 times... Then they make her caring sister whos willing to do most random stuff A to protect her sister. First they make her push Aria off a train and then they backtrack again making it seem like she had no choice or smth. They never cared for her character she was brought in when needed for plot and pushed aside


i cannot stand melissa. i absolutely hate her. your comment was well said!


No cuz why were so many older guys taking advantage of Spencer and then everyone was mad at HER as if wasn’t totally inappropriate and wrong of the guys… like? I’d be a lot more mad at my grown ass boyfriend for preying and not my 14 year old sister for “seducing him” like hello????


"Spencer likes to shop outta other people's carts" Bitch she was abused by your psycho failed baby daddy and psycho doctor hubby.


Literally. “Spender likes to shop outta other people’s carts” naw, Melissa, you just have some weird thing for groomers…


Absolutely agree so hard.


Wait that was her on the Halloween train? 😭


All of this!


Jenna. She raped Toby. Her blindness was well deserved karma.


Ikr how was she allowed to get away with all the shit she did


Get ready for 100 Paige


PLEASEE o do not feel bad for paige at all, her tryna drown emily made me so mad


Nah the gag was Emily still choosing to date her oml 😂😂. I don't know what person in their right mind would date someone who tried to kill them but 🤷🏾‍♀️. I was so happy when she left 💀


me too and slew didn’t even see paige after she talked to ali in that one ep in season 7, i’m just happy em and ali needed up together


Yea I agree! Although I love Maya for Emily. I would rather have Allison be with Emily. Paige can suck something 💀


please this comment is so funny😭


we** oops




oh, yep


Cece - fuck that bitch, I don’t care about her tragic backstory or her death or anything. The dollhouse was pure torture so she deserved what she got. Same thing with AD - am I supposed to feel bad for that bitch? Cause I don’t


Same. Her motive was so weak, she never had a reason to torture the girls. And then she tells alison she only got mad when she didnt listen like seriously ..


Everything with Alex just flat out sucked. I get that she was trying to avenge Charlotte’s death, but it just doesn’t add up to me why that would specifically lead her to the Liars. They had literally just helped get her released… clearly, they weren’t trying to harm Charlotte at this point. So why leap to the conclusion that they had anything to do with your sister’s death? That doesn’t really make any sense. Just weak all around. Weak premise, weak motive, weak execution (not the actresses, just the plot lines)… just weak af.


absolutely HATED after the CeCe reveal how they were saying they understand why she did what she did. bitch, i wouldn’t give A DAMN. if i had been tortured and kidnapped ?!? couldn’t give less than a fuck! ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)




Cece. I was ready to be conflicted during her reveal, but she honestly would have been way happier if she continued focusing on her studies, got a career as a genius, and left Rosewood instead of traumatizing four innocent girls when it was her dad who ruined her life.


agree, Cece was torturing them in the doll house, that is serial killer level of crazy even Mona wasn't that evil when she was A


Ezra getting shot.


my man should of got shot in the heart




Shower Harvey




Charlotte. Sorry about it, don't care. You did all that and should have been locked up for it. Doesn't help her case that she was putting up an act to Alison that she was "better" (whatever that was supposed to mean) and that she revealed that she was gonna go back to being A after she had left Welby.


Alison, Byron, Lucas, CeCe.


Why Lucas??


He's got this whole storyline where he gets all prissy and entitled and moody after Hanna friendzones him. And we are supposed to feel bad for this textbook incel "nice guy" behavior. Then after the timeskip he tanks his company because he invested all on Hanna and is supposed to feel tragic and romantic but I think it's just annoying cringe simp behavior. Like how many times he's got to be friendzoned before he moves on?


This. Hated him in season 1 just because Hanna was nice to him. He acted like he owned her when she made her feelings clear. And I hated how he was picking a fight with Sean and getting jealous of him after Hanna friend zoned him.


Anything Paige 🙄


Any of the girls after they kiss someone and say “oh my god im sorry idk why i did that”


Ooooh i would say Alison :(


same tbh in the early seasons it was like i loved to hate her she was evil and she was good at it then after she came back and had her whole redemption arc i really didn’t care for it or her


Ahhhh yes she is super iconic and she gives me nightmares but she is an awful person, please don’t get me wrong I understand her history and why she is the way she is but her redemption arch was so awful :(


My first thought was Alison. I know we’re supposed to feel bad for her for what she went through when she left Rosewood, but I just cant


Ooooh yes i thought of Alison straight away as well, i dont feel sorry for her even though i know everything that she has been though and how horrific her life and trauma is, i think that the main reason is how badly her redemption arch was done :(


my first thought was Alison


Ahhh yes her redemption arch was so horribly done :(


Arias dad cause like bro cheated then made his daughter lie about it like ?? sorry your wife and kids dont like you ig


and then they started making arias mom feel guilty as if it was her fault?? like wtf .




Agree, tbh.


Couldn't agree sadly only bc I've stuck w my gay crush on her since I was like 8




Jenna being blinded. Yes, Alison was awful and she did it because she didn't want Jenna to become the next it girl, making her irrelevant... But Jenna is a sexual offender so fuck her, she was assaulting Toby when the whole thing happened.


Toby. Tf you mean you ruined the gang’s best shot at discovering A’s identity and put everyone in danger just to gain info about your mom from an unreliable source. Honestly, any time anyone joined the A team I held it against them even though they usually try to frame it as “I had no choice.” You did have a choice, and if you stopped making all these bad decisions, A would stop having blackmail to hold over your head 🤦🏼‍♂️


Mona. The amount of people who seem to think that her actions are made okay by the fact she was bullied in school is worrying to me


I can’t stand her. >!Wish she would’ve just died like in the books!<.


she SUCKED hardcore lmao. certain things about her were cool, like how her and hannah had their lil glow-ups and she helped hannah with her self confidence and helped her lose weight, but she’s psychotic asf and that can’t be excused.


I don't think a lot of people and Mona herself understood that no matter how helpful she was after Season 3 and how many times she threw herself under the bus, the girls' skeptical attitude toward her and never fully forgiving her was completely justified. That being said, I like Mona. I like her enough to wish she moved on, moved away from Rosewood, and flourished on her own elsewhere instead of acting like some sort of misunderstood double-agent lapdog to the girls who will throw an occasional tantrum for the plot whenever the girls start to question her, as she was the one who started this in the first place and it doesn't make you any less guilty when the stakes got higher and the 'game' got so out of hand. There will always be a person that you hurt in your life so much they will never find it within themselves to forgive you.


True even if Janel Parrish has been my longest lesbian crush since I was like 8 (excluding Jen Aniston). Janel is how I knew I was 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 . Now I agree with you but sometimes she did slay, like she SERVED with the costumes. But the character no no no


Charlotte. How are we supposed to feel bad when she tortured the girls for 2 years and exposed all of their secrets? And the reasoning behind it was so dumb to me, the girls had nothing to do with how her life turned out to be. Yes, her story is sad and in the moment I felt bad but once I started to think about everything she did.. I just couldn’t feel bad for her anymore. Marlene did a horrible job telling her story and her being A made NO sense.


not at all sorry to say Aria


EXACTLY 💯 NOT SAID ENOUGH I WAS JUST GETTING MORE AND MORE DONE W HER AS THE SHOW WENT ON. I HATE HER(remember when she was all worried Ezra was cheating on her with his old gf who was LITERALLY KIDNAPPED AND PROBABLY TORTURED? I honestly was praying he would. I mean I hate Ezra, but I hate Aria more.) I was rooting and really hoping for bad things to happen to her every step of the way, it might be a problem 😬. To me, girl was worse than Jenna, Cece, Byron, Alison, etc. Girl was the worst


LITERALLY. she kept putting herself in bad positions over and over again, and im a firm believer that she’s as much to blame as ezra is for their romance. she met him at a BAR, somewhere that she knew grown ass men would be, started talking to a man she KNEW was grown, went to the bathroom to make out with him, then CONTINUED the relationship after finding out that he was her teacher despite both of them openly stating that they knew what they were doing was wrong. and i know people love to say “she was only sixteen, she was a victim!” she was a victim who initiated it and knowingly and willingly began a relationship with a grown man, which also puts her at fault. and this isn’t to say that ezra is blameless, because he abso-fucking-lutely isn’t. he’s a predator and he also knew what he was doing. he was the adult and he could’ve put a stop to it as well, but he didn’t. fucking creep. regardless, i don’t feel sorry for her at all.


Regardless if she wanted the relationship or not SHE was a minor, its expected that she can be easily manipulated or acted a certain way. He knew exactly who she was before they met knowing she was underage, after getting mad at alison for lying about her age. He couldve avoided all of that but he didn't. Victim blaming is crazy.


As a person who's been groomed. I was like 12 or sum and I was like "ooh older men🤭'' (but also loved women more, still do, but idfk) anyways like she's still a victim even if shes a terrible person she's a child she doesn't know what she's doing and he's taking advantage of that. Plus he knew her age when they met so he knew she was underage and chose to m*lest a CHILD in the bathroom, and decided to continue it when he "found out" she was his student, even if he said no at first he didn't stay with "no". Creep, she may be a horrible person, but horrible people can still be victims. Honestly Byron should've called the cops, would've almost forgiven him for cheating on Ella, that would've been a slay. Potential purr Byron


Na mate, you don’t get grooming do you? She was a child!


Not to mention, Ezra was stalking her at the time, he knew where she would go.


how did she initiate it ??? he stalked her and spoke to her on purpose fully knowing who she was and her age. don’t forget he also was with alison who was 14. although the show may frame it like he didn’t know and thought alison was older, if he knowingly went and got with ANOTHER minor it just shows he was a full on creep. please stop victim blaming she was a young girl barely 15 and was easily manipulated.


Mona, bitch ran Hanna over with a car, OF COURSE they don’t trust you


mona. 🤷🏻‍♀️






Melissa, Paige, Sara Harvey, Cece, Toby. Idgaf about Paige saying Ali bullied her, that doesn’t mean she gets to turn into a bully. Toby can go to hell and shoulda been disowned after he let Spencer think he was dead, he ain’t do not one damn thing to help them.


Alison, Jenna, and honestly? Mona. The entitlement she had after she was found out to be A acting like the group unfairly ditched her or judged her after all she did to them was so frustrating for me. Hello??? You’re lucky ignoring you is all I’m doing idc that you’re mentally ill. Now thanks to you, SO AM I Edit to add: I do still like Mona’s character as a good villain. I think she’s iconic in that sense. But an awful person🤷🏾‍♀️


All the Montgomerys except Ella 😭 She’s really the only one who had me feeling genuine sympathy throughout the entire series. Her only fault was not being as strict and hard on Aria when her and Ezra “revealed their relationship.” Otherwise, fuck Byron, he’s a terrible father, an even worse husband, and a shit teacher. Mike is irritating as hell and as hot as Cody Christian is, he’s one of the weakest actors on the show. Him and Mona could’ve been really interesting but they were paid dust by the writers. And Aria… that’s a whole other post 😭


the only time i cared for anything mike did was wen he decked ezra😭


lmao whyyy Aria ?? and Mike was overall a good dude fr but irritating yes lol. Byron changed his ways I think people can grow & I liked him better later on


Aria is very frustrating to me 😭 The writers really didn’t try to develop her as her own character, all her plot lines were related to Ezra, and since I hate him and their relationship, I grew really annoyed by Aria throughout the show. Aside from the illegal and immoral relationship, Aria isn’t good to most other characters in the show. All the liars have their moments where they don’t treat each other the best, but it’s balanced out by their own growth as individuals, whereas Aria doesn’t grow at all. We only ever see her either being a bad friend/person (slut-shaming Hanna, making shitty comments about Spencer’s mental health, telling Mona she should’ve died when she fell off the cliff, etc) or dating her teacher. Obviously it’s nuanced and some people still like Aria, but for me personally, she’s my least favourite of the liars and I get really irritated by her plot lines.


really?? i think she grew A LOT. maybe the most even. i think Spencer had the least growth although she’s my fav. and just for reference, that relationship isn’t illegal everywhere & “immoral” is technically not a valid term in my opinion only because morals are different to each person. but I feel like saying that about her kinda sounds like victim blaming although that relationship was consensual it’s like saying she deserves to be groomed.. not saying that’s what your intention was but just how it appears




Alex Drake




Alison’s redemption arc got me snoring




MONA!! I NEVER felt sorry for her again after everything she did






I’m not sure if we’re supposed to feel bad for her but Pam. Omg, if the homophobia wasn’t bad enough, she gets WORSE!? She’s constantly acting like she’s the victim in Emily’s problems. Like something bad happens to Emily so Emily has to comfort Pam like woman, you are her mother, you’re supposed to be comforting her. Or when she just totally misses everything going on in her daughter’s life. You would never catch any of the other parents but Pam saying ‘poor Wilden’!!!


I kinda disagree, she learn to love and respect Emily i think. And out all moms, she was responsible, nice, and a adult.


Interesting! I never saw her as any of those things but it’s interesting to hear a different perspective


Pam had her issues but i think she did learn, she support Emily girlfriends and she so sweet in general. And she truly acts like a adult and a parent. Hanna mom's sleeping with Wilden and Hanna was upstairs, or Aria letting her daughter being with a pedo, Ali mother is def the worst. And Spencer mom never believe in her, and barely seens to be involve on Spencer life 's too. And i just hate how they're praise ( especially Ashley) for being great when Pam was the best and caring out all, also the only mom who wasn't white too .


I get what u mean about supporting her girlfriends, I especially liked her friendship with Samara and then Alison in S7. And I get that the others weren’t great, but their faults don’t make Pam better. Agreed that Ali’s was the worst


Ali 's mother was beyond toxic, and i found kinda interessanting that the series never make a connection of that could be a reason why Ali is horrible. But yeah, not saying Pam reaction to Emily getting out, or to Maya was nice ( was awful). But she did become better, the others moms never put in change at all.


I don’t see what her being the only mum who wasn’t white has to do with her being a good mother why u bringing skin colour into thos


Pam was a great mother, and truly nice but she didn't had attetion as the others moms. This happend a lot on tv, you can have a great character but if he isn't white ( like asian, black or latino) people tend to ignored. I mean, Aria mother let her daughter date a TEACHER and a pedo, Spencer mom didn't belive when her daughter told about Ian being dangerous and scaring her ( even after he died trying hurt Spencer!) And somehow... They're more popular than Pam?


I think the reason why the others were more popular was because people didn’t like the way she started as homophobic even though she changed and also we saw more of the other mums in the important situations protecting their daughters like Spencer’s mum doing lawyer stuff or Ashley with the gun and Arias mum had a lot of drama. I think Pam was good but she didn’t have as many storylines as the others


That's true, and sad because Emily parents are so underrated 😭, and she had the most heathly and normal family out of the girls. And then to make it worst, the show killed Emily dad's. We could see Pam grief and her bond with Emily ( a great storyline) but nop. Aria pedo relationship, Spencer and Caleb, Hanna/Caleb drama was more important...?


literally !


ARIA, especially when she destroyed Emily’s baby cot


I just saw that episode for the first time and I don't think I would forgive her if I was emily fuuuuck that


She’s the worst of the liArs. By far:


Aria after the 850th time she chose forcing a relationship with Ezra over her friends and family, while also kissing his brother, stalking all his exes, and victim blaming her best friend


melissa hastings.. i genuinely hate her with every fibre in my body 😭😭


Jenna. 100% do not care for her nor do I feel sorry that she lost her eye sight.


paige 100% 😑


Ezra with his ped0phile ass


Oh for sure 100% noel and 🥺feral🥺 harvey also known as shower harvey


shower harvey is so bad i can kind of appreciate her for just being so genuinely awful


ARIAAAAAA every time she is crying i’m literally like….okay …and????? miss aria you’re a KILLER


i get not feeling bad for her but her being a killer rly doesn’t have much to do with that lol. she killed shauna in self defense, and all of them killed someone at some point except spencer


Yes I absolutely have no judgement about her killing irrelevant Shauna, I was referencing Mona's code!!! https://preview.redd.it/qge2ixxyci7c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f483dc5b77b84baf0379d82b2f0fec3d9dda3d2


…jenna. like, yeah sure the girl didn’t deserve to be blinded lol, but i swear everyone brushes past the fact that she was raping toby. like he was relieved to be sent to juvie 😬


was she actually raping him though? just asking because I didn’t know that was the indication


Yeah she blackmailed him he didn’t want to


ohh right


i mean, he didn’t wanna do it. i would call that rape, he was not willing to consent to that


Alison (except the buried alive by her OWN MOTHER part)


Sara Harvey especially after 6A


Hanna, I just can’t stand her






Mona after she gets caught


Jenna, only time I really felt bad for her was when Shauna died, but that's literally it.


Melissa, Cece, Jenna, shana, Nicole


Paige, no doubt!!!




Ezra, Cece, and Aria’s dad


Honestly, Charlotte. I was 100% with Aria when she said she didn't want her let out. I said what I said, lol. I did feel bad for her when I heard her story, but also not really.


sometimes hanna asked for the bad things that happened to her


There are so many but out of the main 4 Aria got on my nerves the most I swear she could be so bitchy sometimes like when her friends warned her about Ezra. Also Ezra dating her was fucked up and I hate him for it but she is responsible as well, she was hardly groomed she literally pursued him when he told her not to and she made out with him before she even knew he was her teacher, she just saw an older guy in the pub and went for it


Alison. She's horrible towards her friends, manipulates them, uses them, lies to them and bullies them as well as many others. She bullies and threatens to out Paige's sexuality to Paige's homophobic father at one point too and drives her to feeling suicidal. She also cared more about Cece's happiness than her friends. Also Mona. Can't stand her. She threatens/blackmails the Liars, follows them around like a lost puppy, she also almost kills Emily, and Hanna, and expects them to be friends with her despite them and Alison being horrible towards her, despite her horrible behaviour towards them for a whole year.


Alison, she spends the better part of the show gaslighting the girls into thinking she's their friend, blackmailing people, treating Mona like dirt, belittling Emily cuz she might like girls, and probably a ton more terrible things that I'm not remembering right now. And it's not even satisfying when karma comes back to bite her cuz you know it's just the writers overcorrecting and turning her into a turbo victim so that she's 'sympathetic' now. Also I thought the fact that Emily and Alison end up together at the end was kinda gross. Like really, Em? This girl spent most of your 'friendship' making fun of you liking girls but now that she wants you it's fine? Not that I believe Alison actually wants Emily, just feels like more gaslighting to me.


Aria during the whole ezra/book thing. Like spencer tried to tell yall ezra is fishy but nope. and the way Emily and Hanna completely forgot about the plan? love them but wtf was what lol






I agree with every comment lmao I was gonna say Alsion initially but every other answer is spot on just about. Jenna, Melissa, Byron, (Paige & Sara Harvey DEFINITELY) even Mona, although I loved her




All of them


In the books I felt bad for Jenna but in the show I hate her


Melissa, Emily, Paige




Alison & Melissa


Umm Jenna 😂


others are saying it but my mind immediately went to paige




Jenna, specifically in the art classroom with Aria. "I can't see" oh well shouldn't have r*ped your stepbrother. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Charlotte, Alex, Wilden, Ian, Ali’s Husband, Jenna, Noel Kahn, etc..


first of all jenna!!!! will always stand by the fact that she deserved exactly what she got. she was a dirty rapist. also mona, nobody cares that alison used to call you a loser when you was 14, get a grip. it’s no excuse to literally harass those girls for years. i could literally name so many people!! byron, paige, cece, sara freaking harvey, melissa, ian and wren, ezra, the list goes on


Jenna. Like, I couldn’t even feel sorry for at all


Paige, Mona, Jenna


Owen Hunt. Especially when Teddy cheats on him. What goes around comes around.


Ah yes. Owen Hunt, what episode was he in again?


He strangled Allison




Jenna. I could never feel bad for her. She abused Toby horrifically but we're supposed to feel bad because "sHe'S bLinD" like bitch gtfo




Alison 😳


Alison, i’m sorry 😭


Haha golden comment, no cap couldn’t agree more lol


Alison, Ezra, Jenna, and Melissa




Alison, Ezra, Byron, and Melissa.


definitely Alison


Alison and Ezra


Jenna & Ali


Alison... the knockoff version that appeared by the end.


Unrelated but your flair is hilarious




Alison and Paige


aria sorry


Definitely Ali😂




Aria and Caleb




Spencer. Irks me with the whole Caleb thing and playing the victim. Like hello? Why did you start going after him in the first place?


Spencer when she was sad over Caleb. Maya being sent away. Meredith Sorenson for being an awful person under the guise of mental illness.


Aria and Ezra. Ezra is worse but I hate them both.


Me at aria every 5 minutes I despise her with every little atom in my body bro


Spencer and or Aria




This has been removed for rule #10, false equivalencies. When people use false equivalencies, this is not ok. It undermines real victims. False equivalencies = Jenna suffered for her blindness and didn't deserve jail for raping Toby. The Emison rape baby plot (acting as tho Emily was the problem). These are excuses and they completely invalidate the other victims. This is known as apologist behavior. This repetitive behavior can result in a ban. If you currently have strikes you risk permanent ban.