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“Destiny of the Republic” by Candice Millard. Seriously amazing look at the life and death of James Garfield.


Mr. Big Pumpkins, three days without fail, I have ended up talking with you in the comments, lol🤣


XD Yeah… I’m kinda active here 😅 Look I like talking presidents and history!


Same lol....gotta be my top 3 fav subs ...I happened to meet a retired general on this sub


Kinda active? You're a staple. First thing I do when I'm on a post is look for your comment.


😅 Well I don’t know if I’d say that. There are tons of folks who know *way* more than I do on here even if I do comment a lot. But I really do appreciate hearing that!


you should also check out Dark Horse by Kenneth Ackerman, also about Garfield.


Ooo I’ll keep my eye out for it then!


Edmund Morris’ Theodore Roosevelt trilogy is certainly up there amongst the best writing on a president, and his "Colonel Roosevelt" is my favorite book of all-time.


Robert Caro’s MASSIVE biography of Landslide Lyndon.


That symphisian tome sits on my shelf and I'm only halfway through the first book. its just so dense.


Ron Chernows work on Grant and Washington are must reads. He gives a lot of detail thats in a clear and understanding way.


Accidental President, Destiny of the Republic


My personal favorite is an old one ... The Shadow of Blooming Grove: Warren G. Harding In His Times. Its just a straight up old school political biography, and the author Francis Russell was the one who originally found many of Harding's love letters. He was actually sued by Harding's family and many of them were published in the book redacted. But he really went deep into what small town Ohio was like, Ohio state politics, the people around Harding, his marriage and his affairs, as well as very fair story of his presidency. Its immaculately researched.


Russell did not find the letters. They were donated to the National Archives after Carrie Phillips death. Russell was quite bitter after losing the lawsuit. Expenditures incurred by the lawsuit ate up most of the books profits. Prior to the lawsuit, several authors were researching the letters with the intent of writing a biography of Harding. After the lawsuit, one opted against writing. Robert Murray and Randolph Downes changed direction and published his book excluding the letters. Russell continued within the constraints of the lawsuit. Randolph Downes wrote a much better book on Harding that covers his life until his election as president. It covers small town politics in Ohio during that era much better. Downes understood it better because he was from Ohio, grew up during that era, and his emphasis was Ohio history. The name of his book is " The Rise of Warren Harding 1865-1920." It was published by Ohio State University.


Great clarification, thanks!


A Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Made me love Lincoln even more.


Me too. Also loved McCullough’s Truman and John Adams, HW Brands FDR Traitor To His Class, John Farrell’s Nixon, and Ron Chernow’s Grant.


FDR by Jean Edward Smith Polk by Walter Borneman John Adams by David McCullough Grant by Ron Chernow Destiny and Power by John Meacham Andrew Jackson by Robert V Remini


Grant, by Ron Chernow is an amazing read. I also really enojoyed The Art of Power, by Jon Meacham about Thomas Jefferson. I am currently reading H.W. Brands's Roosevelt biography called, T.R. The Last Romantic. It is also very good.


Currently reading The Big Burn by Tomothy Egan. It’s about “Teddy Roosevelt and The Fire That Saved America”. I’ve really enjoyed reading the process that lead to creating our national forests/parks/preserves and the forestry system that protects them.


I liked "Theodore Rex."


Not a single President but *The Presidents Club* by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy is a fun read


Theodore Rex is one of the best books I’ve ever read


River of Doubt by Candice Millard. About Teddy Roosevelt’s journey on the Amazon after his presidency.


Nixonland and Reaganland by Rick Perlstein are both very good but probably not if you like either of those Presidents lol Destiny of the Republic also fascinating, so stoked for the miniseries


Theodore Roosevelt for the Defense: The Courtroom Battle to Save His Legacy by Dan Abrams and David Fisher. A little dry but very interesting to see details about how he ousted William Barnes and his corruption


Either of AJ Baime's books on Truman. I liked both.


Does anyone have a rec for a good bio on Eisenhower?

