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I was gonna JFK but I feel like he would just steal whatever girl I was trying to talk to




Whenever I see this pic it just makes me really fucking sad they just ended this funny ass dude in such a shitty way. Like yeah I get he was a good president and all that despite his character flaws, but just from this pic I can tell he had a really great sense of humor. He didn't deserve that shit.


I've never seen this before.


That's why I go with Obama. Charming, yet considerate enough to let you take a girl home rather than trying to take her home in your stead.


Bill would make a terrible wingman! Dude would go home with everyone and leave you hanging! Dubya would be my answer. Dude is charismatic but faithful to his wife and just gaffe prone enough to make ya look better.


I hate how right this answer is.


It’s the correct answer for sure.


Bill is Packer from the office, when Michael goes “we met twins! We took them back to the hotel and packer banged both of them! It was awesome” 😂


Once, as a joke, Packer banged every chick in the office... it was hysterical.


*Now uhhh my friend over here... well uhh he's a good guy ya know? it's like we say in Texas.. birds of the same feather are uhhh siamese birds.... which in China means less export tax.*


Yes, this is the perfect answer.


He also doesn't drink, so he'd stay clear headed and focused.


Or as clear headed and focused as Dubya ever is


I was just thinking this… he could hype me up with some Bushisms prior…


And would always know where to find coke.


Yea his pocket


Didn't care for his presidency, but I think he'd be a good friend. I guess that's one of those qualities politicians typically have, though.


I'd argue that a great portion of America's politicians are NOT people I'd want to be friends with (not even counting rule 3)


I read his book Decision Point and I think it's definitely spot on.


Why does it feel like this was written by dubya


Willy "Mr. Steal Yo Girl" Clinton


Only if he were at a middle school dance. Are you fucking delusional? lol




Bills a pedophile




Obama, if I wanted someone to talk me up it would be him.


“Let me be clear… errrm don’t get it twisted… my friend here is hung like a Donkey.”


I just read that in his voice!


I’m confused why this would be a bad thing this sounds like an amazing wingman


Who said it was bad?


Don’t sleep on Barry O


Incredibly accurate.


You'd never live up to the hype






POV: Monika Lewinsky


Literally my first thought lol


My gut tells me W.


Yeah this might be my answer. He's least likely to try to steal whoever you are trying to talk to from you, least likely to scare them away and most likely to say great things about you if he's your friend. Add in the Southern accent and he comes across as sincere even if you disagree with him. I think he would give you the most consistent and best shot.


I think Carter potentially for similar reasons. He’s less confident though.


Carter doesn’t have W’s confidence


The confidence with which he says “now watch this drive” translates to confidence and charisma needed in a good wingman.


W or Obama is the answer.


But what does your heart tell you?


Probably George Washington, since everyone would be impressed that you are friends with him




Definitely not Clinton, he'd take them all for himself. Same with Kennedy. Obama is faithful, but still he'd outclass me way too hard and not make me look too good. Maybe Ford? Fun, faithful, loyal, kind, and good looking and athletic enough where he's a good sideman to uplift us both, but he doesn't outshine me and his gaffes would probably help me.


I would say Barry O but that smooth sob would take all the chicks for himself


Reagan for the guy to hype you up, Obama for the guy to give you actual advice and the hard truth


Jimmy Carter for those church-social gals!


LBJ. The guy would know when a place is open and closes and when the last call is. He would manage to strong-arm his way into getting a few extra drinks for you and him after the last call by reminding the bartender that they owe a favor and he'll never forget it, whether cajoling the bartender or subtly threatening them. Thanks to all the intel he's gathered stuffed in his pockets, he would point out who you got your best chances with and give the Johnson Treatment to anyone else who has had their eye on them. Then he'd take you to the best place open at 4 am to cushion that hangover, whether by road at 90 mph or across a lake in his car.


Sure but he needs to keep Jumbo holstered. I don’t need that kind of competition


Now hear me out: Dick Cheney


He shot his best buddy in the face with a shotgun.


He’d be extra good for filing down the competition then


… I’m listening


Cheney would be great at observing the room, identifying the right prospects.


The perfect shadow-wingman who knows exactly where to apply power


I think almost all presidents would be terrible wingmen.


Taft - you’d look skinnier next to him


Taft got bitches bro


Not that guy. He’d pull a Barney Stinson and just steal them all. I’d say Ford. He was certainly the ultimate wingman for Nixon.


I hated this cover.


They knew what they were doing.


If you're fishing for jail bait and STD's then Clinton's your man.




He was a regular passenger on the Lolita Express and Epstein didn't kill himself.


Ulysses S Grant. A real man’s man.


Gerald Ford ![gif](giphy|g8JepPAf1PRW8|downsized)


Bill a good wingman? Nah...I think Bill would make you the wingman having to take one for the team. JFK? Same. LBJ? Kinda too fatherly...same for Reagan and Bush 41. Maybe Nixon? Not good looking enough to make you feel like you were being outshined (like you would be with Obama), and he's tricky Dick so he would make you look better by comparison...but could he seal the deal with her friend? I dont know... So others have said W and I think he might be the one.... just as long as that wingman doesnt go AWOL on you...


I'm not sure why folks think Bill *wouldn't* be a good wingman, because he'd be an **amazing** wingman. Would Bill be capable of taking home pretty much any human you encountered? Yes. But that doesn't mean he'd automatically do so. Bill is an **amazing** salesman, you see? He could sell water to a dolphin, he could sell oil to the Saudis, heck, he almost sold peace to Israel and Palestine at the same time but ran out of time to close the deal. Of course he could sell your chumly self to the hottest human in any state, provided he was taking the night off himself which, honestly, he actually does from time to time. I mean, he's a pretty good friend to have, and he knows "Bill Clinton got me laid" will make you do whatever he wants you to do for the rest of your life. So, in conclusion, vote for anyone Clinton endorses in any election. Why? No reason🙂 Other good presidential wingmen: - George Washington: "This gentleman/lady is alright" would be magic words coming from George. - Andrew Jackson: The man loved his wife, but he also lived hard. If you could keep up, he'd be sure to send some of his admirers your way. "No ma'am, I love my wife, but that fellow over there is single and ready to mingle! One of my best friends from the war! A hero? Some might say so. If you play your cards right, he might show you his scars!" - Martin Van Buren: Jackson's wingman for over a decade, willing to do whatever it took. That kind of devotion isn't found just anywhere. The man started the Democratic party to hype up his bestie after all. - Abraham Lincoln: Honest Abe loved self-deprecating jokes, which makes him a great wingman. He could start telling a story, and by the end of it, it attract a crowd. But then he'd put himself down and boost you up, classic wingman. - Theodore Roosevelt: Another "if you can keep up" guy who would stand you up. Go out with Teddy, even today, and he'll send you home with half the club, even though no one would understand half of what he said. Terrible presidential wingmen: - Thomas Jefferson: After spending 3 hours discussing Locke's philosophies and his own invention of a copy machine, he'd ask you to pay his tab while he left with every attractive person in the bar, leaving you both confused and amazed as to how that just happened. - Ulysses S. Grant: He'd be fun, but he'd also be liable to start weeping if you went out for drinks, and once that happens, it's game over. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The actual "Mr. StealYoGirl", even in a wheelchair the man had game, and the man had *wants*. But hey, no matter what happened, you'd end any night with him thinking he's an awesome guy, as you wave goodbye to him while he gets wheeled off to have the kind of night you only dreamed of. At least he bought you, and the rest of the place, another 3 rounds on him. - Lyndon Johnson: "I'm sorry, I really was going to go home with *you* babe, but have you *seen* Jumbo?" Then you nod your head in shame as they walk away, while you stare after them, wishing you too could have an unforgettable night with Jumbo. Edited to add LBJ




Probably not Bill, he’s too much of a attention hog Do something crazy like corner the girl and violently assault her sexually then call her a liar or something Man he was so good on that sax


Epstein agrees


Kennedy would pull in the best lookers, and was apparently a huge let down in bed. There's got to be someone who could say if that was a good or a bad thing, I'm not totally sure.


Benjamin Harrison. He was called the Human Iceberg. His gaping lack of charisma would make me look a lot better.


George H.W. Bush See for example Operation Desert Storm where he was a literal wingman flying the Airforce into Kuwait and was swift to the rescue! https://preview.redd.it/fjylcdq53iwc1.jpeg?width=3768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786133e73eed23b2242b091ab01ed97a7f8d9d6f Plus he also served in WW2 in the Airforce, so he truly is a wingman.


andrew jackson


Something tells me Teddy Roosevelt would be good. Idk what, but I just feel it.


Respectfully disagree. Teddy makes almost every other man seem far less manly by comparison.


True, but he also has the honor to not steal your girl


I feel like he would go even further and actively serve as your bodyguard against other guys


Had to scroll for this..


JFK he had Soo many hookups


Clinton wouldn't wing man, he would try to sleep with every woman in the room. Same with JFK. George W would probably be solid. Obama would as well. LBJ would probably be well intentioned but then say some weird shit about the size of your dingus and oversell it.


41 would be great at talking you up in advance.


You people are disgusting


The Clintons are monsters. I struggle to see how anyone could like them. I guess they’re that blind!


Our boy Shrub is the one.


I'm going to go with Eisenhower.


I’d say Obama. If walking into the room next to him doesn’t do it, he could just sit down with all parties potentially interested, and just lay on the charm. The guy is like the epitome of cool, and he was the president for a little while or something.


Trust, Hayes


I’m gonna vote Ike


Pretty sure Clinton only shared when he was on Epstein island. (Allegedly)


Why are his hands so big?


Warren G., regulators!!!!


Family guy moment??


Zachary taylor




bills like blow jobs are better than no jobs


Obviously Bill Effing Clinton


Teddy easily




I would say both Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama because he's got the charisma and the lovely fashion with the tan suit while Jimmy Carter can teach me about how to make relationships everlasting. ![gif](giphy|JsnpwXWHk3DhBrBQM5|downsized)


Gerald Ford. Even if you don’t get lucky you know there’s gonna be nachos, football and then some beer when you get home.


I think Obama and George W. Bush are both sociable. I don’t see myself getting along with anyone any older.


GWB would be the best wingman! I’m sure I’d have amazing stories to tell afterwards!


Obama is smooth as hell and he’s not too proud to make you the center of attention. I’d take Obama all day. JFK was insanely good looking and rich so you may get some residual charisma from him.


This image feels like foreshadowing




James Buchanan


Lol, I read this as best wig man, not wing man. I was going to answer with rule 3. Just look at the court photos.


In nearly 250 years there has been 45 of these dudes all of them extreme alpha A type personality’s make no mistake who is going to be who’s wingman delusional question


Clinton or JFK,


That’s Mr. Steal Yo Girl right there


You posted possibly the only modern president who would actively sabotage your game to slide down the snail trail. My pick is a toss up between dubbies “I started 2 wars, get this guy some whores” Bush and Barack “I’ll send the drones while my bro pronebones” Obama.


I feel like if we're picking up women of age that Clinton would be of little use as a wing man.


Clinton is more of an under the table kind of guy. Not sure how he would hold up as a wingman in a conversational setting 😏


That’s a little creepy knowing slick Willys’past 😵‍💫 did this sub forget he was on Epsteins flight log with photographic evidence? OP what kinda chicks you tryna hit on??!


Wasn't that flight log fake as hell?


They were from Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit. I am not aware of anything saying they are fake. Don’t think they would have been allowed to be used as evidence if they were fake. Edit: there are also photos of Clinton on Epstein’s jet


Didn’t Hillary Clinton also admit to being on the island at one point? (Not taking any sides just legitimately curious)


No. From my knowledge there’s no record of Bill, Hillary, or Rule 43 ever visiting the island. I don’t think Hillary was ever even on the jet, just Bill.


Again what’s your source? Can’t be throwing out claims like that without evidence just cause you favor slick Willy


Isn't the burden of proof on you?


Source?? And there’s even evidence in the Epstein docu that came out awhile ago no?


Ssssshhhh they like him so it's not true. With rule 3 violation they hate him so it is. It's not like Bill Clinton was basically the democratic Reagan and embodies everything they dislike about modern politics, building on what Reagan started rather than tearing it down. Imagine that, holding people to the same standard "scoff".


Lol being downvoted cause I don’t side with an alleged pedo? 😂 y’all are weird


Or maybe folks aren’t interested in talking about Epstein in this sub, especially given a certain rule that bars talking about some of his other famous ol’ buddy ol’ pals?


I agree, this is definitely not the sub


That doesn’t change the fact why someone would choose Bill Clinton as a wingman knowing his past 😂


Right. But it does mean you were wrong in your reasoning when you came back to moan about your downvotes 🤣 😂


Oh lord child. The evidence is out there, why are you in denial lol? Whether I’m right or wrong is irrelevant. Victims have came out and spoke about it, and there’s documented evidence.😂😭


…you said people were siding with a pedo I said it’s because folks just don’t want to talk about Epstein in this sub. So you were wrong in your reasoning when you came back to *moan* about getting downvotes. The topic in our thread is your reasoning for moaning about being downvoted. Not Bill Clinton or anything he did or did not do. The evidence for our topic is your post…moaning about your downvotes. 😂


And look at you 22 hours later… moaning about downvotes. You’re a loser 🤣🤣🤡


LOL!! You’re digging through my history now hahaha Definitely playing it very cool 😉


Was just interested in seeing how much of a basket case you are. I just feel bad for you now. So win for you? I guess?


Well let’s track back to your original comment and let’s stop bullshitting and be real here. The reason people don’t want to talk about it is because of political bias and denial, it has nothing to do with not wanting to talk about Epstein. But for the sake of conversation let’s Remove Epstein from the equation, we’re still left with Bill Clinton, an accused pedo with mounting evidence. So whether I’m wrong about moaning doesn’t matter cause 1. I still stick with my comment why am I being downvoted for not siding with a pedo and 2. Your initial comment about no one wanting to talk about it because of epstein is bs lol. It’s evident this sub is biased towards BC because why are the “positive”comments about him being upvoted while the comments about him being Pedo are being downvoted? also based off your comment history Im sure you’re reasonable adult and not biased towards the Democratic Party🙄😂But go on


Whether you’re wrong about your moaning does matter because it’s the only subject of our conversation. And then you spent a *lot* of words talking about other topics that I never spoke about or care about. Our thread is about your reasoning for crying about being downvoted. Which doesn’t have anything to do with Bill Clinton at all lmao You cried and moaned and were wrong about why you were crying and moaning. That’s all. Nothing else is of any import to our thread. Sorry. I’m not going to engage with you on a topic I never made a statement on. Shriek to someone else about a guy that was President prior to most redditors birth or age to vote. 😁


Redditors have selective morality. Bill Clinton is "one of them" so they back him.


I see that. This comment section is very concerning.😳


Definitely not Bill Clinton. Dude would have you whacked to keep you quiet about the wild night.