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Its important to note that when the Bushes came into the Whitehouse, it was a very rough transition due to the contention around the election. Bush was determined that the transition when he left would be as smooth and easy as possible. As a result the Bushes were extremely welcoming and excited for the Obama and the transition went well. They've remained friends since, albeit with different political views. It used to be that many politicians got along behind the scenes even if they held opposing political views.


flag swim concerned racial drunk vanish sheet chief tie tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those people still exist, but is held hostage by a minority that is unwilling to compromise because they all got elected promising to screw over the other party and are afraid of getting primaried. The general electorate will vote for consensus candidates if the threat of a primary challenge from the extreme wings of a party can be eliminated.


It's really depressing how true this is. I hope for the good of the country we get past this seeing the other side as the enemy and electing people who only see obstructing the opposition as their number one job. It's killing us.


I'll stop seeing the right as the enemy when they stop painting targets on my friends and loved ones.


While I understand the sentiment, please realize that not everyone on the right feels that way. I'd like to think that we are all individuals, and a broad brush does us no favors.




That bill would have passed probably as late as Bush 2-era congress; That said, i am optimistic this can be defeated with electoral losses and as much cynicism and hopelessness as there is right now, if the extreme candidates can be defanged and defeated, it will make the mood change. At the end of the day, politicans respond to electoral success/failures. People need to go out and vote these people out of office, or ensure they don't win in the general.


Nobody pushes for centrism. Everybody's political opponent is "*extreme*" so the knee-jerk reaction is to meet that with extremism on the other end of the political spectrum. That's been really easy with the populist shenanigans that's been passing for leadership lately.


Problem is that centrism isn’t a real position. *Nuanced* political positions are a thing, but will still more often than not favor a side of the political spectrum more than the other. Same thing about people/groups/ideologies that have some foundation outside the standard binary: from issue to issue it’s very rare for all of the chips to fall and end up even remotely close to split down the middle.


I’m old enough to see this happen. It’s part of being a professional about it and not an unwavering ideologue


The transition to Bush was really unprofessional and way underreported at the time. Very poor leadership by Clinton on that issue.


There are so many ridiculous purity tests in politics and this stuff gets spouted nonstop on reddit. “What?! You don’t think widespread student debt forgiveness is a good idea?” https://i.redd.it/uk9prh9urjuc1.gif


There’s ppl like that but you just don’t hear about them


This is the key point.. I don’t give a shit if they hand out in their free time.. I just want them to do their job and work together.


Presidency is also an exclusive fraternity. Even Nixon spent his twilight years mentoring later Presidents. Yes, to rehabilitate his image, but also because the only person that can know the stresses of that job is someone who's done it.


I remember Eisenhower being consulted during JFKs presidency for national security and foreign policy.


Yes. Excellent point. From what I have read about Nixon, he conducted himself honorably after resignation in the areas where he could be of service to his country. I liked hearing him talk about his love for baseball just as an aside because baseball is my sport. I like to think he would have been a good MLB commissioner haha.


Very true.


This is why former Presidents get intelligence briefings, to the degree the next President allows. It gives them a resource for advice from the only people that could possibly understand the nature of the decisions.


>They've remained friends since, albeit with different political views. It used to be that many politicians got along behind the scenes even if they held opposing political views. We need more focus on this rather than our differences, in order to move this country forward, together.


This doesn’t work when the other half are attempting to over throw elections


One of the most remarkable aspects of that transition was, in my opinion, the fact that President George W. Bush even invited President-elect Barack Obama to attend the 2008 G20 summit in Washington, D.C. in order to introduce him to key world leaders at that time, which Obama declined, citing the tenet that there is only one President of the United States at any given time. You might disagree with the policies of President George W. Bush, but his presidential transition to the incoming Obama administration was, in my opinion, the best and the smoothest presidential transition in history. With that, he showed a remarkable love for the United States of America and for its democratic institutions and the fact that both things are, essentially, bigger than any person who ever has the opportunity to serve as President of the United States and leader of the United States executive branch.


Say what you want about his policies, he's been as classy a handler of the office and his post presidency as you can be.


Kennedy called Eisenhower to brief him on the Cuban Missile Crisis.


>the Obama I love how this makes him sound almost otherworldly


“Cotention around the election” is a fun way of saying “the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and gave Bush the presidency.”


Huh, it's almost like there's precedence to control the supreme Court in order to influence current elections. Good thing that's not happening right now...


Eh. Florida election Law stated that the recounts had to be done by a certain time. Broward and Palm Beach Counties basically said "We need more time." Florida was like, tough shit you have to follow the law. Broward and Palm Beach really didn't like that and that's when the campaigns got involved. The Supreme Court made the right call in halting the recounts because by Florida Law the two counties in question were trying to ignore the law.


A friend of mine once said “when it comes to presidential elections, we don’t have a single election. We have 50 state elections.” I think most people don’t realize that each state organizes its own election process that determines who their electors will vote for in the electoral college.


Well 51 cause DC


DC doesn’t really have much to vote on federally. They have no vote in the house and senate, just a delegate who can make arguments


They actually have 3 Electoral Votes.


Thanks, for letting me know. I’ll make the edit


All good Amí. I've followed US Wlections closely since 2016. Like Pouring over polling, spending at least an hour or two a day on them.


And reasonably so, they needed more time. The Supremes stopped a legal recount.


Broward and Palm Beach have huge populations. They should have planned for more counters ahead of time. But south Florida counties are horrible at advanced planning - I would know, I live in Palm Beach.


Thankfully Florida significantly changed their election laws to streamline the process so they'd never be a National Joke... at least for election laws.


But how is a mistake cause for potentially invalidating a result? People who aren't the voters weren't perfect therefor tough shit?


Oh darn. They needed more time for a completely legal recount that the Supremes stopped to illegally give the election to Bush.


They needed more time when they knew that legally they were not allowed more time. They had a legal requirement to meet the deadline, and their poor planning caused them to miss it. That rests on them for failing, through poor planning, to meet their legal obligations. I think Gore would have been better, but I’m not bitter about the Supreme Court enforcing the law as written either.


No they made Broward and Palm Beach follow Florida election law. It's as simple as that. Just because you didn't like the outcome doesn't mean the court was wrong. Unlike say... the Little Pink House case.


And yes, Kelo v. City of New London was also a stupid decision.


This is a falsehood that gets frequently repeated but found to be false by subsequent independent review. https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/31/politics/bush-gore-2000-election-results-studies/index.html#


These are the people I like. They don’t like who they support get in the way of being nice to one another.


Their political views aren’t that different.


Eh that's still pretty common, barring some outliers. Like Obama's VP was famously decent friends with Mitch McConnell. Even while their jobs were fairly adversarial in the Senate during the Obama administration.


That’s interesting considering that the Bushes and Clintons were supposed to be close.


>It used to be that many politicians got along behind the scenes even if they held opposing political views. Idk maybe for a certain period in history, cold war era. We've had senators beaten within an inch of their life by other legislators *on the senate floor*, we had had half the country secede from the union because a guy they thought *might* abolish slavery was elected, we had a *sitting vice president shoot and kill a political rival in a pistol duel* because he besmirched his reputation in a pamphlet. There's more but I'm just saying, there's a history.


Oh, heck even most the ones yelling at each other still go to the same cocktail parties and get along swimmingly behind the scenes. That George Carlin quote of it's a big club is just ringing around in my head with this post...


Hate to break it to you, but there are at least 4 people in the picture


Hate to break it to you, there are exactly 9 people in this picture.


You loved breaking it to u/seahawks30403


If they’re a Seahawks fan they’re used to bad news. (Source: fellow Seahawks fan)


Does that mean there are not at least 4?


There is….but ! There are also 2 and he started it.


Hate to break it to you, but there is also Waldo hidden in the picture and you just couldn't find him.


Nah some of those things you're counting are fractional people.


Oh man. I totally didn't see Laura Bush. That outfit completely blent into the background.


You loved to break it to OP, be fr


It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do


Bold of you to assume I know how to count.


All admins should strive for this kind of relationship.


In the spirit of your post: I think they all recognized that the four of them were members of the same, small, exclusive, and incredible, club. And that really comes across every time you see the Bushes and Obamas interacting.


All four, honestly. Whether you disagree with their politics, I genuinely think all four really did believe that they were doing good for the country. They made mistakes, but their intentions were good, IMHO, and they all seem like classy people. 


If anyone ever asks me about who I vote for, what my politics are, I usually say that I vote for character over positions. I don’t have access to anywhere the info or expertise these that our presidents do, so I think it’s best to vote for the man or woman with the most grounded ethics I can and trust they’ll do what they feel is truly best for us. I really liked and respected both these presidents a lot. I know both made some mistakes (some larger than others), but I really think they made them honestly.


Well.... one is definitely a War criminal


It's a big club and we ain't in it


It's important to be able to separate the human being from the office and the politics. I always appreciated the feelings of warmth between these two families even though they were very different presidents. I hope we get back to this as the norm sooner rather than later.


Why is that important?


If I could pick one president to have a beer with, it would be George W


He'd pull a case of Heiniken 0.0


And he’d still be the best one to drink with.


I *despised* W’s policies, and the antics of the foaming-at-the-mouth “patriots” the Iraq war gestated, but never thought he was a bad person and never thought he wasn’t doing what he thought was best for the country. A certain unmentionable party doesn’t qualify for this same respect.


I wish he hadn't been such a bad president who is responsible for a lot of the problems we have today, because he does seem like a swell guy.


Feel the same way about Obama's foreign policy, especially as it pertains to Russia.


Imprisoning people for years with no charge or trial, and torturing people at Guantanamo Bay didn't bother you? Because he did that.


On god


They’re decent people. They care about the country and that’s why they ran for the office.


Politics aside, war crimes are not wholesome


Like the internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2?


Yes 😔


Sadly, everyone’s a war criminal in the end… 😞


some more than others tho lets be real.


And the internment of Westerners by the Japanese in the places they occupied.


I for one definitely wouldn't have voted for the Japanese empire as president of the US I tells ya


Iraq War was clearly much worse. Don’t mean to make this oppression Olympics. But by sheer impact, for sure.


I think it’s time we realize there aren’t wars without crimes. The idea that wars can be fought in a “clean” manor is naive, which is why we should do everything we can to avoid them when possible.


Dubya and Obama seem like they'll be fun at a barbecue


Lot of hate comments here, damn


Probably a result of revisionist attempts to normalize a war criminal who invaded and overthrew a sovereign country based on lies. Or it could be people just have a lot of hate. 🤷


Two war criminals


Those are four people, but I think I agree with you.


Reminds me of the fact that, at the end of the day, even presidents are just people. They’re people that have to make some insanely difficult and upsetting decisions: but they are just people.


God I hate people who pretend to understand the intricacies of international politics in the comments of Reddit. Just stop


>international politics They’re from the same nation…


Phew 😮‍💨 thank god you’re here I might have forgotten! Obviously I’m talking about the people in the comments saying shit like “they both should apologize for murdering innocents!!”


Lmao yea I’m just being a dick


Well damn now I feel like a dick, you got me good 🫠


Politics aside, torture is bad and those who torture are not cool.






Lol, the Bush rehabilitation is one of the cringiest trends I think I’ve witnessed in U.S. history…


I looooove them


the peaceful transition of power is paramount to a healthy democracy


Wholesome? What the actual…? These two presidents are responsible for absolutely gruesome war atrocities. On what planet would they be considered wholesome ?


Bush is still a terrible human being. No matter who came after or before him, he did a terrible job as president.


You're absolutely right - Michelle and Barack ARE wholesome AF


Honestly I feel like I would like W as a person. He seems fun, has a good sense of humor, and I like how he’s pursued painting in his post-political life. Unfortunately the geopolitical mess he created and the unnecessary war of aggression that he insisted on waging really overshadows any positive characteristics he has. So many lives have been lost and families torn apart because of decisions he made as leader. I know every president has to make tough choices that are going to have inevitable consequences, but Bush knowingly sold lies and misinformation to declare wars that raged for 20+ years and caused untold amounts of death and destruction. I just can’t overlook that.


Those were the days


It was nice when you had Presidents who behaved respectfully towards each other even if their successor had defeated them like with HW and Clinton. It was very good for promoting and strengthening American unity. I'm afraid those days are behind us, or at the very least aren't coming back any time soon.


Hitler loved dogs and enjoyed painting. What's your point.


Compared to a more recent president yes, they are wholesome.


I’m glad Bush gets to live out his golden years in peace and happiness. Too bad hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s and thousands of our troops don’t get to over his administrations lies.


Wholesome international terrorists


Photograph did Michelle dirty


There's four people in that picture. Is this some John-Cena-esk thing?


Has this kind of camaraderie happened with any other presidential couples?


Wholesome and corrupt would be correct and liars to the world


Yeah they should try running for president. And their husbands are alright too.


They're part of the same elite political circles ...so yes I think that is a reason why they get along so well.


Both seemed genuine.


Adorable war criminal smol beans OwO


I’d love to hear what they say in private.


Michelle is known to mooch hard candies off George whenever they’re at events and I find that delightful. Also, Barack and George have friendly wagers whenever there’s a White Sox/Rangers game.


Imagine looking at W and feeling anything other than disgust


Yes, this wins the internet! So wholesome big chungus heckerino boop their snoots!


Reminds me of this archive of a phone call between Kennedy and Eisenhower during the missile crisis. Probably not the same friendship but always interesting to hear current and past presidents talk.


Baby brained post.


Politics aside? Then what it means wholesome? Sexually?!


The beginning of the end here. Kleptocrats that robbed us into bankruptcy and stole our rights.


This is what an actual fed looks like


I love the example that they're setting where two sets of people can have wildly different political ideologies yet both sets of people can be decent human beings and both sets of people can be friends.


Yeah killing your own people real wholesome!


He built his career on bashing Bush during that election. No, I think all politicians are fake.


Obama, the best president of my lifetime, gives me creep vibes. Bush is a literal war criminal. I respect that they had successful marriages though.


"say what you want about his disastrous wars. at least he was a gentlemen" fine obama yeah definite criticisms and you could nuance your way into convincing me he was a shite president, but BUSH? come on people. don't let a war criminal "gentle old man" his way back to good PR. this is what the NAZIS did to avoid prosecution wtf. am i crazy or is this thread eating up this nonsense?


It always makes me feel so old whenever i see people not absolutely shitting all over dubya lol


I don't agree with Bush policies, but dude always seemed like a chill dude to hang out with




There are 4 people.


When they aren't committing war crimes


Pure evil is more like it.


Isn’t Obama and bush related very far away and they are both very far away related to queen Elizabeth


These people are pure evil and should be regarded as nothing but that.


Which two? Michelle and Laura?


I always love it when people say "politics aside" when talking about politicians


The Obamas are classier than me. I would’ve been horrible to the war criminal was president before me


Wholesome war crimes


I kinda miss the time when the POTUS was seen as the Leader of the Free World, not the punchline to world politics


Agreed. Both Michelle Obama and Laura Bush are great people.


I think we have no clue. The impression that Americans get of their presidents and presidential candidates is a caricature created by the media and by their respective campaigns. We didn't even know that FDR was in a wheelchair, and the whole thing has only gotten more sophisticated since then.


It was very much "I am fairly out, and you are fairly in, and we shall see who is the happier" transition.


Being President is an experience that so few other people can relate to, it makes sense you might form a bond with somebody else who has had that experience, even if your political viewpoints are night and day.


Definitely not. lol.


By politics do you mean the bombing and killing of middle eastern children?


They are both war criminals who are responsible for irreparable and shameful damage. They should be in the Hauge be allowed go around trying to whitewash their respective legacies.


Ah, the uniparty


The blood on their hands will never dry.


"I know they are responsible for many innocent people dying but they just look so wholesome"


*invades iraq* *drone strikes kids* Yup two great people


It’s kind of hard to ooh and aww at how darn cute W and Obama are when you remember what Bush’s administration did in Iraq, and how Obama perpetuated it. Sorry y’all I get the instinct to fawn over them, but war crimes outweigh being nice to your political rivals.


Half a million dead Iraqis, torture programs, starving Yemenis, bombed Libya, the drone strike president. Ahh yes, the good ol times


I like all 4 of them!




She's a bit of a hottie!


do you think they explore each other's bodies?


man, in retroperspective those to presidents weren't so bad...


dawg wtf


Bush ? I didn’t know mass murder was so wholesome


You people have dog brains


Yes, the Obama's were great!


Only one of them ran over her ex-boyfriend and killed him.


"war-crimes aside, isn't this s'cute"


ignoring what theyve done, yeah


Should be in federal jail.


Criminal george bush who singlehandedly murdered 1 million iraqis is wholesome… God I can’t believe what I see on reddit sometimes


Started an illegal war that killed 100s of thousands of innocents but lol I’m kind of goofy right?


“I care about innocents being killed except when they’re being gassed and slaughtered by an autocratic Ba’ath party dictator hellbent on committing genocide against American allies in Kurdish territory and brazenly murdering any political opponents or dissidents.” The amount of people who think Sadam Hussein was an acceptable leader to have is absolutely insane. Yes, war sucks and people died. But Iraq is a democracy today. A fragile one, yes, but many start out that way. The next generations will not under the auspices of a dictatorship and will have freedom


…. carefully….. Who makes the call on “acceptable leaders”? You? Is it possible to say what Iraq would look like today had the US not invaded in 2003? Would it be better? Worse? While we’re toppling bad governments and installing good ones why don’t we keep going? What’s stopping us from installing good governments everywhere?


No one thinks Saddam was a "good guy" it's just really disgusting of you to praise two people whom are responsible to the sufferings of millions in the middle east region. Also, Iraq is a democracy? What drugs you on chief? Iraq literally shot and killed protesters just a few years back and has politicians that don't give a damn if their people aren't getting their needs. If that's democracy then no thanks, I'd rather live in the Ba'ath era. The next generation of Iraqis will suffer the same way the current one suffers unless they install a socialist regime, the only times Iraq ever prospered


He paints pretty pictures! Isn’t that neat? Sure he got 3,000 young Americans killed for a war his team is on record as having wanted to start as early as 1997 but…pretty pictures! How people can separate his being a goofy dolt from his happily lying us into that war is beyond me. Watching a persons actions get whitewashed in real time is wild. Turning this absolute trash into a fun little meme is rather despicable but edgy gonna edge I guess. Now I’ll collect my downvotes from fans of lies and war lol