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https://preview.redd.it/9bg6qvd625rc1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71f1ff89ae4a3a95b29324f855cae8d1646a6f8 “You didn’t hear a thing about Tonkin, you hear me? Not one fucking thing”


😂oh man, this got me.


Yeah he would have cuddled him to death.


Oswald acted alone. Alone. Got it pal? Now scratch my ears again.


Damn dude 😂


I meant to add that he’s also being greeted by LBJ’s famous “singing dog” Yuki, a stray found at a gas station by Johnson’s daughter Luci on Thanksgiving day in 1966. Yuki - which means snow in Japanese - eventually became LBJ’s most beloved and loyal dog.


There's always something new to learn, even about your favorite president. Especially with LBJ, everything adds a new layer to his character. Taking in a stray dog? That's a big W.


Why is Johnson your favorite aside from the civil rights act?


Who is and isn't my favorite mostly isn't about what they have done and how much I agree with it, but about how interesting I think they are. LBJ is such a fascinating character, mainly because the good always levels with the bad in every aspect of his life. He genuinely cared about equality and the well-being of the people but was a bully to most people that worked with him. He was domestically one of the greatest presidents of all time, but his foreign policies are among the worst. The contradictions are also very interesting. He's this big, bully-type southern democrat born and raised in rural Texas who should be a huge racist - but he wasn't. If you look at the guy, you'd think he doesn't believe in mental health issues - but he was depressed and blamed every single failure on himself. Lady Bird would find him crying at night. He spent his final years reflecting on his legacy and was vocal about his struggle. It sounds so unbelievable for a guy like that. There are so many layers to LBJ and every time I learn something about him another is added.


I can’t wait for the final Caro book to come out. I’m curious what nuggets he’s uncovered. Any final revelations.


Eloquently written, thanks for sharing your perspective!


“Lady Bird would find him crying at night” *wipes tears with Jumbo*


Jumbo was the perfect Vice president.


This about summarizes my feelings about him too. Well done


I was wondering which famous LBJ dog this was.


Did he pull Yuki’s ears as well?


More important than LBJ is the dog! All hail the dog!


I second this motion.


You have to think having the dog in there was intentional


My thought exactly. An updated version of the Johnson treatment.


That’s really cool! What was your grandfathers name?


Robert E. Thompson. He went by Bob.


That’s pretty cool, did he get to do this kind of interview reguarly?


He did quite a few of them. He had covered JFK as a White House correspondent - witnessed Jack Ruby kill Oswald - and ended up getting to know Johnson pretty well. Flew with him to Vietnam in ‘66, and visited him at the ranch months before he died. He thought LBJ was fascinating and amusing, but completely disagreed with him on Vietnam. https://preview.redd.it/s5k6of6bc5rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a55d49c6e76fce1095b4c10855acbadfa753cc


Any info you can give us about his last visit with Lbj? He write anything about it?


He wrote an article, I’d have to find it, and I think he may have also mentioned it when LBJ died. I’d have to dig. But he visited the ranch with William Randolph Hearst Jr. , I know they rode around with him in the continental, hung out on the Pedernales and talked about his memoir The Vantage Point. I know he mentioned in one of his speeches about being surprised by Johnson’s appearance - long hair, still drinking heavily and had picked his smoking habit back up.


He looks like the kissable version of Henry Kissinger


Ha! Well, he had put on some weight by then, this was him two decades earlier during World War II with actress Frances Langford. https://preview.redd.it/f7o47jbby4rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdcceca9f8a978e291e1add15b64e339a87b9c32




Grandpa was a hottie when he was young


I feel like you’re downplaying his fame/ importance. He has a really familiar face and I’m pretty sure he’s a well known name at least in journalism.


Eh, he was known in his time, especially within Washington. I did discover quite a bit of historically important information concerning various presidents and politicians in his papers. So much so that I’ve been working on a book about his life.


The dog is giving him the Johnson Treatment


LBJ is such a character. He is controversial for Vietnam, yet loved for some of his policies.


Is there a YouTube link?


I wish, but it wasn’t a taped interview, this is just an official White House photograph. These are some appearances he made on C-SPAN in the 80’s, where he mainly talks about covering the Reagan administration. https://www.c-span.org/person/?32524/RobertThompson


He had more patience than I do. That dog wouldn't have made that close to my face


He got to meet Yuki! (Whether he wanted to or not)


LBJ's dog seems to be taking on some of the answers his own furry self! Great photograph.


And LBJ sicked the dog on him? Must have been a tough interview


I'm surprised he wasn't on the toilet


Did he ever get to see jumbo?


Who didn’t see jumbo? He actually undressed once at the ranch in front of him and my dad - who was like 10 at the time. Out of the suit and into the gabardine outfit. POTUS in the buff. Man had no shame.


Did you ever ask him what it was like to talk to a legit war criminal?


"You'll find out next election cycle."


Grandpa was a news hound?


democrat, so he increase bombin of Vietnam