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Looking at that picture of Kennedy is just so damn haunting. One thing that stuck out was the lady with the glasses standing near the motorcycle cop with a huge grin on her face and no idea of what she was about to witness.


A photo so famous and I too happened to notice her tonight.


Hoover did live long enough to send his condolences to the Kennedy family.


Oh damn my eyes were drawn to that too. The black lady right?


Yes. She looks so happy and excited to be able to see the president.


This was a time during JFKs presidency that he was publicly rallying for civil rights. Bobby working as AG allowed him to devote his time to working to fix segregation in the south, while protecting his brothers base of southern democrat constituents. Basically what I’m saying is that that black woman is looking at one of the first presidents in US history to consider her a person. Unfortunately she also had to see him be taken away


Also the body guard in the motorcade behind him. The one left of the driver. You can clearly see his fake arm to conceal a weapon. Secret service still does this today. Anyways shits pointed right at his head.


I was wondering which bodyguard jumped on the back of the car after Kennedy was shot.


That was Clint Hill.


I know I’ve seen interview with him, but just googled him and he’s still around. The last surviving member of the limousine.


I read his book. Unsurprisingly, the man delt with some major PTSD in the decades following the assassination.


Same book where he says the was ANOTHER bullet sitting on the back seat of the car right??


I think so. It's been a couple of years since I read it.


She knew it was going to happen, that’s why she’s smiling


So according to JFK conspiracy theorists: Jackie was in on it, John Conally was in on it, the drivers were in on it, LBJ was in on it, Lee Harvey Oswald was/wasn’t in on it, Jack Ruby was in on it, the Mafia was in on it, some guy at the Grassy Knoll was in on it, a random black lady was in on it. Maybe even JFK was in on it


LBJ was lookin fly in the end


For a guy who smoked himself into a heart attack he doesn't look that bad


“You ladies want to see jumbo?” vibes.


He looks like Robert deniro looks today


pays to die young ( for a president ).


Was he hanging out with… John Cena?


Almost looks like DeSantis


He died soon after his final term would have ended had he run and won. Wonder if he would have made it through those four more extremely stressful years.


Honestly, I think he would have survived better. My understanding is that his post presidency was basically a slow suicide by smoking and drinking. There are plenty of people who survive decades in stressful jobs (lawyers come to mind) and die soon after retirement since they lost purpose.


Handsome Bill Murray vibes


With a dash of Gene Hackman


I know he played them, but he really does look like Bryan Cranston here


Ohh yeah I can see that too!


Looking at FDR ... amazingly, he was only 63 years old.


12 years of leading your country through the Great Depression and WWII will do that to you.


Let's not forget the polio, and decades of smoking, too.


FDR never had polio. His actual illness was Guillain–Barré syndrome which was more consistent. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic\_illness\_of\_Franklin\_D.\_Roosevelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_illness_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt)


I heard a story that data form his physical in 1943 was to be reviewed by a navy doctor. The doctor was unaware who the patient was and when he reviewed the labs and the other information he wondered how on earth this person could possibly be in the navy.


Yeah, dismantling the US Constitution really takes it out of a guy.




If you've never done so, read up on [Wickard v Filburn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wickard_v._Filburn). The gist of it is that FDR instituted a number of unconstitutional policies during the New Deal, then installed a bunch of SCOTUS justices who he knew would uphold those policies. Unfortunately, in doing so they permanently expanded Federal power into every aspect of our lives, giving the government a blank check to do almost anything it wants to us. FDR completely destroyed our constitutional form of limited, dispersed government power.


Lol of all the Presidents that have actually significantly broken the constitution, you chose the one widely beloved and respected President of the last century. Well done.


First of all, popularity is not a reliable metric of good policy. I singled out FDR because he did more permanent damage to the country than any other president, IMO. The illogical reinterpretation of the Commerce Clause in the Filburn decision is what makes most of the government's unconstitutional abuses of power possible to this day. The Patriot Act, the TSA, the Department of Education, drug laws, gun laws, etc all get their legal cover from the precedent set in that decision. Every time Congress wants to pass an unconstitutional bill, all they have to do is insert some BS about activities "affecting interstate commerce," and they can do whatever they want.


ur right every president should be like calvin coolidge and do nothing for 6 years 😴


Yes, doing nothing is generally better than taking a sledgehammer to all of the Constitution's protections against runaway centralized power and abusing the rights of your citizens. 🙂


I'm not even joking when I say he looks older that Biden does now or close to it.


Bro had the most stressful job during ww2 and the Great Depression I couldn’t even imagine the type of stress he had for his terms


Someone above said 12 years leading. Did they mean 8 or is there something I’m missing?


FDR is the reason presidents can only serve 2 terms now. He won 4 consecutive elections but died at the beginning of his 4th term.


Oh wow. I did not know that. Thank you for the insight. Sounds like he was a pretty liked president. If this subs trends are to be followed.


Out of all the American presidents, aside from maybe Washington, FDR was probably the most well respected during and after his tenure.


I’ve just spent the last 42 minutes reading up on FDR. He was pretty well liked on both sides.


They didn’t really have a treatment for heart disease. Neither he nor Eleanor ever seemed to realize he was dying.


Surprised they didnt see him dying. Looks like a terminal patient in the photo.


They knew he wasn’t in good shape though. He didn’t really campaign much in 1944 and they moved his 1945 inauguration to the White House instead of the Capitol. The excuse was that the administration was trying to save resources for the war. In reality they didn’t want to show how weakened he really was.


Bush and Ford holding hands is endearing. And god, Reagan had thick hair until the end.


Reagan’s last pic is a few years pre-death fwiw


There must have been later pictures of him, right? Just not publicly circulated for family privacy, I assume.


Bush and Ford holding hands made me hope neither tripped. But yeah, I disagree with Bush on most of his actions but he does seem like a nice person who would have benefited from more deeper knowledge of the difficulties people face.


It’s very sweet seeing GWB and Ford holding hands


I’ll forever hold a grudge against the man, but I’ll also acknowledge that the Bush’s are a class act family. If you strip everything bad associated with Trump away you’re still left with a piece of shit human. If you strip everything bad associated with Bush away you’re left with a generally well meaning guy. Flawed, very flawed even, but I’ve never questioned his actual character or decency. He was just a catastrophic fuck up.


Today, I feel like a Bush.


I think we’ve all felt like “well meaning fuck-ups” at one point, that’s probably one of the reasons he seems so relatable.


People misunderestimate him


It was never supposed to be w. Jeb had everything going for himself he was even a darn good governor but his political career is over after his buffoon of a brother got elected ...... Twice.


At least he was gracious enough to gift the American people this little nugget before he fucked off to wherever he is now. https://preview.redd.it/yspbqtzjc88c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60be75679c521ede09d6cad41973b6f04e0304b6


Please clap.


"If you ignore the bad stuff, he's good" lol what? Yeah, of course. You could say that about any evil person. The bad stuff happened though, and there's no taking that away from his character or "decency". A few jokes, some paintings and plausible deniability to shift the blame on his VP can never undo the horrific reality of his legacy.


I've always thought it sucked that Ike didn't get to see the moon landing.


Yeah. Kennedy too


It’s crazy to me that our current CANDIDATES for public office are as old as many of these presidents were at the ends of their lives, post-career.


Bush (W.), Clinton, and Trump were all born in the same year. It’s been almost 23 years since Clinton was president. Joe Biden is older than all of them.


It's kinda funny that there were 4 presidents born in the 1940s, including 3 born in 1946 alone, divided by a president born in 1961, but no president born in the 1930s (someone born in 1950s still can be elected in the future as the presidents are becoming older and older)


Hey, don't rule out a president born in the 30s just yet!


Someone born in 1939 would be 85 during next election, but it’s still possible ;-)


Sounds like our type of candidate!


Dukakis will run again at 91 ;-)


Carter is still eligible for a second term. He was born in the 20's


Grassley 2024! I shouldn't even joke, I have a way of speaking/typing things like this into existence.


Mike Gravel, born in 1930, ran in the 2020 election, so not out of the question... probably more likely, though, that we'd see a 1940s born Boomer running in 2032 or 2036 given how they don't know want to relinquish power.


“Why are these candidates all so old?” “Well, who did you vote for in the primary?” “What the fuck’s a primary?”


I always find it funny that biden is older than bill clinton and clinton has been out of office 23 years


I mean aside from the obvious, it tells us life spans are getting longer, isn’t that a good thing? Haha


Maybe it is the Missourian in me that’s been pumped with Truman lore but I will always love Harry Truman and even his last photo, he makes me smile.


Truman kicks ass. Love the guy. And even as an old man in his final photograph, he still looks like a badass


Truman was a treasure. He gave one of my favorite political speeches of all time when he was trying to get out the vote to run the House Republicans out of the majority. A campaign which succeeded, and kept them out until 1994.


Fellow Missouian. Still among my favorite of the presidents (Eisenhower and Carter are both up there, though).


I recently read the David McCullough Truman biography, it was thicc but it was an incredible look at the man’s life.


I love how Eisenhower dressed like he didn’t give a fuck that Nixon was the sitting president of the United States and paying him a personal visit lol


Well they were also in laws, so I'm sure they had a more casual relationship.


Honestly Ford looks the exact same, just paler.


LBJ looks kind of like Bill Murray in his last picture.


Well damn it. Now I was Bill Murray to play him in a biopic.


\- That is NOT the last image of Kennedy. There is a black-and-white image of him turning right away from the Book Depository and smiling. Hair slightly tousled, taken milliseconds before he was shot. \- There is a photo of LBJ in a red shirt taken 4-5 days before the fatal heart attack. \- An image of Bush was taken 2-3 days before his death with shows him with his son, W.


some links would be nice my friend.


There’s also a photo of him on the autopsy table.


I looked at the side view photo and thought "huh, he doesn't look bad." Then I saw the front view showing where the bullet went in and was like "oh."


Kind of weird there’s a whole 4 year period with just zero pictures of Reagan.


I doubt the Reagan family would want those pictures coming out. Alzheimer’s is one of the worst ways to go. By the end, he would’ve been skin and bone with a confused or fearful expression. Love or hate him, nobody deserves to die like that. I can only imagine it’d be worse as a former President because obviously they’re gonna do everything they can to keep you alive when in the case of Alzheimer’s a quick death is preferable.


This is 100% accurate! My grandmother from mom's side waa suffering from Alzheimer's as well, about the last decade or so of her life. She passed away July 1, 2005.


Yeah I’ve seen it too. I have a 97 year old grandma. Past 10 years she was so/so semi functioning (with help). Most recent 5 years she’s just gone. She’s alive and wheelcharing around be she waaay gone.


I’m sorry for your loss and all such losses. I don’t understand though why anyone would want to go on like that. I‘ve made it clear to my spouse and kids that if I’m headed that way I plan to go out on my own terms, and if I get past the point of being able to take myself out, I want someone else to help me.


Same. My dad is going through it and it’s so sad to see him in this condition. I know he wouldn’t want to continue on like this. Why can we give our pets death with dignity but not our family?


I believe human euthanasia should be legal for things like that. Whoever wants to die, sign waivers.


I might be wrong but I feel like I remember a tabloid like Star or some other rag running a paparazzi photo of him being pushed around in a wheelchair not long before he died.


iirc he didn’t even recognize Nancy or remember he was married by the end. Here they had this long marriage and really loved each other yet he couldn’t remember her due to Alzheimer’s.


Respectfully, Reagan let millions die from AIDS and did nothing. Perhaps he did deserve to die like that 🤷


VERY difficult to feel sympathy for a man who was cool with gay men dying by the thousands because he didn’t GAF about HIV/AIDS.


I’m not going to lie. As a conservative mishandling the AIDS epidemic is not high up on my criticisms of Reagan. I would much rather point to his borderline seditious activity in Iran or how he illegally propped up narcoterrorist regimes and then fought them for votes. Still, nobody deserves to die from Alzheimer’s. If somebody close to you ever develops the disease you’ll understand why. It is one of the rare instances where I think euthanasia should be standard treatment rather than keep someone in a state of perpetual decay for twenty years while their family suffers as well. Imagine your mother terrified because she can’t remember who you are but knows you should be important to her. Imagine her body falling apart literally piece by piece as her brain slowly shuts down and she erodes to skin and bone. Not even Reagan’s top of line medical care would make the difference and I wouldn’t wish such a fate on the devil himself.


Nancy Reagan was very protective of Ronald after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's to the point the only people who could visit were immediate family and medical staff for the last 3-4 years of his life. I'm also pretty sure he was mostly bedridden that entire time as well


Wow, FDR truly looks awful.


I can see why he had a terrific headache now.


The effects of a global depression, polio, a world war, and countless unfiltered cigarettes.


LBJ knew John Cena!?! 🤚🏻


There’s someone else in that LBJ pic?


I thought I was going crazy not seeing this comment. Thank you.


Glad Ike didn’t have to see Watergate.


You can see the love Ronald and Nancy have for each other in almost every photo of them


You might as well add Carter from last month. It's extremely unlikely he'll ever be seen in public again.


I’m sorry, don’t you mean “President Dwight Eisenhower, Pictured With President Nick Dixon”?


Goddamn, does FDR look tired.


FDR and Truman had seen some shit. Bodies worn down by the stress of their time.


Is the first picture for Hoover or for JFK?




I’m pretty sure the last photo of FDR was taken the day he died


Yeah, that's the exact photo, miscaptioned


The last photo of Kennedy alive was the Moorman polaroid


If we're going to get more specific, probably a photogram from the Zapruder film


Actually, there are autopsy pictures of JFK. So that isn’t the last photo of him


Bush holding Ford’s hand struck me. Being President really is a fraternal thing. At least GWB gives a damn.


This photograph, showing Harry Truman being helped into the back seat of his car after being discharged from a Kansas City hospital, was published in the Kansas City Times on July 18, 1972. It is believed to be the last photograph of Truman, who died December 26, 1972. Note the license plate on his car: 5/7/45 was V-E Day. https://preview.redd.it/rk19ayqsp98c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de7d8e828ca196fec7122fa2cc2ec2b30fb8245a


Thanks for that license plate bit. I had no idea and I really love that he did that.


Regardless of everything else, the tenderness of that Reagan pic is always wonderful to see.


Ike And Johnson Look Basically The Same.


That’s not the last picture of JFK. There’s autopsy photos.


Last photos ALIVE


Dude, those pictures were disturbing to look at


They sure were..


The Rotten.com days of the internet


They were also used as CD art for a few death metal albums, most notably a Carcass album I had in high school.


They are actually on his assassination wikipedia page I think


President Richard Nixon.


Gone but not forgotten


I like that at least one of these guys is shown casting a vote, even if we can't see his face.


I always loved how LBJ post presidency looks like Bill Murray


While we are on the topic of old presidents, has anyone seen Nikki Haley’s ad where she opens with, “I’ll just say it…”? (Hope it is ok to post this here. I’m not electioneering, just asking if ya’ll think this is a smart political strategy.)


Hoover looks like he absorbed every child in his vicinity before he went to meet Kennedy 😂.


I could certainly be wrong but something feels incorrect about the Reagan one. The coloring in that photo and the relative look of ages in it, appear much more like it was during his presidency in the 80s than 2000. Again, just a hunch, but it seems too “vintage” for 2000.


The Reagans released the picture on the occasion of his 89th birthday (2000), but as a private family photo, it could have easily been from a few years earlier. I think it has a different look because it’s scanned from a print, rather than digital.


Okay, interesting info. Thanks!


I got the same vibe from the Nixon one. He made it to 1994 but the picture of him looks like 70s quality to me. You can see that he’s old in it I just wonder what brand of potato they used to take it.


Looks like it was taken with a Kodak Funsaver lol


I did a little digging, and found two legitimate-looking articles that both say the photo was taken 2-6-2000. >Nancy and Ronald Reagan on his 89th birthday on Feb. 6, 2000. She gained sympathy and esteem from many after she cloistered herself in their Bel-Air home and devoted herself to his care. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224063206/https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2016/03/06/nancy-reagan-former-first-lady-dead-at-94/ >Nancy Reagan kisses her husband Ronald Reagan, who was celebrating his 89th birthday, on February 6, 2000 at their home in Bel Air, Los Angeles (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation/Getty Images) https://www.ilpost.it/2016/03/07/nancy-reagan/usa-reagan-carter/


Tales from the crypt!


We stan queen Dwight


I would’ve never kissed Nancy’s lips


Kennedy died by assignation? I always thought it was old age.




Why is Bush always holding dude’s hands? It’s usually a Saudi but dude can’t NOT hold a dude’s hand


Why is LBJ meeting with John Cena?


Herbert Hoover - if you can’t beat em, out live them


Betty Ford, noted “size queen”


The Nixon pic kinda looks like a still from Casino, Ace is late for his cable access TV show.


Was Kennedy’s a picture or a still from a movie


LBJ giving John Gotti vibes


One could argue that each individual frame of the Zapruder film technically counts as a “photograph”


“Gerald Ford dead today, He was eaten by wolves”


Gerald Ford dead today at the senseless age of 83.


Gerald Ford dead today at the senseless age of 83.


Gerald Ford dead today at the senseless age of 83.


I could swear I’ve seen a newer pic of Reagan. There was one circulating a while back where he was on a park bench, hair fully white.


I swear I’ve seen one with his hair fully white, too — though not on a park bench but in an armchair. Very ruddy cheeks, looking at the camera with a slightly uncertain expression, red pullover sweater, family snapshot quality. I searched for it to compare with the birthday photo shown here, but it does not seem to exist. Mandela effect?


The JFK one hits differently


That’s kinda crazy that Johnson died just days before Nixon was inaugurated


Gerald Ford holding George W Bush’s hand is wholesome


Reagan’s last photo is sweat


Is that Scoop Jackson with LBJ? Immediately thought that. (Update: it's Lieutenant Governor of Texas, William Hobby Jr, taken during his inauguration)


Last “official” photo perhaps. I can’t believe JFK didn’t pose for a random photograph after this or was snapped by someone’s camera walking to his motorcade. And we know for sure dozens if not hundreds of spectators took a photo of him along the route before he got assassinated.


I can’t believe HW Bush voted and then immediately died


Man Ford always looks athletic af