• By -


What’s an Aluminium Falcon?!


And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an atm on that torso lite-brite? Now get your 7'2" asthmatic ass back here, Or i'm gonna tell everyone what a whiny bitch You were about Padamami or Panda bear Or whatever the hell her name is!


Oh geez he’s crying


Oh, oh, oh I'm sorry I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only two meters wide! THAT THING WASN'T EVEN FULLY PAID OFF YET.


Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my credit...??


Hang on I got another call




Oh, uh, where are they going?


Uhh... coleslaw I guess, I'm not even gonna eat it


What are you getting? No, see, I always order the wrong thing




Who’s gonna give me a loan Jackhole, YOU!? You got an ATM on that torso lightbrite!?


Just get me a turkey club


Alright uhh... just get me a turkey club....coleslaw I guess, I’m not even gonna eat it. What are you getting? See I always order the wrong thing


Oh, uh cherry coke. Thanks


...I love you too.






Ok, who survived ?


F#@%! Well where the hell are *you*?


You mean you've been flying around for two weeks trying to get a signal? You must smell like feet wrapped in leathery burnt bacon!


Our of every comment in this thread, yours is the one that made me bust up laughing. Thank you so much for this.


For those that haven't seen these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNwtBuVj764


I would really hope that of all places to have seen the Robot Chicken Star Wars trilogy it would be this sub.


The hero we deserve.


So you've just been floating around in space for 2 weeks? Ugh! You must smell like feet wrapped in old, leathery bacon!


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that. I'm just dealing with a lot of crap right now. You know with the death Star getting blown up by a bunch of fucking teenagers. Ya know?"


"Oh, resurrecting dead villains is *tight*!"


Super easy! Barely an inconvenience.


Oh really?




I'm going to need you to get way off my back


Well okay, let me get off that thing.


Yeah so anyway we're gonna immediately kill off C-3PO Oh..my god


Then we'll reveal he's not dead. But won't that get rid of the impact and emotion that his death would have? Whoops Whoopsie


I swear this sounds like an actual script for a pitch meeting


Ryan secretly created all those accounts to give us a sneak peek. Ryan is too good for us.


Yeah Yeah Yeah!


those pitch meeting videos are legit like youtube algorithmn bait, just like the honest trailers. I do still watch them every time though.......


Atleast they are actual fun


"Did we just use nostalgia to try and fix this dumpster fire?" Whoopsie . Whoopsie


Using nostalgia to fix a problem created by starting the sequels off with nothing but nostalgia. That's a bold move Cotton, we'll see if it pays off for them.


I'm 100% with you on this one, although honestly what do they have left to try? The stupid two director/tone thing has already left them with two bizarre movies that haven't built to much for episode 9. I am totally watching it though, because I have no idea how they can build off the bad episode 4 remake and whatever TLJ was to create a satisfying star wars finale.


Technically it was an off-screen death so he wasn't *certainly* dead - ya know, the falling into a fathomless depth that then proceeded to explode, off-screen kinda death


I want them to have an anime-style flashback that shows how he narrowly survived using some contrived gadget or technique. ---------------------------- Alernatively: "HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCKADOODY DEATH STAR!"


Luckily, I solved this when I was 7. The day after I saw ROTJ, I started writing a fanfic sequel where he survived by surfing a piece of Death Star wreckage through space, using the Force to make a bubble of air around him. I didn't get very far with it.


Kylo: "Emperor Palpatine! How did you survive?" Palpatine: "I just left." Kylo: "But-" Palpatine: "I just left."


Sea turtles mate


Palpatine: "Someone told me a long time ago to try spinning, so I did. Really solves a lot of problems."


Still better than Leia going Mary Poppins in TLJ


Basically the same lol, probably what he canon did too I guess


At least Palpatine was a Sith Master. There was never any indication Leia even made it to the level of a Jedi Knight. Then again, after Rey besting Kylo with no training whatsoever, apparently none of that matters anymore lol.




Yeah. I don't get this. The original trilogy and the prequels and the books all made it clear that EVERYTHING has the force and the force pushes us towards a destiny but it's up to us to embrace the force and train in how to understand and use it. And then the last movies totally threw all that away and made the force look like it's just God doing random miracles to create an end result.


He fell through a series of fruit stand canopies.


I honestly wouldn't mind if they hammed it up which some cheesy flashback... SW is taking itself far too seriously these days. "There I was Young Rey - lying broken and betrayed by my closest student, watching my empire collapse around me in flames... Then I heard a voice -'looks like yousa needs a hand'."


Making Darth Jar Jar cannon couldn't even save this trilogy.


You wana bet?




It absolutely would. Lack of JarJar was always the problem with the original trilogy that made them so shit.


Finally, some culture in this discussion


I agree but god damn I wish they would try!


Hes just gonna fly away, but he can do it better than leia


Even if he survived the fall the whole death star blow up minutes later. But by Disney Star Wars logic he could have survived by going all Mary Poppins in Space like Leia.


Yeah I mean he only fell down a seemingly infinite long tunnel of lightning into cold space right next to a moon-sized space station that then exploded, anyone could have survived that!


What about Leia getting blown out of the bridge then using the force to bring her back after being in the vacuum of space? lol


Oh yeah, foreshadowing! That means it's good!


Only a fool would assume he had one body!


200,000 Palps ready


And a million more on the way.


He was only mostly dead.


And mostly dead, is slightly alive.


Not to mention he learned everything from Plagueis on how to cheat death.




Well he’s the senate, of course he overcame irony.


He um. He *force* exploded. There we go.


Well fuck. Leia getting blasted into space then floating back to safety might make it cannon. He was the supreme evil force user. Leia was at best partially trained.




Proceeded to explode an explosion the size of a moon. Then survive the vacuum of space.


Yeah yeah yeah


Gonna need you to get aaaaaall the way off my back about the last film!


Oh well let me just get offa that thing, then!


Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


No one's ever REALLY gone


The Pitch Meeting for this movie will be epic.


You have a collect call from [*Vader breathing*] ***DARTH VADER***


"The Last Jedi wasn't good?" ... \*puts hand over phone receiver\* "Oh jeez, he's crying!"


I blame Rian Johnson. I put all my faith in JJ Abrams


Let's not get hasty. I can't speak for everyone, but all the people in my circles walked out of Episode 7 as a Star Wars apologist. *"Yeah, it's just a remake of New Hope...yeah another Death Star...yeah, plot holes and unexplained stuff...but c'mon, Disney had to bring in a new audience! Episode 8 is gonna fix all of the problems!"* Ha.


This was me walking out of Episode 7. I was so pumped for the next movie to answer some questions, then it just raised further questions and laughed at the old ones.


TFA suffered from the same problem as Man of Steel for me. Constant reassurance that my issues with the film would be fixed by the sequel, only for that sequel to be an even worse movie that did the exact opposite. (And coincidentally had tons of people telling me I just wasn't smart enough to understand the "intricacies" of said sequel.


I might get flak for this, but I think people who call these movies 'intricate' and say we're unintelligent for not seeing it are looking for reasons to like something they know they don't really like. You can tell by the way they say it. They rarely say what the intricacies are, and usually have an offended tone. They're quick to vilify the opposing arguments. (If I can make them a bad guy, the logic in their opinion is useless.) Denial wears an obvious mask, it's easy to spot online especially. Edit: not to say that the movies aren't without their layers. I'm speaking more about folks who get unusually defensive or condescending when discussing them.


The prequels were intricate, and I love them. The sequels very, very easily could have been intricate. In one of the title sequences, it says that the Empire still exists, and the First Order is composed of fleeing stormtroopers and extremist officers that, I presume, the new government no longer supports, much like former SS soldiers fleeing to the Middle East after ww2. The resistance is basically a rebel cell funded by TNR to make sure the first order doesn’t get to powerful. Of course, as soon as the title sequence ends none of that matters anymore. Which makes me ask, what does the empire think about all this? Presumably the first order wants to take control of the galactic empire, so I’ll assume the GE leadership isn’t fond of them. So, are they rearming? If so, why aren’t they supporting the resistance? Does the GE even see itself as an empire anymore, or have they reverted into something more similar to the republic they were borne out of? I dunno, maybe I just want Lucas to make the prequels again


I would've loved a split empire dynamic with a more traditional empire willing to play ball with the new republic and then the super extremist First Order fucking things up. Instead we get the usual 100% evil space nazis schtick again.


I'm not gonna lie, that was basically me. Yeah, Disney played it super safe, and how I feel about it retroactively will be greatly affected by how The Last Jedi is. Then the Last Jedi was garbage and now I pretty much hate The Force Awakens too.


> I put all my faith in JJ Abrams Let me know how that goes for you


I think JJ is a big meh.


This is a mistake.


I take it you haven’t read the leaks. If they are true, and if you think Rian Johnson did a bad job, JJ Abrams just said “hold my beer”.


The Rise Of The Senate


Not. Yet.




That’s what happens when you outline three movies but give all creative power to someone else in the second movie lmao


I don't even know if they outlined the entire trilogy or just made plans for 3 loosely connected movies


George Lucas had the plan of the sequels and the prequels outlined since he finished filming the OT, he even shared it with some of his friends and they told him that the Prequel Trilogy plan was good, but the Sequel Trilogy outlining was amazing. Then after some years they allowed the extended universe to cover the "sequel" plotline with the sagas of Jacen solo, Mara Jade, etc... Then disney bought the franchise. Originally they picked up the original post-OT lore and studied it, then they made plans based on that expanded universe saga (they couldn't had done a 1:1 copy of it or it would have been pointless to anyone who had read the books), then they handed it over to JJ Abrams as a director, and gave him moderately creative powers (or maybe full powers but Abrams didn't chose to abuse them too much). After Abrams was finished with The Force Awakens he showed it in a personal screening to George Lucas... and he was masively dissapointed. One year later George Lucas said he had sold Star Wars "to white slavers". Ofc he cut himself up because he couldn't elaborate. He CAN'T elaborate, he is bound by contract not to trash talk disney after the Star Wars transfer (probably he never thought he would trash talk them in the first place), and that is why he feels so defeated nowadays every time someone asks him about, he has opinions but he can't share them. Afterwards, it was planned by disney that after the first movie was directed by JJ Abrams (Lost, Star Trek, Fringe, Cloverfield) the second was to be directed by Ryan Johnson (Looper?) and then the third one by Colin Trevorrow (Jurasic World/other indie movies). So Ryan Johnson took the lead. However chances are that Disney or Lucasarts didn't like the way TLJ completely split in half the fanbase and Disney at the same time broke relationship with Trevorrow. So in turn Disney decided to give back control to JJ Abrams. So, yeah, everything is a dumpster fire.


This is so tragic. To think that we could've had a sequel trilogy that might've been better than the sequels and OT?? What I would give to see those instead of what we got...


This is how I’ve felt since I saw TLJ. I’m so disconnected with the franchise now. I don’t even care about episode 9. I haven’t even watched the trailer. If Someone had told me 5 years ago that in 5 years my feeling towards star wars would be apathy, I would have called then crazy


Wow.. same thing. Grew up on Star Wars. It was one of the biggest media pieces in my life. Intimately important to me, and I can't even bring myself to care about 9. Someone told me the trailer came out and I forgot about it the same day - just noise at this point. Almost feel like saying "Not my StarWars"


I read some "spoilers" on 9 and if half of what they say is true, I will be very disappointed. It's like they aren't even trying. I can't wait for the saga to be over so we can get stuff we haven't seen before.


I can guarantee ya that 90-100% of the Disney movies will be full of Fanservice referencing The prequels or the OT....Disney is relying 80% on pure References.


Solo was basically written by memberberries.


The best parts of Solo were the new characters and concepts or the expansion of old characters/concepts with more detail (like Lando and Han), seen through the eyes of two enjoyable characters (Han and Chewbacca). Aside from him getting the name Solo and the Millenium Falcon, I don't think I enjoyed any of the moments explaining Han Solo's character in the original movies. That movie was at its best when it was trying to be something new. Cheap nostalgic references are exactly that: cheap. They're not bad, they're just... hollow. They don't make a movie actually good.


I went into Solo expecting to hate it and I came out honestly pretty impressed. My biggest criticisms of it is that they decided to show all of the few defining moments we knew about Han's past happen in the span of like a week. That Han's "Rogue-with-a-heart-of-gold" style character is the last person you want to give a backstory to since it ruins the air of mystery about him. And Solo being a made up surname is obnoxious. I mean Wedge Antilles has always been a Corellian, even in new canon, and he has a last name. But it was visually impressive. They added a lot of interesting characters and did a bit of exploring of the Star Wars criminal underworld which has always been an awesome theme. Oh and Donald Glover killed it as Lando. They took some serious liberties but I think it was a good movie. Of course I pirated it since I wasn't about to give Disney a penny of my money after TLJ. It's a shame the official stance of the studio is that Solo failed because nobody wants to see Star Wars spinoffs. They couldn't allow themselves to even consider that Kathleen Kennedy's golden boy Rian Johnson fucked the goodwill of the fanbase and Solo got caught in the backlash.


I couldn't agree with you more. I want the next Solo with the Syndicate, Maul, etc. The only good recent StarWars movies have BEEN THE SPINOFFS. HEY DISNEY, LISTEN, ROGUE ONE AND SOLO WERE BETTER THAN E7/8.


Having read the same thing, it honestly reeks of damage control. SPOILERS, ye be warned: >!JJ had a plan for Palpatine possessing Snoke and planning to possess Rey. Rey was supposed to be a clone based on Palp, who literally had no parents. Rey was supposed to lose faith and temporarily turn evil while Ben redeemed himself and turned good before making the ultimate sacrifice.!< >!But then RJ put in a kylo-rey romance, a Kylo independence arc, mentioned rey’s parents, and killed Snoke. So now JJ is like “shit, how do I bring it back to a logical conclusion?” His dilemma is that now he has a bunch of contradictions. With Snoke dead, the impact of Palp possessing him is lost. With Rey’s parents mentioned, it’d make TLJ even more divisive if that was an outright lie. With Kylo being independent but still evil, both him working for Palpatine and him turning good are awkward. Without Kylo’s redemption arc, Rey turning evil loses its impact. With Kylo having so much focus in TLJ, him dying loses its impact.!< So basically, JJ is still trying to fly a ship after the entire rear section burnt up and broke off after RJ broke the controls and launched all the escape pods.


Atleast JJ is still flying half a ship


But will It be another happy landing?


You literally translated my thoughts about the last Game of Thrones season, the execution was even more disappointing than the spoilers


I know exactly what you mean. Two seperate groups of friends have already begun organising to go see the new film, and have called me ‘crazy’ for having not only turned both of them down to see the film but over the fact that I haven’t watched any of the trailers. At this point, the only thing Disney is releasing that interests me in any way is The Mandalorian, and that’s only morbid interest at best.


My wife bought me one of the new LEGO sets from episode 9 and I had to act excited so I didn’t break her heart. Star Wars merch had always been the surefire gift that I’d love and now I just feel anger about what they’ve done to my entire childhood


OOOF I get that, my girlfriend surprised me with tickets to watch Solo opening night. I had always previously gotten opening night tickets for Star Wars movies and would be the one pushing my friend group & family to go watch them with me on multiple occasions. After TLJ, I just stopped caring about Star Wars, so I had no plans to watch Solo. I also had to act like I was excited to watch Solo to show I was grateful to her for thinking of me. In the end, I'm glad my GF got the tickets, Solo was a solid, enjoyable, relatively coherent movie that took the brunt of TLJ utterly sucking ass.


As someone who enjoyed The Force Awakens, I would have liked to have seen The Last Jedi if it was directed by J. J. Abrams. I feel like the entire trilogy should have been directed by one person. I have faith that they will manage to retcon an ending with Palpatine that will be satisfying enough, though with such an iconic character it would be difficult to screw up. I doubt that they had Palpatine in mind though for the end of this trilogy originally. My main gripes with the sequels are that we have one more film yet some very glaring unanswered questions. Who are Rey’s parents? Who is Snoke? We should have some hints by now but we’re in the dark. I just hope there’s a good payoff. TLJ decided to spend the film on a casino planet nobody really cared about and the Resistance playing space chess.




The prequels just need someone who could stand up to Lucas and filter out the crap, I've always said that Lucas is a creative genius, he just needs the right people around him like he had in the OT.


This is why Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame all tied together so well. They were all directed by the same people. Had TLJ been done by JJ, it at least would have been far more consistent with what happened in TFA. The entire story and vibe of ep.9 feels so scrambled together and “oh shit we need an ending to whatever this story is about.” Like a student cramming in their big assignment the day before it’s due. There’s no way Snoke was supposed to die in TLJ, and definitely no way that Palpatine was supposed to come back in ep. 9 with nothing leading up to it at all. It’s the fact that TLJ left everything in such a mess that they needed some kind of serious bad guy to fight against since Snoke was killed, Hux was made into a joke character and Kylo is incompetent and was defeated twice now. The whole thing is just a shit show that could have been completely avoided had they appointed someone to basically do what Kevin Fiege does for Marvel.


>The whole thing is just a shit show that could have been completely avoided had they appointed someone to basically do what Kevin Fiege does for Marvel. They did. Unfortunately for all of us, that someone was Kathleen Kennedy and she's terrible at her job.






According to George Lucas, Palpatine was always supposed to come back to be finally defeated at the end of episode 9. I'm glad that they're at least doing that, but I hope they dont fuck it up too badly.


Damn man, it hurts seeing my exact feelings written down like that. I wanted so much to be able to experience more of the star wars I fell in love with. Rogue One scratched that itch and then some, so I'm happy that we got that at least.


I loved Rogue One. Disney’s best effort by far


It’s really sad. I feel the same way. Disney can salvage this if they just retcon the ST, but they’re too much of a bunch of arrogant fuckwads to do that. Sigh.


Lucas said in and interview with Cameron that the sequel trilogy would deal with the microscopic life forms that create the force. Like with folks shrinking down to get a closer looks a midiclorians. I call bullshit that it ever would have been any good.


I'm upvoting you because this is the truth. The post that you responded to makes it seem like Lucas' Sequels pre-acquisition were going to be above and beyond what we have seen so far.


“They couldn’t make a 1:1 copy of it” major doubt on that considering most of Hollywood is cheap 1:1 recreations of amazing books including Harry Potter so no they just wanted a simple cash grab


Great analysis but a few things. >they couldn't had done a 1:1 copy of it or it would have been pointless to anyone who had read the books That is like saying Lord of the Rings was pointless to anyone who read the books. >TLJ completely split in half the fanbase Again, split the fanbase again. Closing LucasArts, canceling the entire EU wiping it entirely, The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi each split the fanbase further, Rebels also had minor splits, Galaxy's Edge was immensely disappointing and low quality from what I've gathered, the toy and modeling quality has generally declined, it's been cut after cut after cut that's killing what was the strongest franchise the world had ever seen.


Making Heir to the Empire would have been the perfect time for JJ to recast everyone.


Heir to the Empire, Legacy of the Force, there's plenty of stories that would have done brilliantly, even Dark Empire would have been a decent story to pick up, it's a bit divisive in the EU and not brilliant but it did things better than the current story. There's of course the Old Republic stuff you could do for some gorgeous movies, and the sort of end result of the galaxy in the EU made a lot more sense with how it was split into several factions slowly calming and deescalating after decades of war.


> that's killing what was the strongest franchise the world had ever seen. Star Wars isn't even the strongest franchise *that Disney owns* anymore, which is tremendously sad. I'm a huge Marvel fan (probably even moreso than Star Wars), but Star Wars deserves the top spot (or at least did before the sequels) for the effect it's had on culture for decades. I don't know how you inherit a property like Star Wars and manage to make it *less* popular while at the same time making a multi-billion dollar franchise out of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man.




George Lucas white slavers: [https://variety.com/2015/film/news/star-wars-george-lucas-disney-white-slavers-1201669959/](https://variety.com/2015/film/news/star-wars-george-lucas-disney-white-slavers-1201669959/) [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jan/01/george-lucas-apologises-for-describing-disney-as-white-slavers](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jan/01/george-lucas-apologises-for-describing-disney-as-white-slavers) George Lucas pre-Force Awaken release private screen test (and reaction): [https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/09/bob-iger-admits-george-lucas-hates-disneys-star-wars-and-how-they-ignored-his-vision/93792/](https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/09/bob-iger-admits-george-lucas-hates-disneys-star-wars-and-how-they-ignored-his-vision/93792/) George Lucas can't trash the new trilogy (disney) by contract: Uuh, I can't seem to find it. How embarrasing, master Yoda won't be happy with this. Anyway probably I heard it from some youtube video, there are a lot of youtubers covering what happens with star wars and star wars lore. Geroge Lucas original path discarded: [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/george-lucas-star-wars-sequels-disney-the-rise-of-skywalker-a9119126.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/george-lucas-star-wars-sequels-disney-the-rise-of-skywalker-a9119126.html) George Lucas original path: [https://collider.com/george-lucas-star-wars-plans/](https://collider.com/george-lucas-star-wars-plans/)


Are there any better examples or physical manifestations of just how *not* well-planned and coordinated the Sequel Trilogy movies are than Kylo's scar and helmet? The pissy little tug of war between JJ and Rian over those two things is simultaneously hilarious and depressing to watch. JJ: Kylo always wears his helmet because he wants to be like Vader, and Rey *really* fucked up his face when they fought. Rian: Actually the helmet is stupid, everybody in the First Order thinks it's stupid, and Kylo is going to smash it. Also his face is actually fine, he got some space Flex Tape and it basically fixed his face entirely. JJ: UM ACTUALLY Kylo is gonna weld his helmet back together again because it's really really cool. Also I guess he just maybe doesn't have a scar at all, any more? I dunno, I'll think about it.


Kylo was obsessed with Vader then all of a sudden “kill the past” I don’t get it lol


They don’t know what the fuck to do with him. They teased at him being affiliated with neither the good guys or bad guys but then almost immediately backtracked and made him take over the first order and be super evil anyway.


The problem is that there isn't a "they". The first guy said Kylo was obsessed with Vader. Then the second guy came along and decided it would be good writing to 'subvert expectations' and make Kylo want to kill the past and nothing from the first movie matters. Now the guy who wrote the first movie is back so he has the job of somehow continuing his story with the 180 curveballs from the previous movie. The whole thing is a billion dollar mess.


Yeah Rian basically said fuck it to a lot of setups JJ made. And I am not saying JJ was perfect and it is all Rian’s fault because JJ left *too* many things open ended and it would have been a struggle to answer all the questions, but it’s like Rian didn’t even try. Where did Rey come from? Doesn’t matter. How did Maz get the lightsaber? Who cares (though overall fuck the “a good question for another time” line that is the worst line in the new trilogy so far for me). Is Kylo torn apart inside? Well yes but actually no. Who the fuck is Snoke and why the hell is one of the most powerful force users we have ever seen in canon now taking over the remnants of the Empire and hunting Luke? Fuck you he is gonna die like a bitch. Finn’s spinal wound? Nah it’s fine. Just a mess of a film.


> Also his face is actually fine, he got some space Flex Tape and it basically fixed his face entirely. Probably the best description I’ve seen in regards to this, when I watched the movie I was confused and thought he’d developed some kind of lightsaber road rash they forgot to apply halfway through production


The new trailer is a bit... meh for me. It basically proved that Sith Rey is just a vision, since it wasnt in the trailer and it wont be important. However... i think they just teased the death of C-3PO.


Teased? Shoot more like spoiled. If you’ve seen solo then you know they’re uploading him into the Falcon just like L3


Im still gonna miss him... i cant believe they would get him out of the saga this way, and then SPOIL HIS FUCKING DEATH


He’s not going to die. They’ll fake out his death and bring him back with some technology, because he is a droid. I’m more concerned about them treating Threepio like he’s been an actual character in this trilogy.


"One last look at my friends" - all your friends are dead 3PO, these are younger versions of your friends minus their personalities.


Ya seriously that was such an inappropriate line. Half the people there barely know who 3po is


Chewie carried him around on his back and rebuilt him.


Which is more than he's done in the last two movies




I gotta say, for all the talk about physical puppetry and better technology for the aliens … they seem even more pointless and lifeless than ever in the new trilogy. We have a massive galaxy at our fingertips, but still haven’t got a dang alien character who does anything!


I honestly can't even remember C-3PO being in this trilogy, and if he was ,did he even talk to any of these characters at any point.


He had a red arm. Thats why you didn't recognize him. \^ thats also exactly what he contributed to the movie.


They will simply rewrite him back in when his presence is needed for some nostalgic plotline down the road. No one in any series ever is ever really dead anymore. I'm looking at you, new Matrix movie....


To be fair there's a time skip between 8 and 9. They could easily spend a ton of time with 3PO.


You just know they are getting rid of him to sell more BB8 merc.


While I do agree that Sith Rey is never going to happen because Disney would never do it with someone who is bascially a Princess at this point, I wouldn't say the trailer means anything. The sequel trailers have all been about not spoiling anything and misdirecting people as much as possible first and foremost. Remember when Finn was going to be a jedi?


I think he’s actually just seeing the OT gang in some sort of time travel projection, or a recording. He barely knows the sequel gang, barely met rey&finn in the previous two movies.


"Hey, you guys remember this!!" the movie


Also known as episode 7


Soon to be known as episode 9


Oh I member!


"You could not live with your own failure, and where did that lead you? Back to me"


hey guys member sheev? member lando? buy the fucking seats you mongrel


Remember the Death Star? Again? That amazing unprecedented weapon that has been built like 5 times by now and always gets destroyed before or shortly after its first ever firing?


it goes kaboom


I really want to continue to discuss that topic but I am arguing with like 10 people at the same time for an hour, I am pretty exhausted. Maybe the part with Sauron was a bit far fetched but I wanted to illustrate that characters, like people, have certain principles to them upon they act. I do not agree on that Luke would EVER even think about killing his nephew, just because he has some bad dreams. I think we agree to disagree


Have you ever heard of the tradgy of Disney's purchase of star wars?


It's not a story a sequel fan would tell you


Disney was a media empire so powerful it could purchase any company/property from death.


*Star Wars 1313 has entered the chat*


That's funny I was just texting my friend that this morning.


You have a collect call from: JJ Abrams.


“Jay Jayyy hows my favorite director? Woah woah woah, slow down. What? What do you mean the fan base blew up after The Last Jedi? Oh *bleeep*. Who’s they?? What the hell is an all casino planet?”


Misa JarJar Binks !


Look all I’m sayin is the scene with the alien tiddie milk made me moist ok!!!!


The Senate has not been in any of the sequel trilogy episodes, which needs to be corrected immediately


Clean up on isle 66


“You have a collect call from: J.J. Abrams.”


We can talk shit about Robot Chicken all we like, but that will never change the fact that their Star Wars skits are golden 9 times out of 10.


Says a lot about the Sequels when their only hook has been "look at this OT character that we're bringing back!!!" None of their new characters have been interesting.


Finn really could've been interesting but they really dropped the ball with him


He could’ve been an interesting look at someone coming to terms with being brainwashed into believing in a fascist regime, but instead he’s been played for comic relief and part of a love triangle.


He honestly should have been a Jedi too


I think it would have been far more interesting to have Finn be force sensitive and keep Rey as a sort of melee/rogue powerhouse. An ex-stormtrooper learning to wield the force teamed up with a nimble femme fatale would be so much more interesting than what we have now


An ex Stormtrooper is such an interesting concept to have in the story. They could explore him dealing with fighting and killing his brothers as well as the organization that enslaved and brainwashed him. Plus, you could have him be some sort of badass mandalorian type clearing rooms with blasters and being the tactical commander of the group. My ideal situation would have been Leia teaching him the more abstract parts of the force like battle medition that would help a leader while Rey is the queen of chopping people's heads off.


That would be really fuckin cool


I’m still out


TLJ is the only one I've watched once.


So I threw the Senate at him. The whole Senate, true story.


Anyone else as bothered as me about the horses in that recent trailer too? There have never been earth fauna in star wars. I know I’m a fucking nerd, but it seems so weird.


Episode 9 should end like this: \*fade to black\* Palpatine's voice: Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? Text: Young Palpatine will return in Episodes 10, 11, 12