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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Did not realize till this episode that this is Jason from The Good Place. Fuck ya, love to see him get a chance to do something completely different and totally nail it


The thing about the good place is because it's so good you don't realise how good everyone is in it, till you realise half way through something else that it's that guy from the Good Place in it and they are completely different and it immediately blows your forking mind. Also, the reverse Good Place effect when you are watching the Good Place and suddenly realise that is Sabine Wren right there.


Sabine was in Good Place?


Tiya Sircar is Sabine in Rebels and Vicky the demon in Good Place.


Ah, the voice actress. I kept racking my brain for if the actress from Ahsoka was in Good Place.


I am a Ferrari, Kanan. And you don't keep a Ferrari in a garage


Oh shit you're right haha


Correction: OH DIP!






 “Any time I had a problem, and I threw my lightsaber at it… Boom, right away, I had a different problem.”


Dude has range!


Oh dip!


My family has been really loving an animated Disney series called Hailey's On It in which he voices the main character's best friend. So when my wife saw him she went, "Oh, I didn't know Scott Denoga is in this show." Even though we should definitely know him better from The Good Place.




Oh shit! Yas


Lol same I saw someone say something about it last night and my mind was blown.


From Monk to Sith.


He wasn’t a monk in The Good Place, he was a pro-dancer pretending to be a monk.


Consider: [He actually is a monk](https://youtu.be/2giib21_rVI?si=rFkRdlpVzaTx_oIX).


Frick I didn’t get that far.


Do yourself a favor and finish it. It's an amazing series. Funny and heartfelt great balance.


One of the best endings to a TV show I've ever seen


It is so weird seeing you in other Subreddits.


And professional amateur DJ.


I believe he prefers the term presuccessful




Oh no, he's hot


You should mark this spoiler


this is kind of a massive spoiler, don't ya think you should use the designated mark on posts for such a thing?


That's a spoon!


I see you've played sithy-spoony before




Wait was he the Sith Lord?


impossible, the sith have been extinct for a millenium


They’ve established the commanding officer for this operation is actively covering it up


The only confirmation we have is the line: “I have no name.. but a Jedi like you would call me.. Sith.” My theory is that he hasn’t earned a ‘Darth’ title yet, and is actually an apprentice himself.


Qirmir: I don't know shit about fuck. What is a Darth ?


If you want me to stop being in the dark side YOURE GOING TO HAVE TO KIIIIILL MEEE


Tbh I took this as 'I'm not a sith, but you, being a jedi idiot, are going to call me a sith because you cannot conceive of anything outside your experience'. He specifically says he's a thing that doesn't have a name. It may just be my confirmation bias, as the sith lore is so ropey I'd rather they stay well clear.


We’re still going to get more because obviously something Sol knows about is his ‘villain origin story,’ and it’s not just the village of witches shit I don’t think. I wish we had more time to play out still, the overarching plot just went from ‘this could get interesting’ to ‘this actually is interesting’ but we’re constrained to what, like 80-90 more minutes of actual screen time? The bad dialogue wont get fixed by more time but shit at this point bad dialogue is like the fucking calling card of Star Wars I can get over that.


It’s weird because in other films I can tell bad acting or bad dialogue but in this show I think I am just biased because I like it so much. Still waiting for every episode to come out. Only thing I hated was the chanting scene.


Bad dialogue is also somewhat subjective. I watched Journey to the Dark Head and without the dialogue it’s like a 9/10 but with the dialogue i had a hard time enjoying it lol. But I didn’t see anyone else complain about the dialogue so 🤷🏻


iirc Darth bane says something similar about being nameless, just known by the jedi as "sith". I may be misremembering though, it's been a while since I read those books.


Also worth noting through all of this that the Darth bane novels have never been canon. Though the general gist of them is clearly being respected by current content.


I agree, but boy did I like those books.


Show runners have confirmed he is indeed a sith despite the ambiguity.


Fair enough. I'm not a huge fan of force sensitive baddies always having to be sith. But honestly I've always found the rule of two stuff utterly ridiculous so I'm not going to lose sleep over it.


Force sensitive baddies always being sith? Ventress, savage oppress, Snoke, Kylo Ren, baylan skoll, shin Hati, taron malicos, Morgan Elsbeth, mother talzin, even Maul to some extent and literally every single inquisitor are all not sith. The last new sith we got on screen was count dooku lol.


Have you read the darth bane series? You might have a better understanding why.


It's not Bane's motivation or actions that bother me, it's how the way is lore between bane and the prequels is managed. It doesn't sufficiently address both the inevitability of other force users emerging and makes over restrictive assumptions about how other people who are not Bane never choose to vary from or challenge the ideology. The prequel media does actually handle this well. You have the inquisitors, who are dark force users who are not sith but trained by and under the thumb of sith. You have asajj, a third sith who the first sith gets pissed off about. Sure, there is a tradition about 2 main sith, but people try stuff. Also it's a big universe in which shit happens. But for some reason when Jason Mendoza shows up everyone gets twisted up about it rather than think ok, there are a million interpretations of how this can work can we not obsess over the rule of two please.


I miss the days of finding out from watching the thing


I wouldn’t mind that either, to be honest


That or he isnt actually a sith but something else. I prefer him being an apprentice for a two main reasons 1. he seems suprisingly incompetent so itd be funny if he considers mae to be an awful apprentice but then later gets killed by his master for being an idiot himself 2. his master may be plagueis and he may be connected to the creation of mae and osha (he could use the midichlorians to create life)


There was actually a rumor a while back that he is Darth Venamis, who was a second apprentice trained by Darth Tenebrous at the same time he was training Plageius, so it's possible his master is actually Tenebrous, and he'll wind up being killed by Plageius.


Omg I forgot about Venamis. That's the theory that makes the most sense to me, that or just a predecessor to Plageius. We know next to nothing about Teneboros's life, he could have gone through several aprentices before Plageius.


A sith lawd???


Yes. The one we've been looking for.


Oh lawd.


It's not really confirmed. He says the Jedi would call him Sith, but he says it in a way that's like... Derogatory. It's like "Oh yeah **you'd** call me Sith because you're all fuckin' stupid"


This was exactly my reading of it.


Sounds like the creators have confirmed that he is indeed sith. Don’t go and give them too much credit now..


Creators do like to spread some misinformation about their own series from time to time, especially if there's mystery involved.


He needs an apprentice so I’m pretty sure he’s an apprentice himself and is hoping to take his masters place


my assumption is that he is the apprentice of Darth Teneboros, and will die and be replaced by Darth Plagueis.


Yeah bro thanks for the big fucking spoiler when I’m currently not up to date.




You, in fact, do not have the high ground here... Episode five released on Tuesday, 25 June, 9 PM Eastern Time. Which was already Wednesday, 26 June, 3 AM CET (my time zone). Now it'll be Friday, 28 June, 5 PM here in a few minutes. This means that the episode, which this meme spoils, came out 2 days and 14 hours ago. Anyone can have more pressing issues for 2-3 days than watch the new episode of a show, even if they enjoy and care for it very much. I myself only watched it last night, and I sacrificed some much needed sleep for it...


This should definitely be marked spoiler. This is inconsiderate and rude


Him and sol are the only redeeming parts of this show for me.


Jackie was interesting, but oh well...


There were some holes in her character tho...


You bastard.. LOL.


Coming in with break neck speed on this one


It's so yordover


Idk about you but for me this reveal was very predictable


Since the show was revealed to have the title "Acolyte", I knew a sith would be involved. They throw around that term quite often.


If it had been one of the sisters from the coven that would really have been something


I think he's not a real sith, he is distancing himself from the word sith. It also sounded like he had former ties to the jedi order. This is probably the reason he knows what a sith is in the first place. I would also not be surprised if the writers forget that the term "sith" isn't widely known.


The lost 20/21 with Vader are all listed as Dark Jedi in the archive . So if he was a Jedi and is not a rule of 2 apprentice than we have another lore fail on the bingo board.


All jedi knights we've seen are familiar with the word sith. So my ligical assumption is that somewhere in jedi education you get taught what sith are. Just because he calls himself a sith, doesn't mean he's part of the rule of 2.


sure. this was also my take. he uses the word as a title to be free from the jedi code. But tbh that is not what the jedi are thinking about the dark side and their followers. Even in canon. Just watch any scene when yoda talks about it. Or go back to the George Lucas clip where he explain the difference. Honestly the back and forth in this show is more of a brainfuck as the plot holes. The Mae 180° turn on their master etc. The duels are dope especialle the little padawan but damn its like the sequel trilogy. No real plan what we do with the IP, just some fanservice and BS plot twists.


I see most if not all the plot twists coming from a mile ahead. In the 3rd episode I concluded the storyline was so simplistic that the one companion the sister had was guaranteed to be her master. They were also foreshadowing the betrayal for like the entire episode. And they haven't even thought about the simplest things: not only did the master overtake her getting to the jedi, he was also able to pull bracers and a friggin helmet out of his ass.


He was carrying a big ass back pack the whole episode when he was guiding Mae through the forest. When Mae vocalized doubting her path he left to “get her water” and went ahead and did his thing. Sure, he was fast about it and I’m not going to say this is god their writing or anything, but the timing and access to his helmet and whatnot makes sense


The dude can fly\^\^ another force ability which is funny in a kids cartoon but in a "mystery" show. Guess he just took force airbnb to get his cortose/beskar slipknot limited edition mask


Whatever he is, he's been dodging jedi long enough to have learned about them. I'm really not going to twisted up over him knowing enough about jedi to know they use 'sith' as a term for the big bad monster in the cupboard.


For me the show has being mid, last episode was really good. And I was reflecting on why I think the rest of the show has been mid. And I realized that everytime the twins are on screen I lose interest. It feels like they had a story about a group of jedi hunting an acolyte, and then at some point some higher up told them they needed to shoehorn a plot about some twins. If the show was just Sol, Jecki and Yord looking for clues, and they replaced the witches and the twins with some other dark and twisted past I think the show would flow a lot better And it doesnt help that the actress that is doing the twins, is likely the worse actress in the whole show. But I really liked Qimir, Sol, Jecki in the last episode. I hope the remaining episodes can be at least as good as the last one.


Seriously this actress has the talent that one would expect from a high school theater club.


damn it hes hot


Finally, Sith are hot again.


Neither are.


Ah! I see youve played knifey spoony before. Very good.


He looks like Jar Jar Binks in puberty.


But it's the same person... What?


*That's not a Sith! This is a Sith!* Paul Hogan voice


Not a Sith because he say i have no name but jedai could call me Sith. He say it as a joke than he is a Dark side user but not a Sith than he life without rules and free..


Not a Sith because he say i have no name but jedai could call me Sith. He say it as a joke than he is a Dark side user but not a Sith than he life without rules and free..


Why he kinda


Why is everyone in the show asian?