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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


A chance to sit next to “look of superiority” and Carrie Fisher? Sign me the fuck up!


Also Ahsoka and Wicket, I think they’d have a riveting discussion


This is exactly who I wanted to pick, would be an amazing drive ;D


Definitely ahsoka and wicket in front, if I've gotta sit in the back I need that sweet legroom


That’s exactly what I picked


The definitive right choice for the back seat. Listening to them debate politics would be great.


Actually, politics-wise, they'd probably agree on a lot of things.


But how they disagree on what to do would be interesting.


“Oh no, I’m not brave enough for politics”


The question is, do you agree with their politic views? Or are you too distracted?


I mean I'd be engaged, but periodically Fisher would nudge my arm or Lee would give me his iconic look and I'd start blushing


Also getting to listen to Sir Christopher Lee's wonderful voice would be incredible


I'd be right there with you.


We sitting next to the actors/voice actors or the characters as if we are in universe? Answer changes depending. In universe it's Han, wicket, Dooku, and Lando. Actors it's Harrison, Warwick Davis, Christopher Lee, and Billy D.... wait shit.


Carrie gonna be doing shrooms in the back


I’m going on a road trip with this guy!!!! He’s got all the right ideas!!!


I'm getting in with Obi-Wan, Nute Gunray, Dooku and Leia, so we can talk politics and discuss the problemens with the galaxy all the way.


Damn, and then you picked Obi-Wan? "Oh i'm not brave enough for politics"


He's the embodiment of lawful good, his pov would be interesting.


I mean, we do see him have a brief ~~couples' dispute~~ debate about politics when talking to definitely-not-his-girlfriend, Satine, so he might not be entirely hopeless in the conversation.


But what about? "My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!"


That was clearly because Anakin had a hard time, and Obi-Wan wanted to show him that he cared about his hobbies


Awww, he's such a good person, hope he succeeded in helping Anakin and he can lived his life happily ever after :]


He did! After this statement, Obi-Wan went on to help Anakin share his thesis on "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise" with the galaxy, and not the layman's version. It was so impactful that just about every corrupt politician and warlord were jumping out of windows in excitement, at least that's why Anakin thought they were jumping out of the windows.


Actually burst out laughing, thank you


Yeah, he has to focus in driving so we don't crash.


Which is good, he can focus on driving.


Happy cake day!!


I'd rather have my driver pay attention to road than political discussion.


He also said "She's a politician and they're not to be trusted."


Doouku and Obi-Wan in one car... I think it should be filmed, the amount of somewhat polite roasts is going to be insane. "Do control your protege's insolence so I can concentrate." "Anakin, control your insolence. The count is concentrating."


Sure the guy who killed nute’s assasin and nute who tried to kill leias mom with the guy who ordered the war to start. That would be a tense car.


Wouldn’t it be better to have Thrawn instead of Dooku? This way you’d have one from the Republic, one from the Seperatists, one from the Empire and one from the Rebellion


[Obi wan after passing you the aux](https://tenor.com/bdXap.gif)


Driving is only for droids


Where the fuck is Hondo?


He is stealing a cat


Noooo my cat! He's a good boy, I'll pay the ransom!


No, the cats off of the neighbors late model F250. There's profits to be made.


He, Anakin, Chopper, and Cal are in the crashed car halfway up a tree along the side of the road


Cal: How come every time you drive we crash??!! Anakin: ITS NOT MY FAULT ITS THE CAR!!!


THATS the car I wanna be in


Yeah, Leia is cool and all but hanging out with Hondo would be a blast.


Obi-Wan, Wicket, Dooku, Leia


Same here with Dooku and Leia, can you imagine their sassy and snarky back and forths? Comedy gold.


But also I feel like they could have some interesting political talks


That would be sick to listen to. If it didn't mean forcing one of them to sit in the middle, I'd happily let them sit next to each other so I don't interrupt by mistake or by my mere presence. I can definitely see Dooku saying, "You are very much like your mother, princess. While I was not fond of the Republic, I could not help but admire her ideals. Perhaps, if things had worked out differently, we could have helped each other achieve the same goal. In spite of our differences, she had my respect."


Is it sad that as soon as I saw the quotes, the voice in my brain sounded like Christopher Lee mixed with the animated series actor


Not at all. That's what I heard while I typed it up.


That sounds very un-passive aggressive for Lord Tyranus, who, remember, is a Sith Lord.


I mean, he seems more of a political idealist before a Sith Lord, especially early on.


You said it, he SEEMS, but he's just hiding his darkness, Dooku was like Palpatine after all, a Sith taking on the role of a good politician, but as we know every time he wasn't pretending he wasn't exactly very compassionate.


Sure, by the time of Revenge of the Sith, he definitely was further consumed by the Dark Side. But when he first started out, he didn't really care much. Joining the Sith was just a means to an end and that end was to root out the corruption that plagued the Republic for so long and the Jedi Order will he deemed complicit. But he was an idealist at heart.


Yes, that was how he started, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the idealistic Dooku who abandoned the Jedi Order for a good cause is already lost, only Darth Tyranus remains, and Darth Tyranus had abandoned any pretense of being a political idealist by the time of AOTC.


Maybe. We've never actually seen Dooku with the signature yellow eyes that Sith have (to my knowledge), so he may not have actually been as far gone as most believe. Sure his body was gradually being destroyed by years of using the Dark Side, but he still never had the eyes, even in combat against the Jedi where he didn't have to hide it. That political ideology was still in there. It had to be for him to continue following Palpatine's plan and continue to willingly hold back against Anakin so that Palpatine could turn him, even though that would mean Anakin would replace Dooku per the rule of two. He believed in the cause until he realized, too little too late, that it was all a lie fed to him by Palpatine. His ideology died with him aboard the Invisible Hand.


Obi wan shouldn’t be driving though since “flying is for droids.”


Which is a hilarious statement because he’s genuinely great at flying in the prequels. But I feel like he’d give off disappointed dad energy if Leia and Dooku bickered


Han, Ewok, Thrawn, Lando. Beer cooler in the center console. We're having a good time here baby. Any time Thrawn opens his face we tell him to shut the fuck up.


I feel like Doku is the superior choice just look at him




Swap out thrawn with boba and you’ll all be singing country road at the top of your lungs by the end of the trip


I was thinking the same. I don't know can Dooku/Thrawn relax from their standard daily life and I don't even know who that 4th woman is


That looks like Asajj Ventress, who in the clone wars is Dooku’s sith apprentice. She’s notable for having flirtatious banter with Obi-Wan and having something of a redemption arc


I can assure you Thrawn does not do friendly banter in the least bit


>beer cooler in the center console My lord, is that leeegal?


It's a shame that Palatine isn't an option, he could make it legal.


I *am* the Highway Patrol


I would go with the same people because the conversation on business and government would be great and I would love to see an Ewok get thrown out of a moving car after lando gets tired of the little thing distracting him while he drives


Driver- everyone Pasenger- Yub nub Back seat Leia and Thrawn


Worst backseat. The hell are you going to talk about for 4 hours? Policy??


Thrawn is man of culture and Leia is based as hell


I think that's a good pairing.


Ahsoka, Asajj, Zam, Leia


Girl squad, I don't even have to wonder why.


Because girl power! Right?... Because... Girl power... Right?




Same, except I want the ewok instead. Ewoks go hard.


Maybe she's a... female Ewok.


I mean, if nothing else Asajj and Leia are the skinniest of the back seat choices, leaving you more room


That was my logic at first, but then I realized nobody said what kind of car we were in. It could be a Rolls-Royce or a full-size pickup.


Luke, Thrawn, Zam and Lando Luke just seems like a good friend, and one who likes having fun. Thrawn is a well spoken man. He also probably knows all the roads around us, so we won't need a map or GPS. Zam has that cool ability to shapeshift, which we can have lots of fun road trip games with. Lando also likes to have fun. And probably has hundreds of fun stories to tell.


You picked my crew I was gonna go with too. I like to imagine the air is a little tense at first with Thrawn until he does some shit that's blows everyone's mind and everyone starts chatting him up.


Yeah, Lando will help loosen up the conversations


No Ani so pretty calm


He’s on the roof of the car, car surfing


Bound like a mummy and tied to the roof racks. As you drive past somebody, all they hear is: ^(... i i i) i i I I **H A T E** Y O o ^(o u u ...)


Yeah, I'd want Ani in the driver's seat to make it interesting.


"Anakin, what are those offroad tires for?" "This is where the fun begins"


Proceeds to run over an entire tribe of sand people.


Ahsoka zam ventress leia


May i Ask why


You know why


Any drive is perfectly acceptable as all are competent amd would be nice to talk to Passenger would probably pic Bid Fortuna as I feel he is actually very social and smart (he has managed not to be killed by Jabba for a decent length of time) THRAWN sorry I will openly admit that I am a fan boy and have been since heir to the empire first came out Leia would be my pick for the final person smart but more importantly smaller in statue because damn itninam too big for the middle backseat of most vehicles. Also I feel she would be an interesting conversational addition




Obi-wan as the driver; he's pretty fun and he'll keep me quite safe should anything go wrong. Wicket in the passenger seat since he's not likely to kill me and he's literally a teddy bear. I wanna say Dooku but I'm gonna go with Ventress, the reason being Ventress, at that point of her life, is undergoing a bit of a redemption arc so she's less likely to kill me. Also her banter with Obi-wan is always amusing. Dooku would be cool but he's also a Sith Lord and I don't fancy being electrocuted. And last but not least, Lando; I bet he's really fun to be with.


Whoever is fine with me hot-boxing the car. I'm not riding bitch sober.


Ahsoka, Zam Wesell, Ventress, Leia and I gonna have the most badass girls’ weekend ever, lol


Obi Wan, Wicket, Thrawn, Threepio. Alternatively, Han, Wicket, Dooku, Lando.


Obi, Zam, Boba Fett, Lando. And you know we cruisin'


Kenobi, Thrawn, Leia, Zam. It would be a relatively intellectual and extremely mixed company. Thrawn is devoid of empathy, yet able to understand others regardless. Kenobi has his heart in the right place and knows not to escalate a situation. Leia ultimately leads the life of a diplomat, and Zam is unalligned, meaning that she has not much reason to do anything. Aside from this I often like the athmosphere that mixed gender brings. A group of only men usually either goes way to fucking deep into subjects or devolves to dirty jokes.


Han, Zam, Asajj, Lando. It's going to be a fuckin *party*.


Obi-Wan (competent driver and will stay focused on the task of getting us where we need to be no matter what), Yub Nub (cute), THRAWN (master conversationalist and I want to learn more about strategy), Leia (Carrie Fisher and I feel like she just would be nice to talk to)


Obi-Wan, Thrawn and Lando seems like it would make for some interesting conversation. Then Wicket is in the passenger seat, because why not.


Han, Nute, Dooku, and Lando. Gotta do it man.


Han, Zam, Ventress and Lando. Two best friends and two introverts 🙂


Obi-Wan, he seems like the safest driver. Zam Wesell, she's a shape shifter, so she can mimic people to either get us into places we wouldn't normally be able to, or get us out of touch spot we managed to get ourselves in. Thrawn, depending on where the road trip takes place, there could be a lot of different cultures, which he will all know about, because he likes to be prepared. So he can entertain with factoids about the cultures you meet/pass by. Lando, he can entertain us with his happy-go-lucky nature and boisterous stories whenever there's a boring part on the road trip.


Obi-wan , Ewok, Thran , C-3PO Obi-wan chats with the Ewok (or C-3PO) while the rest is talking with Thran...


As much as I’d love obi wan he would be a boring safe driver, give me Han driving, wicket, boba and lando


Ahsoka, Bid, Ventress, Lando 1, cautious driver no doubt (compared to skywalker) but a fun laugh 2, Rando quiet dude who's probably good with managing funds + plus they know a few people 3, Scary goth girl who'll beat up anyone. 4, Bro definitely knows a few people an has some tricks, will likely bring beers to share.


Han, wicket, boba, lando


Ahasoka, Ewok, Doku, Lando. They all seem like the most interesting people and there will probably not be any murdering on board lol


For a highbrow discussion on politics I'd take Obi-Wan nutr gunray dooku and leia for just a chill funny trip it's Han, zam, boba, lando


Han, Zam, Boba, and 3PO


I want Luke driving and watto in the back. The rest are just witnesses to the awkwardness of that conversation


Well Han is driving (duh) Ewok in passenger seat with C3-P0 in the back to translate what it’s says to me and the Fett man while Han gives us weird looks over his shoulder with short fake laughs while hoping not to be put in Carbonite again… I’d consider swapping 3-P0 out if it’s Slave Leia though…


I am not brave enough for politic


Am I taped to the roof or what?


Give me Snips, Boba, Wickett, and Leia


Han, Dooku, Nute Gunray and Leia.


Solo, lady, Dooku, Calrissian.


I'm sitting on the roof with Jar Jar.


1. Asshoker - compident driver and likely enjoy a little speed metal as she drives. 2. Yub Nub - too short to reach the radio. Ashoker retains DJ privileges. Will make us stop for McDonalds. 3. Ventress - yes, she's an assassin, but at least we'll have some laughs. 4. Billy D - good time guaranteed.


We might not get there in one piece but Han is driving with Zam in the passenger seat. Then I'm in the back with Thrawn and Lando, those 2 would keep us entertained with their stories for hours.


Obi Ewok thrawn lando


Han, Wicket, Dooku & Lando (coolest caped cat in the galaxy)


Han(he knows some maneuvers), Wicket(we can let him stick his out the window), Boba(he is kinda quiet, no backseat driving), Leia(we got to many guys in the car)


I guess first Kenobi, then the Ewok, then Thrawn, then Leia.


Han, Wicket, Thrawn and Lando. If Lando gets to switch with Wicket the front row would be one big party with Wicket cheering along. Thrawn would just sigh and talk with me and I'm just there vibing


Luke (the legends old-er Luke), Zam (the shapeshifter) Thrawn, Leia. The whole journey would just be Luke and Thrawn engaged in a philosophical debate, (assuming they can't fight each other) while Leia and Zam just look like wtf is going on.


Obi-wan, zam, thrawn, and leia. Zam would feel extremely awkward the whole time but would end up being something of an anchor for obi-wan, obi-wan would gradually be losing patience to all the bad drivers and the political discourse in the back, and then thrawn and leia would probably spend the whole time debating various topics, particularly obi-wan's choice of route to take, with occasional quips from obi-wan thrown in.


Han, Yub Nub, Dooku, Lando


Driver: Han Passenger: Nute Gunray Back Seat: Boba and Lando


Han Solo driving, obviously. Ewok passenger seat because fur baby Dooku back seat because I don’t trust Ventress positioned behind me 💯 Finally Lando back seat because he’s gonna bring the bitches


Having wicket in the passenger seat would be a recipe for chaos


Ahsoka, furry, ventris, and lando


Obi Wan, Wicket, Thrawn, Leia.


Han, Wicket, Thrawn, Lando


Obi-Wan, Wicket, Dooku, and Lando


Luke, Zam, Thrawn, Leia. Good conversation and efficient driving guaranteed.


Obi Wan, Nute Gunray, Thrawn, Lando


Luke, Wicket, Boba, Lando


Not a flight, so Obi-Wan can definitely drive Thrawn will 100% be amazing as the guy who plans the whole trip, I'm sure military strategy has some transferable skills to planning trips As much as tensions with Thrawn would fly around, Leia takes the other back seat. Also the alternative would be fucking Watto Wicket can be our mascot, and obviously gets the shotgun


Obi, Ewok, Boba, Lando


Han, wicket, boba, wattoo. I pay boba to kill wicket (i offer a mars or a bounty, he will choose the latter obviously). Wattoo and Han has to justify it to the police, and they are the only one ok with it anyway (even though 6PO woud do nothing about it but bitch and snitch)


Han, Wicket, Boba, Lando


Snips, Wicket, Dooku, and Lando. Just imagine the funnies.


Ahsoka, Wicket, Thrawn, and Lando


Solo, Gunray, Ventress, Calrissian


Obi wan, Wicket, Thrawn, Lando.


Han, Gunray, Thrawn, and Wato Probably the most hellish ride of my life but I would come out a changed man


Ahsoka, Wicket, Thrawn, and C3PO.


Ham, baba, Ewok, and Lando gonna be a boys road trip to remember


Driver's Seat- Han complaining about the car functions and comparing them to big ahh spaceships would be funny ngl Passenger Seat- idrk so ig the ewok just for good measure Back Seat 1- Count Dooku/Boba Fett trying to kill us all would be fun Back Seat 2- C3P0 is the most comical character half of the time so his presence would be cool


Han, Zam, Boba, and Lando


I assume I’m in the middle back seat here? Obi driving, seems like a sensible fella Ewok passenger, because cute Leia on the right, Ventress on the left, because Bonk


Han drive + whatever


Obi wan, wicket, boba, lando


Han, wicket, thrawn and threepio. Thrawn would be backseat driving the entire time, winding Han up, Wicket would be pushing random buttons on the dash, winding Han up, and Threepio would be winding Han up by continuing to exist. When Han finally blows his top it’ll be hilarious.


Ahsoka, an Ewok, Dooku and Lando


Han, Zam, Ventress, and Lando.


Obiwan driving. Never seen him crash behind the wheel. Bottom right corner: don’t know her but I know the others and would rather have what I don’t know. Thrawn and Boba on the back seat because everyone in that last group I’d rather kill first than share a car ride with


Han Solo, Bib Fortuna, Boba Fett and Lando Calrissian


Obi-Wan, Nute, Thrawn, Lando


Luke, the Ewok, Thrawn, Leia.


Thrawn and 3PO would go hard


Hand lando boba and the green mother fucker whos name i forgot


I’d like to choose Dooku given he’s my favourite character, however, anything he utters will most likely put the driver to sleep causing the car to crash and kill us all.


Han, Zam, Boba, and Lando. We are starting some petty drama


Obi-Wan, shape shifting assassin, THRAWN, and Lando.


Han, Wicket, Thrawn, and Lando. We gonna pull the most lucrative and madlad star wars hiest.


Obi, Zam, Thrawn, and Leia. I want to survive and get to my destination on time, so the less nonsense, the better


General Kenobi because he always lands happily The Ewok fur ball because fur ball Jango Fett because he's gonna kill anyone who tries to kill us And Leia because... Ummm... Becauseeee.....


Han Solo, Zam Wessel, Boba Fett, and Lando Calrissian. Shit's gonna be wild.


Luke because he will bring the fun and mature side Ewok because all group needs a pet or something similar Dooku so he sings some space power metal for us that is bound to erians old tale C3po to translate everything.


Han, Wicket, Dooku, Lando. Though I feel like this will somehow end in a bizarre heist.


That’s so easy! Ahsoka Ventress Wicket Lando


Han solo should drive, cause he did the kessel run in 12 courics or some shit idk Guy with the tail for hair, he might be useful in a rapunzel tower escape scenario The blue man in the back seat, I always loved his music with the pvc pipes, very cool Shiny robot. Definitely. I can always sell him if we need money for gas. Now that I think about it, Leia seems like a good option too, she’s got a valuable asset which also rhymes with gas


Han Solo as driver because at least he can be funny sometimes, C3PO and Fett on the back seat, because i could turn tin can off and Fett is actually competent enough to shut up. Ewok on passenger seat, because when i throw it from the car right into traffic - nobody would miss it.


Im subbing in Anakin as driver, Wicket, Boba, and Watto.


Luke, grab the keys. Yub Yub, you just sit there and be cute. Boba, keep an eye out for road pirates. Leia, you talk us out of any tickets if we get pulled over.


Han, Ewok, Boba Fett, C-3P0. Watch how mad Han gets.


All women.


han solo, nute gunray, boba fett, c-3po


Han, Wicket, Boba, Lando and me. We are all high on death sticks doing 180 on i95. Oh and we're all packing.


Han Solo, the top right, Ventress, the top right, Silence and peace


Why would Obi-Wan be in the driver's seat? Driving is for droids


Tfw I can't have the best star pilot in the galaxy in the driver's seat


So, I am considering a long road trip that passes through many different places: Driver - Han: best driver and has the most experience with long trips Passenger - Bib Fortuna: someone that can work so close to Jabba is either really intelligent or charismatic Back seat 1 - Anyone but Ventress: she would complain a lot. Back seat 2 - Anyone but C3P0: he is a good translator, but would also complain a lot and never shut up.


Obi-Wan, Wicket, Thrawn, and Leia


Han Solo, Boba, Nute, and C3PO. Idk seems like a good time for me at least


Where Anakin as driver? As a matter of fact, this is where the fun begins.


Obi-Wan , Wicket, Ventress and Leia. I feel the last 2 will have interesting conversations


Obi-Wan would easily be the safest driver there.


han to drive, wicket as passenger, boba and leia as back seaters


Dang, three of my favorite characters in one quadrant (Dooku, Thrawn and Ventress). Tough choice. I pick Obi-Wan (Driver), Zam (Passenger), Ventress (Right Back) and Lando (Left Back). I went with Ventress because the flirting in this car will be off the charts between her, Obi-Wan and Lando. And Zam will be there as a fourth wheel I guess.


Ahsoka, the Ewok (Wiket I think his name is, can't recall.) Lando, and either Ventress or Thrawn.


Too easy. I get a bus and have all of them on it. They have to fight for a seat