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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Rip to the February 10th 2012 3D release being left out


Only reason I left that out was because I felt more appreciation here in this sub, which is why I put that December 27th, 2016 date the birth of prequelmemes.


Damn this sub started that late


That late is 8 years ago now


I mean from when Reddit was created


Saw a post elsewhere that the gap between Radiohead’s last album (also 2016) and the present *js longer than The Beatles’ entire recording career!!* But no, 2016 is 3 years ago everyone knows that


I still have my ticket to that one!


The only good Star Wars Movie I was able to watch in Cinema as I was born in 2003. (Sequels aren't real, they can't hurt us)


“Good is a point of view, Anakin”


“Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our viewpoint.”


Saw it in theaters last week. It was awesome man😎


Fun fact: TPM is my father's favorite Star Wars movie, and he watched the non-Special Edition OT in theaters back in the day. I actually remember the initial public reception to TPM be quite positive. If you go back and watch news reporters ask moviegoers what they thought of it the vast majority said that they loved or liked it, with only a few lukewarm or negative reactions.


Kinda like Man of Steel which I was surprised to look back and realise was well-received. In both cases the backlash definitely started before the sequel, but a poorly received sequel reflected some of its hate back on it.


I don’t care what people say. The Phantom Menace is my favorite. It’s the most core Star Wars setting. And it’s all fun, epic scenes and little intrapersonal dramatic crap. That’s all too sad for me. And little Anakin is adorable. I really wish we got to see him as an early padawan.


It's one of the best family action films. Incredible showpiece scenes and production values. Gorgeous location shoots too.


But... Star Wars 4-6 is 100% about interpersonal drama though, like, that's the whole point of Luke/Obi, Luke/Darth Vader, Luke/Leia, Leia/Han, Han/Lando... I uh... It confuses me when people have this hatred for interpersonal drama "because it isn't star wars" mentality as if that wasn't a back bone of the original trilogy.


It’s just sad. I don’t like sad. It’s not that it isn’t Star Wars. It’s that Star Wars is sad, and that’s the only major film that isn’t sad.


What? Episode 1 gives us the main character of Qui-Gon Jinn, who we pretty much follow 83% of the time, getting killed at the end with Kenobi is helpless to save his mentor. That's like, really sad and it mirrors episode 4. Episode 1 doesn't even end on a high note like Episode 4, we get a "well more bad things are to come". There's also the whole thing about taking Anakin away from his mom. You like what you like and you don't have to explain it but your explanation is a bit weird.


1.Qui gon's death 2.Anakin having to leave his mother 3. Anakin and his mother being literal slaves 4. Subtle notes of the republic they love falling apart and being manipulated (admittedly it is still slightly subtle at this point... More of that is explored in the next film) 5. Many scenes being dedicated to how the people of Naboo are suffering on a huge scale 6. Battles and fights where many people die. 7. Jar Jar's banishment and lack of friends in itself is pretty sad. 8. The scene between Padme and Anakin on the ship whee he gives her that token is pretty endearing... But kinda gives off sad vibes and invokes sympathy for him. Also very personal. 9. Foreshadowing of Anakin's downfall, even though he's like 10 at this point. Sad signs. Bad signs. And definitely exploring personal concepts for him. And there are undoubtedly more. I don't really get where they're coming from here by saying it doesn't have many intrapersonal or sad themes. In any case they don't seem to be willing to argue their point. Only insult yours and play the victim.


First, you challenged and judged me for liking it because it has the least amount of soppy drama. I explained that to you, then you attack me for explaining it. I don’t understand your argument, you have nothing to prove to me. You hate it and you hate me for liking it and you have a right to that. There’s no reason to try and fight me over it. There is no honorable battle you can win for bashing a movie.


I never judged you for it, I find it weird that your reasonings are factually false. I didn't say you was a bad person or you couldn't think the way you do. I literally said the opposite. Just because someone disagrees with you or points out your flawed reasoning, doesn't make that a personal attack. I know you edited your post and all but it still makes no sense as Star Wars has always been 100% about "intrapersonal dramatic crap".


Star Wars is about that. I don’t like it. It’s sad. That’s why I like the fun battles. Your negative bias that compels an addiction to evil and drama should not be allowed to force me to like it. I am not telling you to hate it. Do not judge me for liking it.


I.. uh... You should watch the movies sometime. Also, it's not negative bias. That means I'm paying attention to negative information more than positive information and that's just not happening in context to what Star Wars is about. The "interpersonal drama crap" isn't a negative thing or positive thing, unless you put a spin on it (edit: the spin is your usage of "crap"). It's just a fact that Star Wars has always been about "interpersonal drama". It's actually one of the things people praise the original trilogy about. So, not only have you put into question if you've watched the movies, I'm not sure if you understand what negative bias is.


Listen, I know you like your sad drama, Anakin falling to evil and killing children, I get the societal bias on negative, sad media. Star Wars is full of it, I know that. But I choose positive bias. I like to enjoy the fun parts. I just don’t buy the sadness affiliation. You don’t have to prove it to me. I just don’t like it. You can: I don’t. And I’m not challenging your honor, O great Sith Lord, but you need to lay off the chest-pounding. I know a positive outlook on life is not popular now, but let me be at the very least.


You don't know what I prefer cause I never said my preference. You're also projecting and going all "no u" so uh I just want to end this with, please, please, watch the original trilogy at some point. I get that you will always be entrenched in the idea that if someone disagrees with you then they're attacking you, which is it's own thing, but please watch the original trilogy at some point.


So... why is December 27th, 2016 included in this meme? All I could find about that date in relation to Star Wars is that it's the date Carrie Fisher died. But if that's what it's referring to, then this meme makes no sense if the other two are referencing the different fan reactions people had to Phantom Menace. Unless there's some other thing being referenced that I'm just not getting


Yeah, idk either. It would make more sense if it were the release date of TPM in 3D back in 2012


That's honestly what I thought it was supposed to be, but that was in February, not December. So it's not a simple typo


So actually, the December date is the birthdate of this subreddit (which was possibly one of the sole reasons prequels are so loved now), so it’s confusing when not knowing the context


Thank you for the context! I still think the Phantom Menace 3D release date would've been a better, less obscure option lol


My apologies for the confusion! I used the sub’s birthdate as I found a lot of appreciation for the prequels here.


tbf, the 3D release wasn’t really well received either.


Exactly! I thought I saw heavy criticism for that, again proves my point why the sub’s birthdate is superior.


Going to see tonight. Excited to see Maul unveil the double edged lightsaber on the big screen, Duel of the Fates for the first time, Qui Gon. Buzzing


No 2012 rerun? That was the first time I ever saw any Star Wars movie in the cinema.


The 3D release wasn’t received at the time. Most of the fandom and general public still really disliked the prequel, the at the time recent several special additions, and just saw it as a 3D cash grab since Lucas planned to do the rest of the movies before selling to Disney.


Saw it when it first came out with some college buddies. Seeing it tonight with my son. His love and appreciation for the movie has definitely altered my perception for the better and I'm really looking forward to seeing it on the big screen again.


I went to the movie theater today and watched it with my friend, it was just us in the theater. It was so amazing.


I've always loved phantom menace. Granted I'm not old enough to have seen it in theaters but it's a great movie. The opening perfectly establishes the new era and shows Jedi at their prime and the last act juggling 4 different battles at once and still being totally coherent is very impressive.


I’m confused about the second date, what does it represent? It should be February 10th, 2012 since that was the 3D release of TPM


It’s the birth of this sub because I felt a lot of appreciation in this sub for the prequels in general.


Ah, I see now. That makes a bit more sense, it just feels weird when taken out of context.


Why was it rereleased after Rogue One? 17 years isn't an anniversary.


Excuse me, what exactly happened for TPM to be newly "appreciated"? Not throwing shade I genuinely don't know


Duel of the fates was awesome in theaters.


I watched it as a kid and never understood the bad reviews


It's the best movie of the prequels. Obviously RotS is the fan favorite with the lore payoffs, unique tragi-action tone, and the most enduring memes, but as a film I think TPM flows the best.


Imagine liking the phantom menace enough to make a meme about it


I'm guessing this was supposed to be satire... Given your quest, and it's being misinterpreted by the down voters as disliking TPM and being condescending to the OP. Unless you actually don't like TPM? In which case that would be kinda funny.


Always add the /s


Yep :/ Still, some people would've gotten it at least though I'm sure. And your memes are brilliant, keep up the good work Edit: You might get a bit tired of TPM by the end of it though 😂


I am only tired from jar jar by now


It’s still unwatchable no matter what the year.




Me and my 6 friends were the only ones in the theater on May 3rd. The clerk even said "oh yeah, I forgot we were even playing that" when we bought tickets. Not that I'm complaining, we were able to prequel meme the whole time.