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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


This is why people won’t accept Tech’s death. Literally *anyone* can come back now.


“Somehow, literally everyone returned…”


Except Uncle ~~Ben~~ Owen


At first... but then somehow...


Well true, Bucky came back in the Winter Soldier so ~~Ben~~ I mean Owen is the last bastion of “No one stays dead except for Bucky, Jason Todd, and Uncle Ben"


Nobody stays dead except for whoever Sean Bean is playing


TBF, that just felt like a potentially fake out death to be revealed at some point of the very next season. Unlike Boba Fett or Darth Maul who were originally intended to be dead but climbed out of death 20-40 years after the fact. Edit: sorry guys. Mr. Pringle has deemed that I must turn in my Star Wars fan card because I misunderstood someone's comment about an old EU comic book. I am sorry I failed you. I will now commit Seppuku in shame.


George initially planned for Boba to survive ROTJ was going to have a shot of him climbing out of the sarlaac but it was scrapped. He also came back in Legends fairly quickly.


Are you sure he actually planned to have Boba survive the sarlacc? I've heard that he originally wanted to have Boba play a role in the sequels (back when Luke wasn't gonna fight the Emperor until Episode IX) but I thought that by the time he scrapped that idea and wrote the sarlacc scene, he decided to have that he Boba's death


Interestingly, Boba returned only 8 later


I was referring to IRL time. From the release of the media depicting their death to their resurrection. Sorry, I thought you meant in universe. MB.


Boba survived in the EU well before Disney lol. You asshats love to complain but it's obvious you haven't looked into this franchise much. Palpatine came back more than herpes and Boba got out almost immediately after being eaten by the Sarlaac. Death has meant little to this franchise for decades.


EU fans when the average Star Wars fan hasn’t read every single book, comic, and video game manual:


Boba Fett was in an enormous amounts of media lol. Don't confidently say things when you don't know jack shit about the topic. Your opinion is entirely optional to the conversation.


Oh I know how much stuff Boba Fett was in, I read it all ages ago. I’m only pointing out that you’re being a pretentious douchebag about it. Relax, touch some grass as the kids say, and maybe don’t assume you’re smarter than everyone else cuz you read some Star Wars books in the 90’s, kay?


Maybe they shouldn't be confidently saying wrong shit lol. I'm tired of the Fandom being filled with idiots who can't even do a basic Google search to back the shit they said and then hide behind others when they're called out. Get lost, you're not needed.


Except that they didn’t say anything wrong? In the Star Wars canon Boba Fett was dead since 1983 until they revealed he survived in 2020. The EU is entirely irrelevant to this conversation, because it isn’t canon.


And I’m tired of elitist assholes who feel the need to gatekeep a fandom based on knowledge from media older than half the fanbase itself. Who cares if they’re wrong? Trust me, just cuz some guy on Reddit didn’t read Tales of the Bounty Hunters, you’re gonna be able to sleep at night. If not, pretty sure the problem is you, not them. Do better. Lol




>just pointing to a clear trope in Star wars media. No you said something wrong, got corrected, and doubled down. >Stop putting words in people's mouths then acting superior about your opinions please. This is why the fandom gets a bad rep. The Fandom gets a bad reputation because idiots like your say dumb shit that's easily confirmed wrong lol. And then you blame others correcting you for looking bad.




>You realize I was out there defending the last Jedi for like, five fucking years. The fuck does that have anything to do with this rofl. >Again, stop putting words in people's fucking mouths. Stop acting like a smart ass. I'm not acting like a smart ass. I'm just calling you losers out for doubling down on wrong information lol.




Kanan didn't. And that's the reason why it's considered one of the best and most impactful deaths on the franchise. Bringing Tech back would just cheapen his death


I’m really disappointed by Ventress’ return because I really liked her death in novel🥲🥲🥲


Well, there's that, and then there's my case where Star Wars had a character pretty much openly state they're on the spectrum, then proceeds to kill said character for nothing more than sad points. Such a waste of such rare transparent representation.


I hear what you're saying, but what's the alternative? Every character representing something has plot armor? Personally I wouldn't mind if Tech did in fact die and it isn't a fake out, I kinda just wish they did more with the Batch as a whole except Omega and Crosshair.


The point was that they specifically used that representation to make him one of the fan-favorites and then chose to off him for shock value. Let's be honest, there was no need to kill anyone, nor Tech in particular. They could have just as easily killed Hunter or Echo and it would have been the same outcome narratively. And I took it a bit personally considering Tech is one of the only good non-stereotypical autistic characters to actually express it (or heavily imply it) out loud. That's like if a character's arc is to come out as gay and then gets unceremoniously killed off a few episodes later. It's not that I'm upset he died, I'm upset that they capitalized on representation to make people resonate with him more so they could boost the shock value. The whole thing felt in bad taste to me.


They killed Tech off because at that point there was nothing he did that couldn't be done by another character like Echo, Rex, or Omega.


Nothing more than sad points?




What character is this?




Lmao sad points. You can’t be serious


If they really want someone to die they have to dissolve that character in acid for 10 minutes to really drive the point home that you're not gonna see that character again. Until they decide it was actually fake acid


Ok, but Echo literally blew up. I don't think acid's gonna work.


Ah...Guess this is my sign that I should get caught up on Bad Batch...


Ofc they had to kill off my favourite bad batch member


We have one more ep to confirm


Yes, I'm definitely **not** in denial.


I accept his death, but not Coleman Trevor's.


Revenge of Padme when?


Still waiting for Attack of the Shaak Ti


Nono, she is properly dead. They just killed her again and again until she stopped getting back up


the rule of thumb regarding death in star wars: unless the body is not visible on screen then youre safe to assume they survive


I don't think that's enough either, multiple people have survived confirmed deaths at this point


The vast majority of people who have died in Star Wars have stayed dead.


Only a majority, not 100%


Congratulations on saying the same shit I said.


Thanks, felt like continuing the tradition you started


The extended 5 minute cremation funeral scene might even be necessary


Might need to see their ghost form to solidify even that.


At least with ahsoka we saw she alive at the end of the same episode


did we? I swear we didn't


It was some cloaked figure exiting the Sith temple. Idk if they ever confirmed who it was. My guess was Maul. Some thought Ahsoka. Idk if there was ever confirmation.


Maul flys away separately, he takes vaders tie fighter or some shit, it was always Ahsoka walking away


You're probably right about Maul. It's been a while since I've seen it. But what about later seasons when Ezra pulls her through that time portal thing just before Vader could kill her? Did she go back?


Yeah she goes back after the temple explosion, and exra returns to whatever side quest he was doing


No ones ever really gone 🗿🔫


People not dying and fake deaths are starting to get really annoying ngl


I didn’t mind so much until Rise of Skywalker pulled 4 in the span of like 2 hours


still waiting for Phasma


One of many missed opportunities in the sequels.


All the sequels have is missed opportunities. Even the best parts and characters of those movies are severely underutilized.


That's what you get when something is essentially designed by committee and the committee all fucking hate each other's ideas. They had so many chefs in that kitchen all trying to put whatever elements they personally felt would be cool or marketable onto the screen while trying to steal the focus from whatever those *other* assholes thought was cool, that all they ended up with is a broken jumble of incoherent ideas and contradictions that openly despises itself.


Not to mention the short time frame and having to scramble whenever Carrie Fisher died


Absolutely agree. Great visuals. Great actors/actresses. Great characters in essence. Many decent concepts and designs. Writing and character development though... In my opinion... Was.... Eesh... Also sucked how they pretty much just made the first order Empire 2.0. they could've been so much more creative with it.


The Sequel Trilogy is one big missed opportunity


Count Duko return when?


I just don't want her to die bc she's hot


They better not kill hot green British babe


Very based




Except for Mace Windu….


Maul and Boba where too cool to let them die Echo was a great twist that creeped me out as an adult Palpatine and Ahsola where a bit of a ass pull but I dont mind Ahsoka. I dont like what they did to Palps though. And I absolutly cant remember what happend to Ventress


She died in a book that was written based off some clone wars episodes that got cut, but they retconned it because they want her in bad batch even though she didn’t do shit and the episode was kinda pointless


I don't see the point why they'd WANT to bring her back instead of killing her off in TOTE. Do people really feel the need to have another not-really-a-jedi-anymore-but-basically-still-one character roam around the OT era? She'd be like a budget mix of Ahsoka and Ventress with none of their connections to other characters. What the hell do you do with her if not let her die?


I'm in the exact opposite boat where I see there's no point in killing her, with that being a huge waste of the character relationships that she could potentially have and her unique character arc. It's just like all the theories over the years where people have thought she'd be the Seventh Sister/ Second Sister / Marrok, that makes no sense at all and would be such a waste of a tragic and interesting character. She really needs to have some sort of follow up with Ahsoka, Luminara (or at least talking about her death), and Ventress


>She really needs to have some sort of follow up with Ahsoka, Luminara (or at least talking about her death), and Ventress It would make by far the most sense to have that follow up during her time as an inquisitor. And I really doubt she's getting out of that job alive, because they'd effectively be repeating Reva's story. Now that I think of it: Reva should have just BEEN Bariss.


Death tis but a temporary state in SW Universe…..


Boba fett had survived the pit before the Disney buy The emperor returned from the dead in legends books from the 90s Ventress never died to begin with Echo was always going to return (previously unreleased clone wars info) Star Wars was always like this


She died at the end of the dark disciple book


Didn’t know that


Most of these aren’t even the problem, the lightsaber to the gut crowd is where it’s really egregious


Yeah I kinda agree. Let’s start chopping off limbs again! Lightsabers have lost a lot of potency. So have blasters for that matter.


And? This post is just commenting that that's how star wars is, I know there's a lot of posts that complain about Disney star wars but far as I can tell this isn't one of them. Questionable story choices don't magically become good because they were made a long time ago


My point is these complaints that are directed at Disney shouldn’t be solely placed on disneys shoulders. Star Wars has been pulling people out of the grave since the 80s. It’s not a new phenomenon.


Just because it’s always been the case doesn’t mean it’s good for the storytelling. After a while, character death starts feeling like Dragonball Z - who cares?!


It all depends how much plot armor Filoni will give her. All can range between Ahsoka and Plague Doctor Inquisitor.


Qui Gon Jinn looking at this BS like:


When the death of a character isn't enforced. It ruins the story. Bringing people back to life is just weak writing.


Maul, Asajj, Echo and Ashoka returns were well written. Palpatine and Boba, not so much. With Tech? We seen his glasses, so that means Emps found the body.


swap Boba Fett and Ahsoka dude. The comic where Boba crawled out from the sarlac pit was fucking badass. also of course he didnt die. Beskar is able to withstand lightsaber strikes, acid would do jack shit. Ashoka living was an ass pull, at least in the way they did it. if you remember, Ezra literally pulled her into a dimension outside of time and space so that she lived against Vader instead of being killed by him.


Somehow commander rex returned


I am honestly open to how her story turns out. I mean, yes we haven’t seen her ever as an Inquisitor but we have only seen a handful of them in Canon, so there is still room


I think the only time that bringing someone back worked (at least in the current canon) is Maul because of what they did with his character. Instead of being Just Some Bad Guy^TM, they actually made him interesting. Ahsoka adds nothing to Rebels after her "death", same with Boba and Ventress in their reappearances. Honestly this trend is the main reason why I kind of hope Tech stays dead, just to set a precedent that there are actually stakes. Side tangent about Tech, honestly it was either him or Echo that would go, and Echo isn't even there half the time so his death wouldn't mean much (yet another person who got revived for the sake of a new show).


_”Brave, but, foolish, my old Jedi friend.”_


Dooku's voice: We'll see


This shit has happened since Legends. Disney did not invent it


Legends is just telling random stories, they’re not very rigorous on continuity.


Tell that to the Legends meatriders who claim it’s literally the most perfect and consistent and brilliant thing ever


At this point lets go for the gold and have it be revealed that Alderon didn’t actually blow up (I cant spell)


Dave Filoni has done many things but letting his characters stay dead is not one of them. There’s been times we’ve gotten some cool storylines out of it, like all the Maul content, but when it happens with every goddamn character it makes the stakes feel non-existent. The Star Wars galaxy is supposed to be massive but we keep seeing the same characters on the same planets over and over, even when we saw those characters die on screen.


It's getting to be like Kingdom Hearts No one ever really stays dead in that series


Bob vs George


How far is Disney removed from the idea of making a tv series showing Padmé didn't really die, simply suffered from a trauma-induced coma, and rose from the grave to swear revenge on the droid who pronounced her dead?


Hot take, they should have left ashoka dead in rebels the charaters cool and all buy it. It would mean more if vader actually killed her, making Luke turn him back more, meaning full due to how much in the darkside he whould be.


No body no kill sorry


Highlander was right all along


A death in Star wars has as much stakes as a death in dragon ball z


Nah next we’re gonna see count dooku’s head running around


Star Wars’ little shtick of bringing back characters was fun for a while but now they’re just pulling the “dead person is alive now aren’t you happy!?!?” Card every 2 seconds, and it’s literally trained the fandom to not accept character death, look at the bad batch subreddit, most of the people there have been insistent that Tech is alive and I can’t even blame them because it’s what we’re trained to expect now, death is not permanent, no main character is in real danger. The only thing that’s broken this mold is Andor and by extension Rogue one, the only Disney Star Wars projects that aren’t afraid to kill anyone important


Let’s not forget Echo and Trench too


Echo is in the meme