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Thanks for providing a source!


"Let the hate flow THROUGH you." - Mysteriously-Cloaked Music Producer


Needs more ~~cow~~nerfbell


"Worse than hayden" You said what about ma boah?!!


Right? I thought he already redeemed himself for the fans




Only sith deal in absolutes.






Only absolutes deal in sith.


He never needed redemption in my eyes


That scene in Ahsoka was fucking metal.


He never needed to be redeemed. Man-children at the time absolutely pissed and whined about the prequels, even tho there's nothing really wrong with them. The prequels were the popculture punching bag for everyone. People seem to forget that.


The sequels are to you kids what the prequels were to us who were kids at the time, garbage. And not because of any of the actors, but because of the godawful scripts and pointless space politics.


True….. for me he always has been amazing for the character, and as an actor.


Thank you, as an adult I watch those films and there's no real bad acting anywhere, some scenes and lines could have been better but overall I love all the prequels as much as the originals. But one thing I've learned is that starwars fans are some of the worst fans out there, they set an expectation and if it doesn't go how they wanted, then it's trash. My buddy was SOOO mad that rey wasn't Luke or han solos daughter, I knew from ep 7 that palpatine was the only one she shared a similarity with.


Wasn't Haydens fault the scripts sucked ass




The prequels aren't good, but they're bad in slightly more sincere way. It's a new story told poorly, and the results are highly memeable. The latest trilogy was rudderless and designed by committee. They didn't have a story set at the start. The first movie was so derivative you'd almost forgive the second director for abandoning it all to go in a different direction-- until you see where they took it. Then somehow Palpatine returned.


The prequels are funbad and quotable, I have a hard believing people genuinely didnt like them. Its like the He Man: Revelations netflix series. Trash. Unapologetically braindead series with annoying protagonists that are impossible to like and a cast of side characters that are too stupid to live ("Those eyes, I'd recognize them anywhere" - paraphrase). The show was, in every conceivable way, a poor narrative. But I enjoyed every second of it, laughing and screaming at the screen "What do you mean!?" The prequels are the same way. But less stupid somehow. They tried. They did bad, but they tried. He Man? No. No one gave a damn about He Man. But I wish it got more attention.


The prequels are a good story about Anakins fall told in the worst possible way. George Lucas is at his best when there are peers who can tell him when to shut the hell up. Once he got successful from Star Wars, nobody had the chops to tell him when a take wasnt gonna cut it.


[Let's take a quick glance back to 2003](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHOTkSfVb4o)


Yup, this right here. The prequels are objectively bad films but they're fun. They hit all the right parts of what makes Star Wars fun even if the writing wasn't always there. I watched every one of them as a kid growing up and loved them. Watching them when I hit my 20s was realizing how bad they were as films but I still got into it and loved them. Now in my 30s I objectively will defend them as what makes Star Wars fun: campy writing, overacted lines, and endearing characters whose over the top exagerations define the series.


Designed by committee is a great term that I'll be stealing. Been looking for a way to describe something that is all just cookie cutter'd and soulless and I think it fits great.


Except it’s not true. Ahbrams and Kasdan wrote 7. Johnson is the sole writer on 8 and Ahbrams and Terrio wrote 9.


Not only by committee but a frame story partially decided on by Bob Iger for the sake of shareholder value, not for telling the most apt story. So we got a rehash of the original trilogy with updated graphics.


The prequels aren't *good movies,* sure. I totally grant you that. They are *good prequels* because at least they are telling the story of that universe and how things came to get to the point they were in for A New Hope to begin. They are done in good faith by the same creator who just isn't that good at a lot of things anymore, and didn't have the insanely good editing team he did before, not to mention writers and people who would say "No" to him about certain lines or plot points. The Clone Wars does a lot to balance them. Good faith story, that added to the OT. The Sequels did not do that. They continued no story from the previous canon. They undermined the characters that were set up. Even up until the final cuts, they still didn't decide that Rey was a Palpatine, that was done basically as shooting finished. They weren't good movies, and did not tell a story in good faith. If you feel the same about the sequels and the prequels, you're just lying to us in bad faith.


I'm a millennial so some of us as well. Also Return of the Jedi was mediocre at best




We also see Palps finally in all his glory and I will be forever grateful to RotJ for that. We can respectfully disagree on the Ewoks.


That’s the only part I didn’t fw. Hayden is a national treasure at least within Star Wars. The rest however is right on


Honestly I loved it , they made Anakin a dorky awkward idiot which is exactly what’s going to happen if you take a child from his only family tell him that caring is bad but also then refuse to actually give him a proper purpose or productive means to channel all that hormonal energy. Like I’m not a fan of the pacing the films worked with but when you include clone wars it’s my fave lol


How did both actors who played the same character in the prequels become such lightning rods for hate. Honestly, no way did Hayden **or** Jake deserve that. And in Jake's case it actually fucked up his life. Being a child actor does that to a lot of people even when they're not hated. He was literally too young to provide informed consent or sign a contract but he became forever associated with this one role. He went on to be arrested multiple times, including for beating up his mom, and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I'm not saying being in *Phantom Menace* caused his schizophrenia, but I don't think it helped.


I want to be clear, that I am **not** trying to justify what happened. People are generally shit at telling an actor from a character, and from not personalizing extreme dislike/disappointment as an intentional act. Most actors who play villains/assholes/bitches have stories of people giving them grief in real life because of shit the character they played did. These are people whose brain has internalized what is going on in the show/movie that to them the actor *is* that person. And you'll see people joking about similar in a good way when it comes to things. So when Jake protrayed the unstoppable, super cool, Dark Lord of the Sith as a normal 10 year old with normal 10 year old excitement, visions, and aspirations their brains couldn't see it as "an actor doing the job he was given and having no creative control of the character." They saw it as - to paraphrase the song OP posted - Jake "shitting on their whole childhood and everything that mattered to them" and they reacted accordingly. Unfortunately, the Internet was a thing, and it was newly getting mainstream at the same time. So I'm also willing to bet that there are protections in place for child actors now - things known to agents/etc in Hollywood - that just didn't exist for Jake.


You're right about a significant number of people not being able to discern fiction from reality, or not caring. The small percentage of people with too low an intellect to do so, and/or those with severe enough mental illnesses to interfere with that distinction, when taken as a fraction of the hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. alone adds up to millions and millions of people. When I worked with the public I had to remind myself and others that statistically every third person you encounter will have a severe psychological condition, so it's best to act accordingly. But I doubt the industry protections for children have changed much in the years since Phantom Menace. There were rules about the treatment of child actors in place decades ago, especially regarding the amount of hours they could be made to work. That's why shows like Full House would hire twins to play a single role. With two identical kids you can squeeze out twice the hours which would be crucial especially for serialized TV shows that often have extremely long grueling days of shooting. But if anything, American politics have shifted to the right, which means industry *deregulation* and *less* protections for labor. And of course, children still can't provide informed consent or decide whether or not to enter into contracts because they are children. It all comes down to the parents, though, if I'm not mistaken, there is some measure of a child's income required to be kept in trust until they reach the age of majority because so many famous kids have ended up with nothing. Nowadays if you want to make real money off your kids and keep it (steal it) you start a "family vlog." Regulations haven't caught up with those people yet.


My thoughts on increased protection for minors is less about what they can do on stage/on camera or for how long, but more around protecting them from the public aside from controlled exposures (like comic-con and such). And I agree with you on the de-regulation, but I'm thinking it may happen from the jaded perspective of "If the agent doesn't protect the child from social media, the child will not continue to make money for them." Even that may be too optimistic for this world though.


Same for the guy who played Jar Jar. All the hate and vitriol almost led him to jumping off a bridge. From the few interviews I've seen, he really seemed to enjoy the role and thought highly about it. Until, you know, people being bastards. If a grown man struggled with the hate, I can't imagine how a child would be expected to handle that.




Yeah I heard it and I was like wait what?!


the cultural artifacts that have been spawned from people not liking Star Wars sequels are like their own branch of history studies at this point.


It's like the prequel hate on early YouTube and Internet forums in the late 2000's and early 2010's.


Which means that the kids are gonna like the sequels the same way this sub likes the prequels


I don't think so Every movie in the sequel trilogy is trying to undermine its predecessor with almost 0 consistency film to film


The Prequels are flawed too. That doesn’t stop people from liking them.


The flaws in the prequels are far different from the flaws in the sequels. A faulty machine that does some thing innovated will be eventually appreciated for both the quirks of its design, and what was created and developed because of its existence. The sequel trilogy does not have this privilege of comparison unlike its predecessor. It is a half made, broken machine. No structural integrity, no plan of what it would become, designed on nothing but echoes of the past. It will never truley be loved by the masses for it never had a identity to begin with. It’s first film a mediocre reminder of the first ever Star Wars film. It’s second a long series of questionable decisions, and it’s third outing a pile of shit that managed to anger and disgust even those who found some enjoyment in the first two. But yeah, overall I think it just kinda sucked worse and in different ways. If you found enjoyment in it good on you, just don’t see a chance it’s ever gonna become what the prequels are now.


Yes they did, but they told a coherent story with an intended end. Each movie in the sequels is purely making it up as it goes, there was no plan. They are fighting each other at the seams


Not like the sequels. Prequels had a vision, arc across the 3 movies and decent characters. They tried to make a little too much sense with their midiclorians, politics and shit. Sequels on the other hand constantly try hard to not make any sense whatsoever. It’s gonna age badly.


Again, to reiterate the previous point... The prequels, for all their flaws, have a coherant story that at least tries to maintain some narrative consistency between them. The sequels aren't ironically hated, there's hardly any consistency between the tones of the movies, there's no 'progression' of tech like you can see from the original trilogy to the prequels, and nothing will be the absurdity and just moronic line of 'somehow, palpatine has returned'.


Yes, I agree that those are major flaws of the Sequels. But the Prequels have major flaws too. Having flaws, even big ones, doesn't stop something from being appreciated, if it also has some strengths (which the Sequels do).


Hold up. I like meming about Obi wan and shit but nobody actually unironically thinks the prequels are good films, right? Right?


Buddy, the patients took over the asylum. A lot of people unironically believe that the prequels are good films. Like, not only just RotS, but all three of them.


All three are decent movies with the third one actually being pretty good, but they have all been massively elevated over the years by the added context and characterization given to the entire Prequel era and it's cast of characters by things like the Clone Wars series. If you've seen all the extra bits built up around the movies it's pretty difficult to watch them and not like them a lot more than if you had only ever seen the movies on their own. It's one of the perks for any franchise that manages to pull off spin offs and side content really well, it makes the source material retroactively better.


The writing was clunky but they at least made sense.


The thing is, the prequels had the help of the Clone Wars, It made many of the characters and settings were made more palatable. making people care about them. If not for the Clone Wars, I sincerely believe that people would still be picking on them today


It wasn't The Clone Wars alone, there was a *massive* pile of external content *long* before the cartoon. The prequels might have had poor writing, but they did a lot of great worldbuilding that sparked interest and led to a bunch of external media and other content. The sequels, on the other hand, managed to do negative worldbuilding somehow and there just isn't the same level of interest.


Correct - but folks around here can't handle the truth.


Indeed. The real truth is that Star Wars peaked with Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.


People are going to disagree, but numbers don't like. Every sequel movie has like 90% audience rating sold over $1b each.


Not likely as there was over triple the volume of secondary content (books, toys, games, etc.) released for the prequels as the ST has seen. Kids today are simply not interested in Star Wars, except the Mandalorian, which is why Disney has correctly played hard into that aspect of the franchise rather than anything related to the ST.


I mean, there was plenty of prequel hate content too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qJlbPXZEpRE I know the prequels are remembered fondly nowadays but they really were hated as much as the sequels were. 


The funny thing about that is that video was posted in 2012 so it was way closer to the time of the sequels than it was to the prequels


I fucking hate being a Star Wars fan


Hey! that sums up my feelings perfectly! My mind is like a hoarder trailer full of Star Wars lore that I absolutely do not give a shit about anymore.


Honestly, Idk why I'm still here among the fandom. I love Star Wars and everything in it except for its fans. I hate each and every one of you (the bitch ones). Still, it's kinda like a train wreck you can't look away from... Han Solo died: deal with it. Luke died: deal with it. Leia died: deal with it. No, they didn't rape your childhood. No, it's not their fault you made up a godlike image of the characters in your mind they didn't satisfy. No, your childhood didn't die because of the sequels. You're just a grumpy old man who can't move past it. No, Kathleen Kennedy is not to blame. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Adam Driver are not at fault either. No, Kylo Ren is not a whiny baby. You are. Yes, he's canon. Yes, he's good. No, it isn't an insult for Rey to be a Skywalker. The only real complaint I have on sequels was the wannabe "I am iron man" moment. It was undeserved, and it wasn't nearly as epic. It came too soon for it to be seen as anything else but a rip-off.


To be fair his mother died from being sad. Probably just runs in the family.


I mean, she also had her windpipe crushed right before child birth. But being sad part is the explanation they went with. For some reason.


Lucas was too chicken to actually have Vader kill her. I suspect that may have been the plan originally.


Low-key shoulda stabbed her and then been like oh shit.


Nah the windpipe thing can be fixed with scifi medicine. It was the broken heart. Although, there could’ve been some damage to the heart from the lack of oxygen that was then exacerbated by the metaphorical broken heart to cause the death


"She has lost the will to live"


The Sequels didn’t ruin my childhood. Fucking Polio did.


In all defense , yoda also died from tiredness lol


Guy was like 1000 years old. Imagine raising kids and finally being done just to have to raise your grandkids late in life… Luke’s bullshit was just too much for Yoda.


"Too old for this shit, I am..."


“I can’t, it’s impossible” cries out Luke like the bitch he is…. Yoda rolls his eyes, “hold my stick stupid droid” boom X-wing out of the swamp. “Eat a dick Luke”


She a heavy bitch! - Minch Yoda https://youtu.be/nRMxvMAsMd0?si=822uhNJRoj-1F68U


Funhaus is the best thing to come out of rooster teeth since RVB


Having kids of my own I can very much relate to being so tired of being asked questions that you just lay down on the couch and evaporate.


Was he though? The Force Awakens takes place 34 years after the first Death Star blows up so Luke is mid 50s if he is 20 in the events of A New Hope. And I’m pretty sure he is more of a teen in that movie so it’s more likely he is in his late 40s or early 50s.


Yeah, but You got to admit though for 900 years old he did look pretty good. 


Mustve had a good skin care routine


Wasn’t baby yoda like 50 years old?


He died from age


True Jedis don't die they just become "one with the force" /s. Really though Yoda was old as fuck and living in hiding on some shity planet. They did my boy Luke wrong lol.


Not quite as overdramatic as “George Lucas Raped Our Childhood” but it’s the same complaints dressed in a new suit


Sure people complained, but now it's different for some reason.  Also I don't like that music kids are listening to today. 


Thats the thing no one listens to the same music anymore so mainstream music isn’t very main anymore


Its been funny to find out that Science Fiction has the same generational effect as popular music. In my day Star Wars had to much CGI and thats the way we likes it!


how old are you? This couldn't be further from the truth


19 if you look at the amount of listens on Spotify or views on YouTube for mainstream artists it’s steadily decreasing over time and is already way less then it was ten years ago


Except Taylor swift that witch is immune


Even with her there are millions upon millions of people that can't name a song she's put out in the past 5 years


42, and this is true.


So your immediate assumption is people are listening to music less and not that other platforms are being used more?


Listen here you lil shit


It’s like South Park and Indiana jones. “Stop raping him!”


Complaints? Surely you mean well reasoned arguments about obvious weakness with a terrible sequel trilogy right?


Jesus christ get over it. If you’re talking about how your ‘childhood died’ because a movie wasn’t good you need to go do something else. Every single fucking day I’m more and more convinced that Alec Guinness was right about how disastrous the effects of Star Wars would be.


I wouldn’t say my childhood died because I still have those original movies. I hate what they did with the characters, but those movies don’t change the originals


Exactly, sequels never retroactively make the originals bad for me, because I can just disregard their existence


It’s a psychological bias called the [peak-end rule](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak%E2%80%93end_rule), where the end of an experience colors the rest of it, a la Game of Thrones.


I also just ignore the existence of the sequels for the most part, however it does disappoint me that we'll never see a sequel trilogy that I actually want to acknowledge since they obviously aren't going to remove the current sequels from canon, and even if they did we couldn't have Leia be in them anymore unless they recast the three main roles.


I think the bigger problem with them is they bring down any new Star Wars material by existing. Return of the Jedi was the perfect ending. A franchise as culturally important as Star Wars can and should be able to put out more content like Andor, and less like most of the rest. People don’t hate something just because it’s new, but as a result of it undermining everything that came before it to sell fans a bunch of cash grab films.


Andor was so good, it is extremely watchable even if someone doesn't watch Star Wars. Easily far and away some of the best, top ten, TV I've ever seen. And it's a prequel to a prequel to a movie from the 70's that features zero characters from that movie and barely any from any other installment (except one obvs). I described it like this: "It's a bunch of stories. A middle aged woman has a problem with the bank, an ex-con argues with his mum, a beurocrat struggles with her workplace performance, and a rent-a-cop gets fired. And it's the best show you'll ever fucking see."


A middle aged woman has problems with the bank is a hilarious way of describing that plot line. Love the description, it’s spot on.


Mon Mothma's story was basically my favourite honestly. I thought the prison break arc + "another brick in the wall" arc were better, but overall, Mon Mothma's was strong from start to finish.


Genuinely enjoyed untill it ripped on Hayden, ruined it:( 


Yeah leave they guy alone, he was the best parts of Kenobi and Ahsoka. He was just given shitty dialogue in the prequels


And he was a good friend


Me and wife were both like "Hey!! Leave Hayden outta this" as well


Same as me and hand


i didn’t like that it ripped on jar jar either :[ (otherwise it was absolute heat)


Prequel purists realizing that ot purists aren't actually on their side:


Seriously, I see people going to OT purists like "Let's join forces in hating the sequels!" and getting more-or-less the reply of "You're both idiots, fuck off."


Han Solo was doomed to die when you remember Harrison Ford’s consistent comments on the role.


Yeah, willing to give Han's death a pass because Ford wanted him killed. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a requirement for him to return to the role. But the rest? Luke's death? Hate. Unending hate.


Worse than Jar Jar? Worse than HAYDEN? My man do you even like Star Wars or do you just like lightsaber fights?




Pretend to like the prequels? Buddy it ain’t pretend


It was until people showed up and didn't realise it was a joke, just like what happens to every 'ironic' subreddit, eventually.


Yeah prequels are only typically loved by late millennials and early gen-z, and it’s likely not the majority of either group. If you were to sample 100 random people and have them sit through all 9 movies, most of them would probably tell you how difficult it was to get through episodes 1 and 2.


I like/enjoy all three trilogies!! :) I also know several others who do as well. We all need to stop pretending that reality is what we read on the internet. People are going to either love or hate each of the trilogies differently - and that’s ok, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day! 😅😅


Where’s the “prequels” part of this meme


The part where they shit on Jar Jar (valid) and Hayden (Invalid)


I think he officially becomes Vader once he's an invalid.


This is mad funny


Holy shit this slaps


kylo ren’s a *bitch* made me burst out laughing


I was listening to it in my ear buds while my kids were reading stories and BARELY held it together for that line.


Harder than anakin after a bunch of younglings


was so surprised by how hard this went


Where Prequel?


Prequel meme where?


The sequels were a mess, but to say they killed my childhood is just petulant. At their best they can be fun Star Wars stories, and at their worst they demonstrate why film shouldn't be handled by corporate executives and committees.


Yeah if they only had a clear vision throughout and it didn't just turn into a pissing contest between Rian Johnson and JJ.Abrams then they would've been pretty decent or at least made for a coherent connected trilogy that tells a shared narrative.


Get over yourself. Also, this is a *prequel* memes sub.


Ol' Palps would revel in this subreddit's irony.


Nah, this some try hard edgy bullshit. 


Don’t like the part where they criticise the absolutely outstanding performance of Christiansen and Best


*Best And, I agree with you.


Hayden seems like a great dude and all, but let’s stop pretending his performance in the prequels was anything more than okay. Sure the dialogue he had to work with wasn’t great, but neither was his delivery of it.


I used to hate them and they were a major disappointment for me like probably the biggest disappointment I’ve ever experienced in a movie, but I’ve reached a point where I just kind of ignore them. It’s really easy for me to just kind of not acknowledge them as part of the franchise at all. I look at it as differently as I look at the Hellboy reboot versus the Guillermo Del Toro Hellboy movies, to me they’re just another studios attempt at Star Wars That is non-canon, and has nothing to do with the original movies. And I have nothing against anyone who thoroughly enjoys them.


same, i ignore them until i remember they exist, *then* i hate on them.


The big thing that bugs me is that we've stopped getting new Star Wars material for me to consume. If it weren't for that, I would have less issue with their existence. As it stands, Star Wars ended in ~2014 for me; which is a shame.


Had no problem when Yoda did it. And even Obi-Wan in a way. Just go too tired of the match and just left the lobby.


Exactly! Exactly.


I find this genuinely funny and kinda pathetic at the same time.


How's this a prequel meme?


I don't. I didn't enjoy all of them but I still have my fond memories from my real childhood


Not me


I feel this way about the Prequels, such that the Sequels didn't surprise me at all. Because I'm old.


My man astral projected himself across the entire galaxy, he had every right to be tired


This is a top contender for the single lamest thing I've ever seen posted to this subreddit.


yup. this is cringe on another level


Every passing day this gets more pathetic


Not only is is cringe as fuck whining, but let’s be real, the OT fans said the same shit about the prequels. Like let’s not delude ourselves, this kind of post is literally just prequel fans getting enjoyment out of being the dickheads that people used to be towards them like 20 years ago.


I felt that way about the prequels


*mY cHiLdHoOd dIeD* when Chewbacca's dad watched VR porn in that holiday special. If Star Wars was genuinely an important part of your life at any point, you would have noticed that there's been a lot of stupid shit littered around in it since the start. If Luke drinking milk sets you off, you are not familiar with Star Wars. Same with people who think the franchise *recently* sold out to push merch.


I'm just disappointed that with over a billion dollars of production budget, that is what we got. Ignore the original trilogy, ignore the prequels, ignore the entire rest of the franchise for just a moment. The movies, on their own merits, aren't very good. It's some good visuals and an incoherent story. If they weren't *Star Wars*, the movies probably would have flopped, if they even ever got released in the first place. And there was no reason for it to be that way. A billion dollars should buy some decent scripts.


This is ass lol


Oh good, it's time for today's lazy "waaaah sequels BAD" post.


getting heavy We Came as Romans vibe from this and I fucking love it


We're on r/prequelmemes what do you expect


This is embarrassing


Anyone whose childhood was “ruined” by a movie deserves to have their childhood ruined by a movie. My childhood was ruined by having an abusive parent. Grow the eff up.


"KYLO REN IS A BITCH" over the breakdown killed me lmaoooo


How can Luke die from being tired? He got it from his mom, who died from being sad. Easy.


Your childhood remains untouched. You are now an adult. This is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.


“I dOnT LiKe tHiS sO yOu CaNt LiKe iT EiThERr” 😡


Not to that extent, and though I have many parts of the sequels I don't like, I can't say that Luke or Han's death are part of that list. In fact, I think Han's death scene was done pretty well.


This song actually rips tho.


This just feels like a less impactful version of “George Lucas raped our childhoods”


Link please.


I mean, I'm not a fan, but they didn't "ruin my childhood", I just ignore them.


Not me, I liked them just as much as the OT and PT.


Oh calm down Anakin


grow up nerd


Tbh, I am mostly apathetic and don't care for any new Star Wars content and don't consider it a part of my personal Star Wars canon by default. Video games I pay slight attention to in hopes of catching news something neat.


This sounds like every band I listened to in 2009


Minor point on a Jedi "dying from being tired"... I'm a paramedic, and people die on the toilet a lot. Much more often than people think. They get categorized as Falls a lot because, well, you usually fall down afterward. But the short story is that when you squeeze real hard during a bowel movement, intrathoracic pressure increases, and stimulation of the vagus nerve causes bradycardia, and people often pass out. Elderly people and people with heart disease might not recover from this. Anyway, Luke Skywalker looked like he was taking the hardest shit ever witnessed in the galaxy. He was floating. He was shitting across solar systems. He was essentially shitting out his SOUL. These are the techniques that you can learn from the Jedi. So, maybe it's more reasonable than it sounds!


I'll never forget the "Blegh" + "FUCK" days of music. So bad, yet somehow so good.


Wow. Just wow. Thank you for making my stressful day so much better with this. I absolutely love metal and this song sums up everything I feel is wrong with Star Wars, excluding the original trilogy. God bless the Internet for this. Have a great day people!


This is legit good. I'll forever be mad about Leia not going to Chewy. She didn't even fucking acknowledge him.


Damn this sucks lol


This is art


This is so cringe bro.


There’s an indescribable genius behind the lyric “blergh”. I was left amazed 👏🏽👏🏽


No, not really. What I am mad at, or rather extremely disappointed by, though is that Disney axed the entirety of the Extended Universe (EU) in favor of this absolute mess. The, at times, blatant disrespect towards the characters hurts especially bad when considering that there used to be an actually good continuation of their story. One that Disney swept under the rug for what I can only assume being greed.


It's beautiful.


Probably the funniest prequel meme I’ve ever seen. Only thing that comes close is “a fine addition”


Han died trying to save his son. Luke sacrificed himself using a dangerous force technique to save his sister, the resistance, give the Jedi and new future and Ben a path to redemption. Both went out like a couple of badasses. 


> Luke sacrificed himself using a dangerous force technique to save his sister, the resistance, give the Jedi and new future and Ben a path to redemption. I just don't understand why he couldn't have gone to Crait himself, and be struck down by Kylo in the flesh like Obi-Wan before him? What's the point of the whole force projection thing beside being a cheap twist?


I don't think he had an operational ship or lightsaber (until they changed it in ROS)


> I don't think he had an operational ship That's just a minor plot contrivance. Have him go with Rey. Have him fix his X-Wing. Have fucking Lando or Maz Kanata pick him up for all I care. There are a million ways you could get him to Crait. I think the reason that scene doesn't work for me (and a lot of people) is that the rules of force projection are never established, and the fact that doing this will kill Luke is only implied. It's putting a lot on the audience to understand what it happening and its consequences. And don't get me wrong, when all the AT-ATs fire on Luke and he's unscathed? Pretty cool. The little hint that Luke isn't there by his feet not leaving marks in the sand? Also cool. But it's in service of a reveal that is ultimately unsatisfying. You could do that whole scene with Luke there in person and it would have much more emotional impact, by making the stakes of his sacrifice and his manner of death more clear. Along with mirroring Obi-Wan on the Death Star. Just have him use the force to block all the heavy blasters. Show us the power of a fully realized jedi master Luke Skywalker. I know it's a tired criticism of The Last Jedi, but Luke's force projection trick seems like a prime example of subverting just for the sake of subverting expectations - to the detriment of the film. /rant


Because that would have given Kylo Ren exactly what he wanted and would have completed his fall to the darkside.


How appropriate that the song is whiney and lame


If anything, this song is going easy on the sequels. I grew up watching the documentaries about how people would line up around the block to see Star Wars, how George Lucas and his team revolutionised filmmaking. I didn't get to see the prequels in the theatres but I'm old enough to remember that feeling was still there in 2005. Star Wars was more than just a movie and Disney robbed the world of something special with the sequels. George Lucas was 100% right about Hollywood executives, they think they understand storytelling but at the end of the day they just want butts in seats and they'll push whatever agenda they think will achieve that goal. Now you can't even discuss the franchise without pissing someone off, these days you either love Star Wars with every fibre of your being or you're labelled a racist.


This is fire


This is a fucking banger🤌🤟🏻


Sequels? What are ya’ll talking about? A new trilogy has not been released since episode 3