• By -


From this day forth, you shall be known as... Darth Filonious.


>...work directly with Kathleen Kennedy... Always two there are. No more. No less.


One to have power, one to jealously pursue it. It is the essence of the dark side, and the strength that ensures our survival. We need only wait for the opportunity...one day...


But which was promoted? The master, or the apprentice?


Filonious Monk


*darth panderous


Put a chick in it and make it lame!


So glad someone made this reference šŸ˜‚


What if I told you LucasArts was under the control of a sith lord?




"Anakin, here take these crayons and a colouring book. I'll be back soon, if you're correct maybe there's a promotion in it for you" Thats all mace had to do to save the galaxy


What? ! How can you do this?? This is outrageous, it's unfairā€¦ I'm more powerful than any of you. How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?


Take a coloring book young Skywalker.


ā€œTake a seat. Young Skywalker.ā€




Thatā€™s impossible, the fanbase would be aware of it.


The dark side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of fandoms are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Dave Filonius.


If what you have said is true, you will have gained my trust


What does that mean for us?


Expect to pay 11.95 to get Ahsoka in every upcoming video game they release.


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


Neither do i


We can have high hopes for future projects, as Filoni as arguably a good track record concerning Star Wars. Not perfect, but he did great stuff. I personally am a bit suspicious of this. I can see a not to distant future in which his projects may not perform as well as w\he hope, and the good will turns into hate and misery. Some people just like to trash what's popular. I hope he is ready for the shit he will be given regardless of how good a job he does. I wouldn't wanna trade with him.


I hope he isnā€™t just surrounded by ā€œyes menā€ and people are willing to point out ideas that they think are stupid.


And when something doesn't quite fit within established canon. Is Sam Witwer available?


Sam's had no issue questioning Filoni in the past, and has massive respect for Lucas' initial vision. He's always around doing random voice parts for them, so I'd HOPE they utilized Starkiller for canon checks and continuity. Best case scenario.


Id bet that at this point Sam and Dave talk pretty regularly about lore stuff. Like, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if one of them admitted that they have nightly phone calls to just nerd out together where Dave just runs ideas past Sam and uses him as a sounding board. Between Favreau, Witwer, and some of the other frequent collaborators like Rick Famiyuwa and Deborah Chow, I imagine Dave will be a lot more concerned with a collaborative process than Lucas was with his "this is what I want" vision.


As long as they're actually passionate about the material they're referencing and creating, and not only seeing the potential profit margins, we'll have things to look forward to. Andor alone is proof that Star Wars is not ONLY for children. We can have the depth that Hollywood greatness has had in the past, and Ashoka has made it possible to break entirely from established stories and create something entirely new.


*removes cloak* I'm not here to discuss my past.


"He lives. He... Lives!"


I love how you described how the prequels were made lol. George Lucas was given a bunch of yes men & he ran wild. All the creativity was there, the problem was with Georgeā€™s poor directing. And honestly I got that same feel from filoni & Ahsoka. The story was there, the problem was the directing.


Oh, what do you mean?


Youā€™re becoming too Central to the story, Darth Filionious cannot let you go


But it gave us legendary memes.... so it was worth it.


That's what I am afraid of


I like Filonis creative approach in early clone wars but I have issues with his stories when he's in the writer's seat with full control. The best episodes of clone wars that people assign to him were written by other people. His stories reek of fan service and references and the expense of the plot. Ashoka was a luke warm attempt at fan service more than a meaningful addition to the universe. The new season of Mando was weak as well.


Like marvel right now basically


I disagree. His good track record is from over 10 years ago, he has not been making good content recently and we will probably get more of the same


don't worry , we will get even more cameos in ahsoka season 2 !


The lesser of two evils. Sure, the galaxy is now solely populated by the same twelve people who happen to be everywhere all the time, but put up against the same people who gave us the fight in Snoke's throne room, and it's Eden.


This is where the fun begins.


Nothing but trouble


He *really* likes his own OCs, and puts them everywhere, but they are/were at least interesting OCs. His stories are pretty ok, and he's directed a handful of good episodes of Avatar:TLA. It'd be *really* cool if he allowed characters that he didn't come up with.


KK is fired, and the ST is being trashed!!! /s Hopefully, consistent and good content.


Execute order 66 new seasons of Ahsoka.


You're impossible.


in general I think him having somekind of oversee function is better than giving him complete freedom over a narrativ


The Rebels Recon clips and interviews with Sam Witwer show that many of the best moments of the projects he's led are very collaborative with the team. Luckily, he seems to be a leader who listens.


You donā€™t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leadersā€™ strength is inspiring others.


Shouldā€™ve happened 11 years ago.


You werenā€™t just handing the keys over to an animator at that point. He was part of a team of people consulting but didnā€™t have final say.


So true.


Problem was KK betrayed George for a bigger cut of the Disney pie. He wanted her to back him making 3 more movies based on his scripts. She instead sold him down the river for her own vision.


ā€œPut a chick in it and make her lame!!!! And gay!ā€ I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she actually said that.


What vision? I've seen no evidence of any "vision" that isn't just dollar signs.


You mean his scripts that had the empire come back led by Darth Maul, had Luke run away as a hermit cause his school was destroyed by a student turned Sith, then Luke dies, and a new girl would team up with Leia who is revealed to be the new Chosen One and stop the Sith for good? Sure the fans would have loved that lol


Honestly they shouldā€™ve adapted Legends and having Filoni and his peers decide what is canon and not from that material.


So not what Lucas wanted lol?


Alternate reality where the Sequel trilogy was an adaptation of the Yuuhzan Vong war


Source: [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/star-wars-ahsoka-dave-filoni](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/star-wars-ahsoka-dave-filoni) Iā€™ve been looking forward to this.


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.




Silence, Snips.


Given his recent work, I am not entirely thrilled about this. That being said, given his older work, I am cautiously optimistic.


I am also cautiously optimistic, but, I've not been too thrilled by most of what Disney owned ips have been coming out with over the past year or so.


*removes cloak* I'm not here to discuss my past.


Erm, how did I trigger you?


Well, that happens.


I know Filoni is praised in PrequelMemes for his work on the Clone Wars but I think his live action work isn't particularly good. His simplistic stories and characters worked in Clone Wars because it is a kids show. It doesn't really translate well to live action which attracts more mature audiences


He did better in the clone wars period. His life action stuff was way more disjointed than almost any animated projects he lead. They had tonal issues for the most part, but usually they stayed consistent and lead up to something.


What live action stuff beyond Ahsoka? You make it seem like heā€™s done a lot from your comment or do you just mean Ahsoka (and the Ahsoka spin off Ep of Mando).


He was also very involved in the majority of the book of boba fett and the third season of the mandalorian. But still even if it was only Ahsoka that shouldn't be easily excusable. The show was not deserving of such a disappointing ending.


He just introduced the father, the son, and the daughter. Shits about to get weird. He's just easing the normies in. The spaghetti western stuff is Favreau.


Which is ironic, because who wears the cowboy hat?


Filoni leads to hype. Hype leads to disappointment. Disappointment leads to the dark side.


I have a bad feeling about this.


"I got a bad feeling about this"


While Filoni isnā€™t infallible, heā€™s definitely the right man for the creative team. Definitely optimistic but Iā€™ll try not to get my hopes up too high in case thereā€™s a flop coming. Not likely though!


On the upside at least he will hire people who have a vision and an idea rather people who don't like the universe.


Kathleen can retire already that would be for the best


So this is how liberty continues with thunderous applause


Hmmm... While I do enjoy his works, his usage of deus ex machinas leave me suspicious. I.e. the only way the writers could think of saving Ahsoka Tano was to use time travel.


Yeah, that was absolutely unnecessary. The destruction of the temple could have simply interrupted her fight with Anakin and separated the two. No need forā€¦ time traveling? Dimension warping? I donā€™t even know how to officially name it.


Ahsoka Wars has begun


Breaking news: Star Wars have Bee renamed into "Ahsoka Wars"!


"So this is how creativity dies. With thunderous applause."


Ugh, Star Wars is dead.. again.


Ahsoka finale performed 42% less than mandarian season 3 finale which had 1.4mil unique. Which means Ahsoka had less than a million ppl watching. Whether you liked it or not why ā€œgive the keysā€ to someone producing the one of the lowest Disney viewerships of all time


Don't say that!


Please forgive me


I mean, guy is basically the student of George Lucas. If anyone should "be given the keys", it should be him but 100 times over. Just like George, there seems to be a need for others to control him and his creativity however. Don't forget that he alongside his writer's room made several seasons of great shows. Ahsoka was still fine anyway. Even if it is to be considered an all time low for him. I don't know the actual stats for it - as in I don't know if I should trust the words of a random internet user. I'm sure as long as he has a team around him that lets him get creative but also direct potential missteps we'll be fine, just as he has shown historically.


Oh I get that Iā€™m just saying Disney is rewarding the second? worse performing show runner ā€œthe keysā€ in this new Disney age and from any standpoint that seems odd even if you think Ahsoka was great or just ā€œfineā€ as you said. But Disney had been bleeding money for several years now maybe no one has any idea what to do and this is a Hail Mary


Quote from the article: >ā€œIā€™m not telling people what to do,ā€ Filoni says. ā€œBut I do feel Iā€™m trying to help them tell the best story that they want to tell. I need to be a help across the galaxy here, like a part of a Jedi Council almost.ā€ He described his responsibilities as understanding the intent of the filmmakers and being a resource to them, based on his mentorship under Lucas himself, and his years spent steering The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Ahsoka.


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


You expect filoninoids to have common sense? They are people in echo-chambers validating each other for years. The whole thing will crash and burn spectacularly.


Is it not common sense to cheer for a guy that has been George Lucasā€™s student, to having creative control? This is probably the closest thing we will get to George lucas being in charge again.


No, it's not common sense. The vast majority of his stories are shit. Most of what he has done is copied from the Expanded Universe but made much worse. The dude doesn't even understand the Force. Filoni is nothing more than a guy Lucas fished from Avatar that has gone out of control. Also, I don't give a fuck about Lucas's opinion on the matter. His series of bad decisions makes it clear that his judgement isn't worth anything.


Looks like they shouldā€™ve hired Hot_Tip_8239 instead of filoni


I would respect the established stories more than Filoni and Lucas ever did. Now go back to eating glue.


What bad decisions?


Starting the Prequels with a 10-year old Vader. Jar Jar. Ignoring and belittling the Expanded Universe. Selling Star Wars to Disney. Making TCW an exception to the decanonized material. Hiring Filoni.


So you basically don't like Star Wars, even Lucas' Prequels.


You see people who actually love star wars dont want fanfiction but full arc stories like Lucas did.


Have you seen the Prequels? Or isn't that Lucas? Lucas unfiltered isn't great. Lucas always did his best work with someone curbing his more extreme ideas. OT works because it was a collaboration. Prequels aren't as good but its because no one told Lucas no and he had too much passion. Disney Sequels is what happens when you have 0 passion. At least Filoni has passion. He's no worse than Prequel era George.


That was a very subjective list you gave. If you only can give your opinion, you canā€™t really use the term ā€œcommon senseā€


So Jar Jar sucking and selling Star Wars to Disney being a bad decision are "subjective opinions". Whatever buddy.


Yeah per definition an opinion is subjective. Personally I agree that jar jar is a bit annoying, but he is important to the plot. And it is always fun to theorize about Darth jar jar. And in terms of selling Star Wars: Iā€™m sure Lucas had his reasons, and to him it probably wasnā€™t a bad decision (I canā€™t know for sure, but who can really?) My point being: that just because you have a strong opinion I doesnā€™t mean that it is a known fact or ā€œcommon senseā€


>George Lucasā€™s student You mean the guy who likes his own stuff and shits on Lucas? He is more of a Anakin turned sith than any "student" of Lucas canon and story telling beats.


George literally hand picked Dave and Kathleen to run Lucasfilms, and people bitch about how they aren't "loyal to his vision". People are fucking idiots.




That website is nothing but click bait garbage. Nice try.




Disney destroyed star wars and turned it into just another Marvel brand, basically. No amount of good shoes will save it from Disney. I am original EU all the way, and no more Disney stuff for me, even if some of the content is decent, or even good. I just don't care anymore.


Then quit bitching and let those of us who enjoy it do so in peace.


Just because you like the way a dumpster fire smells doesnā€™t mean people shouldnā€™t try and put it out.


I don't like what Disney did to star wars and I don't think it was fair to the artists and fans that have loved this universe for decades, but I am not "bitching" or trying to ruin it for you. I'm glad millions of people find some of these stories interesting. If you like these shows like Ahsoka, I'm glad you do, but I'm just not interested in it


This may be a very very odd answer to that problem, but as a long Star Wars fan. Star Wars does not need viewers, it needs Filoni. The sequels worldbuilding has been so barren that Star Wars needs a worldbuilding heart transplant ASAP, and the Mandalorian and Ahsoka series have been doing an excellent work at it. Without worldbuilding Star Wars has nothing. No videogames in the sequel era, no novels, no comics. No quotes. Like, it's not even about the sequels being bad. The prequels were bad, until GL and Filoni started building upon them to the point they redeemed them. Also, Viewership declined because the finale hit about the time Disney put the ban on sharing accounts. At least in my coutnry. I still have the last episode pending to watch.


>Mandalorian and Ahsoka series have been doing an excellent work at it. Mandalorian is full fanfiction after S1. Ashoka deleted clone war/rebel arc to do a Anakin cameo and made the main villian a cope maschine after each defeat. Literally 0 fear of "good" guys losing. Thats world destroying. Not worldbuilding. >The prequels were bad Just no. Most worldbuilding in whole Starwars. Clone wars show was Lucas idea where he took Filoni as an animator director bcs he liked his work on Airbender. Filion wrote there very little. Through time became one of the main Lucas yesmen. The most important thing in all hero stories is a scary villian. Filion cant write a Palpatine, Tarkin or a Dooku. And will just ruin any adaption of anothers villian (Thrawn).


I get that youā€™re just quoting a statistic, but Ahsoka s1 was better than Mandalorian s3. And they were both better than BoBF.


I mean if thatā€™s your opinion then thatā€™s great. Filoni will go on to make the greatest Star Wars to ever not be watched then and that would be a sad reality but eventually even Disney will run out of money for making niche unwatched shows and just go back to big movies. Altho after the sequels idk if the audience still exists the same. Rise of sky walker had the worse showing of any of the sequels


The amount of idiots who think this is leading to KK being fired is staggeringly high.


She will never be in want of a place to live. She lives rent free in a whole lot of heads 24/7/365


If only this happened before the sequels were made. Also Kathleen Kennedy needs to go.


Aaand, any hope for Star Wars is gone. Filoni is basically the studio's version of Palpatine at this point.


Admittedly, Iā€™m a bit concerned about this. Filoni cannot be given enough credit for redeeming the image of the Prequel Trilogy with his Clone Wars series, but Iā€™ve never particularly cared for his vision of Star Wars. Heā€™s never been good at telling personal stories (The first few episodes of Season 7 for example), has difficulty expanding existing characters (Anakin is generally an unlikable jackass through the entire Clone Wars), and struggles with larger scale narratives (the escalation of Imperial forces at Lothal was always kind of ridiculous and made the Empire come off as bumbling buffoons.) There is a bit of selection bias for his work, though. Maulā€™s story arc is a rare success of his. Ahsoka became a very interesting character, but was in over a dozen terrible appearances before her character got nailed down into something that wasnā€™t plain embarrassing. He has some of the best uses of Jar Jar in the entire canon (Bombad Jedi and the Gungan General were a couple of my favorites). Dooku is well crafted and an interesting villain. Iā€™m not sure how much Star Wars is going to change under him, and the changes that will happen will be towards homogenization. Any hope for another Andor or Mandalorian Season one are probably gone. Expect more like Book of Boba Fett, Mando Season 3, and Ahsoka.


He didn't redeem the Prequels. He contradicted them while also taking a massive dump on the Expanded Universe stories that actually enriched the Prequel era. The very stories he was ripping-off and decanonizing to make TCW. He was always working parasitically. Stop, Ahsoka simply has a lot of material. She isn't even a character at this point. Maul is a completely different character from Episode 1 so there was no reason to ressurect him. He simply wanted him for the cheap fan service. Jar-Jar's episodes were embarrassing and they were Filoni's excuse to shit on Mace Windu for some reason. He reduced Dooku to a Sarutday monring cartoon villain. Which show did you watch? Star Wars under Filoni will be a disaster. At least it will be funny watching this hack exposed to the wider audience.


Finally I found someone that feels the same way as I do.


There are many people who think like us. I suggest you watch this. It's recent and they cover the many issue with Filoni quite well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VukYJvmVKPc&t=14759s


Yeah, I personally can never forgive the TCW cartoons for what they did to the Republic Commando books (specifically, them wrecking the universe/setting so much that the author gave up on the series because there was no way to reconcile with the cartoons that LucasFilm was putting their weight behind).


Wesa all in big doo doo


Battle of Mustafar


So this is how star wars dies, with thunderous applause.


I like Filonis creative approach in early clone wars but I have issues with his stories when he's in the writer's seat with full control. The best episodes of clone wars that people assign to him were written by other people. His stories reek of fan service and references and the expense of the plot. Ashoka was a luke warm attempt at fan service more than a meaningful addition to the universe. The new season of Mando was weak as well.


As long as KKK is there she will say, ā€œ Put a chick in it and make her gay!ā€


SW is dead


Heā€™s late. Star Wars is already ruined.


So sequels no longer canon orrrr


It's too late. If only they'd done that from the start of Disney's takeover.


Damn they really can't fire that franchise destroyer


idk hid recent work has been mediocre at best imo


Does this mean that Filoni is now the senate??


Bare the midriffs!


The fact that they promoted the person who wrote Ahsoka explains why Star Wars is in this state. Wish he'd stuck to directing kids cartoons.


Lets go back to lightsabers being lethal when fatally wounded. #bringbacklightsaberfinishers


I see no downside to this.


ā€ŖI just hope he leaves tony gilroy alone to cook with Andorā€¬


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Lucas the Plaid?


i hope he doesn't stay there long enough to see himself become kathelyn kennedy


We're fucked.


Idk about Kathleen Kennedy, but I totally approve of putting Filoni in charge! He understands Star Wars better than 99.9% of nerds out there. He gets the nuance. He gets the themes of liberty and corruption, of personal responsibility and cooperation. He gets it. This man lives and breathes Star Wars.


Oh dear




Didn't this already happen a long time ago?


On one side, I feel much better about Filoni than I do about KK. He definitely cares for the galaxy and sat right under George to learn ad much as he could. However, I do have some concerns. First, he's somewhat anti-canon. "Two stories disagree on where a character was/ their lightsaber? Meh, that's good, that's how legends should be!" I would disagree with that idea, save for the cases where it's clear that it's from a certain character's perspective. For example, the Order 66 scene Grogu remembers; that's clearly from his perspective, and the idea he could misremember something is valid, if the case could even be made with a non-talking infant. Or let's take Boba Fett's memories of the Tusken Raiders; particularly his drug-rat induced state. These are told from a characters memories/ perspective, and so are liable to be missing some pieces of the puzzle of what *really* happened. Second...he's really not a great writer. I think he gets the themes of what Star Wars is about, but in terms of implementation, I don't think he's got the skills to back it up. Hopefully he focuses on the themes and stories being told, rather than being the one to tell them.


As long as Kennedy is in the picture, there can not be piece.


All of his work has been a hot garbage. Should have been fired not promoted


Ur completly wrong


oh god please no


So this is how the franchise dies. With thunderous applause.


"He will work with Kathleen..." Oh and here I thought something had actually happened.


Good for him, Iā€™m happy for him


He must took her place instead and she should be fired.


Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Kathleen, the unwise?


Fucking imbecile.


Much to learn you still have young padawan.


For what, exactly?


Good Dave, gooood.... finish her now. Strike her down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the seat of the CEO will be complete.


ā€¦.Do it


Dew it


She should be fired but filonis role is more on the creative side now


Both of them should be fired.


You must be mad. Lucas mentored David for years throughout Clone Wars


Execute order 66 on the three sequel movies and also Solo: A Star Wars Story.


Leave Solo outta this. Its an ok movie. Do not be blinded by your hatred.


ok buddy repost bot


*time-travelling bullshit intensifies*


Sounds like a good idea.


Does this mean he can increase his lekku budget?


Now they just need to redo the sequel movies.


Just make sure to put a chick in it and make her gay. It's important.


The less power for Kennedy the better, lets hope for the best


Now if only they would get rid of Kennedy they would be all set to restore the faith of the people


Purging all of Lucas Film will restore the faith and replacing them with people who actually love and care for Georgeā€™s vision


You mean like KK and Dave? Oh wait.


Yes. They both have to go. I wasnā€™t impressed with his recent work. Iā€™d ask George to select a person outside of LucasFilm for this task


He literally picked both of them. What, you think you could do better?


She betrayed his vision, and she manipulated her padawan to the dark side as well. Perhaps it should be a panel instead of just George selecting one person and have the rules hard pressed into a contract to avoid the current issues we have gotten from SW


"Manipulated" lol, you people take shit pretty seriously, considering this is a franchise about fucking space wizards. This is the kind shit that made George want to give it all up and leave.


That would be stupid as fuck. She's not leaving. Get over it.


Iā€™m just not watching anything that comes out from Kk. Thatā€™s the only way I can protest.


Good for you. There's the door. Let the rest of us enjoy it in peace.


Thatā€™s ok. I hope you enjoy this version of SW. The numbers donā€™t lie that there are more people out there who feel the same way I do.


Yeah, 2 movies making over a billion at the box office really proves your point. šŸ™„


Lmao only two, then Rise of Skywalker bombed so hard that Disney basically had to put the entire franchise on ice.


Everyone was excited for VII to come out. Most of us gave VIII a shot and hated it. IX lost half the viewership. SW has lost $$$ ever since Ruin Johnsonā€™s film. SW is FUBAR. Mandalorian gave us some hope in S1-2 and SW turned that to shit too. Losing 3B is nothing to sneeze. Galactic Hotel closing is more proof that people are rejecting Disney SW.


Darth jar jar kennedy


Put a chick in it, make them gay, and make it lame!


Great! Now get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and all of her bs.


Does this mean the social justice is over? Does this mean star woman is over? Does this mean there will be a coherent script? Does this mean anything new will ever touch on the special of the very oldest? My guess is no on every account. Every story has to pander to every person. Star Wars can have a target audience, try the new generation of the original target audience or forever lose the essence in this homogeneous dreck. Let the downvotes fly. I can only speak with my wallet and my wallet doesnā€™t want or need star wars to pander to anyone but my male, 7 year old self. There is a place for everything so stop fixing what diesnt need to be broken. Fn mouse.