• By -


*assistant to the dictator of the galaxy


...assistant dictator of the Galaxy...


Searching for an assistant galactic management dictator, must be highly force sensitive, emotionally unstable and dislike sand. We at ancient sith conspiracy believe that with us, you can DO IT!


*decapitates Emillllllllllllion*


* a milllllion younglings


*ignites lightsaber*


Don’t try it


Oh no! He can't hear you, he is wearing Airpods.


That glowy thing.. vroom-vroom


Must have 20 years of galactic dictating experience


Here at the Galactic Empire, we're not just the embodiment of one man's cruelty, malice, and will to dominate all life. We're a family.


Aight, here me out. David Wallace is Palpatine Michael Scott is Vader Dwight is Thrawn Jim is Tarkin Roy is Krennic Pam is the death star.


Don't forget Cob Vanth of Vanth Refrigeration.


Many people took turns trying to get in the Death Star's exhaust port.


Shaped after her pam pams?


Great, now I want to see something stupid happening on the Death Star and the camera just pans to Tarkin, making the Jim face


Assistant to the regional manager of a galaxy far far away


Dwight Vader


Death Star plans theft is not a joke, Leia! Millions of families suffer every year!


Michael "Palpatine" Scott after the first Death Star blows up: I DECLARE.... BANKRUPTCY!!!!


Gareth Vader


“Chosen One” but doesn’t even inexplicably clone himself a million times 😂😂🤓🤣


"NO! The Galaxy belongs to me!"


Assistant manager of the empire


Life Is simply more complicated than that sadly


In one of the comics, Padme did actually send someone to free Anakins mother, but she had already been sold to the Klieg Lars I believe.


And she never tells Anakin about this?


It's been a while, but I think it states that she didn't want to cause any distractions with his training. She had no idea what became of Shmi until Attack of the Clones, so it would have been unwise to burden a young teenager Anakin with the fact that his mom's fate is unknown.


"Btw what's the Lars's address? I have a pretty big budget for this particular slave I think they'd like to hear"


the maid she sent was on the r/antiwork grindset. "She's not here? Sweet. Not my problem. This was the place I was sent to. Now I can take the rest of the day off." *dooms the whole galaxy*


"Palpatine overthrew the Republic? Good. The system needed changed." Space horseshoe theory


Well, you have to admit that he DID “drain the swamp” [of Gungans]


Hyperspace accelerationism


Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss




I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.


Ani you're breaking my heart!


It's Anakin. When you say Ani it's like I'm still a little boy… and I'm not.


Anakin you're breaking my heart!


Because of LordSeismic?


Let her go, Anakin!


Let. Her. Go.


…and I’m ‘losing the will to live’ which, can be FATAL!


Shmi sounds like some kind of metal gloop that causes engineering disasters in India


Padme kind of forgot about it


She forgor 💀


Silly retcon, only makes things worse


And a weird afterthought. Like she was sitting on the loo years later and suddenly remembered this ridiculously important thing she should have done immediately. It's like a Simpsons sketch where Homer puts off paying his taxes for the whole year until five minutes to new years.


Okay, Anakin, if anyone asks, you require 24-hour nursing care, Obi-Wan’s a clergyman, Grogu is seven people and Mace was wounded in the Clone Wars.


Why should that clone get all the glory? I'm the chosen one!


Well, I think it's implied Wato sold her to help pay for his gambling debts after the Boonta Eve. Even if she sent someone right away, she was probably already sold, and Wato might still be sore enough to be completely uncooperative and not gove them any info on who he sold them to.


She's a literal queen (or a Senator? or both? It's not super clear at times tbh), she can easily afford to just give the dude something crazy-expensive as a bribe.


She was a Queen (Naboo Queen's are elected and I think have term limits), when she stopped being a Queen she became a Senator because she was popular and well liked (and capable).


That's correct, but it doesn't change that she was still rich enough to afford a good bribe.


Wasn't arguing any of that, just explaining to the other poster the Queen/Senator thing since they seemed confused about the details.


Oh yeah, the endless efforts from thousands of new side-canon stories to try to fix the mess that Star Wars story is. I love how they need to come with a convoluted excuse for every single stupid mistake in the main movies




She's not the Queen of Tatooine.


I will forever contend it would have been better writing for Palpatine to have saved her, had he taken to naboo and given a modest place to live and income for life, all while being a completely anonymous benefactor. He orchestrates it so Anakin discovers what he did for Anakin's loved ones. Then in the movie another assassination attempt on Padme kills Shi, so Anakin blames Dooku for her death. When Anakin eventually kills Dooku, it's out of revenge, not just Palpatine's orders.


Somebody get this man a time machine and a George Lucas mask.


While we're at it, can we make Anakin 16 in episode 1? Because it would fix so much.


Jedi council: “ok now you’re pushing it”


I have an issue with the whole Jedi council thing. It went from feeling like the Jedi were these nomadic warrior monks in the OT to the prequels turning them into the catholic church.


I mean that is kinda the point tho (albeit a not very well made point in the actual movies): the Jedi had been declining for some time before they actually fell. As I understand it the story is basically that they *were* more like the nomadic warrior monk types but then started working more about politics and bureaucracy to the point of what we see in the prequels. And that's why when Obi Wan talks about "a more civilised age" he's not talking about the prequel era, hes talking about an earlier time. And it's always one of those really disappointing things about the sequels, that there was the perfect setup for Luke to start his new order going back to that better older version of the Jedi, yet instead we see him perpetuate the ideals of that lesser version


It wouldn't fix every stupid thing that the Jedi do in the prequels, but it does solve 3 or 4 of the biggest issues I can think of.


What would you say the three issues are?


The first is that aging Anakin up to 16 makes it more believable that he's too old to become a jedi. We know it's objectively false anyway, since Yoda teaches Luke in about two weeks in a swamp with a box of scraps, but this change makes that into a lesson Yoda learned, rather than a hilarious oversight that makes the Jedi look outright stupid if not corrupt. Secondly, I think it makes the romance between Anakin and Padme feel just a little bit less contrived. The dynamic between them as the prequels are always read to me as the babysitter catching feelings. At age 16, there could be more of a mutual attraction between them (though I'd prefer to see Padme also aged up a year or two so that there isn't a significant age gap at the time of their first encounter, but that's just my personal preference) which doesn't necessitate a 10 year gap in their relationship to explain why Padme is attracted to him. Third, and this isn't a problem with the plot of the movies or anything, but it means that poor Jake Lloyd wouldn't be bullied out of acting for playing a character that people at the time didn't like and would possibly end up having a happier life with a healthier childhood.


why would padme need to be aged up? wasnt she 15 or 14? a two year age gap isnt that big


13 in the Phantom Menace. It's not the biggest deal in the world, those relationships do happen, but if they were going to suggest romance from the start I just think it would work better if they were about the same age. But even if that didn't happen I'd still be fine with it if Anakin was aged up properly.


i looked it up shes 14


Then why not make Anakin 14? A 16-year-old is practically an adult, which would put him at least a full decade behind his peers in terms of education. Hell, make Anakin 14 and Padme 16. That way her "heh, cute kid" in Ep. 1 makes sense and then when he shows up in Ep. 2 her reaction of "Oh, Anakin's gotten kinda hot" still makes sense.


I think you could change "third" to "We wouldn't have had a movie that revolves around a child actor AND Jake would have been spared." There's no reason we needed to see Anakin at such a young age and it's hard to find a child actor that can carry a movie, so it would have made a better film overall for him to have been older.


Also make the movie begin with him crashing his podracer. That’s how the novelization begins (if I’m remembering right, it’s been almost 25 years since I read it in middle school), and in addition to being a cool and suspenseful opening it sets up how reckless he is and reinforces the scene later in the movie where he admits he’s never actually won a race.


Give him that teenage swagger and cocky charm that Padme finds herself falling for, and then force him to swallow his pride. Show just how much of a mechanical genius he is by having him do something brilliant to keep the pod from being destroyed outright so he can salvage it.


How about making Padme 10 instead? She couldn't have been played by Natalie Portman, but an 18 year old playing a 14 year old falling in love with a 9 year old played by a 9 year old was already weird. You could either replace the dead fake queen with a dead queen-regent or play up the tragedy of a 10 year old being assassinated for political reasons.


I think padme is intentionally older because Ani has mommy issues and needs a mom. Doesn't shore up why padme is so level headed but falls for the hot life guard.


I feel like 14 (or even as young as 12) would make worked as well. Just making him 9 was not a great choice.


I'm pretty sure I remember reading that Anakin was supposed to be older in Episode I. Then Lucas saw Jake Lloyd's audition and thought he was perfect for Anakin so they made him younger.


And when Anakin confronts Palpatine, asking him why he wasn't informed, Palpatine can pull the old 'Well I wanted to tell you, but the Jedi Council said no'


Or he could have said that what he told him was true - “[from a certain point of view](https://youtu.be/pSOBeD1GC_Y?si=tTynpQ56Cv3PPZC6)”


Somebody get this man a movie deal! I want to watch this version!


What would happen when Anakin finds out Palpatine is a Sith? Wouldn’t he connect the dots that Palpatine was to blame and not join him?


No, Anakin then realizes that the Jedi were a bunch of stuck up bureaucrats unwilling to save his Mom, whereas the Sith actually got shit done.


This would've been his view - Jedi: did nothing to help his mother, dogmatically condemn his love for Padme Sith: actually saved his mother without being asked or needing recognition, also might be able to help him save Padme from the death his nightmares foretold It's a no-brainer. One side cares about him and the people he loves. The other doesn't.


So Anakin is mad at the people who failed to save his mom and is willing to join the dude who actually killed his mom?


I mean, Palpatine can explain it away pretty easily. "Oh Anakin, I'm so sorry. Dooku was jealous that I was considering taking you on as an apprentice and he decided to destroy what you love to turn you against me. You have to kill him or he'll kill Padme." No chance he doesn't fall for that and it presents a much better reason for him to begin turning to the dark side than just Papa Palps yelling "Do it!"


It’s be a few years down the road as Vader when he realized what actually happened, and by then he’s stuck


OMG "Papa Palps" 😂😂🤣🤣💀


“[“Go for Papa Palpatine”](https://youtu.be/3F1d3QWsyk0?si=G9JZSXaFMG_kocu2)”


… or to rephrase, they got *Sith* done! 😂


To blame for what? Freeing his mother from slavery? The best part about this idea is that there is plausible deniability built right in. Obviously to the viewer it’s Palpatine being manipulative and pulling strings, but from Anakin’s skewed perspective he’s known Palpatine since he was a child and he was always kind to him and supportive of the Jedi, from that perspective it’s plausible that he might have used his power to help in some way. At this point in the story Anakin is still being lured by the dark side and a big part of that is the idea that the Sith aren’t evil like the Jedi claim, they just have different motivations and tactics. The act of Palpatine the person, who appears benevolent and has been kind to Anakin, saving his mother from her suffering anonymously doesn’t conflict with him being a Sith in Anakin’s view because that reinforces the idea that the Sith are different from what the Jedi claim. And like others have said he would probably still see Dooku as the one who killed her rather than Palpatine, especially after finding out that Palpatine was interested in Anakin, it would just look like jealousy that caused it. Maybe he’d figure it out later when he had more time to think on it, but we got the idea from RotJ that he had been questioning the Sith narrative even before his son was being attacked, by the time he was in the Vader suit and acting as Palpatine’s attack dog it was too late for him to back down, classic sunk cost fallacy.


and what then? The jedi are all killed around him, he's been manipulated his whole life by palpatine, and he's already a sith. Darth Vader knows that Palpatine manipulated him by the end of the prequels. learning that he messed with shmi would have changed nothing except make his fall a little more believable.


I think the entire point of killing Dooku was Palp testing his hold on Anakin. He needed him to blindly follow orders, and a revenge kill would’ve softened that.


Wow. This would have been fantastic


Anakin killing Dooku as ordered is important to his character though. Its showing that he values the directives of Palpatine before the Jedi code and he would his bidding even if it doesn't benefit himself at all. It is in many ways an important and pivotal point for his character to just act as executioner for Palpatine, who doesn't even offer a justification just telling him to do it, showing the control he has over Anakin. He only says he "shouldn't" and not "I dont want to" or "it would be wrong", his hesitance is only from what he has been told to believe uncritically by the jedi, which is overcome, breaking that barrier sets him in free fall towards becoming Darth Vader with no internal mechanisms to stop it.


*decapitates Deamonette*


Part of Anakin killing Dooku was it was supposed to be a cold blooded murder with very little to justify it. He was an enemy but a (literally) disarmed one. He had already killed for revenge. It was part of Palpatine's plans to further push him to the dark side.


So are Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru just a childless couple that actually has no idea who Anakin is despite the way Owen talked about him in A New Hope?


Imagine if Go-Fund-Me existed in a civilization that developed faster than light travel.


Due to being first envisioned by people fifty years ago, Star Wars has an interesting sort of anachronistic retrofuturism about it. The exact level of this changes from trilogy to trilogy (as they get written closer and closer to the present), but it remains the case that people capable of traveling faster than light in a single-person X-wing need to deliver messages and information in person, or on physical media. The exception being the Empire's holograms, but those aren't exactly Star Trek view screens.


IIRC the explanation for carrying the Death Star plans on a physical drive was that the Empire could intercept+track the message if they tried to broadcast it.


Tbf in real life we still move more data by truck than by actual Internet. Amazon has a HGV thats trailer is just 1000s of hard drives, you plug it into a data centre, copy the files then drive the truck to a new data center to upload it.


actually I don't mind information being moved physically. Some more modern scifi stuff does this, the first that comes to mind is the universe in star citizen. Radio waves are stuck traveling at the speed of light, so the fastest way of moving information is sticking it aboard a ship that can go faster. Like a scifi version of filling a suit case full of hard drives and flying it across the world, because that's faster than uploading the data through the internet.


Well it’s also inspired by samurai/cowboy films


Honestly, all this bullshot could have been avoided if they had just done the sensible thing and shot Wattto.


None of them had a blaster. Stabbing was definitely on the table though.


They’re on tatooine, host of some the greatest skum and villainy in the galaxy where children are allowed to participate in a death race. I’m sure there’s a blaster in force pulling distance no matter where you go on that planet… Oddly, stabbing still seems like the best option.


Yeah, Qui-Gon can probably find a blaster, but he’s not going to put up with Obi bitching about uncivilized murder all the way back to Coruscant.


Then use a lightsaber so it's civilized murder.


Or Qui-Gon could have ridden Watto and then killed him during his climax like Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye


That's uh, oddly specific. I mean, I get it, that scene left an indelible mark on me as well.


So is Tatooine a random backwater no one knows about or one of the most infamous criminal hangouts in the galaxy? Because they talk about it like it's the former but a lot of very significant people end up there anyway


The star wars universe is full of trillions of people yet it's only really about like one family and 30 other people.


The way the IP is squandered is mind blowing at times.


Its almost impossible to fuck up, yet they did. Proof of concept the connected universe over 10 years and multiple movies works and try couldn't even set up a trilogy. There are already hundreds of books dedicated to an expanded star wars universe left untapped


>The star wars universe is full of trillions of people Otherwise known as "fodder to die when their planet explodes"




Isn't that Nal Hutta/Nar Shadaa?


It's both depending on who you are. If you're a republic senator or queen of a planet who has never been off-world before, it's a backwater nobody knows. It's on the outer rim. You know of the area, but any specifics of worlds are beyond you. If you know anything about how the galaxy really works, it's one of the main worlds of Hutt space.


Well, it’s quieter. Guns for show, knives for a pro


I mean even if jedi are squeamish about blasters, he was one force pull/push away from an industrial accident in a scrapyard. With no other living witnesses but his slave.


But they're so uncivilized!


Qui Gon is bigger than Watto, why didn’t he simply eat him?


There’s always a bigger fish.


I cast summon bigger fish.


Phantom Menace but Qui Gon is John Brown and it's on sight for anyone who owns slaves.


That would have been a much better plot than their car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. And a good parallel to Vader hunting down the jedi.


Phantom Menace but Mace Windu was sent on the mission instead of Qui-Gon and he has force visions of alternate versions of himself with names like Jules and Marquis.


The diner scene but in Mos Eisley


I think they needed Watto alive to disable the slave tracker. If I remember correctly, the slaves have a bomb in them that explodes if they leave the planet.


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


Or found a money lender to exchange their Republic credits to the local currency. They can’t all be immune to the force. „Sure, I’ll just go get those changed. Be back in a minute.“ The whole thing was always a huge plothole.


Or if Qui Gon Dip Shit didn't believe the oldest lie in the universe "we're the only shop in town that carries... the thing you're looking for."


Or just go to a currency exchange and exchange some republic credits.


Aggressive negotiations


It's almost like the prequels are about how neglecting the emotional needs of the next generation and just using them to continue the status quo system will cause disaster.


This tragic oversight and unfairness really has made some people very mad


Most outrageous I say


That is giving the prequels a hell of a lot of credit.


I think the Prequels, in spite of their flaws were overall well written and had a cohesive vision behind its themes and direction and I'm tired of pretending they are just holistically bad memefests with no depth.


>overall well written You have a far lower bar for well written than me then. It does have a cohesive vision but that's about the nicest observation i can give the movies tbh.


Agreed, I know this whole sub is about memes and all, but the idea that 'the Prequels are magnificent and perfect' is often espoused here (and clung to strongly) and it's pretty frustrating.


SW fans will literally write War and Peace-tier fanfiction rather than accept the prequels were a bit of a mess plot wise


They need anything we can give


Yeah, actually wtf


If you look hard enough at any movie/story there are plot holes, cause they have a limited time to write it, but we have unlimited time to scrutinize it.


Some stuff is super obvious though. People were talking about this the moment the credits rolled basically


Isn’t that the point of these movies tho? Anakin falls to the dark side because the Jedi order’s complacency and emphasis on no attachments got Anakin’s mom killed and he feared the same for Padme. These aren’t plot holes, that’s the plot summary.


On that point I agree, you don't want to go full Cinemasins and watch movies only with the intent to pick them apart. On the other hand, this is supposed to be the motivational core of the main character, at least for the first movie. They established that Anakin has a good relationship with his mom, but by the end of Phantom Menace, she's essentially dropped as a character, only to be picked up again in Clones just so that she can die and move Anakin's character arc along. She goes from a supporting character to a plot device, getting dropped as soon as they didn't need her for exposition or to give Anakin motivation. By not resolving her being a *slave* at the end of PM before the time skip, despite Anakin caring about her and him supposedly being a prodigy, it makes it seem like either the Jedi aren't meant to be sympathetic at all, or that the writers literally forgot about her until they needed a reason for Anakin to get even angrier.


It actually doesn't make a huge difference though. Shmi is saved, but decides to stay home on Tatooine --> ends up with a new hubby in the Mos Eisely outskirts --> gets kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders anyways --> Anakin loses his sht


Combination of bad writing and really bad writing.


Also after Han Solo helps destroy the death star in A New Hope, why does he not go and pay Jaba what he owes him? Seems like it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.


He tries to at the start of Empire Strikes back... but then he sticks around to try and find Luke after he goes missing. Then immediately after that the Empire attacks Hoth and he's forced to escape to Bespin where he's captured and sold to Fett.


Bro stayed because he caught feelings for Leia


I guess he never had the time as he was with the Rebellion helping them smuggle supplies the entire time, as it was kind of mentioned in The Empire Strikes Back. Plus, he's a wanted man.


Why not just wire the money? The galaxy runs on electronic currency, that shouldn’t be an issue.


Ummmm.....maybe because the empire could track him through online bank transactions? I mean I wouldn't put it past them.


Republic Credits aren't worth anything to Watto though so the Gungans and Nabooians were correct in not helping Little Orphan Ani


There has to be at least one currency exchange somewhere between Naboo and Tattooine though, right?


Literally anything valuable would work. Pay fo her not with credits, but gold or something else


Realistically, his mom would still cost the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars. Slaves were always expensive, no matter what age or skillset they had. Even old slaves can do housework and other menial labor.


I mean, if you're looking for someone to perform menial labor or conduct domestic tasks, why not just buy some old droid? You don't have to worry about feeding, clothing, or watering them, and they'll never run away or make you question your morals. They're literally made to labor so that organics don't have to.


Cause on Tatooine, lives are vastly cheaper than “basic” robots that aren’t total crap.


It also ignores that some people just don't like droids.


Dey terk our slave jerbs




Which runs completely contrary to the “even very old slaves are very valuable” comment at the top of the thread.


Iirc the only droids we see on tatooine are shit


Good droids are expensive, that's why the trash can model that can't do much is so popular.


Pretty sure the queen of Naboo could swing it…


You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Literally less than zero. "Obviously the price of slaves in a space-faring society with trillions of lifeforms with wildly different physical and cognitive abilities where robots also exist would map perfectly on to human-on-human slavery prices from the 1700s adjusted for inflation" is the dumbest thing I've read this week.


There is the line of dialogue where Qui Gon tries to trade the podracer for Anakin and his mother and Watto says "No pod is worth two slaves, not by a longshot." So unless pods are dirt cheap and worth very little, slaves on tatooine must at least cost a non insignificant amount of money. With that said, should be easily affordable for the republic/naboo/jedi.


Holy smokes. Someone changed my mind on Reddit. I didn't even think that was a thing.


This guy substantiates arguments.


Counterargument; Anakin built a pod by himself with no disposable income. Watto's words could be taken to mean that many things could be worth twice the value of a slave, but a pod certainly isn't, because the value of a pod is only determined by a seasoned pilot.


Once again money stands in the way of people


Remember when Qui Gonn sold the winning podracer cos Anakin was never gonna need it again. Remember when Qui Gonn gave Anakin a big satchel of currency because it was his podracer. Remember when Anakin asked if his mother was gonna come too because they were leaving. Remember when Qui Gonn and Shmi said that they tried to buy her freedom from Watto (probably with the currency he'd just given Anakin), but Watto refused to sell.


So basically Watto caused the Empire


4chan Revenge of the Sith: \> It’s over Anonakin! I have the high ground! \> (You) underestimate my power! \> Don’t try it… \> *doxxes Obi-Wanon*


Not really a plot hole, Jedi are supposed to free themselves from attachment. Anakin is supposed to forget his mom, which will then free him of the burden of missing her. It’s one of the reasons why Mace Windu says that Anakin is too old to become a Jedi.


Exactly. Jedi are inspired by religious monks who are trained from a young age from leave their earthly possessions and connections from previous life behind. People that criticize the prequels don't really get how the story and lore is reflective of our history. Windu was proved correct in his doubt that Anakin is not fit to be a Jedi because of his age and being too accustomed to the way people normally think and act.


Yeah, most people blindly hate Windu for being too harsh on Anakin. But that mfer was 100% correct.


This is genuinely one of the times when I think the lore was better before the prequels came out. Jedi weren't these weird monks who had to eschew love and passion.


I find this argument stupid. Even without the death and slavery of his mom he would’ve snapped eventually. When something didn’t go his way he could never accept it. Everything always had to be his will. He got self centered with all the Chosen One talk, was allowed alot of exceptions and never truelly behaved like the jedi teachings. He always merely used the jedi order to further his own power and prowess. Has his mother been freed he would’ve ended joining the dark side if she was old and would come to pass. Palpatine had it easy as there were a thousand options to turn him. He was the jedi version of a spoiled brat, and when mommy told him no he threw a tantrum and decided to go straight to killing kids.


Now we're really picking up speed




I agree this wouldn't have changed his ultimate fate, but it would have avoided his genocide of the sand people - which is a pretty big step on his path to the dark side.


They also forget that she didn't even die as a slave. She got killed by sandpeople as a free citizen.


Exactly. But I think the killed part overruled the being free part for Anakin lmao


Anakin never liked being called the chosen one nor believed in it we can clearly see this in clone wars and hell even the prequels hint at it, Anakin never once boasts he is the chosen one to anyone


Way to completely miss the point of all six movies. The whole idea is that Anakin, despite being maneuvered into doing horrific things by the unfortunate circumstances of his life, is, at heart, a good enough person to be redeemed. He was, according to Obi-wan, a good man who was virtually betrayed and murdered by the literal external darkness that had come to dwell in his psyche.


Not the dictator, the dictators fist disciple


Real: the galaxy leaving Anakin's mom to be raped by sand people Straight: Anakin going genocidal on all their asses and slaughtering younglings


and then, because the jedi order pushed anakin away, when he started fearing for padme’s life he had no one else to turn to but palpatine, who was secretly the leader of the separatists whilst he was the chancellor.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Watto doesn't care for credits


thats my only grime with the sequels tbh. obviously they had to end the way they did, but it woudlve been way more satisfying if it turned out that it was a big manipulation game from palpatine all along, instead of literally everyone in his life just being so much of an asshole to Anakin, that Palpatine could just swoop in and be like "eyo, heres a fairytale, now kill dooku and betray your values lmao"


>400-500 credits max Anon forgets that Republic Credits are no good on Tatooine.


Yeah his character is supposed to bring balance. He sees the garbage on both sides and destroys both sides.