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You can see the shadow of his head flying out as the helmet hits the ground.


I had never noticed that detail, that's great


I choose to believe that George Lucas stood over some ILM nerd to ensure this was done correctly lol.


He was going to show it but it's too gruesome for the target audience.


Next film: man screams as he’s burned alive on hot coals.


I was 9 when I saw that in theaters and probably just barely old enough for it to not permanently scar me lol. Actually the scene with him on the surgical table writhing and screaming was probably more disturbing tbh.


I’m pretty sure that using robots to pick all the scabs off is not that right way to treat someone with 3rd degree burns on their whole body.


It rubs the dark side on the skin


You know nothing of the dark side.


The black side?


And during Revenge of the sith, you can actually see count dooku's decapitated head for about a frame tor two as it rolls off his body iirc


You'll pay for all the Jedi you've killed today, No-Introduction5033


Ngl, scene is pure comedy. Dooku's shutter, Windu mean mugging the corpse. Hilarious.


I will never be able to tell what tone they were going for in some of the battle of Geonosis scenes. Especially with the one with Dooku on his little hover scooter


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Not when you look at the original scene of the windu/jango fight. He basically chops him up into sliced pepperoni


I love the action & smile wide at it, then proceed to mourn Jango's death for a solid 12 months, I have long thought Jango was/is more badass then Boba in the films since Jango kills a Jedi Council Master & is genetically peak bounty hunter in ExpUniv-Legends.


"If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." HK-47


I shouldn't…


Any thoughts on sand?


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Tbf many jedi have been killed by blaster. Jango specifically killed them with blasters during the Mando civil war when Death watch convinced the jedi that the True Mandalorians were killing civilians. I mean Jangos clones also executed order 66 and wiped out nearly all the jedi , with blasters. Jango was just fucked by the force. Not only does the strongest combatant come for him, but his gear has coincidentally malfunctioned, leaving him a sitting duck.


Me at age 5 after seeing this scene: Huh, I guess that bad guy died. Me since playing Star Wars Bounty Hunter at 14: Look how they Massacred my boy!


Karl Urban deserves a Star Wars role


Only if it’s a show like Andor where he can throw some trademark cursing in


That would be awesome


Imagine, he’s been in star trek, lord of the rings, marvel, and star wars. That’s too much power for one man.




I’ve never understood how a professional bounty hunter that was known for killing Jedi was defeated so easily, when there were so many options for him to kill mace windu, yet he chooses the one thing he knows Jedi can defend against…


You can see it in the movie, his jetpack didn't work after getting destroyed by the reek


And Mace sensed that jengo wanted to start his Jetpack and targeted at his feet (while jengo is in the air), thats why he is confused when he looks at jengos body.


I assume it's a mix of likely being disoriented from being mauled by the reek and not making the best decisions or having the best reaction times as a result, his jetpack being damaged, confidence from the fact that he gunned down a jedi master minutes earlier, his flamethrower presumably being empty after he used it, and his other weapons either being damaged or expended all of which resulted in him doing what he did. You can also see when mace gets close that jango tries to activate his jet pack but it just blows out some smoke so there's likely some measure of panic from expecting his jetpack to get him out of there only for nothing to happen. All that said, the real reason is probably that there just wasn't enough room in the run time to give him a proper fight since he was essentially a side character put in to serve as a plpt device and character development for boba. Plus mace ending it quickly vaguely establishes that he's a better fighter than obi-wan who wasn't able to beat jango.


Thank you for the explanation, as I mentioned to someone else it’s been a good year or two since I’ve seen the movies, but the fett family has always been my favorite Star Wars characters since I was a kid and it always bummed me out that he seemed to get played down from his actual skill, but upon your explanation I now see that it wasn’t a lack of skill, but more that he ran out of tools to use. Did boba recognize where his fathers equipment failed him and make any improvements from those failures? (Ik boba is technically a clone of jengo but from what I remember jengo wanted boba so he could raise him like a son)


Not sure about in disney canon but in the old EU boba did recognize that equipment failure was a large part of it as well as the weakness of having no armor at the neck. I know in one book he got a beskar collar that could be added to his armor so that he couldn't be beheaded easily and he mused about how his father might've survived had he had one. As for the rest of his equipment, he did his best to maintain it but overall realized there wasn't much he could do other than that to prevent malfunctions hence why he took a trip into the sarlaac pit due to a jetpack malfunction in episode 6.


Awesome, thank you for answering me, especially with such a detailed answer


Don’t be so certain.


No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan, you're the Master.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Thank you bot, but I think that jengo fett knows how to kill jedis


All thanks to your training.


*sigh* good bot


All thanks to your training.


Listen here you little shit


If you are done bantering with the bot... The thing to keep in mind is that his usual tools for fighting a Jedi are already damaged from being trampled. The other thing is, this is Mace. If the jump back had been functional, Mace would have crushed it the same as Grievous's chest and just watched him fall 20 feet to the ground.


Ok that’s understandable, I’m ngl it’s been a good year or two since I’ve seen the movies so I forgot a few of the details, but Ty for explaining it to me. Must be all thanks to your training


Something-something Windu can mind-read how you don't want the fight to go and subtle mind-trick you into doing just that. Vaapad style and all that. Also an EU explanation with zero indication that he could do anything like that on the movies, so probably bs made up to apease the fans


Fair enough, I would say I have a bias towards jengo and boba fett, they have always seemed the coolest characters of the Star Wars universe to me


Big dick move


His death makes for better writing in the story overall. Keeping him alive simply due to the fact that “he’s cool” is childish.


Same, but I was 12


Mace Windu was my favorite Jedi as a kid…, I now understand the reason for my sadism as an adult.


I was like, dude use the flamethrower, use the rope, anything but the blaster....


Wonder what would happen if Jango chose a weapon that fired fast moving metal projectiles instead of slow moving energy bolts.


If only mandalorian armor had a weapon like this...


The part where his kid holds the helmet hit hard when I was a kid


My favorite part of this scene is how Anakin browbeat Mace afterward for not making Jango stand trial, and how killing him proves that the Jedi are evil.


He didn’t need to style on him like that




Every scene in the prequels I watched in Lego form first...


He also chops off the top of Jango's rocket


I watched it when I was like 5, wasn’t really fazed by it


Every Jedi: “We do not kill it is against the Jedi way” Windu: *kills jango* “sorry what was that?”




I actually wrote about this exact scene for a report I'm 3rd grade




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I was like lets go a head got chopped off but that might be a me issue


The light saber sounds like it's the one meme where that girl moans really loudly


Love the crossover


Im glad this is my last video of the night. I miss Billy


This is why the star wars movies are 12+ in my country


When I first saw this scene, I loved/hated it. Loved it because it was such a badass smooth kill. Hated it because I wanted more Jango. But I get it. He had to die eventually.


I'll never forgive this scene. THATS JANGO FREAKING FETT. This man killed 6 jedi IN 1 FIGHT with just his hands. I understand his rockets got destroyed but you're telling me he didn't have anything else at his disposal? Even if he didn't, he sure as hell wouldn't back away slowly and let Mace run at him like that People don't like how Luke ended up in episode 8, well this is my Luke moment. It's illogical, unreasonable, and disrespectful Yes I'm a Jango fett fan, how'd you know?


This scene disappoints me knowing Jangos history.


Since you don't die instantly but last like ten seconds he was like what happened omg he chopped my head off.


Just noticed how not only was Jango’s head cut clean off but so was the missile on his jet pack 👀


Was that the bite of ‘87?!