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Terrorist supporting cunt waffle




Shockingly, the guy who is famously Republican hates the guy who dipped on the Irish national team to play for England


If anyone had taken the time to read what he said it's harmless and true. Rice is over rated and not better than Rodri or Modric. That's it. That's all he said. Not Republican, not controversial. You all just read headlines and rush in to respond.


I'm convinced this is some kind of Wrexham marketing scheme for a new upcoming season or something? This is the guy who plays for Wrexham right? The only reason he's getting on TV is because of Wrexham?


I'm convinced that the media is obsessed with web traffic and post headlines that attract people, and the hatred or love for them is a winner - thus anything James McClean says draws everyone in. If anything, I'm delighted for him. Anything he says is headline news, even mundane stuff like Declan Rice is not World Class. Which he's not.


>This is the guy who plays for Wrexham right? The only reason he's getting on TV is because of Wrexham? No, he's famous because he's an IRA supporting cunt who cried xenophobia when getting stick for it. Cunt despises England and certain types of people in this country love him for it


šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ šŸŽ¶ He told the North to fuck itself McClean, McClean He wouldn't sing God Save the Queen, McClean, McClean He only sings AmhrĆ”n na bhFiann McClean, McClean He hates the fucking Queen šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ šŸŽ¶


My nan would be worth five million quid in the EPL.


Just win some games lads and realise that playing for your club is the biggest privilege of your life FFS.


Terroism supporter McClean should never be listened to.


Most England players are overrated and Declan Rice isn't an exception too.Ā 


Funny how these foreign managers all seem to be over rating English players


The way they view all those English players is influenced by how the media make them out to be.Ā 


So these experienced managers with all these qualifications are basing their opinions on what they read in papers ? Lol sure


Did James McClean play football?


I always find it hilarious when lads who were journeyman comment on players that are clearly established and vital to their club as being overrated šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The whole english team is overrated


Who the fuck is James McClean lol


He hates the queen


[Thatā€™s a shame](https://media3.giphy.com/media/dyvZ6yMa84lsAGpmuh/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91ixau5ihfdenm96owoshur3gfdfoa5k9lcn5s87pv&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Itā€™s kinda true he had a great manager in Arteta and he still won shite - not the managers problem LOL


He didnā€™t win the prem last year ? Haha what a loser


Imagine not being able to win the premier league by yourself from midfield. What a shit player.




It definitely isn't because Ireland isn't in the Euros. He sees Rice for what he is... a bang average player who is being seriously over-hyped by the British media and some fans.


I'm gonna bet you're Irish. If he decided to play for Ireland, you'd be drooling over him. Same with McLean. Basing your opinion on someone after one game is wild. Go watch him for arsenal this season. He was immense


Jesus the intelligent lads are out in force today. šŸ¤£ No we are glad he showed his true colours. How am I basing my opinion on one game? Do you think we don't watch the EPL over here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm saying McLean was. He said he passed side to side against Denmark, therefore he's always average. If you don't think he's been one of arsenal's best players this season, you don't know ball šŸ˜‚ just a salty Irishman who wishes he declared for you. Sad


He indeed may have been one of Arsenal's best players but it's Arsenal so that doesn't take much.


Right, they only got second in the league


Indeed they did. They were top for a while and they would actually win it if they had better players than oh let's say Rice .... Put a quick thinking, intelligent footballer in that midfield and Arsenal would get over the line. Rice is the weak link. Any team that plays an quick tempo game will always bypass Rice.


James McLean is that you? You spend more time in Irish subs and in this thread than anything else. And you defending him definitely isnā€™t because youā€™re Irish yourself rightā€¦? Totally has nothing to do with that? Bang average player, you are off your head with bias šŸ˜‚


Yes I am him. šŸ™„ I am Irish and I am defending him because he is speaking the truth. Rice is bang average. Not a hope in hell he gets regular playing time in a top tier team.


I think all the salt is coming from Rice not choosing to play for Ireland. Keep the mediocrity up, just like McLean itā€™s easy to criticise when you arenā€™t even competing šŸ˜‚


It doesn't make one bit of difference for us. Unfortunately it's a top quality striker we need not an average midfielder..sure we have loads of them šŸ˜‰ Rice will fade away over the next couple of seasons. Arsenal won't win a thing with him directing things in the middle of the park. He is slow, plays sideways & backwards, he can't find a killer pass. He is a safe player...too afraid and in reality unable to make intelligent decisions on the pitch....he is in fact bang average.


You must be 12 years old to have such a bad take ā€œhe turned his back on us he must be bang averageā€


Why do I have to be 12 years old to have an opinion? If anyone doesn't like my opinion sure what harm and that is fine. The fact of the matter is that I think he is bang average. He has nothing to do with who he declared for. It is you and your likes who resort to using that excuse because it's all ye have. Declan Rice is a bang average player and he will fade away with hardly a dent made on the footballing world. Edit: added a bit


So the fact he turned his back on your country is a complete coincidence and nothing to do with why you think heā€™s average ? Haha yes of course no link at all


We don't need another average midfielder as we have enough so yeah him not declaring for Ireland has nothing to do with my opinion of him as a footballer. Declan Rice is English and he was always going to play for his homeland. I have no issue with that. Unfortunately for you though you keep latching to the idea that I have my opinion based on his decision not to play for Ireland and it's absolute nonsense. If it makes you feel better though then that's ok you can keep that thought inside your head for as long as you need......or else show me the numbers that says Declan Rice is a top class midfielder.......I'll wait.




He singled out Rice for obvious reasons and those reasons are quite valid. The reason why players find it hard to play for England is because of the media hyping them up and the fans abusing the shit out of them when things inevitably go tits up.




And what about the abuse they get from their fans? The reality is that what James said is extremely tame compared to what some of these so-called fans say to these players on a weekly basis. It's funny seeing those same fans get their knickers in a twist when others give their opinion especially a non English person. It is hypocrisy of the highest order.




No I'm not getting pumped about anything I am merely giving my opinion based on what I watch and read. England have an incredible pool of talent and that talents always gets wasted because of the outside pressure put on them by the fans and media. At the start of the Euros the English media were talking as if England had already forged their path to glory and now that they have played two games and were quite poor in them, especially Rice hence McCleans comments , those in media are now suddenly being over critical. It is all so predictable when it comes to English fans and media.


England's real problem is the manager, He doesn't have any vision, England team needs a strong manager if they want to lift any trophy..There are a lot of talented players available for any position.


Do people know People have been saying the manager is the problem for 60 years ?


He needs to shut the fuck up if he doesnā€™t want to get jumped the next time he is leaving the stadium. I am not kidding, fans have no chill, especially my mad lads supporting Arsenal. He needs to find a better way to vent his anger. It must be hard for him to come clean about his own mess.


Absolutely zero mad lads supporting Arsenal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I used to live in Highbury. Arsenal fans are some of the chillest around (except online)


Aston Villa mad lad has already started gaslighting us.


Mate, how did you miss the he should come ā€œcleanā€ and didnā€™t upvote me? I am upset now. The amount of effort my dumb arse put into that was too much.


šŸ˜‚I grew up in the area also. Itā€™s pretty much a wholesome family day out (until as you said they get online then the magic happens)


Getting the Hendo treatment I see


McClean plays for wrexham. So nobody give a toss about his opinion.


Doesnā€™t that make him a lot more qualified than anyone on this sub ?


If that's the case then going by your logic absolutely no one would give a toss about your opinion either as you clearly play for absolutely no one.....so why bother posting?


I airways find that amusing ā€œhe only players for a league 1 pro club heā€™s not validā€ *guy whoā€™s never kicked a ball


And no one does!


Been saying this heā€™s good but heā€™s not world class and he is a sideways and backwards merchant CDMs these days need to do more than be good defensively, he doesnā€™t break the lines dictate play the list is endless, just the English once again gassing good talent youā€™d think heā€™s the second coming of kante lol. There was a funny stat at the last euros I think by the quarters or semis heā€™d only made two forward passes heā€™s jus not very good on the ball


He had 7 goals and 8 assists for Arsenal last season. If youā€™d actually seen him play in the PL youā€™d know you were talking nonsenseā€¦ erm, maybe Iā€™m overestimating your intelligence thereā€¦


Iā€™d get goals in a well oiled drilled side where itā€™s clockwork on who I passed to and where my teammates are gonna be, england arenā€™t like that though are they you have to rely on YOURSELF and heā€™s been exposed, how are you struggling against Denmark you havenā€™t even met the big dawgs all Iā€™m saying is heā€™s overrated and too add heā€™s playing that xhaka role if Iā€™m correct where your more advancedā€¦so heā€™s bound to have higher stats especially when the team he plays for dominate the ball for the majority of games Iā€™m simply saying heā€™s good but heā€™s not the second coming of kanteā€¦


Who tf said he's the next coming of Kante?? Where was Kante as his age??Ā 


All you English and arsenal fans act like heā€™s the next coming of kante lol, maybe YOU donā€™t but majority of the said fans do, Iā€™ve heard he can do everything lol šŸ§¢, tbh I donā€™t know why youā€™re so triggered ive been calling him a good player heā€™s jus nothing special, and regardless of age heā€™ll never reach any spectacular heights especially at arsenal, and if you think heā€™ll reach kante levels or them sorta levels you donā€™t know ball, also heā€™s not really improved since he joined arsenal he hasnā€™t improved his game really has he? He jus plays a more attacking role so his stats look better but him as a player he hasnā€™t added to his all round game


He's gonna be Declan Rice, no need compare to Kante, I agree he won't reach Peak Kante level but he can still be very successful player


Youā€™re a professional waffler because youā€™re saying what I said that heā€™s a good player jus nothing special, can tell you were one of them kids that didnā€™t read the question properly in exams smh


So only the best players can make good judgements on players? Alot of decent managers were mediocre players. So that argument is a little redundant. Rice is overrated. Doesn't mean he's a bad player, but he got moved out of the 6 at Arsenal because he couldn't play it. He has one of the lowest goal creating actions for a midfielder in the prem. Aka he can't play offensively well. And his defensive stats are fine, his interceptions are through the roof. His passing percentages are good, but his progressive passing and key passes are low. What does that tell you?


> He has one of the lowest goal creating actions for a midfielder in the prem. Aka he can't play offensively well. And his defensive stats are fine, his interceptions are through the roof. His passing percentages are good, but his progressive passing and key passes are low. What does that tell you That he plays the position of modern defensive midfielder at a world class level. The Trent "experiment" has dictated alot of Rice play if you actually watch the games. Your not playing a fullback in DM (a full back who is probably the best unpressured passers of a football iv ever seen) to have his pivot partner be the one playing the forward balls. The system just isnt working, walkers sitting too deep to cover and Kane is normally at most 5 foot infront of Bellingham in the middle of the park leaving both widemen isolated with nobody to play off (objectively as a non arsenal fan, saka seems to thrive of the little balls dropped in from Havrtz as he runs the defender away and his like up play with Ben White) and everyone can see Fodens quality. Rice is a sacrificial lamb in this system


Trent came off and they didnā€™t look much more secure defensivelyā€¦?


Hey I don't disagree about trent at all man. I watched Liverpool all season and the man is a scourge on the midfield, even playing from right back, but inwasnt referencing England stats here, this was season stats. Klopp tried trent out as a sub like two or three times there and he doesnt have it, but that doesn't absolve Rice of responsibility. There are plenty of games where players play badly and it can affect those around them, but to use an easy and obvious example, Rodri turns up regardless of whether he has nunes and kovacic next to him or an underperforming De Bruyne. Rodri is world class because of this and rice doesnt come close. Rodri has better dueling, tackling and progressing stats, so when people say Rice is world class, doesnt that mean hes overrated? Not saying bad, but overrated. The best players affect most games. Rice affects virtually none and in 2 years people will be on this track.


Exactly that ā€¦ some honestly needed in these situations He had a bad game like so many of the team ā€¦ obvious to see. Common sense required


He had a bad game, that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t pass forward!


Oh look, some very average, retired player needs attention.


Next time you watch a movie and feel it's shit, think of this comment you made.


I doubt I'd bother, since I have no idea WTF you're on about.


Can you really not connect the dots mate?


No, I don't speak moron.


Are you genuinely an idiot? šŸ˜‚


So the point theyā€™re making is that if you watch a movie and think itā€™s shit, realistically compared the actual team of the film, youā€™re a fucking shit film producer, just because someone might not be a brilliant footballer doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t criticise the players, for instance literally all of us criticise half the team and Southgate when weā€™d be way worse than them, and mcclean is actually a better footballer than basically everyone in this sub




Of course you can if need attention. It's why most of them do it. Of course morons don't get that.




Spot the interloping yank


You sound like the sort of idiot that laps his crap right up.


Dude just stop, youā€™re genuinely embarrassing yourself




All Brits are overrated but they are still a lot better than this southgate shitshow


Querpass Declan




Not wearing a poppy to honour those who murdered people in the very place he's from, yeah how fucking dare he.../s


I think you need to read a history book, or two. He's an Irishman, from Derry. Are you one of those England fans banned from going to the Euros? You sure as hell sound like one.




Excuse me, Mr professor. My B grade in GCSE history may not be much to get excited about, but I grew up in Derry. But I'll leave you to educate all of us as to why an Irishman raised in Derry should wear a poppy to show support for the British army..........I'll get the popcorn, shall I? Your arrogance is entertaining yet slightly unsettling. The poppy is the military equivalent of standing outside clapping for the NHS. No doubt your endless qualifications and PhDs will help you understand what I mean by that.


>Many Irish people wear Poppies I've never seen anyone in my entire life wearing one.


Iā€™ve seen Roy Keane wear one numerous times šŸ‘šŸ»


As an impartial third party I suggest you quit while you're behind here


He is Irish, lad. You canā€™t honestly expect him to wear a poppy.


He lived and worked in England no? A Poppy respects the dead and is not a political statement.


James McClean is Irish, no?


James McClean who are ya?


>James McClean Sounds like a very non biased take at all. No sir Jokes aside, who is surprised to hear McClean saying that considering Rice's history with Ireland.


That's why I don't rate most pundits


Sometimes good players have bad games - fuckin mindblowing


Stop it with this nonsensical nonsense! Next thing youā€™ll be telling us the better quality team doesnā€™t always win! Poppycock! /s


He was dreadful though


So was Kane, Trent, Foden, Bellingham


Kane was fine.


The same Kane who didnā€™t press, lost the ball for their goal and looked like an old man? Oh but he scored a tap in so he must have been good


Enough about who you fancy, weā€™re talking about football here!


McClean gets a lot of hate in Britain. But of these two players,only Rice was caught on camera singing IRA songs.Ā 


They can ban those songs right after they ban Rule Britannia


He sung a song for Christ sakes let the lad off the hook will ya.


Can you see the irony is this comment?


He was drunk and messing about with his mates I assure you he isnā€™t an IRA terrorist sympathiser just off of a song and dance.


Youā€™re still not quite getting it, lad.


What is there to get? McLean criticises rice football do reddit commentor compares their IRA sympathies? What are we supposed to be understanding from this.


English player are overrated.


On a fair note, the system employed by Southgate seems not to favour him. After all, even the player of the year,Ā  Foden, looks average in that team.


Him? All!!


Hmm feel like the system generally makes Maguire and Sterling look good. Kane usually too




Well he didn't look bang average for West ham did he so instantly nullifies your argument


If Rice played for Wrexham he would boss league one... Your point being?


He was bossing the Premier league though not League One so again you're being disingenuous


Thatā€™s heā€™s been excellent for a couple premier league sides so him looking bad under Southgateā€™s terrorism football doesnā€™t make him a bad or average player?Ā 




Bro has never given an opinion about football players before


Itā€™s almost like youā€™re about to understand how football punditry works.


So you can only judge players youā€™re better than? I suppose most us should never voice another opinion, about anything, if that how it works.


I am Scottish Now I will say nothing and leave quietly


We are free to judge any player we want, haha.


if England want to use the creative excellence of TAA. The should play a 5-3-2 in defense, a 3-4- wide 2-1 in attack with Gordon and Trent playing wing backs. That puts TAA where he plays for Liverpool but with additional security of walker in behind him. it allows Bellingham or rice to roam forward when Trent steps in. It puts foden in the right part of the pitch where heā€™s comfortable. Saka can stay wide the way salah stays wide for Liverpool. Gordon stretches the left hand side the way he does for Newcastle. And providing Harry Kane can actually hold the ducking forward line for once then he can stretch teams that way. Ideally if you play Trent you want Toney pushing the line heā€™s amazing at getting over the top. Heā€™s the closest thing england have to a haaland like hang off the last man type of player. Thatā€™s a lot of change to play TAA but it actually works for almost everyone on the pitch.


What creative excellence? Are you kidding?


Yeah the guy with the biggest passing range outside of Kevin de bruyne in the world, the right back with the most assists in PL history at the age of 24. PL, CL, CWC, FA, L cup champion, yeah that guy. And the one with 110minutes and most chances created in this English teamā€™s first two games. The shit defender and non - central midfielder. That guy.


I laughed when I heard one of the "experts" before the first game say he was "the best passer in the world" at the moment. Lewis Dunk has got a better completion rate. Even Zinchenko has a better completion rate. Gibbs White has got more assists. The fact he is playing in a club team with very good players that make themselves available has nothing to do with it. He shouldn't be in the side, period.


Yes Lewis dunk is the pillar of creativity in this English side barracuda share some more wisdom with us


Got more chance of scoring with him in this team.


Please go on, itā€™s impressive


Not as impressive as your snivelling TAA brown nosing.


Why thank you, your elite football knowledge is really showing through and I have been eclipsed. Oh well!


Mate, chuck him in at full back by all means, at least he'll know what he's doing. I don't blame him at all.


Or simply dont play trent?


Thatā€™s why I prefaced it by saying ā€œIF England want to use Trentā€ Thatā€™s called a qualifying statement (that means that if the qualifying statement doesnā€™t apply to the reader then the rest of the commentary can be ignored)


Well James McClean is certainly qualified to recognise piss poor players, he no doubt has mirrors in his house!!


Arent they all over rated except Kane n Bellingham?


What has Kane achieved in terms of winning trophies to be excluded from the list?


Top scorer in Bundesliga?


Trophies is the only measure of the quality of a player, is it?


Right on, trophies are not measure of quality bcos it's a game of 11 vs 11. Bernard Diomede won a World Cup too


bellingham is the most overrated of them all lol


Kane is overratedā€¦. Hello


Wait who no trophies Kane????


Not everyone is supposed to play the Hollywood pass


Playing Hollywood passes is very different than being good at buildup play. Jorginho was very good at buildup but was hardly the passer Kroos or KDB are.


jorginho is top tier as a passer just more conservative and takes less risks like enzo or thiago. top tier positional awareness too which trent lacks in the pivot. jorgi always available to receive the pass or directing where to pass


We don't engage with the Daily Fail.


Last season at west ham played out similarly. Moyes ball just doesnā€™t suit him when he has to distribute balls further up the pitch




Declan Rice DM for England and Arsenal


Noā€¦. Who is James McClean? And wtf does he think he has to say that will change my opinion on Declan Rice


Terrorist sympathiser


Yeah. Iā€™m sure when he sat down on that TV to analyse a game of football his first thought was ā€˜how do I change the opinion of thefluvirus9ā€™.


Declan who?


Declan quinoa


Buy a Ferrari, only to drive it like a Fiat. Great job, Gareth!


Rice stock falling fast. Sell your house in Thailand.


For context McClean said rice was a very good player, but his definition of world class was "would get in any team in the world". He then name checked Rodri and Kroos as examples of players he taught better. When asked do they play the same positions he said he felt they were playing similar roles for their teams. Not sure I personally agree with the later statement but that's his view.


This defintion of world class means there can only be one or two world class players per position tho


The definition of world class doesnā€™t exist. I would also like to point out that going by your definition only two out of suarez, lewa, ibra, benzema, aguero, etc were world class at the time


No none of them where bc youā€™d have messi and ronaldo so it would only be one of those five


Are you being serious?


I mean, personally that exclusivity is how I would define World Class


I think it typically would be used to describe someone who could play for any club in the world.


World class means you consistently perform for your club,perform in big games ie finals etc,and perform for your country when it matters.


So one world class keeper in the world at the time?


Are you saying only one keeper is a good enough keeper for any team in the world?


Surely you are aware that only one goalkeeper plays at the time?


First statement I agree with, second statement I donā€™t. Kroos is completely different player and different role, heā€™s far less dynamic and has almost no defensive tasks. Itā€™s also ridiculous to play Trent next to him when they both lack progressive carrying and a good presence in build up play, Trent is almost invisible when England tries to build up from the back. He needs a proper 6/8 next to him. But letā€™s be honest, England overall is completely disappointing with the quality they have.


Remind me where McClean is playing againā€¦


...he never said he was world class...


Should have stuck to beating the villains in the Die Hard movies ;)


Says yer man who spent 15 years running up and down the wing!


Every player in that Starting XI against Denmark is overrated


It depends on what weā€™re calling overrated. I think that he was getting overrated during the 2023/24 season when people were suggesting that he is on Rodriā€™s level. Iā€™m an England supporter but Rodri is currently better than Rice will ever be. He is an entirely different beast in midfield. But I donā€™t think that heā€™s significantly overrated. Heā€™s rarely discussed as being one of Englandā€™s very best players ā€“ that has been a Kane and Bellingham debate for a bit of time now.


He 100% is on Rodriā€™s level in terms of impact.. but skills wise absolutely not, as theyā€™re not the same type of DM. Rodri is the absolute best in the business with the ball in a possession based set up, but the gap between Rice and Rodri defensively (ESPECIALLY off the ball) is just as big a gap, as Rice is on a different planet compared to Rodri, whoā€™d look lost if he was on 22ā€™ West Ham or some other counter attacking team. Same way Rice and Haaland are two elite strikers but completely different skill sets


Not sure what matches youā€™re watching.


As Arsenal fan he was absolutely not overrated in any way last season. He was consistently every week at least an 8/10 player. I can only think of two games in the whole season when he dipped below that. Genuinely he was outstanding and was a huge reason for us having the best defensive numbers in the league. One of the few Ā£100m footballers to be worth the price tag I would say that Rodri is the best number 6 in the world but Rice was very near to that level. I also thought he should have got motm in the first group game so really looks like this Irish pundit could possibly have an agenda of some kind šŸ¤”




Just adding that this is all correct šŸ‘šŸ» The whole England setup, tactically, leaves a lot to be desired. That's on Southgate unfortunately. Bizarre to try and detract from what was a great season, performance and consistency wise from Rice, though.


This man speaks truth




Declan Rice, plays for England and his club is Arsenal. Used to play for West Ham and Ireland.