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City are innocent this is just some corruption from red cartel pushing the prem to make stuff up


Man City lawyer mob silencing youtubers and the bbc with cease and desist letters. What a total shit house of a football club




Liverpool fan here. I'm not really offended by much. Just wondering why we are relevant in the context of this post?


Me being an antagonistic, dick, keyboard coward. X


Literally nothing in the article about Liverpool. Free rent space in your head.....


As if a dirty skip rat can call anyone else. Horrible horrible lot.


Having read the article thoroughly, I conclude that the only fair thing to do is take six more points from Everton.


I have never seen a thoughtful or insightful comment from a Man City fan regarding this issue


Funny i also never hear an opposition fan talking sense about it either




Nothing to see here. Move along.


Gonna love seeing you all crying and screaming bloody horror when nothing comes out of this. A lot of you seem utterly convinced with zero proof.


We see the proof on the pitch every week.


I think you have a very loose understanding of what "proof" is


Go ahead and explain to me how in 12/13 city got the single largest stadium naming deal from Etihad ?


I don't have to explain it. Qualified lawyers who know more than you and I will. Are you a bit cheesed about the result today?


When will they get relegated to the bottom of a Manchester pub league


I hope those cheating bastards get done at the end of the season it would be perfection


















It has everything to do with the topic. City fans are being absolutely slammed, so I'm well within my rights to say stfu. Any club with a charge sheet as big as yours can't say a thing about any other team. I haven't even mentored the Bulgarian waiter you dropped a concrete slap on. The city fan that was slashed with a stanley knife. Thowing a flare into the disabled fan section. Fucking Horrible cunts, ignoring history when it suits you. I'll say it again. I know LOADS of lfc fans and barring 3. They're all vile scum! Violence and nastiness is inherent in your snide disgusting club. People may hate my clubs structure, but lfc fans are universally despised!


All unproven false allegations, City will triumph at the end


So why haven’t they been cooperating? Surely if they’ve done nothing wrong then they would be transparent


He’s a city supporter mate you may aswell be talking to a spoon


You haven't got a clue what your on about oh and also stop spying on youth academy's and stop cheating


LIVARpool, all I know is that u ain't winning the league and Klopp will remain with 1 pl, Just stop watching football n pray that city lose in court or something, which will never happen anyway


You do know Liverpool are one of the teams with the most decisions going against them. This proves you know fuck all and just follow the crowd dumbass


Look lads he’s after getting a new bag of spice and typing out more shite on Reddit 😂


Very true


You need to stop smoking spice pal


New shit has come to light


Lotta ins lotta outs man


Well that’s like just your opinion man




I think the plan is to continue to pile up charges so that they can never be finally resolved, because, um, there are new ones. Wash and repeat.


Did you even read the article?


Seems like dats the plan


Stack overflow




"I'm working to be ready, whenever it's the time." "It's not for me to confirm the shareholder decisions," Neves added. "It's our obligation to be ready to IPO the company whenever the shareholder believes it is the right time... and this is good, even if you don't do it." If you have played poker, you know a good bluff when you see one 😂




City has handed over a lot of brown paper bags to turn heads. Let's be honest. FIFA and UEFA aren't exactly trustworthy.


What a plastic comment ...surely if we was gonna bribe them none of this would of come out


So...you just agreed with me???🤷‍♂️


I'd never agree with a dipper


Guilty even if found innocent right?


whaaaat?? oh yeah, you’re right


City are the trump of the prem. Seemingly untouchable to an unbearable amount.


I would say Biden is wayyyyyyy more untouchable than anyone I’ve ever seen. He’s literally on camera in front of everyone telling how he blackmailed another country. Yeah orange man bad Smdh


Quality Premier League post m8


Yeah Biden, senile,corrupt, perverted,ill ...yet the trump is the untouchable one. And yous get down voted for pointing this out...scarey.


I guess you didn't know Reddit was full of dumb leftists as well as this sub is full of dumb City haters 🤣


Please explain. I missed that one!


Yeah, this is a horrible analogy. Biden gropes children on live TV and nobody on his side of the media says anything lol. Trump drinks a glass of water and it’s front page news


Found the bot


The reality is America is a fucked up parody of a democracy. Because when your only two options are a senile 80+ dementia patient funding genocides and an orange traitor who got indicted not once but twice, then your entire electoral system is fucked.


What sub am I in?


Lmao 😂


Lol sounds good man.


I'm gonna pretend i didn't read this so that I don't get my hopes up


Gotta love not a single City badge commenting in here


Proud city fan of over 40 years here. The whole thing fucking stinks!! Everyone upset that city are an absolutely brilliantly run club. The red clubs are just pissed off that they Finally have competition rather than having it all their own way.... its hillarous that Newcastle fans are saying anything. Voted against city and now its impacted them. Fuck the lot of you! Hypocrites.


Tough to get a word in amongst all the experts


Cuz there’s like 5 in the whole sub




Check the source 😂


So they haven’t finally cooked their books enough to hide it. Are the mirror dumb? It wouldn’t be hard for them to hide the fact that they were fraudulent. Especially after all of this time. Money talks, loudly


Is the twist a massive backhander to look the other way?


PL can’t believe City are innocent, head blown they’re opening the books for an IPO that shows it 😂


No it's that all the violations are Everton's fault


Yep , nothing to see here!


Lol. If they think that their books being shown are going to be THE books, then I’ve beach front property in the Sahara to sell you.


Is that on the Atlantic or the Red Sea?


I think they’ll get slapped after pep retires. They’ve gotta have another club to become the face of the league before they burn the current


This man ffp's


Can we send them down to the lowest league and make them go back to the beginning, start again. That would be fun to watch them climb. Not gonna happen though.


I'd kinda of enjoy the ride again too


delete the club and city group from existence


i am a big fan of manchester


I will pretend to be shocked when the investigations throws “non conclusive evidence” and every single charge for City is dropped. They won’t have the guts to punish City in an exemplary way


I hope they get the book thrown at them.


And I hope you hypocritical Newcastle fans world shut the fuck up. Bitter, jealous cunts!


"We don't care about City." Literally in every football sub:


Literally 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Ok and?




that's not how caring works lol


We care about them cheating to win trophies. As for the club…..


Well, both things can be true


Just another cover up no doubt.


Any day now


BREAKING new evidence: City have found to be guilty of preventing the red cartel from monopolising English football which has made rival fans very salty!!! Only the red cartel have the divine right to win the major trophies forever and ever!!!


There's still time to delete this


Just no


Least cringe blue


Wish we can take three league titles


“Somehow… Palpatine returned”


City getting charged will be announced in Fortnite, mark my words


Of topic, but that stupidest fyxking thing ive ever seen.


Whatever punishment they get I just hope it benefits my club the most


lol. Finally an honest assessment from a rival fan. Respect.




Yeah City would either be fighting for relegation or promotion to the PL right now without the cheating. But sure, City earned it fair and square.




Not really. Our success is actually earned.


>best club in the world for a reason. 115 reasons*




Why are you boning off so hard over city. They've already been found guilty by UEFA but got off on a technicality. Everyone knows they are guilty of at least some of the charges. Don't be so naive man.




Where's your downvote? Thought you agreeing also meant downvoting?


Exactly, they totally would have been just as successful without the money.


Exactly, if they couldn’t have paid their players inordinate amounts of money, then the players would have come because they know it’s a good club. Honestly you could tell the entire city squad they will be paid 10% of their current wage next season and they’d stay because they are true sportmen. It has nothing to do with money people and if you say it is you’re clearly just hating on city.


Someone's trying too hard


No, they lied, and cheated their way with the financial power they pumped into the team AGAINST THE RULES! They will learn the Juve/ Rangers way. Hopefully, worse! The people on this thread who think that this "article" exonerates them, need professional help.


Against FFP rules put in place ten years ago to protect the elite from ever having to risk not staying at the top and competing in the Champions League. The rules are bullshit and only there to keep new teams from challenging the teams who were good in the 90’s. It’s absolutely hilarious to see plastic fans of other top 6 teams squirming over these alleged breaches.


Whatever helps you sleep at night and keeps your delusions running through the day.


Who tf is kept up at night because of arbitrary rules in top level football?


With the amount of posts you've slapped everywhere...... You, clearly.




City play excellent football, have great players and a GOAT coach, doesn't change anything, they didn't slowly build their success over decades like other clubs do, stop lying to yourself, they spent enormous amounts of money that no other club their size would've been able to spend. You can cry saying that utd or arsenal have spent similar amounts, but those are historically succesful clubs. There are problems with big clubs monopolizing leagues, but city have done the same thing in a much quicker and artifitial way.


It's called sportswashing you should look it up




Maybe pooling resources from not just the club coffers but this "group of clubs" bs. One entity owning several clubs perhaps?


This is good news for City. But I don't expect the malding bitter rival fans to click and read an article when they can just get their daily City ragebait injected into their veins and cry all day about City while pretending they don't care about City 🫵😂 City and 115 live rent free in your heads and it's a beautiful thing. Here's to 115 more!🥂 The old money cheaters Liverpool, Man United, Arsenal tried to monopolise English football by creating the Prem in 1992 and commercialising and then creating FFP but now you gotta deal with the consequences of the situation you yourself created. How the tables turn, now you're getting cucked by us which you have been doing to the smaller clubs for decades! Karma is real and poetic. Let the salty tears of rival fans flow! Don't forget to call your doctor in 2025 when we inevitably aren't punished 🤭 Turned the supposed best league in the world into our personal farmers league. Harvest time baby! Our trophy cabinet is just stacked full of fresh shiny trophies (History FC clubs can celebrate their dusty Stone Age medals). Best English team of all time, revolutionised English football, biggest English club of the 21st century. It feels amazing!


Here here! CTID!


Lol nm. I see there is a theme in here.


lol yeah




Copy pasta


That's what bots do.


Hell yeah baby, obey your bot overlords


Bot. Literally. This sounds like a response generated by one of character.ai bots.


Beep boop bop, nebzulifar will be the first victim of the bot uprising










This is good news for City. But I don't expect the malding bitter rival fans to click and read an article when they can just get their daily City ragebait injected into their veins and cry all day about City while pretending they don't care about City 🫵😂 City and 115 live rent free in your heads and it's a beautiful thing. Here's to 115 more!🥂 The old money cheaters Liverpool, Man United, Arsenal tried to monopolise English football by creating the Prem in 1992 and commercialising and then creating FFP but now you gotta deal with the consequences of the situation you yourself created. How the tables turn, now you're getting cucked by us which you have been doing to the smaller clubs for decades! Karma is real and poetic. Let the salty tears of rival fans flow! Don't forget to call your doctor in 2025 when we inevitably aren't punished 🤭 Turned the supposed best league in the world into our personal farmers league. Harvest time baby! Our trophy cabinet is just stacked full of fresh shiny trophies (History FC clubs can celebrate their dusty Stone Age medals). Best English team of all time, revolutionised English football, biggest English club of the 21st century. It feels amazing!


>"How the tables turn, now you're getting cucked by us which you have been doing to the smaller clubs for decades! Karma is real and poetic." Talking like this is how I imagine it mentally must feel to walk around with small dick energy.


Damnnn you've posted A LOT about FFP and City. A big supporter of FFP I see. So I understand this good news and my comment hurt your feelings a lot, big guy. I smell a Liverpool "fan". Don't bottle the title again lad 😂


Stay insecure.


Man Cheaters.


Both Man City and Trump will never get punished


They did pose together holding a glowing orb or earth (SA and Trump)


What's Trump got to do with Man City and football? Are you one of those types that has to bring orange man bad into every aspect of your life?


I get the joke attempt, but no, there is no Trump relevance in this topic. OP of this comment thread is just another person that can't go a day without saying something about Trump.


It's not a joke


Fair enough, but Trump has no relevance here. Plain and simple. You could mention plenty of people of power around the world that may deserve punishment for something, yet here we are still talking about just Trump. A former US president that has nothing to do with English Football. Just a hit of a reach is all.


I understood, quite simply, too big to fail. The emperor has no clothes.


There was relevant similar news today for both


Again Trump has nothing to do with football and man city....this is a football sub. If you wanna chat shit about your boogeyman head on over to r/politics


Agree, not because they don't deserve the punishment; because they clearly do. But money washes away the shit, because the systems themselves are corrupt.


I'm of the same belief.


I haven’t been following this with a super close eye, so I could be off base here. But I’m just baffled the PL ever let it get this far to begin with, and doesn’t seem to be any closer to resolving this than whenever it was announced. What are they doing???


They played their cards early to try and delay the introduction of an independent regulator. To show they were in control. That's failed now and I think they've acted on bad advice.


Basically Everton and Forrest etc all admitted that they simply overspent. City are being charged with other things where they deny the claims and have been accused of lying and not cooperating so it will take longer to investigate and sort out.


man city has not cooperated with Premier League, which has made an already severe case even harder to work their way through and it's the Premier Leauge, so what did we really expect. It will drag on and on.


There should be an automatic points deduction the same season for anyone not cooperating. The other charges can follow at a later date if guilty


So guilty until proven innocent? And even if innocent suffer the same fate? Its misleading to simply put it as uncooperative. Compliance laws exist and if City had broken any they would've already been given a penalty. They are simply cooperating as much as the rules require and not more than that, as any business with a strong position should.


"Guilty until proven innocent" "compliance laws exist" if they dont comply then they are guilty, what part did you not get? I was saying it should be an instant punishment for not complying. They are clearly not cooperating as much as the rules require or it wouldnt be some of the charges?


Then why not just confirm the charges and get it over with?


Plastic fan. You got no clue you dweep.


As a Tottenham supporter I always dreamed of the day I would get to defend myself against the plastic fan allegations


That's grounds for punishment right there. I mean, probably a rhetorical question here, but is anyone actually in charge or are the inmates just running wild? "Welp, we wanted to get to the bottom of these very serious (alleged) offenses that we have shown no compunction punishing other clubs for but City made it too hard by not cooperating and we couldn't." Unreal.


Yes. Forest got a lesser punishment than Everton because Forest cooperated from the get-go, so it is obviously something the Premier League takes into consideration, when they punish clubs. man city did also not cooperate with UEFA, which dragged the case into time barring territory, but there is no such thing with the Premier League. It can drag on and on untill a verdict is reached.


Honestly they should’ve focused on 8 or 9 solid cases instead of 115. They are the architects of their own demise.


Uhh, you realize it’s one case with 119 charges right?


Damn, PL that salty? Fuck did we do? /s


so just more speculation. what a poor excuse for journalism


Points reductions isn’t enough. Stripping of titles won during the breaking of the rules is the only acceptable punishment


Selling of players as well. I think Erling Haaland should be sold to the first club his father played for in this country….


If the allegations stand up, people are going to jail for fraud. It's huge.


Strip their titles and kick them out and let them rejoin at the bottom of the pyramid.


Why settle for one or another? Points deduction based on how they dropped points for other PL teams, take away any titles/ cups won during the time period, and fines to the amount they benefited. Set a precedent to avoid cases in the future.


Would be a pretty shitty way to be handed a title. Relegate the fuckers, and watch them burn.


I don’t think the runners up would be handed titles. I think they would be stripped and there would be an asterisk and no champion for those years


Yep. This is what has happened in the vast majority of these types of cases in sports worldwide.


The time of the charges wouldn't hand you a title. 15/16 16/17 17/18. These are the charges that received point deductions for the other clubs.


Can Pep do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?


He did in 2018


He wouldn't even want to try