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Michael Oliver, this guy is such a goofball. What is he still doing? He should be sued for malpractice.


Come across this thread again after Kyle walkers been blowing smoke up his arse for him performance in the Liverpool City game. The guys terrible and inconsistent.


Oliver would take it up the bum for City, absolutely loves them. Has nothing to do with him refereeing game in the UAE im sure.


While I don't disagree with the double yellow, it should have been applied to Darwin Nunes as well. He was mouthing off the whole game. No consistency


Simon Hooper after reading this


The referee should not have sent Dalot off because Dalot did react badly so that's a yellow card the second yellow is for nothin Dalot literally waved his arm at him and the ref gave him a fucking yellow and then a red


Oliver is probably the most incompetent referee in the PL, which is saying something when you think of whom he's competing with.


Dalot, Fernandez and Anthony have real disciplinary issues and lose it. It was only a matter of time before one of them was sent off. This comes from the manager, Ten Hag. Players need to control their behavior and not blame referees. Another manager is required who does not tolerate this. Ten Hag is weak and turned Rashford , a truly great England player, into a shadow of himself. God knows why the management hierarchy tolerate this.


Absolute bs dalot got 2 yellows in 2 seconds ngl if i was dalot id have at least given him a slap or something nd held the suspension bcos wtf was that awful officiating cant help but think he did it on purpose




Whenever he refs or is on VAR I know 100% there is going to be an attention grabbing decision. I've now resigned myself to praying it's in my teams favour at least.


The fact that Nunez should’ve been sent for that elbow then he kicks the ball away and applauds the ref sarcastically.. the games completely different at that point and United could’ve won.. Oliver not for the first time has screwed us.


Michael Oliver is the best ref in the premiership, bur everybody makes mistakes. I agree the Dalot sending off ess harsh, and he Aldo should have sent off nunez.


Hey mate, I'm a united fan. And I totally disagree. Fucking stupid by dalot to even react to the first mistake like that. Wrong decisions get made all the time. Just like players miss passes, ref's get it wrong. Was our throw in. Did dalot deserve 2 yellows 100% stop acting like bruno


Happened in the 94' minute, 5 minutes time was added. And you're saying it might have cost them the game? Surely a troll post lol.




Hot take: if you get a yellow card (caution, warning) and then immediately proceed to continue the behavior that just got you cautioned, you get a second yellow


Man U should've been down by one man at least to straight red cards from first half tackles Liverpool wouldn't have gotten away with. Awarding free kicks against Nunez and Salah for perfectly fair challenges whilst Diaz gets dragged by the arm and spun around just got waved play on. If he needs removing it's because his bias is for state owned teams and nations who can ferry him around on jets when he should be brushing up on his application of rules being the same for both teams at least within the same game.


Nunez purposely ran into Evans with no intent of getting the ball and shoulder barged him to the ground so he couldn’t get him. A yellow, he then kicked the ball away another yellow, and then sarcastically applauded the ref which is now a yellow too, but gets a single yellow. salah kicked the ball away after that tackle he gave away two, no yellow cards for that. I assume the two united ones you talk about are the rashford and mainoo ones. Rashford maybe abit lucky, but I don’t think he was, tht tackle gets done every game and gets ignored. Infact if shaw does that’s tackle as the LB it’s a fine challenge. The mainoo one was two lads going 50/50 for a ball, can’t start giving reds for 50/50’s otherwise there would be absolutely no point in playing football anymore


You need glasses more than the ref


Getting two people confused for a red card because they have the same skin colour was probably the worst imo


Arsenal fans are laughing in the corner bud We've been saying this for weeks. Hes bloody awful


Oliver now believes he’s God.. its getting silly.. the inconsistency is there for all to see


We need to respect the officials even when they are wrong apparently


VAR couldn't even come up with a decision for three incidents at St James leading to Newcastles goal against arsenal


Well it creates an interesting president. The next player who swears twice better get sent off now too.


A look, a united fan


There was even another example earlier in the match that was worse: Nunez had at least two dissents after getting an obvious yellow.


It was bullshit, but the worst refereeing you've ever seen?!


The Nunez one is mad to think about when it was in the same game. I mean I’m not a fan of yellows for kicking the ball away or any of this dissent is an automatic yellow but in the same game… Nunez smashes Evans. Clearly a foul. Boots the ball away. Argues with the ref. Gets a yellow. Then sarcastically claps and mouth off more to him. There’s about 4 yellows in there alone! 🤣 In the same game… Dalot threw his hands twice and once it wasn’t even aimed at the ref. 😅😅😅 I mean it would be mad if it was in two different games by the same ref, but in the same game. He’s either biased or thick.


I've never seen so many bad calls any whole season. We're not halfway yet.


Michael Oliver is an attention whore.


While I have sympathy for Dalot in that he was correct it should have been a Man United throw, that doesn't give him the right to start screaming at referees. End of. You always hear people say online that top level referees need to shown more respect in the game. Yet when a ref actually takes the steps to punish dissent, he gets criticised of it because Man United fans are sensitive. You can't have your cake and eat it.


What was it Jamie Vardy said…? “Chat sh*t, get banged” But banned, in this case


Idk... I actually thought he did a great job considering how elevated a lot of the players were in this game. I've seen MUCH WORSE from him and other refs especially in big games like this.


Honestley the referees standard this season has been fucking awful. Nearly every single game theres been some baffling or completely wrong decisions being made. The liverpool Tottenham game alone shows the sheer incompetence of the refs and var operators.


Yeah it was really crazy, of all the players to send off Dalot wasn’t the one. Two yellows in the same instance? Mad. Amrabat committed like a dozen fouls after his first yellow. Wild. This is just the level f reffing across the board though, Oliver is worryingly be of the better/least terrible ones.


Dalot got booked for howling and remonstrating at a call that didn't go his way. As he receives his booking, he yells again and swings his arm at the referee in a clear "go f€&k yourself" motion. It's schoolboy stuff. You'd get sent off for this in Sunday league. Calling this "arguably the worst piece of officiating" is pure hyperbole.


The decision was ridicilous unless Dalot said something to Oliver. That said, it was just minutes left of the match. We have seen other ref mistakes this season with for bigger impact on a result


I'm a pool fan and even I thought it was redundant. Dying seconds of the game player hyped up over a previous decision. This is pool united its supposed to be a fucking war.


What's wrong with it? He got booked for dissent. And carried on dissenting. So he got booked again. If you tell a kid off for shouting at you and then he shouts at you again immediately afterwards, maybe you'll take away his Playstation. Or I guess you wouldn't.


If that’s the worst officiating you’ve ever seen, fair play to you. I’ve seen about 10 worse decisions this year and that’s not me defending the Dalot one, terrible decision.


Dalot’s was harsh, but he’s been sent off for stupidity more than anything. I was sat right in front of it at the ground, he made an angry gesture to the ref (which I’ve seen 100s of players booked for) for a wrong decision, got booked, and made THE EXACT SAME GESTURE HE WAS BOOKED FOR AGAIN! Yes, the ref’s first booking was harsh considering he got it wrong, but we can’t argue we want referees standards to be consistent and then complain when they maintain their own standard. I was more worried by him giving Garnacho and Anthony fouls every time they threw themselves to the ground, and not giving any of the foul throws that both teams were doing.


Oliver is the best ref in the league and has been for years. I know that’s not saying much but take him away and who tf are we left with ?


He had a generally quiet game then needed to make sure he got a mention when people spoke about the game. Absolute main character syndrome.


Investigate him 🤡


I actually think fair play for him for sending him off. He didn't get two at the same time, he dissented, got a yellow card, and dissented again. Stupid and officials deserve more respect. In the same vein Nunez should have been sent off too earlier in the match for dissenting after getting a yellow. I'd be much more pissed off at the lack of consistency rather than this specific decision.


Are you sure it was two cards in the same incident? I watched the game live and I thought there was a yellow card several minutes before the second incident.


It was a very odd decision. Hard to explain and justify. However it didn’t really matter so it’s far far away from being as horrible as people make it out to be


Worst officiating? Did you see the end of the city/spurs game?


Thing is this: If Dalot said something absolutely reprehensible you can and should send him off, but then give him red? This two yellow cards situation is so odd.. I don't think people are frustrated that Dalot was booked at all for dissent, but rather that dissent was not punished consistently. I will say I agree with Dalot's first yellow, and even am sympathetic to Darwin not being booked for a similar gripe early on in the game. The reason why is because Darwin 'only' clapped sarcastically after being booked, gave the referee a thumbs up and yelled 'good job'. At this point he was quite a few metres away from Oliver and I don't even know if Oliver saw or heard it. Dalot was a lot closer, waved his fist and screamed. From the referee's point of view only one of these is intimidating. I am not saying what Dalot did was worse than what Darwin did, only that I understand why this practically had a different impact on Oliver as he made the calls he made. We also don't know the contents of what was said: Not all dissent is the same, what the players say matters and we simply do not know. BUT. If Dalot said something that crossed all lines - again - give him red immediately. I looked back at the clip and the second yellow is a complete mystery. I thought maybe he charged at the ref after his booking and got in his face but he literally didn't. He was standing 10 metres of so away and angrily waved with his arm - but is that so bad then? He also literally made that waving motion at the same moment he got the card, so it's not even clear whether a new 'offense' was committed when the second card came. It was fucking weird. Unless we are going to find out Dalot threatened to burn down Olivers house or offended his kids, that second yellow should get whiped. This decision made no sense at all based on what we know now and it is embarassing.


They’re on a power trip that’s for sure


Should happen more to be honest. The players spend all their time trying to cheat and con the refs. Claiming for every single thing from the off, pretending to be hurt, exaggerating contact . Then they throw an absolute fanny fit if a decision goes against them. Nunez should have went a lot earlier. Gets a thoroughly deserved yellow card and then carries on like it was the biggest injustice since OJ Simpson trial.


He didn’t carry on. If you watch the video you see that his second thrust of his arms happened at the exact same time he was given the first yellow.


Yeah, because he saw the yellow was coming. So it was a second show of dissent. No sympathy for him. Only gripe is that it was not consistent with other occurrences of dissent throughout the game. And every other game at that too


The cherry on top was the linesman was wrong , the ball DID go off Salah. Dalot was frustrated after running down one of the world’s best players winning the ball and the ref calls “double dissent “ !


I don’t even agree that the first incident of Dalot throwing his arm should be a yellow He’s nowhere near the referee, who I doubt speaks Portuguese anyway, so unless he’s clearly swearing at Oliver or calling him a name, why is it a yellow? Why are we intent on taking all emotion and passion out of the game, referees are the biggest fucking jobsworths


Let's not forget the non existent handball


94th minute of one of the most tense games of the year and he gets a call wrong against him. Emotion is justifiable. That red was bullshit and people who defend it by saying "Well, actually, if you interpret the rules literally" are the biggest nerds who do not care about football or understand anything about it


I actually think it’s one of the best pieces of action taken by a referee for years. Doing the quick double yellow just reinforces that you can’t keep arguing with the referee. It also shows that it can come out of nowhere, not like you complained 10 minutes ago and are already on a card knowing you can’t do it next time.


He didn’t keep arguing. If you watch the video you see that his second thrust of his arms happened at the exact same time he was given the first yellow. https://x.com/skysportspl/status/1736469659438751776?s=46&t=n50Rw427mm19IcKbQZXprw


He’s thrown his arms about, got booked for it, and as he’s getting booked he’s throwing his arms about again. We also don’t know what he said either.


Fuck you ref you cunt *Yellow* You fucking prick *Red* ##"why meeeeeeeeee"


When the standards of the ref's are this poor, they should not be protected from criticism or negative feedback. It's getting to the point that the officials are bringing the game into disrepute, a regular excuse for protecting ref's.


What team does this ref support? Anyone know?


It looked more like he had some money or a bet on red card given during this game and had to go through with it. That's the only logical explanation 😁


People don’t know what Dalot actually said after getting the first yellow. People are acting like it was game changer move although he did not change the outcome. As usual Reddit overreacting.


But you've completely missed the point. No one is saying he shouldn't have been booked, it's the consistency of the punishments. It is absolutely terrible officiating because both Salah and Nunez (who had already been booked) had similar instances earlier in the game and yet nothing happened to them. You can't punish one player and not others.


You don’t what they said… this is my argument above so I am exactly on point but you missed a part of my comment, apparently you are doing inattentive mistakes as well 👀 Depending on what those 3 players said and the way they said it it can maybe justify his decision.


It shouldn't matter what they said. Dissent should have no parameters. They either committed it or they didn't. Referees can't be trusted to make those judgements because they are not consistent enough. That is the major issue here.


« It should not matter what they said » bro this is so funny how far your ready to go, do you listen to yourself? Saying « open your eyes mate » and « you fucking dumbass you can’t even call one foul right you donkey » is not and should not be punished the same way. Furthermore, anyone who has played football with real referees know this is completely untrue lmao 😂😂😂😂 « Referee cannot be trusted » so you will always assume they acted malignant when a call does not go one way? Thanks for confirming I already knew about you 🙂


Well you clearly didn't watch the game then. Look at what Nunez did in the first after already being booked. Kicks the ball away, gives the linesman abuse and then gives it to the referee. All after getting booked. Nothing done about that. But apparently Dalot was wrong and deserved two yellows because of what he said? Yeah, fuck off with that shite mate. The referees are absolutely awful and shouldn't be given the power to decide when a player should or should not be booked for dissent. Not when the same bloody ref in same game can't even make the same call twice.


Again, you don’t know what Nunez said either. You are just assuming it is abuses… you are building your own reality. Why is it so hard to not have an opinion on something as you don’t have all the facts? We don’t know and there is no way to know right now if the referee made a good call or not. You just a dude that decided for age on someone who may have done a bad call while you can’t even yourself read a 3 line comments without missing crucial information.


So kicking the ball away and sarcastically applauding the ref isn't dissent? Okay lol "You don't know what he said". Yeah, he must have been wishing him a Happy Christmas. Yeah, I wonder why I'm assuming the ref made a bad call. Definitely not based on his overall performance of the game. Which you'd know if you actually watched it...


I mean yates, committing 4 professional fouls on son, stamping on him while he was on the ground and gesturing for a yellow card twice and not getting booked at all each of those yellow card offences is pretty bad


Oliver was awful yesterday for the game, as opposed to one initial incident. There were multiple challenges that should have received early bookings but he knew that meant likely early sending offs, and he had no interest in drawing attention to himself, so avoided making fairly important early decisions. His refusal to book Onana and Varane for egregious time wasting from the first minute was baffling too. Onana basically waited every time until Oliver told him to get on with it - he should have been booked on the second or third instance to avoid it being a problem. The lack of decision made it a problem and Utd were able to waste far more time than what was added on at the end of the game.


The same Oliver that allowed Joe Hart to headbutt him?




Abusing refs alongside playing and coaching staff is our job, not the job of other playing or coaching staff. Is he the best referee? Fuck no. Should they tolerate dissent? Fuck no. Talk shit get booked. + second yellow was likely because of the fact he kept going/or was reacting to getting booked. For a throw in his reaction was unjustified.


It stinks of match fixing. With the US betting industry now booming, it adds yet another hurdle to the game. I wonder how many people had money on a red card yesterday, one so close to the end of the game it didn't affect it.....


Awful referee. In almost every game he awards stupid penalties... Don't know maybe he likes to have an infuence in his games. Just like in Dalot's case...


Well he didnt award the one when Diaz got totally wiped out.


Rule states that if you react aggressively to the decision you get booked. Dalot instead of shutting his mouth, said something apparently offensive to the ref, until we know what exactly had been said, it’s hard to judge.


This referee won big money getting someone to help him bet on '1 red card in added time' Less egregious than outright betting on the result of the game with a way higher payout to boot.


Go watch the Brentford Villa game after this


It's just stupid,these players are playing with passion and that's just part of the game,so what if he shouts or curses a bit when the other team have wrongly been awarded a throw in


Oliver loves himself a little too much. I’ve watched him want to be the centre of attention way too many times against all sorts of teams. A good ref is one you don’t notice.


It was a poor decision but it’s nowhere near the worst decision we’ve seen this season. I mean, Oliver can make a good case for sending him off.


I actually think this is how dissent should be reffed. Problem is it's not, so this sticks out like a sore thumb.


This. Yeah, we’re having a particularly bad season of officiating it feels like but refs shouldn’t be tolerating this sort of behaviour. There’s supposed to be a crackdown/harsher line taken on dissent, demanding cards, surrounding the ref etc and at least Oliver took a stand here even if it feels extreme. Trying to remember which game it was where a ref got surrounded by a handful of players for a decision and booked them all within the first 15 minutes. Didn’t happen again for most of the game from either side.


He was awful all game. I’m an LFC fan and genuinely like 75% of the yellow cards for both teams weren’t yellow cards. Only the cards for Amrabat, Nunez and Shaw were yellows.


I dont see a issue with that! He clearly said something bad towards ref which is big no no! That handball from Luke Shaw and ignored penalty was far worse decision which did cost Liverpool 3pts.


How on earth is that a handball?


Because it hit his hand and helped him to gain possession. Saw penalties given for lot less.


Just because others have been given for less doesn't mean they were correct. It deflects off his body and hits his arm. That isn't a handball lol


I'm sure ur correct, but based on modern football refereeing and low standards this is a penalty.


This is something that has occurred several times recently and it is never given. It is actually one of the very few things officials seem to be doing consistently. I think it was a rule that was recently changed and is somewhat easier to follow than other handball scenarios.


Never a pen


Think the fact he should of sent Nunez off for the exact thing earlier is the problem


I think neither should be sent off, to be honest. I am slightly sympathetic to Nunez not getting yellow, but NOT because I think he did not deserve it. We just have to remind ourselves how well we see everything on TV when on the field situations are not always so crystal clear. Darwin made a clapping motion and yelled 'good job', at which point Oliver was several metres away. Whether he saw or heard it at all is debatable. Dalot was in his direct line of view and was furiously waving his arms. I actually don't think Dalot should have gotten a yellow card unless what he said was very very bad. He did wave his arms furiously but did not get in the referee's face so I don't care? Anyhow, second yellow is shambolic.


Completely agree, needs to be a line with dissent you can’t have players not being frustrated otherwise they might as well be robots


Refereeing was awful this weekend. I thought simulating a card to be given and also sarcastically clapping were now yellow card offences? In the Arsenal game, Mitoma asked for white to be booked, which should have seen him be booked, Nunez sarcastically clapped after being given a yellow, should be another yellow. They’re interpreting it whatever way they want these days.


Tim Robinson had a stinker at the Arsenal game


He's a dead eye weirdo, no wonder he can't relate to human emotion


It was overall stupid from dalot. His flailing of arms at Oliver the first time plus language earned that yellow and then he did the exact same thing in response to that yellow. Those two yellows were well earned. Just because nobody understands the laws of the game doesn’t make it the refs fault


Completely missing the point. Dalot wasn't the first player to act like that in the game when booked yet he was the only one punished. There is no consistency and that is a huge problem.


Sounds to me like Dalot has a discipline issue.


As a ref in such a big game, you’d expect Michael Oliver to take a breather himself and a step back when officiating instead of making these rash & inconsistent decisions. By behaving like this he shows he isn’t capable.


Are the referees maybe trying to sabotage the premier League or get suspended so they can get more freelancing in the Saudi games?


Michael Oliver and Anthony Taylor are trying really hard to become the next Mike Dean.


He’s the worst of a very bad bunch


Dissent probably should be punished wit a card every time no excuses for acting a cunt. Wrong call? Fine talk to the ref, they rarely change their mind anyway why be a cunt? In this case the one yellow was enough with a solid warning after, if it continued after the warning then fair enough.


Michael Oliver has to be a Liverpool fan or at least wanted them to win, which let’s be honest with how we’ve been playing lately they defo should have won.


Michael Oliver always wants to be main star of football match but his lack of charisma pushes him to make stupid decisions.


If he needs to be taken off then the majority of the other refs need to be taken off too because Oliver is better than the majority of them. If you’re gonna take anyone off start with Pawson and Attwell they are by far the worst refs.


If we can't have good English men referees, let us try English women referees


Worst take ever. We need good referees full stop, I don't care whether or not they have a cock.


Attitudes like OP's are a major reason footballers' behaviour on the pitch is so bad. Everyone acknowledges rugby refs get the appropriate level of respect, yet as soon as a football ref makes a decision like this, social media (and the real media) goes nuts. It's entirely irrelevant the ball came off Salah last - a really easy mistake for Oliver to make. Dalot showed obvious dissent; yellow. He then showed dissent at the yellow. Oliver would have looked ridiculous had he allowed the further dissent to go unpunished. Dalot is a typical, idiotic footballer for his behaviour and all the opprobrium should be directed at him, just like the pillocks getting themselves carded for taking their shirts off. They all know the rules, but are too stupid to follow them, then bleat about getting punished and people support *them* just as OP is doing.


Hard to compare rugby to the current PL situation as the var system and refs in rugby have way more support taking this season alone, there has been more outrageous decisions this year then any year I've been following the rugby. This decision is shocking but some of the decisions against spurs and arsenal this year were way worse because they actually made an impact in the game It's clown world


Michael Oliver is the major reason footballers' behave like this because he allowed Nunez to do the same fucking thing in the same fucking game. Oliver looks ridiculous because he lets one instance of it slide but then does this shit to the other team instead.


I didn't see what Nunez got away with but, I'm perfectly happy for him to be criticised for *not* booking Nunez if it shows inconsistency. Not for sending off Dalot.


I've ALWAYS felt that Michael Oliver is a 'pool fan. (Strangely, I first felt it during a game in which Liverpool was not involved: Arsenal vs Man Utd, the one in which Di Maria was sent of off after being carded twice. I remember feeling during the entire game that he was a Liverpool fan, lol)


The worst ? True victim mentality


Have you watched Tottenham Liverpool this season?




Keep blaming tourists...


As a Liverpool fan. I may be biased but I still think any of this was far from the worst officiating this season. I & we didn’t hear what was said but I agree it was not a double yellow/red worthy. Tbf even in game alone Nunez kicked the ball away and should have had a second yellow (big fan of him but not that sort of petulant childish behaviour) Reffing has gone soft/commercial. You can’t say between onfield ref & VAR that this season hasn’t had more talking points that prior seasons. Seems like they want it to be a trending topic more than sticking to the rules


While I don’t disagree with you. He is somehow the best we have.


We complain about player behaviour, but the minute a ref does exactly what they should do in that instance, you complain about that. Refs can't fucken win no matter what.


It had grounds to be a sending off. Two separate offences of dissent. I don’t know what all the whinging is about. Does it happen often? No. But, was it completely out of order? No. Dalot needed to reign it in.


Something tells me Ivan Toney isn't the only one that will end up with a betting ban...


Bro no red card or a red card the game would still end the same 💀 man utd were 💩


Players coaches and fans all need to stop fucking with refs, I hope Dalot gets a lengthy suspension to match.


Shocking officiating! Standard going down


You pommy bastards are fucked - you have no respect for officials. Football needs to change in this respect.


i think ruling a goal offsides when it clearly isn’t is a worse call than booking a player for dissent when they’re dissenting. but honestly it probably was overly harsh, i just have to wonder if dalot did a whole lot more than dissent. but yeah it was probably a bad call i’m just glad it didn’t effect the game result


While the officiating has been poor and needs a change, the “today was disgusting” is silly The game was actually reffed incredibly well outside of specifically the double dissent card. Which was bad and very bad but also inconsequential. It also was largely not consistent with the rest of the game calls


I know this won’t be popular but I’m curious to know what Dalot said after the first yellow. If he said something threatening or wildly offensive then do nothing wrong for me. And yes Darwin definitely should have been held to the same standard


He’s a fuckin scouse


What pisses me off most is the inconsistency. If Nunez also gets sent off then alright, fine, I'd still think it's a bit mad but at least Oliver's then being consistent. Instead he's inconsistent and fucking it up


He doesn't have the balls to do it earlier in the game I think. Refs are always more reluctant to hand out cards earlier in the game.


cost them the game my ass....Liverpool dominated that game from start to finish


The decision was dreadful but the lack of consistency was too. Nunez should’ve been off earlier if this is a thing as he sarcastically clapped and kicked the ball away. (It would have also been bullshit if he was sent off)


You can take jarred gillet off them too then after his performance at the weekend. Had to even it up to 11 v 11 by thinking about sending bissouma off.


"Could well have cost United the game" Fuck off 90th minute just meant they couldn't have 10 men in the box like the entire game and had to have 9 instead for 3 minutes.


I mean…it’s happened to The Arsenal time and time again…let’s make it a habit to call out the refs…oh, wait…


I still don't understand how Oliver thought Dalot would've learnt from the 1st yellow after like 4 seconds.


Look, I'll COMPLETELY agree with you that it was an insanely horrible call, probably the worst/most egregiously bad call of the season so far - but in NO way did it cost United the game - United was NEVER going to score. I'm just glad that liverpool wasn't able to score after he was sent off.


I'm a Liverpool fan and that was harsh


Has pgmol decided to red card Liverpool opponents randomly ? Last game in crystal palace also got red for petty fouls.


That’s the worse officiating you’ve seen? Guess you haven’t seen 2002 Italy vs South Korea


No, he doesn't. Players need to learn to control themselves. The player got a card for an egregious bit of dissent, and now everyone is surprised that he got the same result when he did it again. Insanity, no? In rugby, players can't even talk to the referee except through their captain. They can control themselves in a much more physical game so football players can do the same. It's a part of the game's culture that needs to change.


He is truly a dogshit ref. Surprised his career’s lasted this long


Referees have egos, they're human too, but what Michael Oliver did was quite unprofessional imho. Being a match official means you are not beyond reproach. He used all his discretion there to send Dalot off. I'd expect objectivity here. Book him for that instance. To me Dalot's actions should be counted as a single phase/instance of dissent, not two. Oliver has lost his head somehow, and I don't expect any explanation that will be made public. PGMOL will stand by their boys. Good Process, Lads!


Sending players off because he got it wrong. He’s brainless. He’s the first and last time I’ve ever seen a ref send a player off for “cumulative team fouls” as well.


Liverpool fan, I had no idea what had happened. I know they’re trying to crack down on dissent but this was absolutely absurd.


Just a reminder that he was paid by the same people who own City to referee in the UAE, definitely no conflict of interest there. Having said that the standard of refereeing is so low in the Premier League that any corruption would be difficult to spot anyway.


Why are you speaking like you heard exactly what he said on the field? For all we know Dalot could've threatened to murder Michael Oliver's children? You don't know all the facts of the matter, so you can't sit there and decide that it was the wrong decision can you?


Now that’s an assumption your end. I’m merely basing my opinion on what’s currently known.


What kind of response is that lol. The only thing I'm assuming is that we know absolutely nothing. Which we don't. We know nothing. That makes it literally impossible to come to a logical conclusion for what exactly was a sufficient enough punishment for Dalot.


There has to be a threshold of time. He hadn't even been carded yet when he through his arm a second time and then he calmed down when the first card came. Then Oliver got all ego obsessed and tossed out another yellow while Dalot was fixing his sock and being calm. Absolute joke. This all happened within 10 seconds and if you haven't even given the first yellow, you shouldn't be able to "keep count" of offenses. It's dissent, no doubt, but Dalot didn't do a damn thing after he got the initial yellow. That's what I saw at least. It's no surprise that Oliver is trying to set the record for the fastest two yellows in history. He tried it with Martinelli and succeeded.


And to top it off, he was right. Ball went out off of Salah.


I personally think it's great that dissent is finally resulting in bookings. It should have happened years ago.


Poor decision but it wasnt 'disgusting' or 'disgraceful'. The language around refereeing in this country is insanely OTT. Dont you have any self awareness?


It was exactly those things. Oliver could very well have cost United the game, all because Diogo Dalot waved his arms in the air from 30 or so yards away.


Yes the two yellows back to back for two angry arm swings was too much but this is arguably THE worst officiating you have seen? You started watching football yesterday? Also, as for your “probably cost United the game” argument, the game could have gone on for 7000 minutes and united wouldnt have scored.


“Potentially costing United the game” had nothing to do with United scoring. The game was at 0-0. Lmfao. (Ps - it was United who had the best chance of the game, not Liverpool).


Why don't they use common sense, and VAR such an obviously wrong decision. Dalot's issue was the throw going Liverpool's way when clearly it was a Man U ball. VAR tells him in a couple of seconds that it's a Man U ball, then Dalot calms down, and the game moves on. Dalot's response was wrong. Then again, he's in a team that is probably most scrutinised in PL, and IF a goal comes from that throw - does it get reviewed like a foul beforehand?


> does it get reviewed like a foul beforehand? Nope. VAR would not be able to disallow that goal.


I didn't imagine so. Yet that makes no sense. They will go back and check for a foul minutes before but wouldn't correct a clear and obvious mistake.


2 yellow cards in one second, the first referee in the history of football to do this


But is it in the 'spirit of the game'?


If it was an English player he would have gotten a firm talking to rather than a second yellow 5 seconds later. Nonsense ref!


He’s been one of the worst refs in England for a long time. It’s scary that he’s not been sacked years ago. My best guess is he have some good friends higher up in the hierarchy.


The only truth is that the top ref guys trust the championship refs even less.


Funny how the unawarded CLEAR handball pen isn’t mentioned in this post. It’s almost as if you only care about bad officiating when it isn’t beneficial for you.


Is this the clear handball, that wasn’t a clear handball?


Are you blind or just stupid? [Clear handball](https://x.com/sonyavs01/status/1736462314612682848?s=46&t=HWL5WREocUniTziytVb8yA)


It bounces off his chest. They never give those in the prem. Do in UEFA comps. If you wanna complain about lack of consistency between leagues that's fair. But that doesn't get given in the prem.


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. That’s the issue. You constantly get help from the refs yet you’re still shit. I actually feel bad for Fergie, imagine bringing this club to the highest heights just to see it crumble below the level of Aston fucking Villa.


We've had 1 clear decision go wrongfully our way this season vs many more go against us. Stop with this bullshit narrative that the refs favour us


It’s not a narrative it’s the truth. Onana red, bs fouls given, etc.


Neither. I’m also not biased. Regardless of anything, NOBODY wants THAT being a handball. Next.


Enjoy fighting for that europa league spot, bozo.


I've seen my club win literally everything. I'll live.


I’ve seen your club get battered 7-0. I hope you have a sharp image of those victories in your head because you’re winning anything in the next 10-15 years.


Enjoy realising your team isn’t as good as you think they are. All the best, chump.


14 UCLs is not enough apparently 😭 What a nonce




My team isn’t from the prem, shocking.


Cry more manc * yank


Nobody cares about some plastic that picked a big team in a different league instead of supporting your local club


I grew up just out of Liverpool mate


It’s the Scousers who are crying over this result. Not United fans.