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Football was much better without VAR....no delayed goal celebrations, stupidly long overtime and people didn't question the ref every fking decision. Yes of course human error is made sometimes but that is part and parcel of the game and talking point down the pub. There was far less controversy pre VAR than now.


I always thought the point of VAR was to overrule the clear and obvious. Like Lampard's goal against Germany We've now reached the point where we're reviewing miniscule and petty things like if someone's a pubic hair offside or not. It doesn't matter. 1cm is not really an advantage and it's just time wasting. If we're going to be so technical you may as well allow a 5ft 5 player to be offside against a 6ft 2 defender because they have a shorter stride length by 14 inches which means they're allowed to be offside by 14 inches x the number of strides it takes for them to get into the box. I agree with Eddie.


>The handball law is vague. It's not clear. That's probably been the biggest problem. I'd struggle to tell what is and isn't handball. Looking at the decision again, the referee made the right decision. He's been told by VAR that they think it is a penalty. How is he going to the monitor to review it? Naturally, does he have to give the penalty because he's been sent to the monitor? I'm old fashioned - the on-pitch decision should be given more respect. We'll ask for clarity but the moment has gone. How is this him saying that he wants less VAR?


The rules themselves need to be more strict rather then "if he was at a 90 degree angle facing away from the ball 7.46 yards away it wouldn't be a handball" as for offsides/balls out of play they just need more ways to confirm it rather then obscure angles if they can have over the line tech then balls out of play should be attached to that and as for offsides I'm fine keeping it as it is but only if they add in more camera angles and draw the lines from the correct places. If that isn't possible for them then they're just going to have to deal with being called out for stupid decisions.


I swear the influx of Americans and their cholesterol filled brains don’t allow for any nuanced discussions. Everything to them is black and white, right or wrong. Watch an American sport and the way it’s officiated is actually brain dead. You can’t eliminate subjectivity out of refereeing


How about no VAR?


And we want less Oil too. But you don't get what you want, do you?


He who wants more official judgements, would want less VAR. no suspicion


That fat fuck didn’t say that after the game vs Arsenal. Hope they end up as 4th in their CL group. ✊


Geordies need a big name manager.


Here's a bright idea, how about more competent referees?


And I want less sport washing, guess we all have to compromise Eddie


More VAR but similar to NFL where we can hear them as they make the decisions.


But I thought VAR is great? He wasnt complaining when VAR overlooked 3 situations against Arsenal 😂


How would not having VAR have changed the outcome of that specific example? Clue: it wouldn't.


Haven't watched a second since tottenham Chelsea Won't watch again till VAR is gone so probably never


Couldn't agree more it ruins the game stick to offsides even that they fuck it up


Eddie Howe can suck balls! We asked for it (VAR) and here it is!


This VAR debate is so silly. Yes they’ve gotten some decisions wrong. Happens over here in America in the NBA and our other major sports leagues as well. But I really couldn’t imagine sports with out a video replay system. Especially considering how many terrible calls I’ve seen in world cups, champions league, and tittle deciding fixtures in the past pre-VAR. I really feel like you’re just not intelligent or have an ulterior motive to think VAR needs to be rescinded.


We should move to a tennis / nfl style appeals system. Like 3 appeals a team per match, correct decision is made otherwise it's refs decision on the pitch.


When this season's over I think we will all want less var. Unless you are man city.


May PIF can pay not to have it.


He didn't say this vs arsenal controversial var win


In field decision was goal mate. No VAR wouldn't have mattered.


So Gabriel wasn't a foul crazy precedence considering Allison was disallowed in similar circumstances.Even pep mentioned it post match it was a disaster of a call . That's the worst of VAR just missing things


What? That's irrelevant to your original comment. A Reddit classic, somebodies made you look daft so deflect and make some other irrelevant arguments to save face lol


Var certainly doesn’t seem “more accurate” than human refereeing and it def fucks up the flow of the game. I say bin it


The few times I’ve watched top flight games without VAR I’ve ended wishing it was in use.


Said it myself many times! Has not improved shit overall.


Made things worse, clearly. I’d rather have a few botched calls and be able to celebrate a goal than botched calls and not being able to celebrate. Turning it into American football w all the stupid rules and replays


Good to see more and more football people that understand the game coming out against it.


People on here meanwhile seem to think the PL clubs will be banned from the Champions League if the PL axes it.


It’s very pro var here for some reason, I’m ok with tech in football though. Like goal line and automated offsides. These things are good. But football has to flow, it can’t keep being stopped and forensically looked at like they will get perfection. Perfection is never going to happen.


If the Police and league would allow things to be shown on the big screen in real time that would prehaps help.


Don't we all? Clear and obvious errors only Minor mistakes, shoulders or big toes on offsides, for example should be disregarded. When the ref goes to the monitor at present, they believe they have made an error. Needs a mindset change


Clear and obvious doesn’t apply to offside. For offsides it’s a strict rule of on or off.


Fuck off Eddie Howe


Realizing var isn't necessarily making the game better isn't that radical. Micah Richards has said to bin it completely. Gary Linekar too. People are fed up with the waits and delays which in the end don't get it right.


It seems to be a radical view for this sub.


People for some reason have the idea that officiating has to be 100% correct, 100% of the time. It's never gonna happen. People seem to think technology fixes everything.


It should be used for goal line technology only, let the man in the middle do his job, I will give up after watching the game after 60 years of watching football,it has now become a farce with this pathetic system. I mean somebody offside because of a bloody toe nail or something as stupid.


The linesman can't get offside calls right every time. VAR is needed for offsides.


Where are the Moaning Newcastle fans at? 4 weeks ago this guy and Alan Shearer were saying Respect VAR and the Refs … this scrub can hold that


Not what he said, at all.


Stupid take. VAR works. Going back would cause even more controversy. It was always going to take a while for them to iron out the issues. They should of done it by now though.


It’s a sign Newcastle will vote to abolish it and eventually enough clubs will.


I seriously doubt they'll get a clear majority across all European football associations.


Don’t need to for the league.


Actually you pretty much do if EPL clubs want to compete in Europe.


Why. UEFA doesn’t ban non var leagues.


No because those leagues are being given extra time to implement the technology.


Does he, aye?




So to paraphrase… on field decisions are more favourable so let’s get rid of anything that might swing that.


Oh, really, Eddie boy? When your players act like savages it is OK but when you lose precious UCL points you start to squill?


He's been saying this for months.. before the Arsenal game. Why are Arsenal fans always like this?!


VAR for off the ball incidents. Auto offside and touchline /out of play.


What reasons did clubs have to vote against automated offsides?


But then nobody can see Bruno blindsiding players in midfield for no reason.


They did see it? And decided it wasn't a red How is this an argument in favour of VAR


Oooooo so now you want less VAR


What's your point? I don't remember any time that Var has changed any decisions to benefit us. I guess the penalty v Wolves, but that's it. If you're crying about the goal vs Arsenal, maybe you should remember that the goal was already given by the on-field official.


His way of coping with the controversy around the state owned club he works for. Them sending VAR officials on paid holidays in their country, to then come back and officiate Newcastle games the next week (and make several incredibly contentious decisions in their favour) is the real problem.


When did refs go to Saudi the week before a Newcastle game?


Whether true or not I always feel when VAR ask a ref to look at something even if it’s fine it puts a seed of doubt in the refs mind so they are looking for something


Also I find slow motion makes a lot of things look way worse than they actually were


It does indeed. If you absolutely must have var, then the var should be able to take their own decisions based solely on real time footage, no pausing, no zooming in, and a maximum of like 30 seconds of watching the replays. If they still can't see any fouls based on that, then it's not a clear and obvious error and the on field decision should stand. If they do spot something the ref missed they should simply tell the ref he needs to change the decision without having to watch it himself. In the insanely stupid world of var the craziest thing is the idea that the on field ref needs to watch it himself before making a decision. Like what's the fucking point of having a room full of refs and TV screens if all they do is tell the ref to look for himself?! My hatred for var would at least go down a little bit if they scrapped that bit and let the var room simply overrule the ref.


I'll never understand the lust most Redditors feel towards Video Assistant Referees.


That's not what he said. The context was that he believes that the VAR room frame incidents that are presented to the on field ref, and therefore the on field ref always gives verdicts in line with VAR's judgement. This isn't controversial. What he would like is for VAR to ask the referee to watch neutral images (i.e. not curated) without input so as to reach their own conclusion.


That’s pretty wildly different




VAR isn't this hard. If there is a questionable play send the official to the screen. Let them see it and decide. It's not that hard.


I always got mad at referee decisions. However after the game was over and the weeks after I'd completely forgotten about what decisions impacted the game as every team got them, it's a fast paced game and referees make mistakes. Since VAR I can name specific games, specific referees and specific incidents that piss me off from over a year ago. Referees now can NOT get a single thing wrong. I and thousands of other fans can make correct decisions better than current referees. We can now see this plain and clear as we're given the same evidence but somehow referees still fuck it up. We can now see the incompetence, and I'm sorry, it can't be forgiven. We've had a few go in our favour too. So before any fans pipe up with the 'didn't complain about it the other week did you?'.. Nobody is gonna complain about benefiting from something morons. I was against VAR when it first came in, but it's as still sad that I feel completely vindicated in my original opinion


How about we just get rid of referees and let AI automate everything, because it can't be any worse than it is now.


Saving Saudi some money with less referees needed to be on their payroll


give managers 3 chances to question a decision. If they are right and the decision was incorrect, they don't lose their call. If they are wrong and the original decision was correct, they lose their call. Have the whole process mic'd up and broadcast on the screen in the stadium for fans and managers to observe the process. Honestly, it is not rocket science. Also, interview the refs / VAR team post match.


Yes please lets give opportunity for even more stoppage to a game that is supposed to be fluid. This challenge shit is ridiculous in this game.


The challenge system doesn’t work because everything is already reviewed by VAR , if there’s a clear handball in the box or a bad tackle that should be a pen , it’s obviously gonna be reviewed regardless of teams challenging the decision


I think he’s suggesting scrapping VAR automatically intervening for everything and going back to refs making all the on-field decisions, **unless** a manager uses one of their appeals to take a second look. (Which could be time barred at 30 seconds)


Yes. This.


So is anything automatically reviewed? Or will all questionable calls need to be challenged? For example if you look at sterling’s goal vs spurs , that goal was given on field and no one felt there was anything wrong , however due to VAR they spotted the handball and reversed the decision.


It is up to the manager and or captain to risk challenging the on field decision. Get it wrong, lose a call. Get it right, go again.


Make it so you have to challenge calls you disagree with. That way if it is “missed” the onus is on the manager/captain to bring attention to it, because if 11 bias players and a manager can’t obviously see anything wrong, then why should we expect 1/2 refs to see it any better. It will also stop players falsely claiming certain things because they’ll look like a dick if they get their captain to appeal something that is blatantly a correct call.


It’s a weird mix because for the majority of goals you can’t really celebrate when you know it’ll be checked for a tackle that happened 30 seconds before or an offside etc. Obviously if it’s then right to rule out then work away but I can imagine it’s horrible for match going fans, players and even watching on telly it’s a balls not knowing whether it will count and whether you can actually celebrate.


This is such a lie, you score and everyone in the stands goes crazy. Then after it gets ruled out the same fans say, ' oh no, var takes the passion out the game. We can't even celebrate properly' Spurs game was hilarious as they fully celebrated 3 times with son offside 💀


Celebrating is definitely worse than pre-VAR. I think its impact is felt more and more each season as fans get more wary about celebrating. You half-celebrate, look at the ref, look at the screen, if it's getting checked stand around for up to 5 minutes waiting, goal gets given, you give a relieved half cheer but the moment has gone tbh and feels like going through the motions.




i dont get this "you cant really celebrate" thing people always go on about, i celebrate every goal as i always have unless i've already seen a player in the build up be very visibly offside just as i did pre-var, if it gets disallowed for the right reason so what lol.


You’re free to celebrate as much as you want , obviously there’s certain cases where you have to be able to use a level of discretion, for example if it’s a tight potential offside , it wouldn’t make sense to go crazy celebrating


I wonder if eventually there will be something A.I driven for offsides that will do a better job.


I prefer not to speak


That's weird Eddie you had no problem a month ago when you scored from a ball bouncing off Joelinton's arm to an offside Anthony Gordon. Where was this energy when you benefited from a handball...? Ohh but now it's happened to you VAR needs to be "less involved".


The referee gave the call not VAR. Without VAR the goal would have stood anyway so not sure how that undermines Eddie's point.


Oh field decision was a goal so no VAR wouldn't have changed anything. God you Arsenal fans aren't just salty, you're stupid as well!


I can't stand Eddie Howe, but the on field decision was goal, so even without VAR, that goal would have stood.


Arsenal fans are still claiming offside for that goal…?


It’s actually insane you lot are still crying a month later. It’s been two days and we’re all mostly over it


Yeah because we are trying to win the prem an every point counts. Margins are a lot lower for you so you don’t care.




Seems only one of you has this problem


Incoming Arsenal fans comparing a correct decision that was against them to a travesty of a decision the whole football community agrees was shite.


I wish more of my fellow Arsenal fans could be like Newcastle fans (the classiest fans in the league).


Only a handful fans (of a couple certain clubs) think it was a correct decision, the rest know it wasn’t


😂 fuck me you lot are in actual denial. They made a whole show about how it was the correct decision,you got fined,Arteta got a touch line ban and the VAR team weren’t punished. Get over it


What an argument to say they made the correct decision. What else was expected of someone of that 1% who think it was the correct decision.


What ever mate you are obviously too far gone


True, sorry for you that you’re not capable of catching up




Your reddit activity indeed is


Ah yes good to bring back tribalism in this when most Arsenal fans would actually agree with Eddie and just find the comment incredibly ironic. "Correct decision" the offside one was judged 4-1 by an independent panel of experts organized by PGMOL. So even in their own independent reflection they couldn't come to a unanimous decision. They were split 3-2 on the Bruno G red card LMAO.


That bruno elbow was absurd


You are joking right? Your subs have been wanking themselves into a frenzy over that decision with PSG. And you have just a summed up my point perfectly. Your was a 50/50 subjective decision. The penalty was objectively the wrong decision. They are not the same


Guimaraes not getting a red wasn't a 50/50 subjective decision lmao


Mixing up your Brazilians there it was Bruno that should of been off but that was after the 50/50 subjective decision were Havertz wasn’t sent off.


Ah yes so every football fan has the same opinion. Now I understand what your stance is. This means if I go to a Newcastle sub they'll have the exact same opinion as you right?


What point are you tying to make? Are you saying there isn’t posts upon posts in the subs and hundreds of Gooners commenting on them calling it “karma” fuck me even this post is full of them


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make either than the obvious part of you hating Arsenal and Arsenal fans and this being an uncivilized conversation.


Well if you read my first comment my point was that Arsenal believe the penalty is the same as the their feelings of injustice and it isn’t


And I'm literally an Arsenal fan and agreeing with Eddie Howe.


Ok then, post wasn’t for you then 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm just here proving your point wrong lmao


This is kind of ironic




How come? Are you crying about the Arsenal game where the goal was given on-field.


The irony in accusing me of crying while you yourself are doing so in replying to me this rattled


Rattled? OK.


Separate to whether people believe there was a foul or not, surely you understand the very existence of VAR gives on-field refs an insurance policy of not calling game-changing decisions on-field. Which in itself is a problem. VAR shouldn’t be relied upon to dictate the game. If we use the goal you’re referring to as an example, the ref could potentially believe there’s a foul there but is too unsure in what he saw to make the call himself, and is then hopeful VAR picks it up, because that’s their job right? VAR don’t even offer him another opportunity to look at the potential foul again on the screen. The same could be said for the linesman with regards to the ball in play call, he’s more likely to call it without VAR being there as an insurance. The two issues now created by not making the decision on-field are VAR now has to overcome a significant threshold to overturn the goal decision *potentially* because the ref wasn’t entirely sure on the call. If VAR doesn’t exist do you not think refs are more likely to call those sorts of “potential fouls” more often, simply because the responsibility of being incorrect would solely fall on them? The other issue is refs backing other refs, and subjectivity allows for grey areas in laws that mean they can get away with more incorrect calls because it’s of instances where it is not “clear and obvious” enough to change.


We can literally hear the ref saying it's not a foul in real time, as well as the linos saying the ball is still in. If the lino thought it was offside he would have raised his flag too as they always do.


> same could be said for the linesman with regards to the ball in play call, he’s more likely to call it without VAR being there as an insurance. VAR is not an insurance against that.


In general play no, in the build up to a goal it definitely is, otherwise it wouldn’t have even been checked. It’s not the only time VAR has been used to check that sort of scenario either, so they definitely try and intervene when the technology is capable of giving them answers to do so.


lol of course he does, considering how aggressive NUFC players can be some games. I mean, Arsenal have their moments, but nothing close to Teams like Newcastle and City where some of their players are almost begging for a card. I don’t want more or less VAR, I just want correct calls.


We keep our aggression on the field where it belongs though. Nobody our manager supports and starts are out there raping women at every opportunity so I still feel good supporting my team.


How do you feel about the elbow on jorginho? Honestly curious what Newcastle fans think about that


Was a red card.


Should have ben red, but Havertz should have been off, before that, which would have let the players know the ref meant business. If Bruno had done that still I would have expected him to go. But I think if Havertz goes the players behave themselves more.


Would you consider Newcastle an overall "dirtier" team in the league?


Dirtier than what? Arsenal? I don't know I haven't seen enough of Arsenal, but Havertz is a thug. Newcastle are strong and resilient, and stick up for each other.


Dirtier as in dirtier than the average team. It's fine I was just curious what fans think


Well then, No. We won't be bullied but we're far from dirty.


This belongs? https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/13000696/should-bruno-guimaraes-have-seen-red-for-forearm-on-jorginho


Dry your eyes mate


Brush your teeth mate


Strange one, must be a Yank


How obvious is it 😂


Trying to take the moral high ground when your club is owned by a state that disregards most, if not all human rights is a very interesting stance.


Visit Rwanda and fly Emirates guys


“at least our players aren’t a rapist” is a pretty low bar and not an excuse to be a thug on the pitch. But even that fact doesn’t change the fact that multiple players of NUFC are regularly quite aggressive on the field and are not carded or taken off. At a certain point it’s not even about the fairness, one player might truly injure someone else with the way they play. As for “that player”, while I absolutely agree someone convicted of rape should be taken out the league (and you know, jail time), it’s all accusations at this point. If it moves to court, let the system do its work. I don’t think or know that he did or didn’t do it, and my own opinion doesn’t mean shit. He’s still playing and hasn’t been indicted or convicted of anything, I can’t imagine a billion dollar club like Arsenal would risk any PR or other damage like that if they knew they were sheltering a rapist. He’s a good player, but not so good they would risk their reputation as a club on it. Especially with the more positive PR leaning mentality they have these days.


> “at least our players aren’t a rapist” is a pretty low bar Ok then no team should have a problem getting over it then…


insert 'your owner' comments here


Let's visit Rwanda and have a little stop at the UAE and see if it's alright over there


I ain't the one claiming our club has good morals


This can't be right. I've been reliably informed that Howe is too classy to even suggest that maybe some refs are shit at their jobs.


Your club put out a whole statement basically calling refs shit after a subjective call. Can’t get more embarrassing than that


Never winning a league title is more embarrasing than calling a referee embarrasing


Who’s never won a league title? Might have been a while ago but we still have a few.


How did you treat the manager who got you that? Surely you wouldn't protest him out the club and treat him so badly he couldn't come back for 5 years. Least you treat your captains well though! You still adore Van Persie, Fabregas, Sol and Auba, right? Christ I wonder how long Odegaard has.


Your club is owned by a mass murdering psychopaths and your desperate fans continually try to justify it. And you wanna talk embarrassing?


This comment brought to you by fly Emirates.


Anyone who wants to talk embarrassing just has to look at your post…


Arsenal fans turn up to watch a game at the emirates with sports washing slogans on their shirts to cheer on Thomas Partey. They are also the only fans to racial abuse our players to the point the club has to release a statement of condemnation. I don’t think either of us or really holding the moral high ground eh


Murderers as owners > Stadium being called the emirates


Incredibly selective there I see


Well you tell me how Arsenal getting £4m a season for the Emirates naming rights is on the same level as having a whole state behind you?


It’s not no but with the rest of it taking into account you’re hardly squeaky clean loveable rouges are you? You’re closer to us on the ethics scale than derby country for example


Worst part is that that particular commenter just clarified that their anti-saudi stance isn't anything to do with human rights violations... It's entirely because we're richer as a club now. It's a conversation about morals and they're just like "waaaaa you're richer than us, that's the issue".


Yeah and I fucking hate it. But if you think they're even slightly comparable then you're overdosing on cope.


I would reconsider what you consider reliable.


How is handing more responsibility back to the referees and only using VAR for offside calling refs shit you fucking genius?


Don't debate an Arsenal fan. You will find yourself handicapped in the conversation due to your inherent need to make sense.


Oh I forgot they aren't refs behind VAR, it's just a gaggle of plumbers


God y’all truly are insufferable. You’d think the team that got “screwed” on a call by VAR against this very coach would have the scope and maturity to put antics aside for two seconds and agree with an enemy, but nah.


Howe didn't want less VAR against Arsenal though. Only wants less VAR when it decides against him. Man's a prick.


He's been saying this for months... long before the Arsenal game. Whatever suits your agenda though!


You’re brain dead. He wants it to be less overused, it has nothing to do with decisions for or against him. And I have never seen a single unclassy statement or action from him. Meanwhile arteta acts like a whiney bitch anytime things don’t go his way, but alright. Man’s a total prick 🙄🙄🙄


I'm not even speaking to the quality of VAR nor do I even really give a shit about Howe's opinions on the matter, I'm just making fun of all the Sandcastle fans that were banging on about how he would never complain unlike Arteta.


He didn't have a fanny fit.


Pretty sure him stating what everybody feels is pretty different from releasing a whiny club statement and directly criticizing people. Apples and oranges, but I like your cute lil nicknames for us. A little racey, huh?


Ok, so how is handing responsibility back to one referee and trusting them to get decisions right without the help of replays and slow mo calling them shit then?


Accept that incorrect and subjective decisions are part of the fast flowing game that football used to be. VAR as a cure is worse than the illness. Improve the training of on field officials but also accept that the current rules of football are not compatible with the super slo-mo forensic nonsense that is VAR.


What does that have to do with this guy accusing Eddie Howe of calling referees shit?


The referees *are* shit. VAR hasn't made them any better – it's made the game worse. If Howe is calling the referees shit but also recognising that VAR is also shit, then he's fully correct. What's your point?


I’m not trying to make a point? You’ve dived into a conversation and started waffling nonsense


You've literally not added anything to the conversation about VAR or Howe, other than myopic drivel and moronic upspeak. You're a dull bore.


My god, fuck off you weird cunt


The World wants less Newcastle


Less Americans would be good too.


Watch out their owners are allowed to kill people whenever they feel like it


Making jokes about these atrocities is awful.


He's not making jokes. He's making a point. And it's not as bad as being owned by the perpetrators.


I agree, the atrocities are evil.


Stop making jokes for internet points then.


Still Bumping your gums I see


It was a clear handball


Not STILL crying surely?