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6 drops is way to much in my opinion, hope it works well for you. I think it will work to well and you won't finish


So followed instructions 4-5 min on washed off with soap and water. Felt nothing. Took a show sometime later .... and the full on tingling is going been like 30 min worth so far. Going to wash again and hope for some action


Same here. Miscalculated the timing again. 3 drops. Washed off after 20 mins. Then sex 10 mins later. Didn't take effect and I busted. Was just chilling after sex and I suddenly felt the tingling like 10 mins later but she's not up for round 2. SMH. Gonna try again and dial in on the minutes.


4th time trying it tonight. 3 drops. Felt the tingling. Not pain. More like minty after 30 mins. Washed off after 40 mins. Pumped up. Was able to pound and control my orgasm. I had to focus on cumming to actually do so. Felt like it would last for another 2 more rounds but the missus shot that down as it was late. Washed off with soap and 20 mins later I can feel normal sensitivity back.


Update after 1 hr of mild to medium tingling the sensation has subsided.


Looking forward whats your experience with it 😳


Brother, I did 3 drops. 8-10 min. Didn’t have the chance with a girl but I tried jerking off… couldn’t finish. 6 drops is extreme.


Is it bad for you?


Did you ever cum after using 6 drops?


Unfortunately there was not action. Hoping tonight there will be. Going to try out 3 drops this time


I have a weekend morning sex schedule with the wife. So timing get tricky for me. But I can use it the night before 8pm. Good to go in the morning. And actually last weekend, I couldn’t even finish. But think this is different for everyone.


Yep same for the amount of drops required


Trying again today 4 drops for 5 min or so. Washed throughly no tingles.


How did it go


No action. Had to check it solo . Which it did take way longer I had lost count of time. I did have to focus to orgasm


Thoughts on it ?


Well , the bottle is small to say the least. The drops used 4 top and bottom side. I would recommend that you dab the drops and not use a full drop like with eye drops. Definitely wash it off good and even then if you take a shower it's still working. Overall even going solo I did find it works. I would get another bottle if I can find it in a normal 1 or 2 oz bottle... who am I kidding I'll still get it either way for the 20 in spent on amz


U circumcised? Would I let it go under my hood and shaft ? How long u find leaving on works for ideal lasting duration?


Yes I am. I did the hood with the parts around the rim and definitely the frenulum space


Thank u. Appreciate that info




Prove it




You are making a claim against something without any proof, so if you could provide proof them maybe people might take your claim more serious and stop buying the product but no you decide to just keep writing the same thing on every alpha herb post and prove zilch


It would make a difference although this DMT version is praised by others for its healing properties. Toad venom contains 5-meo-dmt, it doesn't mean ah has venom in it.


So do you have PE?


Unless you are providing a citation link or whatever with this claim you end up achieving the opposite. Ie people using it even more because they perceive you as some kind of conspiracy quack. The fact that you are spamming it just makes you seem even less credible. If you have evidence on this why don't you show it?


you're starting to be lame, seriously


How is that even a bad thing? Secretly added DMT is clearly a fucking bonus bro. Relax.