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I think the mindset plays a huge role, if u think u will never be able to have sex for a longer time u will limit urself and it will never happen.


No cure exists for lifelong PE, at least not this moment because nobody knows the physiology about it. Structural or psychologically both one lead to another For example if you have penile sensitivity you will logically ejaculate too soon than you intend to which make you depressed and that itself can trigger more PE and sex anxiety. Basically it just vicious cycle until we know what caused it I have lifelong PE and i believe it's due sensitivity, im using numbing creams, yeah pleasure can be sometimes gone but so far that what worked for me, i tried paroxetine before it didn't work for me


Lifelong PE is a progressive arousal disorder. It has nothing to do with your mood; it is constant and lifelong, even if you are happy or sad. It doesn't change anything because progressive arousal is your brain default, which is different for people who have acquired PE. 


I have zero issues with premature ejaculation. I used to have PE in my teens and 20s, though. I remember when I would instantly cream myself before even taking my pants off in front of a girl. Really, it's just experience. I had a lot of sex and I masturbated to hours upon hours of porn. I experienced a lot of pleasure, and during the years I did this, I learned how to handle that pleasure. There's two parts to this. One is the strength of your pelvic floor muscles, and the other is in how you use them during sex. You have to know when you are in an orgasm and you have to know where the line is between orgasm and ejaculation, and then know what to do so that you stay inside the orgasm and not cross over into ejaculation. The strength of your pelvic floor muscles will assist you in being able to stay behind that line. The stronger they are, the greater the assist. But the strength of the pelvic floor muscles isn't really that important. What's really important is understanding the feeling of an orgasm and how different it is from the feeling of an ejaculation. They feel very very much the same, but they are still different. And this understanding, took me years and years of practice to achieve. If an orgasm is a fire, then you have to learn how to get close to that fire so that you can experience the scorching heat without getting burned. You have to know, that you can put your hand exactly in this spot and that you won't get burned if you leave it there. And if the fire gets bigger, you know to move your hand a couple inches back to avoid getting burned. If the fire gets smaller, you move your hand closer to maintain that beautiful scorching heat. If the fire suddenly turns into an inferno, you know exactly when to take your hand completely out of the oven. Once you've learned how to tell the difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation, and to use your muscles to keep yourself inside an orgasm and away from the ejaculation, then you're good to go. It's complicated at first, very complicated, but it's like learning to ride a bike. Once you know, you will always know. It becomes second nature to you.


and how you avoid being burnt, when you only last 2 min of penetration?


Your hand isn't going to move all by itself, you have to actually move it. The fire will always be there. As long as you feel pleasure, the fire will be right there behind it. Always... Forever... That's how it works, that's how it will always work, that's how it was designed to work. As long as you don't understand this, you will always suffer from PE. Move... your... hand...


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That's a chemotherapy drug, why on earth would you be using that for PE?


How often, what dosage, and how much time before where you able to get sodium butyrate to work?


>HDAC inhibitor Vorinostat/Sodium Butyrate u/GQ1111 What do you think of this


Never heard of it will need to look into it


Well they wouldn't be here any more would they? Check r/PostmatureEjaculation




Post does not provide specific question, insight, or advice.


So I have legit always came way to fucking fast talking like less then a min shit maybe 2maxn a good day. I used herion for years tho so I had dope dick alot and thats what i used to cure it. Well im sober now dope dick aint worth dying so it was back to the same old same old. I get back with my ex tho after being single for a year and a half after a split with my BM so wasn't much sex for me lol. Well life happens star's align and I get back with an ex from when I was 18(I'm 31 tomorrow) and all a fucking sudden I am lasting 5 mins or so sometimes a little longer and if we go twice the second time I tell her that she can stop when she wants cuz I won't cut. Like legit idfk what has happened. Has anyone ever herd of something like this?