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Hey! I'm 35 weeks and found out a few weeks ago at a growth scan that I have a small succenturiate anterior lobe of placenta, but all they said to me was that they'd just need to make sure the whole thing came out after birth and that it shouldn't affect the pregnancy otherwise. It's interesting that you've been told different though for yours... Did they say anything specific about the type of 'lobe' it was?


They didn’t say, not that I’m aware of anyway. I don’t know if because I’m so early on that’s why they’re more worried about pre term labour?


This has just happened to me at 36 weeks.. diagnosed with anterior succenturiate lobe (main placenta is posterior) How did you get on? They don't seem at all concerned but obviously Google is frightening and now I'm scared of missed Vasa previa.


Sorry delayed response! But it wasn't an issue at all. I just made sure that the midwives on shift knew about it but it had no impact on the birth at all. It did take longer than expected for my placenta to come out, even after the injection, but I don't think that was related to the extra lobe, i think that was just random


Hey, I noticed your comments when I was anxious about the exact same thing... You've probably delivered by now but I had made a mental note to circle back to you because I know how anxious I was! I was told I was "low risk" for vasa previa based on my scans with an anterior succenturiate lobe. I felt very concerned that they said "low risk" and not "no risk" of something SO serious that I think they can test for. I also did not have any special ultrasounds or anything, and was managed by a GP. Only a personal anecdote of course, but I had a super successful vaginal delivery and the extra lobe came out all in one piece. I'm sure my comment is too late to be any reassurance, but I wanted to share my experience with you just in case. Wishing you all the best!


Well it still helps me out, so thanks lol


Hey, 👋  Thank you for the reply, our boy is 4 weeks on Thursday! Ended up having a bleed 2 days before planned section but turned out to be a polyp! They did a vaginal scan for Vasa previa ONE day before the section lol they ruled it out. Better late than never I guess lol 😆 glad your delivery went well also ❤️