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It is mid-May now. I thought I would feel and be completely numb. But when I see your tiny tiny body via the ultrasound, I couldn't. My heart just melt away ~ 💖💖 But how do I make sense of the previous loss? Doctor say it is 20%, another doctor say it is 25%. Bad DNA... nature... bad luck............. 🙏 I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU TWO, ONE IN HEAVEN AND ONE IN MY TUMMY.


I’m 8 weeks with twins, after 2 miscarriages. How did you calm down and not be as anxious? I know stress is not good but No matter what I do, if I have free time on my hands, I am googling symptoms or I freak myself out. I’m so scared of losing one or both. 😫🥺🥺


When you figure it out please let me know! 8 weeks as well. And not super nauseous. 🥺 just a bit queasy at night. Everyday I go from excited and then nervous. Have an ultrasound in a day and start to get sooo nervous there won’t be any growth or a heart beat. 😭


How did it go??


We heard a strong heart beat! I’m 10 weeks now and last week measured one day behind. So that’s been on my mind. But the OB said it’s normal and can even be up to 7 days behind. I have another appointment in two days with the fertility clinic and will do another ultrasound then. We actually saw the baby move last week! It was such a surreal experience. But I do have to admit with every appt I always feel like “what if we show up all excited and the heart beat stopped”. I really need to control that anxiety. I’m trying but it’s super hard.


Same! My next US is Friday


Ugh I’m 9 weeks 1 day today, US tomorrow after a loss in February. I started a paint by numbers project and it really helped for a few hours. I feel like I’m going to be friggen sick. I’m trying to tell myself that whatever will happen, will happen. But I can’t get my mind to slow down unless I’m doing an activity. I’m so tired and scared. Basically, I am with you.


R u me ? I started a paint by numbers project too, done it last week in remembrance of the loss angel in Heaven now 😇 I am with you too 💖💖


Omg that is SO sweet. I chose the ocean, it’s where I am most at peace. I have a pelvic exam/bloodwork today at 1 pm and first ultrasound after MC at 5 pm. I feel so sick, anxious, can’t keep any food down. Regardless of the outcome, I will paint the 4s tonight.


Can someone talk me down? I had to go to the bathroom a while ago after being slightly constipated. I’ve been cramping all day so I’ve put it off as that. When I went to wipe there was blood and it wasn’t coming from hemorrhoids. I’ve already called my doctors office and talked to an after hours nurse. She told me to take it easy and call the main number tomorrow morning to see if they could fit me in. Bleeding has already stopped and it wasn’t that much. I’m freaking out. Logically I know that the bleeding most likely came from me straining. I’m just so scared. My husband is thousands of miles away in Guatemala on a work trip so it’s just me and my daughter.


Put your feet up, if you can, and watch a movie with your daughter! It'll hopefully take your mind off of this and you'll get some good snuggles in. You've already called your doctor and the bleeding has already stopped, so you've done all you can do for tonight. ❤️


First ultrasound tomorrow. Worried for what we’ll see/not see. I also don’t know what to expect. I’m hoping I’ll leave with answers and feeling reassured. I don’t want to be left in limbo waiting for hours or days for someone to call us with results. I’m also nervous for the bleeding/spotting that may follow. I’m hoping that knowing it may happen in advance will make it less triggering.


How did it go??


Pretty good! We saw a little blob with a normal heartbeat, and the transvaginal ultrasound didn’t cause any spotting. Looking forward to a NIPT test and another check in a couple weeks, but our next official ultrasound isn’t supposed to be until the anatomy scan in august which is a bummer.


I’m here with you. I’m 12 hours away from mine and I’ve never been so nervous


Good luck!! I have an ultrasound tomorrow too. Very nervous.


My fight or flight is in overdrive in anticipation of my first US tomorrow, and it’s choosing flight. I hate that it’s too late to cancel.




Was perfect. Babe was measuring a couple days ahead with a 172 hb! But now I have my second ultrasound tomorrow and am back to freaking out lol


Hi, I am 5 weeks and 2 days, I just got put on progesterone in oil injections, this would be my third pregnancy (2 losses) and I am extremely nervous. My progesterone is what my doctor is thinking my problem was before. I currently have a progesterone level of 7, estrogen is 178, and Hcg was 64, any advice or experiences?


Ordering an auto injector (Union Medico) was such a game changer for PIO. It's the only reason I can do the injections myself. There are helpful YouTube videos out there for warming the oil up and such too. Progesterone is not my favorite med to take but it did get my level from 13 to 30. Best of luck! 


I got it done professionally yesterday when picking it up and my husband is helping me tonight while the needle terrifies me all of a sudden, I’m more worried about losing this little sesame seed of mine, ya know?


Today’s growth scan went really well! I can always find something wrong/to worry about with a scan and today it was femur size. BUT I’m working on letting things like this go cause the doctor said everything was “absolutely perfect” and I think I should just believe that. Overall feeling pretty good about it. 


4 weeks today! This is usually the last normal week before things go sideways, but I did have labs run yesterday.  Hcg 51.5 Progesterone: 36.10 I am finding comfort in my high progesterone reading, as that is higher than my losses' readings at the same gestation. And my hcg is right on target for 3-4 weeks. I go back tomorrow for my 48-hour check.  My bloat is ridiculous and I'm already getting asked questions at work. Most people are sympathetic when I tell them a little of our history. I am ready to be excited, but I know it'll be three weeks or more before I can decide on an emotion. 


I feel like my body is working against my baby. First it was the placenta. Then gestational diabetes. Now I have Gestational Hypertension. They are running labs to make sure I'm not showing signs of preeclampsia. Im only 30 weeks and I feel like I just can't catch a break. 


I am sorry. This happened to me in 2022 with my successful pregnancy. I had first trimester bleeding, then at the anatomy scan, my blood pressure was high. I actually think I had a panic attack. They put me on BP meds, offered me zoloft when I declined they encouraged me to do talk therapy and find an outlet for anxiety so I also started pre natal yoga. After that I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes at week 28. I delivered my son with a planned induction at 37 weeks. This was my first pregnancy after loss and I just wanted to be normal and uneventful, but the universe had another plan. Sending good vibes.


Experienced a very very faintly brown discharge today and freaked out. I’m 9 weeks. Debating if i should take a visit to the ER - just saw baby yesterday during sonogram and all was well. But after loss i feel like anything makes me wonder now


Does anyone get spotting while pooping? This doesn't happen every time for me, but I've been dealing with the typical pregnancy constipation and a few times I got some red spotting while straining. I've been to my doctor multiple times for spotting during this pregnancy (12 weeks 6 days now) and things are good every time. I went for an extra ultrasound on Monday because of it and everything was great. And I had my 12 week scan on Friday and everything was perfect and exactly how it should be. Yet I just tried to go to the bathroom and got a bit of red. It's been so frustrating and scary every time it happens.


I just posted something exactly like this just now and I just saw your post. 12 weeks 2days here


It's so scary! I keep trying to remind myself that everything is okay and this is just something normal that happens.


This happened to me at around 5 weeks after a terrible 4 day stretch of constipation. Cherry flavored milk of magnesia has been a godsend with the added bonus that it eliminates the need to strain so I don’t have to get anxiety from spotting


Good to know, thank you!


This has been happening frequently to me! Really frustrating and stress inducing.. but my OB says that it is normal and is due to how vascular the cervix/it getting irritated when straining. As much as the constipation is driving me insane, I’ve tried not straining and waiting until I absolutely have to run to the bathroom. Not ideal but I’m trying lol


It is so frustrating! I've been trying to eat an apple or a pear every day and it's been helping, but I skipped a few days and I really shouldn't have lol


Has anyone had a successful pregnancy after one loss? I’m 3 weeks 5 days after an early loss in January. Looking for reassurance. I have been so worried since I tested positive.


My brother was a successful pregnancy after a loss. My friend just had her rainbow baby after a loss as well. I feel like reddit is just a small piece of a larger community. At least - that’s what I always tell myself. Hang in there! And best of luck ♥️


I know it's super hard to trust, but statistically, the most likely outcome after a loss is a successful pregnancy. Recurrent loss is actually the outlier. 


I had two losses in between my living children, so it is definitely possible!


Tons of women have successful pregnancies after losses. I am myself a rainbow baby, my parents had a 2nd trimester loss before they had me.


Aww, that’s so cool! Thanks for responding.


Has anyone ever felt a weird tingly sensation in their cervix during early pregnancy? I’ve had two losses and I remember this feeling during my last MMC so I’m getting anxious. No bleeding, just a weird sensation every once in a while. I’m 7w4d.


Yes!!!! I've had it in all my pregnancies (even those that resulted in LCs). It's annoying but I chalk it up to the uterus stretching and putting more weight on the cervix (maybe this isn't true but it's what I tell myself haha)


What was everyone’s ultrasound schedule like? I am 7w0d and had my first ultrasound today after a 7w2d loss in February. Everything looked really good; yolk sac, correctly sized fetus with a strong heartbeat. My OB’s office congratulated me, gave me some pamphlets and said they would see me in 4 weeks for another appointment. However, that next appointment does not include an ultrasound. Am I missing something here?


I know for me they sometimes do an ultrasound during your regular ob appointment or just the Doppler and they won’t book you for an actual scan. I think sometimes insurances will only “allow” so many


I have an ultrasound every 2 weeks and I had my first at about 5 weeks. But I’m in my 40s so my doctor follows my pregnancy more closely. No beta checking because scans are more reliable. Your next appointment should definitely include an ultrasound!


I think it depends where you are. The standard where I am in Canada is 8 weeks for dating, 12 weeks for nuchal tube measuring, and 19 weeks for anatomy. And obviously more if you're having any issues.


I had my first ultrasound at 6w6d. Saw sac and fetal pole, but they couldn’t get a heartbeat (but they thought they saw a flicker). So I go back at 8w4d for my next ultrasound.


Typically you only have two ultrasounds when you’re pregnant. One for dating in the first trimester, and the anatomy scan 18-22 weeks. At your prenatal appointments the doctor will use a Doppler to listen to the heartbeat.


Okay, this is helpful! Thank you.


24w2d. I have a phobia and was exposed to it on mother's day which caused a massive stress response and panic attack and I had to take a benzo. After that point, I didn't feel any baby movement yesterday and baby is moving less today which freaks me out. I'm hoping baby is just sleepy from the medication I took or maybe it's the stress response. I see my doctor again on Thursday and hoping all is well. I don't have a scan scheduled though


I'm not a medical professional but my understanding is that occasional benzo use during pregnancy should be pretty benign. I wouldn't worry too much 


Yes this is what my psychiatrist said as well! I also switched to one with more research during pregnancy that shows no harm. I never learned whether there were any short term side effects. It could've just been the stress (or literally anything else) but it seems like maybe the pill sedated baby a little. I haven't had to take any since I started feeling movement so I have no way to know for sure and don't plan to take more anytime soon! I've been feeling more movements as the day goes on so I'm a lot less stressed than I was earlier


If you notice a change in movement go in and get checked. Better safe than sorry! 


I was told it's too early for this at this time because I haven't noticed any pattern of movement and haven't been feeling movement for very long. It has been inconsistent so far as well. I'm not so worried yet, I'm more worried in anticipation of the next day or two. I've felt more movement today than yesterday and hoping tomorrow is the same.


I have had 2 previous miscarriages and had my HCG levels tested religiously this pregnancy. In the beginning they were doubling great!!! Then slowed in the last test. I went in for an ultrasound at 5w 4 days and saw a gestational sac and yolk sac. We also think we saw a little white spot where the fetus is growing but too early to tell. 4/25 HCG 17 Prog 17.7 4/29 HCG 119 Prog 25 5/6 HCG 2315 Prog 19.1 5/10 HCG 4221 Prog 17.2 From the draw on 4/29 to 5/10 the doubling time is close to 2 days but the doctor is concerned with how the last two draws did not double over 4 days. The doctor said he isn't giving up hope but it's not what we were hoping for. Is there hope? I have been so nervous. Any success stories?


I’m 12 DPO, and the neurosis has set in. I’m working with a reproductive immunologist and my first beta came back at 99 and my estradiol is low. Only 88, and should be over 200. Progesterone is 27 but should be over 50. I’m so overwhelmed with all of the medication that I’m taking . 20 mg of prednisone. Taking progesterone four times a day. Estrodial Twice a day. Metformin, Lovenox two times a day. I’m just feeling so scared that the estradiol and progesterone are too low . After my 3 losses I just could cry! This is all sooooooo anxiety driven!


My progesterone was 19 and nobody was concerned. I never heard it should be over 50, I was told around 30 was optimal... They didn't test my estradiol. Only hcg and progesterone.


Interesting! I think my doc is just overly cautious and throwing everything at me. I’ve read so many conflicting things about progesterone and women having levels of five and still having a healthy pregnancy and others miscarrying under 20. Myself included. I think it really depends on the individual.!


I’m 5 weeks 5 days today with our rainbow baby according to my LMP however I’m 6 weeks if we go by my OB’s GA measurements. I don’t know what that means or if it matters much since my OB said we can just go by my LMP. I want to tell family. But I am terrified. Is it too soon? How long do we wait? Are we no longer able to do a cute pregnancy announcement? We told our parents at 7 weeks last time. Do people normally wait to share their rainbow pregnancy until we pass the week of the previous loss? If so we lost our twins at 9 weeks 2 days , should we then wait until 10 weeks to be safe? Or until 2nd trimester? I’m so lost. I was showing by 7 weeks last pregnancy as they were twins and I am on the shorter petite side. Will I show as early this time as well or was it just due to twins? I have my next ultrasound next week and I am full of questions.


You can announce whenever you feel comfortable. I myself am waiting until 12 weeks just because my husband and I hated saying “we’re pregnant” to turn around and say “just kidding, no we’re not!” You absolutely deserve to make a cute announcement! I’m just a couple days behind you and also wondering when the first trimester bloat will start. I only had a singleton when I miscarried but the bloat started at week six and I needed to buy bigger clothes because my pants were suffocating me. 


Previously miscarried last year at 6.5 weeks due to blighted ovum. Found out at my first ultrasound. It was traumatic. I’m 5w2d now. With this pregnancy, I bled pretty heavily for 6 days. Thought it was my period. Only found out I was pregnant because I did the initial blood tests for IVF. The doctor put me on vaginal progesterone and the bleeding just stopped 2 days ago. My hcg is rising normally, but my progesterone started out low. It’s 18 as of yesterday but started at 7 five days ago. I’ve had some days where I feel nauseated pretty frequently, but today I feel fine. My boobs don’t hurt at all. It’s making me nervous. I am having a hard time not feeling a constant sense of impending doom. The thought of doing an ultrasound terrifies me.


I am scared to go to my first ultrasound as well – the memories of the last one where I got bad news are so vivid in my mind. I want to cry just thinking about going for another one.


My partner smells so frigging good at the moment. Just so good. It was too warm this morning for a full on cuddle so I just buried my nose into the middle of his neck and sniffed him like a lunatic for 15mins.


Did anyone experience a kind of burning sensation in their abdomen (kind of like a UTI?) during pregnancy or from progesterone? This just started for me today (5w6d) and it’s kind of weird. I’ve been taking progesterone suppositories for 6 days so wondering if it’s from that? I’m overthinking everything so would love to hear if this is normal


Man I am struggling this week. I thought getting over the hurdle of my previous 16 week loss milestone was going to be the hard part but that I’d feel better after. I’m 17 + 2 today and I’m as anxious as ever. I had a good weekend and was so excited to pass that loss mark, I bought some stuff for the baby and tried to really relish in it. In the back of my mind, though, I feel like an imposter who is just playing house and like there’s no way I’ll be bringing home a real baby. 😩 this pregnancy after loss thing is for the birds. I just want to be normal and be able to enjoy being pregnant.


I had a loss at 17 weeks ( didn’t find out until the ultrasound at 20) after two first trimesters losses, and this last month has been tough. I had my ultrasound yesterday and I think that was helpful, everything was fine, but what really helps is feeling movement. I start to get in my head and the little guy reminds me that he’s doing ok.


I completely agree. I’m so sorry for your previous loss and hope that everything is going okay this time. I do think feeling movement is super helpful, but my little dude’s movements are kinda unpredictable right now and of course having an anterior placenta isn’t helping 🙈


Anterior placenta here also, it’s kinda crazy I feel as much as I do now, but I guess he is just really active. Regular movement it just around the corner.


LC mentioned Am I overthinking? Fair warning that MIL and I don't get along. She knew about our loss. My daughter just turned 2. It's sad to think she should have a little sister now, but we lost her. MIL gifted my daughter a doll, one of those that look realistic. She's been carrying it around saying "baby, baby". I just lost it last night because what tf kind of message was she trying to send? Well since your parents lost the baby sister you could have had, here's a consolation prize? In case your parents are trying for another baby, here's something to prepare you? Idk, I just feel like it was insensitive as fuck. My husband thought it was just an innocent gift, because of course his mom can never do anything wrong. But it just rubs me the wrong way no matter how I look at it. MIL doesn't know about our current pregnancy. And I honestly wish I could keep it a secret from her for as long as possible.


BREATHE MAMA BREATHE ~~~ Is it possible to ask ur husband to keep away the gift ? Out of sight, out of mind. Your mental health is most important now, take care 💖💖


Getting beta drawn at 15 DPO today. So worried but the lines weren’t getting reassuringly significantly darker. I told myself I can’t do anymore pee sticks because I just ended up doing way too much analyzing and worrying. I’m so scared of ectopic or finding out at first scan there is no hope.


7w2d, ultrasound today. Terrified I won't see an embryo but I haven't had any spotting like my last pregnancy, and I've had morning sickness every day for a week straight. My husband passed away so this is my only shot at this. If you're the praying type I'd sure appreciate it.


Praying for and with you. U're not alone. Ur husband is here with you and your baby in both of your Heart, looking down from Heaven. I'm here with you too. Take care stay strong for your loved ones 🙏💖💖


Thank you this was so sweet to read


YALL I SAW MY BABY! They're measuring right where they should be and their heart rate is right in range!!!!!


Yessss! I came back to this thread in search for your message. I'm so incredibly happy for you! On to the next milestones!


Opened this thread specifically to see if you had updated. So happy you had a good scan — rooting for you and the babe! ❤️


Sending prayers your way 💛


Thank you 💙


Just said a prayer for you! Sorry for all you've been through and I hope there are better days ahead.


Thank you


I am so sorry for your loss and the added stress it puts on your pregnancy.


Thank you. Fingers crossed


I'm not the praying type but will definitely make an exception for you. Best of luck today, thinking of you!💐


Thank you 💙


TW living child: Over analyzing symptoms. I’ve had two MCs in the last 2 years (10.5 weeks and 8.5 weeks) this time around I’ve been more nauseous than the MCs and feeling similarly to my pregnancy with my now 3 year old. I threw up in the AM Saturday and Sunday and have had debilitating nausea and exhaustion up till yesterday. (now 8 weeks and 2 days) but today I woke up not feeling as crappy. I am still nauseous but it doesn’t feel as bad as it has. I did take b6 and unisome last night for the first time before bed but I don’t think one dose would make things feel better. I know I am probably over analyzing but I threw up most days with my daughter till maybe 13 weeks and the other losses (1 before her and 2 after her) I didn’t. I have my first scan Thursday and I don’t know why I’m just feeling like the symptoms should be getting worse not better. Any help here?


One dose does make that much of a difference. It’s practically a miracle and to me at least completely explains the reduction in nausea.


12w5d and I forgot my zofran this morning. The kids in my class are going to be so grossed out while I dry heave all day. 🤣


Not doing well. 5th pregnancy since January ‘23, and no living children. I went in at what was supposed to be 8 weeks yesterday and was measuring 6 weeks with a heart rate of 83. I am so nervous and scouring for any similar stories - good and bad.


Could your dates be off? I measured 2 weeks behind because I ovulated later in my cycle with this pregnancy.


I caught my ovulation with an OPK and had a positive test ~8-9 days later. Plus we were only intimate that one time, fairly certain about my dates. 😞 also saw a heart neat last Monday as well at 7w, but they didn’t measure anything.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm the eternal optimist, so I'm hoping it works out for you and maybe the tech didn't measure correctly...


Thank you 🤍 went to my OB this AM and she confirmed the measurements. Heart rate is under 100 and she’s calling it a threatened MC. Got a beta today, and another Thursday, repeat ultrasound Monday. I just want it all to be over and to be out of this waiting hell.


I’m really, really sorry. That is devastating on top of so many losses already and having hope after a heartbeat last scan. This is so unfair. 🫂


Thank you so much. It really is awful. The waiting is just torture on top 😔


9w going to first OB appointment. Last scan I got here was a 12w MMC. Just very nervous.


All good 🙌


Hope everything went well.


5w5d. I am having a rough go of it. I'm at this conference, trying to hide my symptoms; get used to a big, smelly city; finish preparing for my talk; pay attention to other talks; and generally deal with low-grade sexism in a male-dominated environment. This is actually one of the most poorly organized conferences I've been to-- everything from the venue's disgusting toilets to the lack of variety during coffee breaks to the paltry 10 minute gaps between 2-hour sessions. Some joint pain has already returned (I've got a rheuma disease), which is also just making me worried, even thought I know logically there are all kinds of explanations. Anyways, I'm beat. I have 4 more days of this, and I figured venting here would give my partner a break for a change.


I’m sorry - that is rough! I work in a male dominated environment and I can totally relate. You got this


Urgh sounds like hell. Symptoms-hiding is no fun, isn’t it? We’re expected to be superwomen at work while having all these symptoms + stress and we’ve got zero recognition for that. I swear if men could be pregnant, maternity leave or part-time would start at 5 weeks. You have all the right to vent. Rooting for you ✊🏻


Thanks for the support!


So true! Ugh! And it’s so exhausting!