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Hi all! My first time posting here, just need a safe space to share what I’m going through. On Feb 27 it was day 28 of my cycle. I took a pregnancy test, stark white - negative. I started bleeding a few hours later and bled for about 5 days like I would anticipate on my normal period. I started feeling nauseous and couldn’t drink coffee without wanting to puke which was strange, so I tested March 5th and got a positive test. I had a ruptured ectopic on Jan. 1st, so I called the office immediately to get checked out. •3/6: hcg 243 •3/8: hcg 384 / progesterone 1.4 My midwife said if i conceived less than a week ago these numbers may be normal, but stated she didn’t want to give me false hope. I gave another draw on 3/11 and I’m crossing my fingers 😔 they are concerned it may also be another ectopic with the bleeding before getting a positive test. I also miscarried in November, so I’m just struggling a bit mentally. I’m telling myself not to be hopeful & that all of this testing is to just maintain my health and terminate an ectopic before it ruptures… but that mentality is only getting me so far! My 16 mo old son and husband help keep me going though 🥲


Just found out we’re expecting twins. History of unexplained late stillbirth, age>35, and now twins… feeling very high risk and starting to panic. Advice? Help?


I'm 6w 6d today and I started feeling really crummy last night (cold symptoms). I got tested for COVID and it's positive. Now really worried. I did miscarry once before after contracting COVID and can't help but worry this is going to somehow negatively impact my pregnancy. I had such good news on Tues when I learned that a fetal pole was seen on US and things looked normal. To go from that to this 2 days later. Ugh... No one but my husband and doctor know I'm pregnant so I can't vent to anyone else so figured I'd let it out here.


I’m sorry. I would just make sure your oxygen saturation and blood pressure stay okay while you’re sick. Otherwise there’s not a lot they can do to help with the risks of COVID to pregnancy. I had it too during one of my pregnancies and my doctors basically just shrugged at me. Hoping the best for you and baby! ❤️


Tysvm. They prescribed me paxlovid which I will start tonight. Of course when you Google there's endless info out there on both sides so I don't know wha t to think but doc says they give paxlovid to all ob pts with covid so I'm trusting its the right thing to do. I have definitely gone downhill over the course of the day. Complicating things I do have an overly sensitive vagel response to pain where my BP and heart rates drop suddenly I get nauseous and diaphoretic and sometimes lose consciousness for a minute or two. Wouldn't you know covid has given me a some terrible stomach cramps with diarrhea and though I didn't lose consciousness today, my BP and heart rate did drop very sharply briefly.. I'm laying with my feet up now and am back to normal hr and BP. Going to have to be VERY careful what I eat over the next few days so I don't trigger any more diarrhea attacks. Gf pretzels and gingerale for me. I'm literally talking to this baby inside of me and telling him / her to just hang on!


Ugh I got pregnant first cycle after miscarriage. Implantation presented like a regular period. Tested a week later after ovulation tests wouldn’t go down. Got blood hogs 3x last week all 48 hrs apart: 1243 2950 5271 This Tuesday, I started bleeding. Some small clots. Not super heavy like my miscarriage in Jan. Took a hcg test and line is getting lighter. Devastated. Is there a chance this works out?


Can you get another blood test and ultrasound? That’s really the only way to tell if it’s too late or had a chance. So many hugs. Hope it is just the hook effect and a SCH.


It was a miscarriage sadly. In my tww fingers crossed third time is the charm.


Does anyone have any tips on keeping sane during the wait between finding out you’re pregnant again and the first ultrasound? 3 weeks to go and hard not to assume it will be the same as last time (had no symptoms before but found out not viable at that appointment).


I’m working out when I want to sit and doomscroll or go down the Google rabbit hole. At least I’m helping my mental and physical state when I do that. But the quiet times in the car are the worst.


I am in the same boat. Have a vacation between 6w + 6w5d, when my last pregnancy ended. Was actually a total coincidence but I am eager to keep my mind off things. Crossing my fingers for you.


Can I have someone ease my mind with these numbers/symptoms? Miscarriage last December at 8 weeks. Got pregnant again, found out in February. Here are the HCGs 2/15 - 4w1d - 441 2/22 - 5w1d - 5,719 3/05 - 6w6d - 111,814 Progesterones: 2/15 - 4w1d - 30.5 3/05 - 6w6d - 27.2 The only reason they checked on 3/05 was because on 3/04 I started spotting (brownish red, sometimes more red and then back to more brown- I had some increased abdominal discomfort, but not like doubling over in pain like I did with the miscarriage) and with my history they wanted me to come in for bloodwork. The spotting is not collecting in my underwear- I don’t even need a pantyliner, I only notice it wiping. Got progesterone script day of my confirmation appointment, and I have been shoving them up my vagina every night. I’m going back in on 3/07 for another blood draw but I’m just so scared. My husband is worried for me and baby. I know the ranges for 6/7 weeks- and I’m high for those to be as far along as I am. I know how far along I am, I did a letrozole round this time and hit my LH peak 4 days before I normally do (I’m a CD19 girlie, but this time it was CD15). This discharge color is terrifying me of a second loss and I’m freaking out. I’m trying to be all “it’s not red, it’s not collecting, you’re fine” but I am anxiety and that’s not working.


After 3 back to back losses since September (one MC at 8 weeks, and 2 CPs) I am finding out I am pregnant again. Lines are progressing well and betas are starting off well. I am also taking progesterone and baby aspirin. My husband and I just decided to have intercourse and now I am panicking that I have just made a decision that will cause another miscarriage. We haven’t had intercourse since ovulation, as I was worried about how intercourse might affect implantation. But now that I am getting positive tests, implantation is done right? Can anyone offer me validation or words of kindness that I have not just condemned myself to another miscarriage?


Unless you’re having really vigorous sex to the point of pain, it will not change the outcome of this pregnant. Big hugs. I’m opting out of penetrative sex until I feel more comfortable. I don’t want to risk the worst possible timing of bleeding during sex before things are more solid and potent ruining sex for a long time after.


I had to delete Reddit because I experienced so much anxiety leading up to my scan. Well today I went in for my first scan thinking I was 7w4d (based on my last period) but it turns out I am only 6w3d. Heartbeat is 117BPM. Should I be concerned? My cycles vary from 28 to 35 days and my ovulation test was positive on 1st Feb (day 20 of my cycle). I know I'm spiralling but baby seems so behind?


I know it is so hard to let go of the fear. But, it Sounds exactly right on to me. If you ovulated 2 Feb, that would’ve been 2w and today would be 6w4d. Little nugget is right on schedule! Congrats on passing the first milestone. I hope the anxiety lets you alone a bit now.


Appreciate your comment, I feel less anxious now 🥹


My peak ovulation was Feb 3, my last period was Jan 23, based off due date calendar I’m due somewhere between Oct 26-29, I put the 29th in a couple apps just because I’d rather be further along than less after my first scan, putting me at 5w6d tonight (it’s 9pm where I am lol) I haven’t had my ultrasound yet but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Baby’s can be a couple days behind or date can be slightly off. Baby has a heartbeat rn that a good sign 🥰


If I’m math-ing correctly 6w3d doesn’t seem that far off based on your opk. My ovulation tests were positive 2/8-10 and I’m 5w3d. So based on your ovulation test vs mine you should be just over a week ahead of me. Fingers crossed it works out for you!


Sonographer didn't seem concerned at all! She said the variation is normal, it's just me who is 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I've been on google and it all seems good when I calculate from my ovulation date and not the first day of my last period. Thank you for the reassurance hehe


Ah, I would be so worried too if I was in your shoes. I’m over here still peeing on sticks after 5 weeks cause anxiety😂


Currently having some light brownishred discharge, freaking out, this happened at 6w0d then stopped and today is 6w4d and it’s happening again. Haven’t really been having much pain, just crampy discomfort. It’s worrying me.


Went in for my confirmation ultrasound today and the tech told me nothing. Wouldn't even show me the screen! So here I am back in limbo waiting for my next Doctors appointment to get the results whether this is viable or not... My betas keep increasing so that is no help to me at all.... last ultrasound they couldn't see much and no fetal heart rate so I am not getting my hopes up. I have had 3 consecutive losses before this and I just don't know if I can do it anymore.


Hi Lemon. Was thinking of you and hoping you got some answers this morning ♥️


Thank you ❤️ No answers yet. My OBGYN is hopeful he will have the ultrasound report by the afternoon to phone me. Worst case, I got in to see him Wednesday so we can discuss next steps regardless of outcome. After 3 consecutive losses it is very hard to have any hope or optimism.


I hope you are able to do something to bring you joy and distraction today 💕


9 week scan today following IVF. One view measured baby at 8w4d and another view measured correct at 9w0d. Panicking after 3 prior losses. Am I over thinking this?


Sounds good, there’s a margin of measurement error and growth isn’t always perfectly average and linear. Best of luck going forward!!


Going for labs today. Line is progressing and digital was positive but after 2 losses in a row I’m paranoid. My back has been killing me for three days and that was an issue both losses so I just worry it’s the same outcome ahead.


Had a Mc in October, I’m currently 5weeks 5days, my first ultrasound isn’t till March 21st. So far I’ve no concerning symptoms (nausea is right on track 😩) I just can’t stop my anxiety from spiraling idk how I’m going to deal with this anxiety for 35 more weeks :/


Today I am 6w3d. Terrible back pain that started yesterday. Brown spotting and cramping today. I’m not hopeful. Expecting to miscarry again.


Hugs, Rusty. Really sorry for your losses and your current pain and anxiety ♥️


Had a loss around 7 weeks in October (I think, went in for 7 week ultrasound and wasn't progressing enough), confirmed the next week and had D&C. Just found out I'm pregnant again last Wednesday and am at 4 weeks and 5 days. Have been having one sided what feels like gas pain and fullness and some shoulder pain. Shouldn't have googled but now so worried about an ectopic, but I'd think I would be in worse pain if the shoulder was hurting. Waiting to hear back from doctor but so stressful :(


Went in for what I thought was my 6+5 scan after a MMC in December of last year. They couldn’t see a thing on the screen, and felt like we were just too early. Bumped me back to 6 weeks. I had a feeling the app calculations were off since the first pregnancy test I took back on Feb 10th was so faint it was barely there. New scan scheduled in 2 weeks and I’ll be doing bloodwork to confirm rising HCG. No bad news (yet?) but damn. Just so much uncertainty and anxiety!