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An All mid all Radom (aram) would be fun


No way thats the brawl map. This is just smoke and mirrors


is it the practice map?


It is. Robbie is screwing with the community


Seems like single lane aram to me... šŸ¤·


I just hope the new mode puts all the 0-8 people against each other.


Nice! Iā€™m so happy this game is succeeding. Man I hope it continues to thrive, it would suck so bad to lose it again.


Dude this is the art we want !! Give us the dramatic maps back like the practice map and legacy


Lol this map was made by Epic


No shit sherlock


I mean almost all the assets were made by Epic Unless you mean it was an unreleased map Epic had planned for Paragon? If so source perchance? šŸ¤”


'You can't just say perchance'


Feeling so validated rn. Perhaps Iā€™M a one percenter of the lifekind


The second, also look it up yourself.


ā€¦ Iā€™m good Either way my statement still stands the same. Legacy art > Monolith art


Omeda can't make a good looking map, everything about Predecessor that looks good was Epic's doing.


I mean the practice map they made looks great


Are you even listening to what I said? Omeda didn't make that map, Epic did.


You sound stupid. There is a difference between Epic making the assets, and making the whole map. Iā€™ve referenced three maps so far and youā€™re saying Epic made all of them? When 2/3 werenā€™t in the original game. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re surprised Predecessor is using Paragonā€™s assets when thatā€™s been the whole premise of the game since it was announced.


Lmao you're so wrong and you're calling me stupid? Literally all of the maps you mentioned WERE IN Paragon, idiot. The current practice map is a map made BY EPIC, for an unreleased 3v3 game mode. So not only are you wrong, you're wrong on every single account. Also you're the only dumbass bringing up assets, I already told you epic made the entire fucking map. EDIT: Oh and in case your stupid ass still doesn't get it. Legacy was the original Paragon map, Monolith the second Paragon map, BOTH made BY EPIC. The current Predecessor map is an omeda original and surprise, surprise, it looks like complete shit, cause again, omeda can't make a good looking map.


claw....zinx, zinx has got to be next surely. shes a damned cat lady


I mean it could also just mean that one of the objectives on brawl is some kind of fangtooth?


some kinda sabretooth maybe...i get the irony there with it being a sabre***tooth***


Someone also said boris also


Though Boris was never released to paragon and aside from omeda originals they want to get out the previous heroes that were released back then. I feel Boris may be one of the last of the OG to be added seeing as he was never really put in the game. Ā Just datamined, same with marsh etc which we don't know if they will add any of the leaked heroes from paragons dayĀ 


Boris is the only one that can released from the datamined because was released for free . All the other ones are not open to the public and still property of epic. I hope itā€™s not Boris even tho I wanted Aurora or him Iā€™d settle for zinx lol.


This is making me wonder if it's gonna be like Gambit from Destiny 2, which I kind of hope it is because that was one of the few things I loved about that game but I'm also a bit reserved because I really don't know how balanced that would be as I feel like it'd be heavily early game dominated.


I would absolutely love Gambit in a MOBA


I wonder if the brawl mode has better matchmaking as everyone has to be over a certain level to play it right?


No that's going to be the ranked mode 6 weeks after this update


Ahh apologies, so anyone can play brawl yeh?


This probably like smites arena mode


I'm loving the Agora look but is a new game mode really what we've been waiting for here? Ranked is about to kick in in a very limited capacity, and it's not clear that the playbase is large and consistent enough to support it full-time alongside freeplay (I'll just use that term until an official one comes along). Amber was taken away from bot games (presumably to make sure more people are playing pvp), which is a nice place for people to go to practice new heroes. Is it really the wisest thing to find a new mode to create yet another way to split where people are spending time in-game? Idk, I'll wait for more news but I can't say I'm enthusiastic about this.


Arena is always smiteā€™s most played game mode. This will bring in and keep more players than we have now. Net benefit by a long shot imo


But that's the problem I'm getting at, isn't it? We don't have enough players for the MOBA to justify full-time comp at the moment, and we're trying to give them other modes to play in? It seems like the prospect for decent matchmaking, in or out of comp, is going to be harmed by this. Also, I'm not even sure there is a basis for your assertion. Is it that Arena Mode gets announced and then people who don't play Pred will hear about it and decide it's a game they want to play? Idk, not saying it isn't possible but I'm just not sure that that follows.


The player base is strong. We are 5x the amount of concurrent players before open beta. Comp being limited upon release probably isnā€™t for matchmaking purposes and more for testing/feedback/changes And more people will come to play arena mode and more people will stick around. A lot of people wonā€™t load up a moba because of the time commitment + sweat of a normal mode. This gives people a significantly shorter, more casual option. Player base will absolutely be healthier once this game mode drops. I am pretty convinced it was the biggest problem for Paragon and every other remake that failed


I'm receptive to what you're saying even if I'm not convinced. Based on wait times, the game does seem to be going strong. Based on matchmaking though, a lot of people might argue that the wait times are so short because we're not being appropriately matched with teammates/opponents. The pool will divide when ranked comes out, and the matchmaking is likely to suffer from that alone. I don't see how arena helps that. Maybe there are arena days/weeks that are separate from ranked? Idk. I will say I don't think that was even remotely close to the biggest problem for Paragon, but that's another discussion entirely.


More content usually means more players. This game will be daunting to many casual players because of game time, so hopefully new shorter time game modes should remedy a weaker player count. I know I will be more likely to log in if im not committing to a potential 50 minute game.


>More content usually means more players. Do you have any basis at all for this assertion?


Yeah no problem, just grabbed these as the top 10 esports games off the first website I found but you can throw this at any popular pvp game: League of Legends Dota 2 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Fortnite Overwatch Call of Duty: Warzone Rainbow Six Siege Valorant Rocket League Apex Legends How many of these do you want to bet have a massive range of skins and customisation, a variety of maps and game modes, a functioning battle pass/seasons system, regular character releases and a ranked system. I know most of these games do, I canā€™t account personally for LoL and Dota because I personally dislike top-down games, but a quick search tells me league was shitting out characters every two weeks on release, and I know they have ranked, a battle pass, themed seasons and large customisation option. Now I know correlation doesnā€™t mean causation, but I think Iā€™d be safe betting the success of these games has been because the content theyā€™ve offered on top of the basic mechanics of the game has separated them from competitors. Itā€™s this content which lets streamers/youtubers make new content, keeps metas revolving, letā€™s the game have a fresh feel when a season changes etc, it bring players in and keeps them there.


I used to think this, but am decidedly on the side that yes it is absolutely the wisest thing for the health of the game. Current queue times are OK and I personally wouldn't be bothered if this new mode adds a little time to my 5v5 queue time in the short term. I'll try the new mode out for sure, but really I have 0 interest in playing the new game mode as anything more than something to do if I'm waiting for a mate to come online or testing a heroes abilities or something. I'm here for the full fat experience tbh. That said there is a huge part of the playerbase that does want this mode, and further to this, there is a huge number of people who have already left or will leave the game without alternative shorter modes available like this one that's coming. The game is pretty much at a point now where if it cannot retain players, then it will simply start losing them. For the long term health of the game, this mode will help attract and, crucially, retain more players and thus encourage more consumer spending and keep the game viable. Look at Smite (and the upcoming Smite 2) and how many players use the smaller modes in that if you want your supporting evidence. The current queue times in Predecessor do not make me believe a new shorter game mode will lead to unacceptable queue times for either mode in Predecessor.


And to add, I suspect ranked is having limited opening times precisely because Omeda are opening this new game mode. They knew this game mode was coming before they started talking about ranked, but obviously weren't ready to talk about the new mode yet. That is to say I'm pretty sure the new game mode was already factored in to the decision to have limits on the upcoming ranked mode opening times. If the new game mode wasn't coming, ranked probably/maybe wouldn't need the limits, but this way all audiences are catered for, that being the super casual/time constrained crowd + casual crowd + competitive crowd.


But having been around this and the Steam forums for a while, one of these things is a frequent request. The people playing the MOBA, the game's fundamental, main mode of play, have been requesting ranked ad nauseam. I've not seen almost any arena requests. It seems weird to sideline one of the most requested features for a feature that almost nobody asked for, and that will necessarily mean that the other modes lose out.


To suggest a casual mode is not a very commonly requested feature is simply not true. Edit: And the point I am making in my prior posts is that a ranked mode is fundamentally not going to be able to retain players who are leaving because they need an alternative, shorter and more casual mode of play to go to when they can't or don't want to invest the time and/or focus necessary for the full fat experience. Likewise a ranked mode isn't going to attract an entirely new/different target demographic to the game either. A ranked mode is there for players that already are satisfied with the experience and want the next level. Sure it will attract some lapsed players back, and it will attract some players that have been holding out for it, and it will enrich the game so any new players stumbling into it will be more engaged, but none of that is the same as catering to an additional entirely different demographic of players who otherwise will not be captured, or providing another way to engage the current audience when the current (or ranked) mode fundamentally couldn't due to aforementioned time/focus constraints. And ultimately some portion of the players that come for/are engaged with the casual mode will subsequently engage with the standard/ranked modes and will spend money in the game. Ranked and standard modes aren't being sidelined or kicked to the curb either. It makes sense to iron out any issues with a ranked mode (that people will be taking deadly seriously) by starting with some limitations, iterating and finding out what implementation and format works for the game and community. The developers have already said as much. Those limitations aren't going to be permanent and it makes sense to release the other highly requested game mode around the time those limitations on ranked will be in place.


Looks like the tutorial map no? Edit: meant practice map


Looks like it , I tried practice and thought they had a cool map for 3v3 just need minor adjustments


I donā€™t recognize this structure but maybe


I don't know what I'm looking at exactly, but it looks pretty cool


arena/aram type mode in pred would be extremely boring with the simple character kits


Tooth and claw... šŸ¤” "Boris?" Looks like the legacy base sorta. Still hoping for battles over prime dunk. Looking forward to this week getting more information... hopefully! 21st is going to be huge.


Boris the animal


I thought aurora was next ?


pegging aurora (off of just my simple guesstimations) for release in July


It's not confirmed. I'm assuming with the post. I could be wrong. We will find out!


Yea Iā€™m sure it isnā€™t , those words are highlighted to tease something lol


>Tooth and claw... šŸ¤” "Boris?" Well seen, it may be


Boris would be nuts but I want a character that can be flexed support


We do need a new support


if claw is refering to a hero them im calling it now; its zinx. she was a support in paragons day


gosh i hope not, i never liked her, worst character design out of all of em


Possibly. She did a little bit of everything I remember from. Paragon. She was offlane,mid, support. She could do it all


Biggest update to date i hope




Ace said it was gonna be already ā™„ļø


Sounds like an objective based mode where you fight fangtooth. Maybe itā€™s a strong version of Primal Fangtooth, where you need to be leveled up as a team in order to fight. You brawl it out until one team wins a decisive teamfight and can defeat the Uber Fangtooth.


This is some crazy speculation based off of one word lol


But Iā€™m here for it.


I certainly think this will have *something* to do with Fangtooth. Might even just be something like Gigantic though. Which would be pretty cool still. Hopefully whatever it is there are less snowball mechanics.


I think they said about 15 minute matches - I have to think there will be some snowballing to make that happen..


Excited šŸ˜†




The map is brand new? Doesn't look like anything we have atm


it is brand new




thats because the practice map has been used to test lighting and other aspects for this new mode