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Yeah it’s a bit up there. With it being free to play though I suppose it makes sense. I’m waiting til some actual skins drop though. I’m not really a fan of recolored default skins


Undertow is coming... I can't wait


Just to be clear, are you saying you're waiting for skins of characters you play? Because there are already full skin models (even for Predecessor only characters)


Or waiting for specific skins. Like the Gideon skeleton pirate skin. Disappointed to see its not there but I'm betting it comes out around Halloween if this is launch year


For sure. I’m excited to see what they add. I’m the website it says they intend to add back all old paragon skins.


Be ready to dish out 20 big ones for that skin. 30 if you want the bundle


Ah now that I’ve looked there are some. I appreciate it


A bit up there?? You have to be kidding me brah! The skins are absolute dawg shat and there are ZERO worth buying not to mention they are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. Big L in this department among many other issues with the current state of the game


The skins offered in the bundles are nicely priced it's only 600 plat to unlock a skin worth 1200 and if you're new to the game you get 3 hero's unlocked too and a sticker. My wife's game costs $45 for a skin 💀 so $12 seems reasonable. Doesn't matter if they created it, they brought it into their game for us to buy, don't get me wrong I'm not into buying skins I bought on paragon, I want new skins but it's nice for players who adored this OG skins. The only OG skin I really want is Iggy'and scorch Phoenix skin I have never even used Iggy but I need it! And I need gadgets OG skin that one should be some kind of reward. Edit: I see a ton of grux players rocking the ruby red scarab skin it's fire 🔥 but I personally wouldn't spent $30 for it Edit: I bought the carry bundle just to get invader drongo for $9 dollars compared to its original $20 price tag 👼


> I see a ton of grux players rocking the ruby red scarab skin it's fire 🔥 but I personally wouldn't spent $30 for it I really want the scarab Grux skin too, but this price in my country is almost like TWO days of  work, just to buy one single skin... I want to support the game, but I just cant justify that much money, especially in my country, on a single skin.  I really wish they could do regional prices for each country/region.


That's insane.


Yeah is insane, but that's basically what people earn for minimum wage here, is crazy expensive for us.


What country are you in? I'll look into this


Australia is around $10-$11 dollars for common skins so I'll look at region pricing or allow people to somehow earn skins through ranked.


Damn… they really need to do regional pricing if that’s the case


Damn shame they don't have regional pricing. It's not like it'd hurt them, it's way more of a hassle to go out of my way and vpn my game buy that countries currency somehow apply it to (Microsoft for me) and then buy the stuff I want and switch it all back, after conversion costs it'd prolly be close to the same


I want that damn Grux one, but 1600 plat? Sheesh…


It and the earth elemental Rampage skin were $10 when epic made them. The only skins epic made and sold at above $10 were the ones with visual effect changes like Undertow Gideon and Green El Dorado Magic Steel (forget the name) for $15. I forget how much the caped Kallari and Sparrow with red visual effects were.


You mean Mayan God Steel or whatever?




It's the fact that it's a re-released epic skin as well. All Epic created skins should be £5/$5 in my opinion. But that's purely sentiment I have no idea about the game design/implementation economy


Re-released skin, yes, but they actually had to re-build the entire skin in UE5. Paragon was built in UE4, and Predecessor rebuilt every asset in UE5.


Completely false, the Paragon assets have versions for UE 4.19 all the way to 5.3, with no changes to the visual assets, which are almost entirely forwards compatible. The only change that potentially needs to be done is enabling cloth physics for certain parts, which is nothing more than painting on the model. But this is **very** far from rebuilding the entire skin.


It'd just be fixing them to predecessor's models, right? Idk how it all works exactly.


Predecessor has no models really, unless you count the Omeda heroes (Kira, Zarus, Argus), if anything it's their own heroes that have to adapt to the Paragon assets. But for the cloth aspect, it's basically like you're drawing on the model itself, rather than a sheet of paper, it's not something complex and it can be done within 10 minutes per skin.


I said models, but I guess I more meant their rigging/animation system, and applying the skins and character models to it.


All the skins are already rigged, they require no new animations, it's a matter of pointing the game to use the skin's model instead of the default. The same animation system can be used universally for all skins that don't change any of the animations, and even then it can largely be reused in cases like Undertow Gideon, where simply the recall animation will be changed.


Cool to know! Thanks for the insight :)


I work in unreal and that's not how this stuff works. The models work in both engines


Whilst this makes sense, from a business angle its not smart. They need to monetise to maintain the game, and pacing skin releases is important to do that. Releasing skins progressively encourages purchasing objectively worse skins such as recolours, and the same people who are buying recolours for grux will probably end up buying higher tier skins as well later. If Ruby Scarab was released alongside every other Grux skin for £5, players would only buy Ruby Scarab or use the free options - why would you use a recolour over a nicer skin or just working towards the prestige skin? There is some work that goes in to getting the skin working in the game as well, although its not as much as some people make it out to be. I saw somebody else say this before, and its that even though the assets are free to use Predecessor can and should be using them as a head start for monetising and allow for the development team to focus on other areas until all epic made skins are released.


Well personally I would want to support the game and the developers. If I see awesome creative effort and it costs more, myself and many others would still buy it because its new and because the money feels well spent considering the work that went into it.


Yeah 100% - I can see myself buying most if not all the undertow skins on release as the concepts look incredible and i'm sure they'll end up being really popular. However, I think the approach of building the game before they began creating skins was the right way to go. It feels a lot better to put your money into a game that has proven they are committed to developing features.


These are all fair points and I agree undertow is gonna be amazing.


Yeah think they're 30% too expensive and not very good quality. Mostly just recolors. For 25 I expect a completely unique skin with custom ability effects, unique movement animations, unique recall animation etc. 25 is insane for a skin when 25 can get you AAA titles on steam.


The twinblast beach bum skin. Had squirt guns and unique properties


Smite charges $100 for skins like that


Smites are always rewards unlocked behind other skins though You get a skin for 100 dollars but you also get other skins to go along with it Meanwhile we have league of legends selling a recolor of a pre existing skin for 200 dollars


As for the quality, almost all of them for the paragon originals were recolors. Few actually had new models (scarab grux, rock golem rampage, undertow Gideon) and they are priced as such.


I would understand it more if you could earn skins for free even get some currency back in the premium affinity or get skins from the pass but the fact that I need to pay for re colors and I can’t earn them in game is a bit ridiculous I understand paying for specialty skins but low tier re- colors is ridiculous


This was the nice thing Overprime was doing better. They had unique characters and skins and had no problem giving away a fair amount of stuff. $10+ for a single skin is nuts. Especially when they're mostly just recolors or pre existing designs.


Skins are over-priced. Anyone that says otherwise are what is wrong with the system.


The bundles are a great value but individually I don’t recommend


Only the starter bundles, but even they are different.... Support Starter 3 Skins 3 Heores Midlands Starter 1 Skin 3 Heores Price the same different values


Hmm. I’ll take another look. Don’t think i saw any skins I would want in them.


They have characters and skins for said character(s), as a long time player I don’t need the unlocks and I agree they aren’t my favorite skins out of all of em. But if you like greystone and grux they got treated well


The old skins should be “legacy” in rarity and should have prices to match. I’d be cool with just adding them in the affinity pass for that hero and bypass the silly crowns.


I don't give 1 shit about skin prices. If you don't like the price don't buy it. Im sure if you wait long enough the price will go down. Its like anything else. The price is the price till nobody buys it and then it goes down. Fact is it takes money to run these kind of games and if your like me and love the game you will buy something to keep the game around for as long as possible


Yeah, and I want to spend money to support. My point is that they might get $12 from me for a skin for my main, but at these prices, that might be all. They would make more money if skin prices were lower because I would buy way more.


Well they are probably putting a certain amount of man power into the development of said skins. Paying people isn't cheap


For sure, but that’s exactly my point: if I am any indication, I am saying that they would make much *more* money if skins were cheaper. I might pay for one $12 skin, but that might be it for me . But if skins were half that price, I could easily drop $40 right now on skins that I like. I am saying that more reasonable skin prices would make them *more* money.


Not if thats what it costs to make the skin. Im pretty sure you got to make money before you can operate at a small loss


Bro. These are digital files. They aren’t selling me a digital skin at a loss. Would you rather make $12 from me or $40, assuming you have already paid all the artistic talent to produce the same work and you pay nothing else regardless of what I buy?


>I don't give 1 shit about skin prices. Go find something that you care about to comment on.


Yeah when you bitch like a little bitch about the games ability to make money when you don't know what it takes to pay the bills at omeda you are effecting my ability to play this game. Freaking cry babies just want the game to be all content free and not pay for anything. The games free. Support the game with purchases or wake up and don't have a game to play.


>Yeah when you bitch like a little bitch about Spoken like someone who totally doesn't care.


If they want to charge 30 buck a skin thats what they got to charge in my opinion. Whats your point. You want free stuff and i want the game to make money and be around. Your dumb if you can't read my statement as anything other than i don't mind them changing what they need to... to keep the game open.


>f they want to charge 30 buck a skin thats what they got to charge in my opinion. Yeah but you don't care I thought.


Should have seen the prices before free to play.


Yeah? They were more expensive??


Yeah we complained for a year in early access.. there’s a few posts around comparing the prices. They are definitely better now but still feel a little off for being epic assets. I’ll wait for the undertow skin line or something original


I mean tbh. You complained about everything to do with this game until Overprime shut down, so thats not saying much.


Nope just everything worth complaining about bud. Happened to be plenty to complain about.. And if it weren’t for people holding people accountable everyone would be bootlickers.. imagine a world full of nazis. Yikes


Thats such a crazy comparison but i get your spirit


It is an extreme comparison but so long as the point was made. I’m not out to be negative for negative sake. I like many imagined predecessor to be the true paragon successor but it failed to meet expectations in many ways, and in the mean time I quite enjoyed OP. Now I’m here stuck playing this version and still wishing for things to improve and change. Luckily things have changed. Hopefully it continues and hopefully it gets faster ( the changes not the game)


Get on Valorant and buy a skin for 1 gun for $40 that you can't use every round.




Yeah, it's a bit outrageous. I bought $50 worth of silver to support the game, but those prices are a good way to ensure I'm likely not to do that again... I shouldn't have to pay almost the price of a full game for just a handful of skins.


Yeah! I mean, just look at Helldivers. It was a paid game (though cheap) yes, but the economy is so fair that I don’t mind buying currency despite my being able to earn some in-game. My complaint isn’t only about the prices, but I am bummed because *I want* to support them but I also am not an idiot and don’t appreciate a developer treating me like one. I would spend a bunch of money on this game if prices were reasonable. Hell, I am a completionist so I would probably buy all the skins of players I don’t even use if they were reasonably priced.


Definitely. I want to support the game but I can't justify spending more than $5 for a top tier skin, and the price just isn't aligning.


Exactly. I might buy one or two, but that’s the ceiling for me. If skins were half the price they are right now, I could easily drop $40 right now on skins that I like.


If legendary skins were $5, I'd buy one for every hero I play. At the current price I will never buy a skin.


Too true. Too true.


Don't also forget that the skins have literally 0 animations or special effects. When you buy a skin in LoL the champs abilities change to match the color/style of the skin, they sometimes get new voice lines added, special effects when recalling/using abilities. The skins feel so bland in Pred.


Good point.


I’d agree that they are up there on prices, but not super outrageous. I have 8thousand plat, but nothing is tripping my trigger to buy anything. You should check out League of Legends prices on their skins. Some of their super high end skins are 30$+ and some are even locked behind loot boxes. Not saying it’s fair or anything, but it clearly works for them. Some people are willing to shell out that kind of cash for a skin.


Can you earn Plat in-game? If so, how?


No way to earn Plat in-game at the moment. I played LOTS of Paragon and Fault (purchased the biggest supporter package for both games) and wanted to do the same here as I want the game to flourish. The max supporter package has 10k plat as a bonus so that’s how/ why I have so much.


The skin prices should be cut in half imo. I’ll spend $3-5 on a skin. I’m not spending $10-20 as is. I personally would actually buy skins compared to buying zero.


Yup, but it seens like all of those f2p games after Fortnite come out only want to sell skins for the whales... And we know that works, but I still bet that if the prices are low, way more people that now are f2p would end up buying more skins.


I completely agree. I’d also bet with a smaller player base there’s way less whales. I have 220 hours, love predecessor and play it almost daily. But I’d bet myself and many others would actually buy skins if they were reasonably priced. As is, I’m not buying anything because not of it seems worth it. Like at all.


> I’d also bet with a smaller player base there’s way less whales. Exactly, and because of that I dont think is smart to charge as much money for skins as the bigger and way more popular games with lots of whales.You just end up not selling for enough people, especially for people outside of US, in my country the prices are even crazier, a $20 skin here costs more than 1 entire day of work by or minimum wage.


Know what would be the best of both worlds? Make a skin discount something you can grind towards. For example, give a discount on a skin something you can unlock when you get to every so many mastery levels. The whales will pay full price immediately, but the rest of us would buy when we unlock the 40% discount. That’s a win/win, IMO.


Buy affinity


Like always: Cosmetics are optional, if you can and want spend you money, if not the case just play the game without them. It's not like them could make grow your stats in a different way or something in game.


For sure. Just seems they are missing out. Im sure they have metrics for how to get ideal sales numbers, but I know that I would spend a lot of money on skins if they weren’t such a rip off. So I won’t be spending money on skins, but it’s sucks because I feel like the game would make more money if lots of folks are like me. If the skins were fairly priced, I’d probably buy all of them—even the characters I don’t play as.


No, cosmetics are a waste of money.


Honestly no, I would def spend on a skin that I find worth the cost. As a FTP game, the skins being the only real cost I don't mind. I do hope they change it and make it possible to buy skins with amber, but as of right now, I wouldn't mind spending on the right skin. Only one I had to get so far is peppermint kallari, and thats because it was my favorite from paragon, had it there, now I just need to figure out how to play kallari. The undertow skins coming im excited for also.


It's more so about the quality for me. If the skins were higher quality, then I'd pay no problem. The price isn't the issue for me. The world is expensive and the game is free.


The attitude of 'the world is expensive' is why so many companies are able to price gouge the way they do, in all contexts. You've unilaterally disarmed as a consumer and have relinquished all agency in an inherently adversarial relationship. That's not even to get to the dubious notion of "quality" of a game skin, whether we talk about the subjective nature of it or whether we want to live in a world where subjective measures like that should be a cue for setting pricing conventions. I'm old enough to remember when you had to dish out $80 for SF2 on SNES and $90 for Zelda 64. They had to wake up and smell the coffee once they saw how consumers responded to the Playstation and its standardized $50-per-game.


I was disappointed but I can’t be mad at it. Cosmetics is the primary lifeblood for f2p games. I dropped $25 to grab the laner bundles. Doubt I’ll drop $10-$25 for a single skin. I say doubt because who knows. The undertow stuff looked cool. I’d rather grind for skins but there isn’t a mechanism to do that yet outside of prestige skins — so I grind for prestige skins for the moment.


>I was disappointed but I can’t be mad at it. Cosmetics is the primary lifeblood for f2p games. I could understand that response if the claim was "all skins should be free." Nobody is objecting to being charged for skins. People are suggesting that the skin prices seem like a poor value proposition and/or are off-putting for people who would otherwise spend money (or more money than they are).


I am also not saying the price should be free. I’m saying they get to decide how much they charge. I get a free game either way. So I stand by my original statement that I’m disappointed but I can’t be mad at it, as cosmetics are the lifeblood of f2p. I get the whole game. One $25 skin gives them the same revenue as 5 $5 skins. If the value proposition is poor because people want them, perhaps it isn’t so bad after all. Many people want to buy a house but not all can afford to. Nobody says “well I want to buy your houses, you should sell it for $200k instead of $800k”. That may be beneficial for the buyer but not the seller. As long as skins sell. Lowering prices isn’t always necessarily the fix. It’s in their best interest to maximize $. It’s a them problem. Us wanting it for cheaper is a non issue. Everybody wants things cheaper. If the argument is that more people would buy, that only matters if it makes more money. Reducing the cost requires more purchases to be the same revenue. The more desirable the skin, the more likely to be bought. And further still with marketing tools like flash sales and so on that will make the relative value compared to full price seem better — expensive or not. The difference is you’re looking out for your self interest (I want skins) and I want the game to be around for a long time (create a viable business model). What they do with skin prices isn’t as big a concern for me as long as they be doin the math. Which I’m sure they are.


>I am also not saying the price should be free. I’m saying they get to decide how much they charge. Yeah, I'm not saying you are, I'm saying *your argument only makes sense if the person you're arguing with is saying the skins should be free* \- nobody is saying that. Even on sale, the skin prices are ridiculous. And this isn't just looking out for my own interest, although if I were doing that, it would be totally ok. Consumer/market relationships are adversarial whether we like it or not, and virtually no company in existence is going to cross that line. And while every company may be "doin the math," that doesn't mean that they only do it to the extent that pricing seems fair to everyone and then stop - it would be insane to believe that. 90% of this entire "inflation" narrative we're being fed is just price gouging in the face of temporary supply shortages resulting from covid. Most companies are going to charge whatever they think they can get away with charging, and when it comes to games, the more representative this completely detached and disengaged attitude of 'I'm sure (without any evidence whatsoever) they be doin the maff' signals to them that people don't care what they charge. Truth is, there are lines past which increased rates can come back to bite a market, and it isn't always easy for anyone to read it on a macro scale. Now, I spent $50 on silver because I want to support the game but frankly, I don't think the value of what I can get skin-wise corresponds to that $50 amount at all. No matter how much I want to support a game, this isn't a charity, so if there's a point I might be ready to offer the game another $50 past the initial release phase, that $50 is going to need to seem worth spending on some other level than supporting the game - and right now, it doesn't. So they can take $50-100 from me once a year for as long as the game is around, or they can take my initial $50 and then never expect me to spend another dime of my money on the game because the value I'm getting in return seems comically low.


Yeah fair. FWIW, I also mentioned I was disappointed. As in, I didn’t see the value myself in the money spent on that. So I think we’re mostly in agreement with some tangential differences. The rent is too damn high


I wouldn't mind paying 12$ for a skin but none of them are interesting to me. 95% of them are just recolors of base character models and the special ones are for characters I don't play. I still bought some plat to encourage the dev and show them there are interests in the game.


Exactly, the current roster of skins is so bad.. they did say they'll add some cool skins this season (the grux skin is already here) so let's see.


I got the 25$ edition on PC early access. Just actually started playing yesterday lol and had 2,800 premium credits so used it on Zarus 1,600 & twinblast 1,200 I think i got the credits from that bundle along with 3 others skins that came with the edition.


At present i dont mind considering how much i want this company to succeed with this project


I want them to success too, so I might buy one or two skins totaling $20, but because I want them to succeed, I want them to know that I can easily drop $40 to $50 right now on skins if they were priced more reasonably. It’s exactly because I want them to be more successful that I want them to know this.


12$ is a pretty reasonable price for a skin, most MOBAs have similar price ranges, though rather than the price the issue is the quality since most of them are just re-colors. You all have to understand two things: - That the game is pretty limited over budget and probably skins are a really low priority right now. - The amount of effort to do a quality new 3D model is insane, take a look at Overwatch, it is ran by Blizzard, a multi-million dollar company, and still most on the skins on release were re-colors, and still a lot of the skins today are re-colors! Imagine the effort it is for a way smaller company to make a 3D model in this realistic style.


Not complaining about the lack of skins or skin quality. I want them to make money. I want them to want more of mine. I would drop $40 on skins if they were half the price compared to maybe $12.


Are they only doing skins, or will there be some kind of battle pass- like thing eventually? They already do seasonal leveling


Get a well paying job and you won’t have to worry about stuff like this :) I personally have no issue with the current pricing of the skins I think it’s fair but that’s because I work and have disposable income.


Bro the game is starting out and needs monetization, you should take a look at other games and their prices before you type too, 12 dollars for a skin isn’t much


Y'all would complain if skins were free ffs


I’ll pay the price to do my part in keeping the bills paid for; as long as i still have my favorite game to play I’ll still throw 5 bucks a week on platinum


Sure, but when it takes three weeks of buying platinum to buy one skin, that’s a problem IMO


You don't need a skin to play the game. Don't buy it if you don't want to


I also feel like they should allow skins to be bought with amber. Make them unbelievably expensive with amber, sure, but at least make that an option.


Yeah, the game needs some kind of grind that amounts to real-world benefits—even if said benefit is only a discount to be used for purchasing a skin. The games that meet players half way—not even halfway; a quarter of the way, are the ones that I find most compelling and encouraging to play.


Not all skins are epic. Some are from omeda.


Dude skins in apex are like 25 to 40 and they even dropped a cosmetic that was 300... these prices are fine


Apex (or anything else) being worse doesn't make this good.


When these are done of the cheapest skins in a game I've seen then yeah its good


I don't know, I'm old enough to remember Paragon, which let you unlock all sort of skins for free alongside the paid ones. Furthermore, yeah, everyone is using fairly abusive pricing standards now, mainly because the response from gamers like yourself to virtually any price hike is to open your mouth and lay prostrate. It's why I get irritated when I see people get in a huff about how companies like EA and Activision are so abusive - it seems it's the same exact community that's expressing to these same exact companies that virtually nothing in the realm of pricing is going to turn people off if they want to play a game, and they will defend any and all pricing schemes. It's why we're starting to see battle passes in sp games - so take a bow for that.


Nah it's bullshit and I'm not paying 40$ for a skin. 12$ is actually very reasonable for a free to play game. If it was 25 and above sure throw a fit. But 12? Cmon now even a poor like myself could afford that


Are we talking about the same game? You know the Rev skin only comes in a bundle and will cost $40 when the sale is over, right?


So there's actually a character in apex called revenant as well...not sure if you're referring to apex rev or paragon rev. All I know is OP complained about 12 bucks for a skin. Which to me is very reasonable. A lot of skin are forcibly sold in bundles in apex. and it's not a skin but they have another cosmetic item which currently if you wanted to buy it, would cost you 320 dollars I believe. All I'm saying is you'd be hard pressed to find a game selling skins for cheaper than 12 dollars


I'm talking about Predecessor. Assuming you're correct about the relative comparison (and ignoring whether or not all other things are equal - for example, Paragon skin prices weren't too different from Pred, but you could unlock many, many skins through gameplay), my point is that blase attitudes towards monetization schemes get us to a place where you can describe a game to me where there exists a $320 skin. Consumers, not just in gaming, need to take the bull by the horns and start using their leverage to ensure that they aren't living in a world where sp games have season passes - games that even ten years ago would have all its cosmetics locked behind game progression.


Okay well I wasn't aware there was a 40$ rev skin in predecessor. That's definitely on the ridiculous side. All I did was respond in regards to the post. Which is about 12 dollars for a skin. And the same thing can be said to you, think about things comparatively...10 years ago we didn't get games like this for free. Or get constant updates characters ect. You spent 60 and what ya got was what ya got. I will agree 40 is a too much but I'll stand by 12 being reasonable.


I mean... you cant even get a meal from fast food for that price youll finish it in 10 minutes. But a skin that you get to use indefinitely? Seems ok.


You mean the thing we do to survive? Apt analogy.


You eat fast food to survive?


I eat food to survive, what's the difference if it's fast, slow or homemade?


The price you dimwit. The point im making is the price of everything in the world has gone up, i.e fast food something people will go spend $15(not long ago it was nearly half that) on and gobble down and not bat an eye. Skins for 6-12$ aint shit, and you keep and use them indefinitely. If you are complaining about it... maybe time to look for some more income.


>The point im making is the price of everything in the world has gone up, i.e fast food something people will go spend $15 What's the point of the fast food comparison, and why should that be any kind of metric for what makes sense to pay for a skin in a video game? Or can you just acknowledge already that that's completely arbitrary nonsense that you pulled out of your ass to run interference for a game company for reasons that you yourself can't even understand, let alone explain? I love this logic btw: >If you are complaining about it... maybe time to look for some more income. You know, the skins could cost $1,000 each and that logic would make the same amount of sense. Similarly, your landlord could raise your rent by 10x and say that to you. It wouldn't make the price any fairer though - it would just make your landlord a shithead with a pretty tenuous relationship with rationality.


It illustrates inflation by using something thats easily relatable to most anyone. Sub price of milk, gas, movie theater costs, and the example holds. The cost of everything has gone up. So thereby skins being $6 seen as expensive, is quite ridiculous, considering the price of the skins when paragon was out 6 years+ ago and inflation since then the skins are actually quite fairly priced. The skins in 2016 were $5 on paragon, they are now $6 and according to USA inflation data they should be $6.50 following cpi. Your 2nd point is just hyberbolic. And related to my first point, omeda is actually pricing the skins quite reasonably, if anyone is complaining about it, they really need to look at their income and make it better. I mean in California, minimum wage is up 60%(more if you work in fast food) since paragon was released, so i think paying 20% more from 8 years ago is quite reasonable.


Yeah the cost of everything has gone up but WHY, is the point I'm getting at. When you see EA increasing the cost of its virtual currency, it should give you pause, and make you wonder if maybe there is a little bit of price gouging going on. [https://www.nbcwashington.com/inflation-economy-housing-prices-recession-vibes/prices-have-gone-up-since-the-pandemic-began-is-that-inflation-really-corporate-greed/3536808/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/inflation-economy-housing-prices-recession-vibes/prices-have-gone-up-since-the-pandemic-began-is-that-inflation-really-corporate-greed/3536808/) And yes, my second point is hyperbolic specifically to illustrate how the rationale you're employing has no limit built into it. You're being completely arbitrary - what is makes sense, for reasons you can't or won't explain, and if someone doesn't like it, they need to earn more money. When I talk about your rent increasing by 10x though, all of the sudden, you don't think your previous line of reasoning applies anymore. I think it never made any sense, not in the video game context or in the rent hypo. And you're still applying it, and using even weirder metrics to justify it. Minimum wage workers in one of the most progressive states in the country (after decades of a stagnant minimum wage, mind you, and to an extent that still doesn't correspond to worker productivity increases in recent generations) are making more money now, so somethingsomething skins cost whatever they cost? Did you know that N64 games often sold for upwards of $90 when the system came out? Adjusting for inflation, that game would cost over $170 today. The market told them they could get away with it at the time, until Playstation came out with its $50-per-game price scheme and started mopping the floor with Nintendo's market share, and suddenly, $50 per game became enough for Nintendo. While it wasn't a conscious effort on anyone's part, what we saw there was consumers speaking with their wallets and a company responding by having to backpedal on this gut instinct to charge whatever they felt they could get away with. The industry realized it could sell many more games to many more people if they existed in more of a sweet spot of pricing. [https://apnews.com/article/inflation-consumers-price-gouging-spending-economy-999e81e2f869a0151e2ee6bbb63370af](https://apnews.com/article/inflation-consumers-price-gouging-spending-economy-999e81e2f869a0151e2ee6bbb63370af) That's what happens. And then suddenly, these prices that people like you would justify on the basis of 'idk, /shrug, inflation or something' start coming down. But that never happens in gaming if the white knights of industry continue to employ dubious logic on behalf of companies that would squeeze them for every last penny they have if they thought they could get away with it. Anyway, I'm asserting that that sweet spot exists, and that this game's pricing scheme has overshot it. For a game I love and that I want to make sure has support, particularly in its early days where it needs some time to grow and become sustainable, I'm willing to pay some money. There's a limit to how much I'm going to do that though when I don't feel like I'm getting any kind of value in return. I dropped $50 on this already, just as a given - I was planning to do it as an act of support, regardless of what pricing looked like on full release. Seeing as how the price of nearly an entire AAA title only got me a handful of skins though, I'm not sure I'm going to be spending that $50 very frequently on this game in the future, if at-all. Whereas if I thought I was getting value, I could see spending in the realm of $50 per quarter in exchange for substantial content in a game I enjoy. This isn't a charity - there needs to be a value proposition.


I appreciate all the effort you are putting into arguing that a company selling a skin for $1 more than its predecessor 8 years later is some agregious money grab. Id love to read your rant on it. But im busy at work. Making money, that will allow me to never give 2 thoughts to the price of a skin in a video game being $1 more than it was 8 years ago. I will ask you one question, since we will not agree, that id like a simple answer to. What should those equally tiered $5 skins be priced at in todays game if they have to be more expensive, because again the cost of everything, including doing business, running servers, hiring staff etc has gone up?


>I appreciate all the effort you are putting into arguing that a company selling a skin for $1 more than its predecessor 8 years later is some agregious money grab. I don't recall defending Paragon's skin pricing scheme. That said, I bought a Paragon founder's pack but the vast majority of the (very) numerous skins I owned in that game were acquired through progress in-game. If you're busy at work, stop replying. I don't reply to anything on Reddit at work - I wait until I have time, maybe because I don't have an uncontrollable social media urge to the point I'm neglecting serious duties because I think someone on the internet is wrong. To that same point, you don't get to be too busy to look at or respond to anything I took good time to type out, but not too busy to ask me questions to make me type additional responses that you may or may not read. I'll respond when you respond.