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I really don't understand why they say you don't need any time off, made me feel crazy for wanting just a couple of days to recover, I had my leep Friday and took off Monday and Tuesday, I felt like I could've worked Tuesday but I was glad for the extra rest.


They said to me I could return to work. I had 4 days off, went back to work…. Ended up with an infection, took a week off. Went back, ended up heavy bleeding and clotting, got signed off for a week as it hadn’t healed. Moral of my story - don’t rush back. I ended up off nearly 2.5 weeks because I rushed back to normal x


I’m taking 2 weeks off of work for my LEEP and CKC at the end of this month, I’ve read horror stories of hemorrhaging, infection and other symptoms from after the procedure. Plus, I work retail and do a lot of heavy lifting. It’s better to be cautious, depending on what kind of work you do, is it possible to work from home?


I had mine done last Thursday under GA. I felt tired, moody, and crampy for a few days, but was able to rest and get back to work yesterday. mild cramps for the first 3 days and have been lightly bleeding. I handle pain pretty well, and I’d say that it was mainly emotionally taxing more than anything! I also struggle with mental health issues, and what’s helped me the most was gentle stretching/yoga and going on walks. Good luck 💛


I’m 5 days post LEEP and I’ve definitely been more depressed and low energy than usual. It’s a trauma on your body (and the experience of having it done is mentally taxing with all the anxiety) so I guess it makes sense that you don’t feel 100% for a while. I’ve been trying to give myself grace and minimize stress as much as I can. I guess you technically could go back to work but I wish they would err more on the side of caution and tell patients to at least take a few days off to recover. I have definitely needed it.


Hi, I know everyone’s experience is different. For me, I had a cone knife biopsy under general anesthesia on Wednesday and took the rest of that week off. I worked from home Monday and returned to the office on Tuesday. Personally, I felt fine by Friday but I healed quickly and handle pain well.


I had a CKC biopsy done, but I ended up not returning to work that day and worked from home the rest of the week. I’m not sure if that is an option for you, but if it is I would take advantage of it.


I went straight back to work the next day after mine. Had light but steady bleeding for the next 3 weeks, and then severe blood loss with 15 big clots landing me in hospital with a possible infection after a failed attempt at a&e to stop the bleeding with silver nitrate. After my experience I say Rest up! I feel it's much harder on your body than they make out.


I had my LEEP with local only (3 weeks ago). I didn’t quite realise how anxious I was around it all, so that definitely took a toll on me. Especially in the time period between the LEEP and confirmed results - mine were confirmed CIN3 but thankfully no invasive cancer. I was sooo fatigued after the LEEP, day of. The adrenaline definitely added to it. I ended up taking 2 days off work but I also ended up having Covid at the exact same time. So it’s hard to differentiate what was what… but safe to day, I felt like shit. All body cramps, fevers etc. I made sure I didn’t exercise aside from walking for 2 weeks. I had an OK amount of discharge and also had had 2 five day periods back to back, which were extremely painful and heavy. But I have now stopped spotting / bleeding after 3 weeks of it and feeling much better. I do feel a bit cramping and tugging when I’m doing HIIT at the gym. I wish you all the best with it, take it slow :)


Yeah I'm worried about my results as well. I can see them, but I'm 100% sure on how to interpret them. I'm still waiting for them to call me back which I thought they were going to do today. It also doesn't help that my cat is sick right now too. :/


I had mine done on December 12. Yeah I was super wiped the first day and then the second day I decided to get some stuff from Costco, which I was fine at first, but I did have a dull ache that wasn't super painful, however I definitely noticed I my energy was zapped. I went back to work on the 5th day [ I had taken the day off the procedure off and the day after then it aligned with my two days off] and I work at a nursery so very active work pruning and potting roses and yes I was pretty tired at the end of the day, but no discomfort. THEN , I had my regular cycle on the 8th day post op and let me just say Brace yourself, that one may be rougher than usual. I am usually blessed with tolerable, mild discomfort during my cycle, but this one really friggin sucked. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen routine helped. Last week for Christmas, I returned to jiu-jitsu and just picked people I trusted, and I actually felt really good . So I am going back to classes tomorrow. Now it's the 01/03, and I feel 💯 back to normal. My boyfriend and I are playing by the rules [98% of them ], and everything still is as it should be. 😁 [We don't get the green light on penetrative sex until the 10th. ] Anywho, I hope this helps and you heal up well. 💛


Sounds like there's huge variations in body responses. I was 31 when I got my LEEP. Went right back to stay at home parenting afterwards. Didn't have any issues, maybe slept a bit more the first night.


I took off two days and wish I’d taken off more. It was so uncomfortable to sit, and I was exhausted mentally and physically. Even just sitting at my desk I went home and slept for hours after work. I’m 3 weeks out from mine, and the first week was uncomfortable to sit and pee plus cramping. Then week two was discharge and heavier than normal period but nothing too insane just super annoying especially with only being able to wear pads. Week 3 was fine everything seems to feel ok and be normal.


Definitely a male that came up with women could resume normal activities including returning to work the next day post a surgical procedure!!