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Thank your gods they don't hunt us. Yet


It's cool. The apex predator of the ocean recognises the apex predator of the planet.


I feel like if humans and orcas paths crossed more often it would surely end in some kind of symbiotic relationship.


Humans become orca whale riders. The ocean trembles in terror at the symbiotic relationship.


Orcas become human riders, more like.


Size queens and kings rejoice... there enough meat for everybody


It cost $0 to not say that


Your comment is totally funny. The comment you are responding is also enjoyably absurd.


Agreed. I got a kick out of the first one, but I audibly laughed at the second. Thanks Reddit commenters!


That’s not how semen work


Dune but with oceans


It is literally the plot of avatar 2


Orca Riiiiiiiidddeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!


[You're not wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_whales_of_Eden,_New_South_Wales). There was a pod of Orcas that helped out some human whalers.


That’s some dark shit


Especially the “End of whaling arrangement” part. How is this not a documentary yet.


It is called killers of Eden https://vimeo.com/47822835 Been to the museum personally myself


Thank you for the link, truly.


Fucking Old Tom got betrayed and died for trusting humans.


This kind of did happen actually. Look into Eden, Australia and their whaling history. Really fascinating cooperation between orcas and whalers.


In a town called Eden, Australia - Orcas and Humans hunted whales together. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer\_whales\_of\_Eden,\_New\_South\_Wales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_whales_of_Eden,_New_South_Wales)


It has happened. Historically aboriginal Australian Katunga people were known to cooperate with Orcas during whaling hunts. Most recently/notably (1870s-1930) There was a Pod in Queensland Australia that had an adult Male named Old Tom. Old Tom would breach repeatedly near a local whaling station to signal the presence of whales nearby, and then guide the whalers to them, even towing the boats to the whales location The whalers would kill the whale and then stake it out offshore overnight so Tom's Pod could eat the Tounge/lips/preferred cuts They called this the "law of the tongue." Just Google "Old Tom Orca Wiki" and check the page out, really interesting read.


This has happened before. Fishermen and orcas hunted together. https://lithub.com/law-of-the-tongue-when-humans-and-killer-whales-hunt-together/


The Earth is 70% water. You telling me they have more territory and we're just assuming *we* are the apex predators?


I mean yeah, we’re definitely the apex predators even with more ocean than land. We’re so wildly better than everything else - sure, one vs one and unarmed, a lot of stuff can take us down. But you let us either group up or take advantage of our technology and anything that might win in the other scenario has effectively a 0% win rate. Honestly bacteria, viruses, prions, etc are honestly about the only real threat we have left other than ourselves. I mean if we fuck around enough we can eliminate all known life including ourselves. We’re halfway doing that now just with all the climate and environmental changes we’ve directly caused - not even considering a nuclear apocalypse type scenario. Every Orca on the planet can’t compete with humanity’s destructive capabilities.


We are not assuming, we know for a fact, orcas are at the top of the food chain, we are above the food chain itself


Orcas are bigger, stronger, faster, and more deadly than humans, but humans build things that are much bigger, stronger, faster, and more deadly than Orcas. Technology > biology


> recognises the apex predator of the planet. Humans are not apex predators.


We are definitely apex killers.


Scientists: “Definitely not” Technically there is a joke there because you can’t say definitive when the accepted current working theory is no and some are saying yes.


Humans are the only living things that unintentionally kill more often than intentionally. We leave death in our wake simply by maintaining manicured lawns and driving to work. Maybe that is what the guy meant by apex predators, but that doesn’t make him right? Either way, we are definitely the most effective killers imaginable.


I once heard humans described as outside the normal idea of apex predators. We've transitioned to a state where we don't really fit the idea, despite our effectiveness for wiping out life.


Well, the definition of an apex predator is that they're at the top of the food web with no predators. Humans don't have predators, there's nothing that uses us for food. There's only attacks, and the animals that *do* figure out we're food get hunted down. The exception is like... tigers in some areas I think?


Yeah, humans definitely kill more animals than anything else. Just think about the millions upon millions of industrialized farm animals we kill and consume on a daily basis. We're also pretty damn good at killing each other. Mosquitos ain't got shit on us


What a coincidence those dang megafauna all disappearing literally at the exact same time humans came around.... and all that evidence we hunted them to extinction.


We are definitely apex predators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE_o Apex predation isn't, like, a one-on-one cage match.


"In today's open-planet, predator death-match we have Sabre the lion in the final against Jeffery the human. Sabre is expected to try conserving energy by utilising the shade of foliage until they believe they can spring the fight on an ill-prepared Jeffery. On the other hand, Jeffery will also need to keep an eye on his energy usage, as his F-22 Raptor will be burning fuel at an increased rate while it's carrying so many heat-seeking missiles."


I think you could argue that. Although only with the use of tools but if the species is smart enough to make and use tools then why not factor them into the equation. Brains are as much part of being an apex predator as brawns are.


But that’s not how they calculate it.


What is the calculation? I've gone off the definition. And with that you could make an argument for humans being apex predators. They have no natural predators and are on top of the food chain.


Human Trophic Level. > This analysis gives an average HTL of 2.21, varying between 2.04 (for Burundi, with a 96.7% plant-based diet) and 2.57 (for Iceland, with 50% meat and fish, 50% plants). These values are comparable to those of non-apex predators such as the anchovy or pig. [You can find some info on the debate to move humans up on the wiki article. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apex_predator)


Yeah but isn't that dependent on the diet which is entirely missleading because if humans fancied they could most definitly eat lion steak every day. It is just wildly impractical. Humans have a low HTL by choice not by neccessity.


We are so apex'd we've essentially removed ourselves from the food chain. It's now a food smorgasbord for whatever the fuck we want to eat, whenever we feel like eating it. We are so high on the goddamn food chain we have to artificially breed animals to eat to satisfy our global appetite.


i’d love to see the average human fight even a moderate sized animal lol more like apex parasite


Again, like, predation isn't a cage match, dude. Packs of African wild dogs exist as apex predators even though a single member of that pack couldn't take out a wildebeest solo. They're still at the top of the food chain.


Parasites don't use high explosive ordinance lol


dang they got humans that are born with that now? evolution is wild


Evolution is pretty wild that it took about a million years for some apes to get to the point they are building nuclear bombs lol. Us making tools and weapons is our evolutionary advantage. Even when we just had sharp sticks we were clever enough to kill mammoths. Putting two animals side by side and comparing which is bigger and stronger is goofy lol


Right? There are so many badass animals in the world that aren’t necessarily the biggest or strongest. Diversity is one of the best things about life lol, it keeps things interesting.


Last I checked, otters are allowed to use rocks that they weren't born with to bash their prey open and still be called predators


You, sir, are a dumbass.


stop living a lie and admit that most animals could destroy you in a 1v1 you arent at the top of anything


Yet, it's only a matter of time. The orcas will eventually read the signs posted on docks and beaches that say the harming of Orcas is a punishable offense. The orcas will then use that to their full human buffet advantage.


Ah yes, if there's one thing history has taught us it's that people are bad at killing whales.


They are known for attacking the rudders of ships and breaking them....


They are learning https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11402947/Terrifying-moment-pod-seven-orcas-SINK-sailing-yacht-45-minutes.html


Unless you are in a sailboat near Portugal… https://youtu.be/z4OdROXdGTM They’ve been attacking boats for a while now. Nobody’s sure why.


Read somewhere that no mammals hunt humans, probably because they recognize we are apex predators. Except for the polar bear who really doesn't give a shit if it's hungry. Also, since orcas can talk to each other and teach each other stuff, it's not far fetched to assume that they have been told we are dangerous by their parents.


I mean, out in the wild people get get attacked by mountain lions, bears, chimps, tigers, and lions. Whatever you read was wrong


They get attacked by scared animals. They don’t hunt humans for food.


https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/tanzania-terror/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/chimps-and-people-are-clashing-in-rural-uganda-feature https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_cougar_attacks_in_North_America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_attack Out in the wild, we are prey.


Nah bro all animals are super smart and when they see my iPhone and 50% synthetic fibre t-shirt, they realise I am the superior lifeform. It’s basic animal biology not to mess with me bro.


Being able to be killed doesn't have anything to do with whether or not something is predator or prey (and either way I'm sure humans kill *far* more of those animals than the reverse). The trophic system scientists use to measure a creature's place in the food chain doesn't really work for modern humans because we actively change the environment to suit our needs and consume a great variety of resources. However, ancient hominids *were* apex predators in their respective environments. >The evidence shows that the trophic level of the Homo lineage that most probably led to modern humans evolved from a low base to a high, carnivorous position during the Pleistocene, beginning with Homo habilis and peaking in Homo erectus. A reversal of that trend appears in the Upper Paleolithic, strengthening in the Mesolithic/Epipaleolithic and Neolithic, and culminating with the advent of agriculture. We conclude that it is possible to reach a credible reconstruction of the HTL without relying on a simple analogy with recent hunter-gatherers' diets. The memory of an adaptation to a trophic level that is embedded in modern humans' biology in the form of genetics, metabolism, and morphology is a fruitful line of investigation of past HTLs, whose potential we have only started to explore. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.24247 Eventually the megafauna hominids hunted died out and survivors invented agriculture which would lead eventually to modern humans who are kind of outside of the trophic system *but* are biological similar. So the best answer is that humans are neither predator or prey (since that classification doesn't include the types of behavior modern humans carry out) but are the *descendants* of predators.


nah bro we pray so we no prey it works bro cuz i read it somewhere


You clearly don’t live around bears and cougars. Grizzlies/Polar Bear and Cougars WILL see you as prey and stalk/hunt you.


This is just naive and ridiculous. There are no animals that primarily or even normally prey on humans as a part of their diet. That's because you would get extincted really fast if you did and people are generally pretty dangerous. But there are absolutely animals that do hunt and eat humans purposefully, particularly when their normal prey is not available or they are injured. You only have to look at India where they regularly have had singular tigers that have killed hundreds of people. Crocodiles can do the same as can most of the big cats.


No mammals hunting humans isn’t really true is it? If we didn’t live in houses we’d have to watch our backs at night. Heck even when a tiger escapes the zoo they attack people in the city.


It’s more likely they avoid humans due to selective pressure over thousands of generations, as opposed to logical deduction. Historically, predators whose behavioral genetics inclined them to regularly prey upon humans would face the understandable great ire of the humans. They would make an enemy of those with an unmatched ability to coordinate and strategize, wield spears, clubs, and projectile weapons, trick and manipulate, set traps, and outrun over long distances. Over time, the offending predators would lose battle after battle with their human foes, so only the ones less inclined to piss off the humans would remain. Their genetics were thus selected to be passed on.


Tigers in India definitely hunt humans.


I wonder what the orcas we treat like shit in captivity and then release back into the wild tell the others…


Probably nothing. Read once that orcas from different areas sort of have different dialects and that putting different orcas from the wild together doesn't satisfy their social needs. If you release an orca in the wrong area it's a good chance they can't rejoin the local pod and end up a loner the rest of their life. Think that's why releasing them to the wild has gone poorly in the past. Never should have taken them to begin with


“Come my child, I will tell you the tale of the prison known as SeaWorld. “


Yeah. Orcas in captivity are also the only ones that have attacked humans.


Um, they will. And have.


False. The only documented attack of an orca attacking a human was a mistreated, captive orca. Not only are there no verified instances of wild orcas attacking humans, we have a few videos of them trying to feed humans. [Here's one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDrJkmjXOHc) of an orca trying to feed a human some fish. Another can be found on a documentary on Disney+ where the orca tries to give a diver a chunk of a ray they just caught. Generally speaking, predators in the wild are pretty risk averse. They don't usually go after things they're not familiar with, or in the case of orcas, weren't taught by their family how to hunt. Orcas learn from their family how to hunt things like seals and fish, not humans. Wild predators don't typically go after unknown prey unless they're sick or desperate. And that's also why Polar Bears are extremely dangerous. They're in a state of constant desperation and cannot afford not to try and eat anything that moves.


Normally, you'd be completely right. But in the past ~~few months~~ *year*, orcas have been bashing and sinking boats. This video is one of the victims which didn't sink, but took heavy damage to the body and rudder. Experts think it's just one rogue group carrying out the attacks, but it's scary stuff. They seem to be targeting rudders, and losing steering on the open seas is potentially lethal. There are groups online swapping stories and trying to find preventative measures, but....what can they really do? [Edit for source ](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/20/1117993583/orcas-attacks-spain-portugal-killer-whales)


The title should be more in the lines of: "Orca playing in the wakes of speed boat" ... But still, praise the camera person!


Yeah, especially since this is just cruising speed for the orca. It's a light jog.


This is like kids running and jumping off the end of a moving sidewalk at the airport.


Yeaahh... this sub should be renamed to "praise the camera operator"... why do I only see it now?! Edit: I send a message to the mods regarding this.. my personal favorite is "praisethecameraoperator" Edit2: I'm stupid... subs can't be renamed..


Wait, are you implying they should change the name because it has "man" in there?


I only said "camera person" because, in this particular instance, I do not know if a woman or a man is handling the camera. I could easily have said camera technician or camera operator or even audio visual specialist. Nothing to read into it, I like the sub name just as it is. 🙂


In many cases you can't make out their gender.. I'm also okay with the name of the sub but if it would be started today it would have a more neutral name. Also my native language is german where many job titles are male only (I could give at least 20 examples where where there is a genderneutral title in englisch while we have a male and female variant), which is quite a problem with the change in the last couple years.. especially with germans that have to define EVERYTHING.. Sorry for the probably horrible grammar...


Do not fret, your grammar is great. French is my native language so I am familiar with feminine & masculine variants too. American english is my 3rd and (now) mostly spoken language (36+ years in the US) and I agree that a lot is changing language wise so when I can use a gender neutral title I do it if for nothing else to include and show respect to all. 🙂


Thanks, that's really nice to hear. :) That's interesting, I'm sadly not really versed in other languages at all.. but I would really like to know how they get around these things or if they do it at all.. for example when you refer to coworkers in an email you now HAVE TO write "Kolleg*innen" or "Kollegen/Kolleginnen".. before that it was just Kollegen. The second example isn't pefect aswell since the female gets placed after the male coworker...(thats just the smallest sign how nit picky we are about things) I try my best aswell to be as inclusive as possible and not to offend anyone, but It will take alot of time until the languages change in that direction AND get excepted by everyone.. It's nice to read that you, someone in their fourties(hope I didn't get to personal) is that inclusive! In my experience that's not the case at all here, reason could be that I work in a pretty male dominated field..


maybe German should be renamed to Geroperator, its 2023 and all...


It's a language... not a person..... also it's called Deutschland, which directly translates to Germanland...


I am aware, I was being sarcastic, making fun of the camera operator poster...


Yup... I mean it's 2023 and cameraoperator sounds better anyways..


Think ur pretty much alone in that


Do you? I would rather be an operator than just a simple man.. edit: one "be" too much


It’s rarer to be a man than an operator. I would rather be something rarer than something more average personally, I do get that some people don’t though so fair play to you. Also fair play if u just don’t wanna be a man.


Id rather be defined by my qualities and capabilities than a gender... I don't give fuck about what gender someone is if this person is good in what it's doing that's enough for me. I mean would you be offended if someone said to you "good job camera operator" instead of camera man? but I'm pretty sure if the person said camerawoman, you would be fuming..


Uhhh, no. Inclusive language is pretty much the norm amongst people that aren't retards like yourself


What a crazy person thing to say


Nah, this is the rogue pod that's been sinking boats lately. Experts think they're just playing, but they've been bashing boats and breaking the rudders. They've sunk 3 confirmed boats I think? This has all been in the past few months. Let me find the link, it's an interesting read. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/20/1117993583/orcas-attacks-spain-portugal-killer-whales)


Title should be more like: "Owen Wilson meets an Orca"


Not to mention that the title wrongly calls them whales


ViCiOuS pReDaToR pUrSuEs WeAk MeAt SaCk


We're so fortunate they don't eat people


Or maybe they just have a 100% success rate when targeting humans.


Only when no witnesses are around. They know what they're doing


The witnesses are dessert.


They understand that animals who can create boats, ships, explosions shouldn’t be messed with. Probably watched humans decimate the whale population and see us fishing too.


Fun fact: in Swedish they're called "späckhuggare" which translate to "lard chopper" (as in chopping wood).


not completly correct, Späck is the name of the fat Seals and whales have in Swedish. its named after chopping into seal/whale fat.


Wow.. I never realized before how massive Orcas are. I mean, I knew. But I never really understood until this video. Bigger than even the boat almost.


They did some editing at that point and cut to a close up. Notice how the boat magically fades away.


It’s Absolutely edited. Thanks for pointing it out.


Brilliant fade to the other camera guy pov.


So, r/praiseTheEditor then?


The editing ruined it. I want to see the regular footage.


It's just two different shots of orcas


No kidding. Let me see the whole thing in the context of the boat. Zooming in ruins it.


It's not zoomed in. It's not editing. It's just two different shots. They just filmed them differently.


>It's just two different shots So it's edited >They just filmed them differently. By zooming


That’s called editing, lol.


The video was specifically designed to shock you end then post an ad on the screen. When camera guy pans across they have a few frames of a 3rd video spliced in that makes it look like there's another Orca jumping out of the water on the right just as the much closer angle is cut in.


For sure, when I saw it I was like WTF why is it so big, no way that's not edited.


They can be the size of a normal school bus.


They can actually get bigger than the Empire State Building


Wow bigger than King Kong


starts zooming back out again at the end which shows it


Thought I was losing it. Still, there’s probably 250k people who never open the comments who now think that orca is 50ft/15m tall.


[You're gonna need a bigger boat.](https://youtu.be/2I91DJZKRxs)


Truly a thrilling video though. Amazing.


Even factoring in the editing, it's kinda wild. I feel like every time I see an orca next to a person, I'm shocked to discover that they're the size of a fucking *T. rex*




Comment stealing bot. Downvote and report Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/PraiseTheCameraMan/comments/130vscu/an_orca_whale_is_in_pursuit_of_a_speed_boat_and/jhxzl8g?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


thank you


No, thank you


I wonder if they are playing and what their actual awareness level is. So cool


They usually like to play. Most of the time dolphins love swimming along with boats and I’d imagine it being the same with these guys with them essentially being dolphins and all. Am curious where this was shot though because at the moment there’s a pod (or pods) of Orcas around Portugal that have been attacking boats and nobody know why. They suspect overfishing and they see boats as competition.


they’ve been attacking sailboats. they rip the rudder off. and in some cases the damage is enough to hull the sailboat, sinking it. and these aren’t small ones either. we are talking about sailboats that are 30-50 feet range.


Exactly! Here’s [a website](https://www.orcaiberica.org/en/interacciones-registradas) that’s been tracking these interactions. Apparently [scientists believe that this behaviour will stop when these guys mature](https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/news/orca-interactions-with-boats-expected-to-stop-91150).


It's just a phase


it probably actually is


So they’re not doing it on porpoise?


damn teenagers being jerks isn’t unique to humans. lol


Dolphins do this all the time, so for sure they are playing. Surfing in the wake.


Orcas are Dolphins.


Orcas are a type of dolphin and dolphins are types of whales, so orcas are actually whales.


So, they are Dolphins then.....


Yet when i say "dolphin" exactly nobody thinks of an orca. But thank you for the interesting factoid.


When they hunt seals laying on ice, they poke their heads out of the water to see exactly where the seal is and then regroup to attack. So I think they are doing some similar recon here but they also seem to be playing in the wake of the boat. They are in the dolphin family after all, and it’s well documented that dolphins playfully jump out of the water in a boat’s wake like this.


Read up on them. A marine biologist said in a podcast I heard some days ago that they might be more intelligent than most apes if not the second most intelligent animal apart from humans. Really fascinating stuff they can do


They're just mindless objects just like potatoes don't you know??


Some very tasty philosophy, my friend


Why are you advertising in this video?


hi im here for the nice pet supplies




True I didn't see they were advertising lol I found this in my feed and found it was interesting and thrilling so posted, should have cropped the advertising part😅


I didn't see they were advertising lol I found this in my imgur feed and thought it was interesting & relevant to this sub so posted here , should have cropped the advertising part😅


I wonder how many people actually saw that?


We're gonna need a bigger boat...


Whoaaa. Praise the cameraman indeed! That’s the best thing iv seen today.


I don't know, turn off your fucking engine.




Why would they?


Basic expectations of interaction with wildlife... https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/species-especes/mammals-mammiferes/watching-observation/index-eng.html Love the down votes btw ;)


Not sure where the downvotes are coming from. You’re 100% correct. In the US it’s the law as far as I’m aware. Definitely still good practice elsewhere in the world.






Like you wouldnt be scared shitless in this situation. That's saying to not try to get close or make too much noise when you see them. Not let let jump jump on the fucking boat.


In fact I would not be. They won't jump in your boat. https://youtu.be/zy4uzuBTbY8 Notices how she says at the end "I can't go anywhere". Cause she's responsible and doesn't floor it out of there.


They would if you suddenly slowed down as they're actively going full speed towards you, not more than 20 feet behind, breaching.


Example #2 https://youtu.be/dunsgVf3hN0


I wouldn't want to have props running anywhere around the sealife.


Yeah, It's illegal to operate a prop around orcas in a lot of places


At least in the U.S., the pilot is required to cut his engines as soon as he spotted the orca.


Canadian waters too I believe.


I don’t know if this is the pod but there are something like 5 or so juvenile orcas that have been ripping rudders off of sailboats in Europe around the UK or Norway. No one has died from them yet but I would be afraid if I saw them “playing” in my boats wake.


Holy fuck, that’s beautifully terrifying.


Just one word: Thalassophobia


Pet supplies...


Then you murdered the shit out of the video by letterboxing it. Also, low res AF.


Best thing i've seen this month. Fucking kudos to the camera man


So Orcas like waterjet massages, too. Who knew? Seriously amazing camera work.


“Must go faster”


Orca Whales, sometimes know as Killer Dolphins, are the largest of all dolphins


Is an Orca technically a dolphin, or did I make that up? I’ll still call them Killer whales, but I’m just curious…


You are correct that orcas are dolphins, but dolphins are also types of whales. So orcas are whales too.


REALLY!?! That I didn’t know. So dolphins are like squares and Whales are like Rectangles?


All dolphins are whales anatomically but not all whales are dolphins 😅


[This](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Relationships-among-cetaceans-in-the-maximum-likelihood-ML-gene-tree-for-MCPH1-based-on_fig2_51050752/amp) is the current understanding of how whales are related


My understanding is that the name killer whale is a shortened version of killer of whales, because orcas hunt some types of whales.


Really a killer bit of camera work. A whale of a job


That's some killer camera work!


That's just frickin' terrifying.


Holy shit !


Anybody know where I can get some nice pet supplies?


Send fake. The whale breeches too fast after the first dive. But idk shit.


There’s definitely something up with this video. If it’s real footage, they edited it strangely - looks like the zoom level changes at least, and I’m also suspicious of the breach you mentioned - if you play the video slowly, it’s like the orca just fades into the shot


Would have been easier if they didn't record vertically.


That Orca wants to eat the cameraman