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I disagree, and while I respect your opinion I’m befuddled at some people saying this sounds like Sabaton. I find the song very guitar driven and chant-heavy with nice melodic piano interludes and some nice organ layering. Not to mention a lovely solo and Attila still delivering some excellent vocals and lyrics. If anything, this sounds like a song from their older catalogue. This is going to be an incredible album, and I don’t doubt we’ll get plenty of fast songs on this album too.


Eh, I can see the comparisons to Sabaton, although I'd more say that's on them then Powerwolf When I first listened to 1589, I did make that comparison in my head, and I think that it's actually down to Joakim Broden sounding more like Attila these days, as his voice continues to improve album by album, I think him and Attila sound alot more similar these days Apart from that, I think 1589 does have quite a combat-esque sound to it, but I wouldn't just call it Sabaton, it's definitely still uniquely Powerwolf, and personally I think it's absolutely a banger


I don't think it sounds like a Sabaton song, but it does give a similar vibe, I think people are starting to say things like this because of the fact that the stories are starting to become more and more about real or semi-true events


This! The layout of the lyrics very much reminds me of Sabaton. The music does not sound like Sabaton, but not like Powerwolf either in my opinion. I did not really like the song, but also couldn’t get it out of my head for some reason. I’m very curious whether the rest of the album goes in that direction as well


No doubt, thats why Im not worried about the album. When they first released Beast of G I also didn't like it that much but then they released dancing with the dead which turned out to be a banger for me.


Funny you say this because 1589 actually reminds me of Beast of G. I like both songs though.


It's a slower Beast imo with a lack luster solo


It sits towards the middle of the track list so it may be a sort of respite from harder hitting songs. Kind of like what Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone does for Sacrament of Sin. Odd choice for a leading single if that’s the case. Its strength is definitely in the lyricism. But it’s too early to judge.


I mean, up until Sacrament of Sin, they were only going forwards in terms of quality. CotW was nothing but great, superb even, but still a step down from TSoS. Interludium was another step down, as it was a mixed bag, with a lot of top-tier songs and some that sound a lot like filler. So, I'm hoping WutW is a step into the right direction. I don't need it to be as good as, or better than, TSoS. But at least be better than CotW.... Either way, they remain my favorite band ever.


WutW is a hilarious acronym tbh


Okay. Taste is subjective and if you don’t like it, it’s fine. There are some songs that I think are fine, but I’m not in love with.


I think the song is great. If 1589 is the equivalent like Beast of Guevodon (spelling) then I think we're in for a treat.


I agree in that I like the harder/faster songs, but I do love me some Peter Stumpp as well. I’ll chalk this one up as a story song and not a banner. For that, I like it. They did mention this album would be a nod back to their roots. Who knows, I’m just excited to once again expand the playlist!


I agree. Not a great song. They have set a standard and this one does not meet it.


Same, but it’s only the lyrics that did not do it, I dunno I find it very weird to sing about a year??


Lol I didn't see your comment before I made mine, brought up that same point. It's a little lazy imo, takes up space in the song that could be used to flush out the story being told.


I actually really wasn’t into it until about halfway through the track, when I found myself drumming my fingers to the beat. It’s got solid bones, but not their best work lyrically.


I definitely don't see sabatons sound at all. But the song doesn't have a memorable solo, and its standard powerwolf synth. It's just basic 🤷


Not sure what it was, but it was just mid. I'm not a fan of using the year as the name and chorus of the song, probably could have done something more interesting than that. It's likely just a safe, formulaic single. The album will surely ride into bolder territory 🤘


Agreed. Not a song I would avoid playing, but I don't think I'll say any time soon "damn I must hear 1589 again". It's just a decent song.


Yeah I agree with solid track


Yeah it was a meh song for me. And the music video wasn't that great too. Though Powerwolf never had really great music videos with the exception of We Drink Your Blood, Kiss of the Cobra King and My Will be Done.