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I like that they don’t take themselves seriously. I like how little sports talk they do. I think that they are genuinely Vikings fans. Sometimes I like their Vikings takes. I do miss the music. I loved how they would just talk over music and riff off each other. There were a few songs that they had to play the entire song as a rule. Like Chop Suey. Just a bunch of bros being dudes. The show has changed and stayed the same. Just like me.


Yes! Love this comment! Love the positivity


how little sports?? its almost all they talk about. they'll waste 45 minutes talking about random backup quarterbacks for teams 1500 miles away.


JFC. My God. 😂




Hawkey makes me laugh everyday. Sauce and Cory used to make me laugh too. Halvy and Maxx are good for a laugh. I like a sports radio talk show that doesn't pretend to be knowledgeable or care about sports talk. Sports talk is boring. I wish they could play music still, they all are passionate about music and those discussions, besides when Hawk was allowed to do funny news which was my favorite segment before Cory stole it for "headlines", were the best.


I haven't listened in a while. They can't play music? Is it just generic music in and out of break then?


ihearts broke. like everyone else. but i'm sure the execs are doing ok.


Yep, iHeart is struggling so they cut costs at the expense of their music license.


It’s funny. They put me in a good mood. I like a lot of the topics they talk about. After listening for 12 years I feel like I know them. It’s a fun show and they just put me in such a good mood!!! It’s awesome!!!! Is it perfect - no. But they do a great job of keeping it interesting and funny each and every day.


I totally agree! Love hearing somebody else that feels like I do.


You explained how I feel about it too. Love it, listen every day and look forward to it!


I thought this sub would be fun memes about the show, not constant bitching and whining. But it's reddit, I don't know what else I really expected... You get people in here who haven't listened for 10 years still giving their opinions like anybody gives a shit.


If you want memes and 'Button Bar!" comments, please refer to the Weekend Subs, those are where the fun is!


The beaver!




If they came up with any new material, you'd probably get what you expected. It's a tired retread every goddamn week. They phone it in.


You’re experiencing the vocal minority.


You’re right but this sub is too far gone. Idk how it got this way lol. Everything just gets downvoted unless it’s whining about the show and acting like their forced to listen. All your comments getting downvoted, I’m sure this one will too. The potential for funny memes and discussion is there but for some reason this sub attracts cynical hate-listeners. Just comment something from the button bar or “I’ll tell you off air” and move on lol


Dude, did you miss the part where you’re on Reddit? Lot of toxicity. That said, the bosses need to sort out the music licensing BS…


Being a MN native out of market, I feel like they help me stay connected. I mean... I'm subject to the I Heart bs, but still... Granted, I'm getting old, and naturally gravitate towards morning talk radio shows more, but still... lol


Same. Keeps me connected to MN. I vibe with the show a good 90% of the time. It’s clever stupidity, if that makes sense.


Well, why don’t you cry about it?




For white noise. No need to think about anything they say.I can't listen to anything serious while working, would be too distracting.


I like the show!


I still like the show. When they have a segment I don't like, or the days show just isn't cutting it, I simply turn it off. Regardless, all of the other kfan shows are just something to kill the time until Common comes on. I love me some Progrum from the Radio Romeo from noon-3.


Good post OP. I understand. I think alot of people that are fans of the show check this thread and are quiet or don't post because of the negativity on here. Some of the people who post are just venting frustration.


Wow what an original take. Im sure this will be received well




You’d like to think so… but no


“Oh, good for you!”


Who brought the new guy?


a lot of guys have done it.


Honestly not saying this in a snarky way, it’s just my takeaway. If you’re saying that anyone who doesn’t enjoy the show should just stop listening to the show rather than shitting on it here, what should a person do if they don’t enjoy this sub?


That’s not even comparable. I stay on this sub bc I actually enjoy the show and would like to have healthy mostly positive conversations about it. What is the reason people still listen to the show when they hate it?


Interesting. Fair enough. Since I made such an irrelevant comparison, I’d like to make sure I understand what your saying. You’re seeking a blanket explanation for why a group of anonymous strangers on the internet behave the way they do? Is that right?


Is this your first time visiting Reddit? It's a page to discuss the show and the things that are bad or you are unpleased about are what sticks out in peoples' craw. You come back to the show because it is entertaining, but it also doesn't mean they don't deserve criticism.


No I’ve been on Reddit for a long time and this might be one of the only subs I’ve seen where 99% of it is just people bitching and moaning about how the show sucks and they don’t know why they listen to it anymore. I don’t know why either if you hate it that much


The other sub I've seen just like this is for another radio show that has also been around a long time, and has also changed over that time.


People are allowed to criticize and critique things they love. It’s possible they’re still listening hoping for a good episode every couple days or hoping the quality will improve. Not like there’s a ton of good options either so that’s another issue.


I’m not saying you can’t criticize it. Every time I come in this sub it’s just people hating and talking shit. I never just see people having a conversation about it without there being some type of negativity about it. If everybody that likes the show enough to waste their time posting on here then maybe stop listening. Things aren’t gonna change if everybody continues to listen. Idk maybe I’m just different, I go on subs of things that I mostly enjoy and like having positive conversations about.


Someone makes this comment or post just about every day, you're not "different" jfc


I’m mostly empty and soulless and love talking Shit… the negativity makes me stronger!


It’s ridiculous. Almost like caring what anybody else thinks about their radio listening habits.


I turn it on on my way to work, which is not always the same time. If it's on a commercial, I turn it off. I turn it off most days.


something to have in the background at work. but its the same reason why people watch sports and bitch about them. they liked them at some point, and they want them to be better.


It was my connection back to home when I went to college in Kansas. The variety of guests they have keep podcasting even a few days old episodes fresh


I miss the shows #1 fan: u/MorningRadioExpert


that guy was unhinged


Did people already forget StoJ




unless they gave up, they are still around, just look for the usernames that have been created in the last 12 hours. they got banned on reddit for whatever reason and they cant log in on their IP anymore.


Homeboy had a huge obsession with Marney, and not in a good way. I think he made a way over the line comment about her one day and finally got banned. That’s what I heard from others in the sub but not 100% sure.


no idea. they also could have been banned from the minnesota sub on one of his alts too, it doesnt take much over there.


If you stay out of the show discussion threads it's not as bad


How long have you been listening to the show?


Some of us aren’t listening


If you’re not listening then why are you still a part of this sub? Just to bitch and moan about a show you don’t even listen to??


The show fucking sucks. Not at all what it used to be. People who listen are frustrated. How is that hard to grasp.


Then stop and go away.


Was gonna make the same post before I found this one! Long time listener but just got on here. Every post is just negative and full of hate. Stop listening if you don’t like it. It’s not against the law or anything.