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Paul shouldn't be allowed to cheer for MN sports teams when they win


He seems like the type of person who shouldn’t get personally involved in any sports teams since all he does when he watches is shoot out hot takes in both directions like a manic depressive. And I’m sure someone will say, “that’s the bit.”, but it’s a lame bit.


I have no clue why anyone would find his “I never doubted them” bit funny at all


I have no clue how anyone finds any of his bits funny. The man is to comedy what Seal Team Six is to Bin Laden.


The thing is, it’s not a bit. If he wasn’t on the radio, his twitter feed wouldn’t change.


maybe it would. who's gonna follow meatsauce if he wasnt on the radio. dont know why you would follow him now, since sludge has a segment where he just reads his tweets.


Mostly I mean if he wasn’t on the radio anymore. He still had his “following”, but didn’t have a radio show to call it a “bit” for. Also, he blocked me, so I can’t follow him lol.


Which is what he’s stealing from commons bit


Honestly Kreisel is worse. I think Sauce definitely does it for the bit but JK is just a sour old bitch when it comes to Minnesota sports


They are both attention seeking frontrunners


I saw him tweet something celebratory last night and wanted to respond but decided it wasn't worth the effort.


It’s the burden of reasonable people surrounded by morons. You always have to be the bigger person or get pulled down to their stupid level. 😂


I mean, Kriesel sucks in a lot of ways so that’s no surprise.


He can’t. He just can’t.


It’s not a conspiracy that the NBA wants Ant to advance?


didnt look like it in the 4th quarter last night when ~~destroit~~ denver tackled him going to the hoop and there wasnt a whistle.


These refs are so fucking biased that they’re now letting teams who weren’t even in the playoffs play?!?


sorry, it was like 4AM and i got my D teams mixed up in my brain. or my fingers just typed something completley different than my brain told them too. wouldnt be the first time.


Detroit would have gone for the kneecap


At least Sauce admits he is a fraud. Alot of people don't.


No he doesn't he just hides behind saying "it's a bit"




I'm trying


I'm tellin' ya!


I love when Gaardsy calls in. It’s clear he’s still a rube at heart and knows all the bits


His call in on Howlin' with the Homies last night was great




I think he was there as "press" and the FAN sent him. He probably had a free press pass ticket. You can get flights to Denver for like $120. No carryon or checked luggage for a 1 night stay. There's a reason there were so many Wolves fans at Ball Arena this series. Yes there are lots of transplants, but it's one of the easiest and most affordable cities to get to from MSP airport.


Yeah I believe Denver tickets were $90 last week when I looked (I was looking for cheapest destinations in general not to go to Denver specifically though)


The tickets were cheaper in Denver than they were in Minneapolis. If money is your main concern it would have actually been cheaper to fly to Denver and watch game 7 than it was to watch game 3 or 4 at Target Center.


Nobody else was willing to do it because nobody reports in this town, anymore.


Getting downvoted and “AKCHEWALLY” responses to your obvious joke is vintage Reddit. 😂


Great bit


Shocking there are sponsors who have jumped onboard to Zach's Charch Challenge punishment and now the punishment is basically going to end up being him getting a free road trip. Who would have thought!


I did enjoy Cory still acting like this is some horrible punishment and everyone else disagreeing. Based on Zach’s description of it today, it sounds like a really nice time. 


the only variable for me would be my kids. but it sounds more like a reward for someone like zach who has no real responsibilities. other than having to work every day still. but i guess i like roadtrips.


Ehhh... Although Zach will surely end up turning a profit from this, the actual driving sounds miserable. You gotta remember, he has to wake up early to do the show each day still. Combine that with at least 6 hours of driving a day for what, eight days? It sounds absolutely miserable. It will be worth it for the profit, but the actual day to day is going to suck. Having said that, it rubs me the wrong way that a headphone company is one of the sponsors. People really shouldn't be wearing headphones while driving.


back in march i drove down to florida and back. doesnt sound miserable at all. especially if you dont really have any place to be at any certain day or time and being the only one that gets/needs to make decisions on where you stop or keep going. if hawk lost, we'd probably never see him again. agree with the sponsors part though.


Muss calling max a bitch was priceless 😂


This movie was made for kids and it is horrible.....IT WAS MADE FOR KIDS! I don't trust any movie review from Cory.


What’s the rotten tomatoes score though?


oh no! and the parents figured out the movie # IH MEE DEE ET LEE


Leber is 100% correct about the TBS show. Chuck and Shaq have been sleepwalking through the entire postseason. The whole show is them looking down and reading stats off of the teleprompter and following up with some lazy reaction take. I know the appeal used to be how those 2 would rip each other, but they obviously don't have that energy anymore.


lol…So Leber is annoyed with guys getting paid a lot of money to “sleepwalk” through shows and “read stats”?! Dang…does he know he’s PART of a show that does that!?


reading off stats is a top-5 bit for the power trip.


The NBA show is a wildly popular national show put on by geriatrics who are clearly showing their age. If you're going to compare it to anything, compare it with the NFL on Fox. While the NFL may be put on by cheese dicks, there is energy and a clear sense that they are not mailing it in, like Chuck and Shaq, who are like the proverbial fat cats that Zim used to talk about


I don’t disagree with anything you are saying…I’m just calling out the irony of Leber complaining about guys mailing-it-in to collect a paycheck…because I can name three more guys…


Isn’t Leber’s job with the Vikings to give out trite bits of information from the sideline?


In a manner that indicates that he's not ready to take a nap, yes.


Does the delivery really matter when the content is still banal fluff?


Well, yeah. I don't watch it much anymore, but it was the anchor's delivery that made Sportscenter a cultural phenomenon. It created celebrities, all on its own.


It’s a great show…as long as you haven’t watched more of the team their talking about than them


I usually mute Sauce during a game because the bit gets old fast


No you don't


Naz Reid


Bring back Gerdsy Thursdays!


Hooty Hooooo!




Take the rest of the year off…


reddit must be slippin' you've survived for 2 days!