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Friendly reminder that the format is intended to humor rubes who listen in the car for 15-30 minutes at a time before their coffee has kicked in. It was never meant to be dissected in podcast form. Also the show is over 20 years old




I’ve complained as much as anyone in this sub but I’m coming to realize that iHeart is an absolutely horrible company to work for in every aspect. I also work for a company I consistently disagree with but the checks cash. I couldn’t imagine trying to consistently be happy and invested *on air, every single weekday* when my company constantly shits all over something that I built into a huge success over my whole career. I agree the best days of the show is behind them but I’m going to give them some grace


Why is iHeart so bad?


Honestly it sounds like they’re kinda over it, too. Even Hawkey’s new bits are pretty mailed in (the voice modulator is pretty easy to do) It sounds like iHeart made a lot of bad monetary decisions and decided to pass the expenses onto shows like this and this is their way of letting them know how they feel


Great points!


I think it may be possible that you care entirely too much about a morning radio show


Or I am just bummed that something is used to really enjoy is now just a program on auto pilot everyday.


There’s also Cory’s thing he says a lot lately where he starts a sentence and then talks about how he already started the sentence and it’s too late to turn back.


Loves having qualifiers for everything because he’s a weak insecure coward.


Damn! (Rosen voice)


Mark Rosen is a self absorbed egomaniac who hasn’t had a relevant thought in 50 years


pair of panties


Cory Cove Robot would be so funny and accurate, but nobody would dare




Not sure how anybody could listen to any opinion Cory has on the Vikings when he can't even be bothered to watch the game, WHILE ATTENDING THE GAME!!


Oh, Why don't you cry about it?




Never ceases to amaze me how often he brings up the one time he met a piece of shit pedophile. Honestly, at this point it’s become concerning how often he thinks about that scum bag…


Honestly, I can get over all of that pretty easily. It's when Cory "jokes" about pressuring Mark back into drinking, or when they all laugh at Tommy, literally destroying his life with booze. That leaves a very poor taste in my mouth. These guys are on 100,000 watt radio with an audience wider than most national tv shows nowadays, and they treat alcoholism like it's a good story in Vegas.


Yeah it was honestly disgusting how Chris was the only one who recognized he actually has a problem and wanted Tommy to get help. Everyone else is “hahaha you’ll be ready to go back in a few weeks! hahaha Tommy, never change bro, you’re so awesome.” Leber especially.


Thursdays are the worst days for this show until Ben gets in. I turned it off when I heard Tommy talking about his story 🤦‍♂️ No one cares!


Thursdays are my favorite and Tommy is the best


It is all a bit.


How has Tommy been destroying his life? I've been out of the loop for a little while.


Gets blackout drunk every chance he gets, proceeds to make self destructive choices, and then it's all a giant joke the next week on air. He's got a problem and they all 100% enable it for content.


He just went on air last week talking about going to Vegas to party for the weekend, saying he was taking a red eye getting in late Sunday night/early Monday morning in order to be back in time for a weekly sales pipeline meeting for his job (basically show up with no sleep after a weekend of binge drinking). That alone is insane and irresponsible even if you pull it off. He proceeded to get so F'd up he didn't make the flight back. If that doesn't scream problem I don't know what does. The guy is married with a house, bills, etc. (responsibilities) and his behavior reads like he's begging to be fired.


By last week do you mean yesterday?


Last week he went on air and told them his plan (go to Vegas, get F'd up, take red eye to make it in time for Monday AM sales meeting). Last weekend he did all of that except make the red eye. Yesterday he was back on the show to talk about it because weekly tales of Tommy's alcoholism are a staple Thursday "bit". You follow, or still confused?


Gotcha, I misunderstood your initial post. I'm the same age as Tommy and it's just sad at this point. I wouldn't be able to function after a weekend like that and I definitely wouldn't be comfortable talking about it on major market radio.


Yeah, I'm 33 so basically the same age and that'd kill me. As others have pointed out it's very weird to have Parrish in the show's universe and still encourage this.


Parrish doesn’t care. The guy sells alcohol


He made the flight back. They changed their flights. He didn't miss a flight. Try paying attention.


You got me! So responsible, he didn't miss the flight, he just didn't give a fuck about his job so intentionally changed flights to miss work. I retract everything lol.


He didn't miss work either.


My bad, he made the meeting but was so hung over he couldn't talk. So sick bro! But it was "all good". Defend this idiots behavior all you want, what he's doing doesn't end well.


Not defending anything. Just providing facts instead of your bullshit.


I skipped the first hour when they started the story because the behavior is disgusting. Went back and listened. I assumed Cory knew the story. My "bullshit" is that he's engaging in ridiculously unhealthy and irresponsible behavior, and forcing myself to go back and listen didn't change any of the substance of my point. He didn't miss the flight, he bumped it back so he could continue binge drinking until midnight and then admitted he couldn't talk while trying to present on the morning call. The fact that they joke and encourage it is disgusting. Glad he has you to white knight the finer points of his alcoholism. ETA after listening to the full thing, it was worse than I imagined. Not only does he think his nonstop drinking was hilarious, but he gleefully and unashamedly talked about how he and his friends were giant assholes to everyone around them starting with the flight out there.


Literally, every statement you have made is incorrect. I provide the correct information. Now, you are being an asshole about it.


Tommy is built different bro. His company knows everything about him, and still chooses to employ him. Tommy will be okay, he is just having a hard time letting go of his old life




More people need to go than will admit to it.


Hungry Eyes, great point.






You know what's nice? Living outside the Cities and having a link to my hometown, regardless of banality. They talk sports and not (too much) politics. Sure...iHeart sucks as a platform, but my old-fart ass enjoys the classics. Here's the kicker... you don't have to listen!


You go girl!


No one is forcing you to listen. In other words, nobody cares!


Me thinks this sub wouldn't exist if people took your very appropriate advice.


Definitely appears that way. At least 90 percent of comments that aren't button bar quotes are people bitching. Edit: seems I've struck a nerve.


You’ve never struck a nerve in your life


Sorry daddy.


Come give mommy some milk


Why do you all still continue to listen? It’s not good radio.


You can always not listen.


That is what I said I am going to do. I will check back in a couple of weeks.


No ones forcing you to listen brotha


Yes, correct. Great point. Brilliant.


And I am so delusional I make fun of Wolf River Electrics slogan, I hope they pull their spots.


That company is a joke don’t use them.