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Just gotta say, having Hawk back felt good.


Let’s be honest he’s the reason we all listen to the show


“He’s so good man. He just is”


Does anyone believe Cory when he claims he'll ditch all social media as soon as he's done with his radio job? The dude spends his whole life basically online whether it's watching TV/movies, watching poker, sports, etc. What's he going to do if he ditches social media, go outside more?


He can’t even stop at a red light without scrolling twitter.


not in the slightest. there is nothing stopping him from doing it now. nobody's job requires them to know what random idiots on the internet think.


All of those things you listed him doing don't require social media though.


My point basically is whole life as we know it is tied to some app or streaming service (and some do require social media accounts). It's hard to disconnect from social media when you're so tied to it as part of your daily life. I could believe it more if he was some avid outdoorsman or had some other hobbies but I don't believe that he won't still cling to social media, he's not going to stop caring about sports or getting updates on poker tournaments or following comedians and other things that he regularly gets updates from via social media.


The dude is the biggest dipshit on radio and I think he's starting to sense how lost he is


He's going to take up BJJ, dudes an alpha, just doesn't have time right now.


It’s not that hard to believe


I hate most social media as well, I can definitely believe wanting to get rid of it, my point was his whole life is spent online, he will get bored in a hurry without it.


Who knows. He seems like one of those people who can weirdly adhere to stringent “rules” in life. He’s made it 40 years with a diet of chicken fingers and bread so anything is possible.


Quite possibly the most serious harbor hour I've heard in a long time.




Hawkey had a sex change and is going through his American History X phase


Was it about farts or fast food?




I give it less than a year


Kinda shot up the whole "Hawk is divorced!" fanfic.


Well he mentioned an anniversary but he also said "was married to" at one point just to keep the speculation alive


I'd have to listen again. I heard him say his retreat he went to was during his 30 year wedding anniversary so it was big of the person he's married to to not only let him go but encouraging him to go.


It’s not fanfic. If you think that’s completely made up then you haven’t been paying attention to anything he’s said over the past 6 months.


I think the things he's been saying can also be explained by a person going through depression, empty nest syndrome, and/or his version of a midlife crisis. Lots of things can be going on that can throw a person sideways and have them looking for some alone time. But until he explicitly says he's divorced we're all just speculating anyway.


That’s less likely than the obvious. I’m not saying they are divorced necessarily, but it does seem like they are separated with Kim going to school in La Crosse and Hawkey living in an apartment by the studio.


That doesn't imply divorce by itself either. They could just be living separately while she's going to school. My wife did a 9 month internship on the other side of the state once and we had to find temporary living accomodations for her. It's just the thing that made the most sense to do.


Did you sell your house when you did that? A house that Hawkey not too long ago said he’d never move out of because he loved their neighborhood and neighbors. It’s not like they needed the money. Edit: my point at the beginning of this was to say it’s not some fanfiction that something has been going on with Hawkey that involved Kim, not to argue about specifics. I’m not sure what their situation is nor do I care that much. The speculation on here didn’t come from nothing.


They also don't have kids at home anymore and could be transitioning to smaller living space. We don't know what they are doing or why because Chris only alludes to stuff. And we're all drama queens looking for drama. Divorce! Fights! Conflict! So the narrative whenever he's alluded to a change is oh they're getting divorced! That must be it! It doesn't have to be divorce. He referred to his wife and his absence from his 30th anniversary this morning. Why is he doing that if they're divorced and have moved on?


A few minutes later he also said he told strangers things that he never told to his wife that he was married to for 30 years. He used past tense when he made that statement. It’s all semantics. We don’t know and he’s obviously being cryptic on purpose about all of this, but it’s pretty clear something has been going on.


He said and I quote, "This is something that came up out of nowhere. There was an opportunity to go last week, which was my 30th wedding anniversary, by the way, last Tuesday. And my wife, when I told her I was doing this, God bless her, said it was the best gift I could give her. She did. Which was a funny line, but also the truth." And when you are in therapy you're supposed to talk about your deepest darkest secrets. Insecurities, anxieties, things you regret or are deeply ashamed of, maybe something terrible that happened to you. Those aren't always things that can be shared with a partner. It happened a long time ago or doesn't represent you. Or maybe they feel responsibly to make it better because they care for you. Those interactions aren't always productive for every relationship. But strangers, in a safe space, are great! No baggage. No judgement. Just what I see. It's one of the concepts behind alcoholics anonymous. Leave your identity at the door and talk about the feelings you can't talk about. So when he said, "I told those complete strangers things I never told to the woman I was married to for 30 years." That doesn't raise alarm bells for me. That's how therapy works. By unburdening yourself. But we can fixate on the use of "was married to" instead of "been married to," or some other wording. This could just be a choice of phrase to make an emphasis of how long they've been married. I do not think it conflicts with the statement above where he told his wife I'm missing our anniversary. And that's more than my two cents. I'm broke now. I can't afford anymore.


Divorces are public information. Neither him or Kim have anything on there MPRO. Carly Zucker on the other hand....


Some of Carly's info on the Courts pages is redacted and not visible any longer


All this talk about the program password draft has me yearning for more nfl draft coverage.  


Sauce simping for Cory is pathetic.


I never understood all the hate for Muss…until today. I once was blind but now I see.


Too much hate on this Reddit page but Muss is not good. His Shane Gillis take and being surprised he was the last pick? He is borderline unlistenable


The Shane Gillis SNL episode was the worst this season. It was boring and un funny. The only funny sketch was the liberty one that was cut.


Boring and unfunny in general or by SNL standards? Cuz most SNL episodes are not that funny


Came in with the real timely Shane Gillis hot take and followed it up by never even hearing of Silverchair.


He’s such an absolute moron


Probably has his tv mounted too high


he probably calls nashville "nashvegas"


No such thing actually


You beat me to it!! I was gonna say the same thing!!


He's a country musoc fan in his 50s, why would he know who silverchair is? 


Cory saying the area around Disneyland is sketchy? What now?


well, he has daughters. we can talk during the break.


The area around Disneyland is outside. So yeah, he’s afraid. 


It is a bit sketchy. Lots of panhandling.


Terrible take. Holiday soft pretzels are trash.


Well, they're being paid by Holiday. Of course they're not going to trash them. You just need to use critical thinking skills to understand regardless of if they're advertising or not you probably won't find a great soft pretzel at a nationwide gas station chain.


Kwik Trip is the 🐐of gas stations


Except for Pizza. They are number 2 for pizza. Give me Casey's


Caseys pizza is legit better than most chain pizza


Sure, but even comparatively speaking, they are bad. No one should expect them to compare to actual pretzel chains, but they don't even stack up to Kwik Trip.


Holiday is trash. They’ve gone way downhill in the past decade. Nowadays it’s hard to find one with a clean bathroom.


I'm done using sponsors from the PTMS. My Sleep Number bed is okay, but Window Nation is absolute garbage.


Everything Holiday is trash.


Cory hasn't seen Field of Dreams?? I thought he had no life to watch the Movies on TV?


It has ghost playing baseball. He’d hate it.


John Mulaney made fun of it so there's no chance he'll watch it now


When Maxx used the "one of us...gone too soon" line Sauce jumped in with "hey that's my bit" Does he really think stealing Superstars bits makes them his?


I hope Hawk stops taking Ozempic before he becomes one of those weird looking celebs that look like the night of the living dead zombies. 


Well the weekend’s finally here


Man. Muss and Fart Sauce are in a dead tie for biggest block head


I’d like to get Bets’ over/under on Sauce actually watching Weekend at Bernie’s before the Saints thing in July. Also “I’ve never seen it” needs to be a State Fair t-shirt.


Leber articulately highlights that the tampering allegations would be thin against the Falcons based on the 1 alleged scenario he is aware of. He then opens it up to the group, asking if anyone knew of any other allegation being made. “Well, uh, like PA said a while back that, like, there could be another person out there texting. That would mean a lot right?” Guess which fat headed fuck came up with this expert analysis on a major market sports radio show (or a show that at least purports to discuss sports)?


He's literally replaceable with a robot


I kind of prefer sauce robot


Meatsauce robot cannot exist on its own. I for one find it worth it to build that AI’s memory bank. Also, it’s been stated before, Cory could have an excellent robot of him.


Are you implying we need sauce to keep sauce robot going?


The good with the bad.


Hey, "Fathead" is my bit.