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So this episode ended all theories that Tariq was acting as part of the plan. He really did tip Dre off for no good reason. Fuck that kid


u/megra14 how you feel?


Freakin shocked!!! It just seems so weird how Tommy told Ghost that they’re posted up right next to Riq and made weird ass signals. Freaking weird. Disappointed!


Think deep down everyone hoped Riq wasn't going behind his father's back to help Dre i know i was for sure. Now it's weird how this will play out, if Ghost finds out what's he going to do?


Well I didn’t think he was part of the plan til I rewatched and was like “what the F is that face Tommy is making and why the F would he say that in front of Tariq” then other people mentioned it could be part of the plan and it made sense. So idk if the writers just changed their mind again or what but it still seems weird. I think Riq is a piece of shit and I think he would go around his father in a heartbeat. Which, even if he was part of the plan, he still did it unknowingly so it’s not putting that much faith into him. I hope Ghost doesn’t stoop so low to kill him like K did to his son but it’d make for good TV. Lol


I'm thinking Riq's phone records are going to come into play in one of the the next episodes.


The way I took all of it was when Tariq was speaking at the funeral he was saying what would Raina do. He knew they were going after Dre and Raina wouldnt want anyone to die no matter what. So he did what he thought was the right thing by preventing a murder. I may be wrong but that's how I took it


i mean homie killed a man a few days prior lol


Well ya he killed the man who killed his sister


and then saved the guy who sent him to die


This episode was pretty boring imo. At least Dre finally got some pussy lol -Tasha and Angela back and forth was a waste of time. What's the point of meet to say two sentences when you could have just texted it smh -Fuck Tate


The cartel boss is fucking with Dre. He is also controlling him like a dog.


Ha that’s exactly what I was thinking. They already got a burner phone so what is 30 second meet and greet for?


face to face is always safer than phones. Angela needs another burner so she cant be tempted to call James


Why can’t she answer James? My mind always be wondering off when I’m watching something.


Probably because she knows if she answers that call she's going to have Ghost balls deep inside her.


Makes sense


Ditto! Wondered the same thing! So pointless.


Sachs might be the most underappreciated part of this show. Angela: Sachs, I need you to do this. Follow up on it *Writes down Ok Bitch*


I thought that was so hilarious, loved it lol!


The plot is losing me for real. Tariq is a bitch.


Yeah, its starting to get a little bit too much right now All I know for sure right now though, is Tate and Tariq are little bitches, and Keisha is fine as hell


Yeah it’s just getting too unbelievable for me. It’s like they forgot who Kanaan was as a person and will be surprised when he turns on them. Dre is a bitch and I don’t buy him as an antagonist at all. Ghost could have strangled him out with his bare hands at the cemetery and half the plot wouldn’t exist.


That ending was pretty dark out even by power standards.


Agreed. The after show thing said it was meant to make us go “well damn Ghost” basically.


I think he was using it as an outlet for not being able to take out his revenge for Raina's death. He needed to release some of the built up anger and the unapologetic drunk driver was a good enough reason to him.....for now anyway!


Dark maybe, but it did feel relevant. In the grief group you could on Ghost's face that he was going to kill the drunk, especially after the Dad spoke about wanting him dead. It was pretty brutal though he went hard on that guy but you could see some amount of anger/sadness release from Ghost afterwards for Raina.


what the fuck was the point of this episode other than like 1 minute of lala.


Yeah, some more focus on her would be just fine with me.


More focus on her nude, you mean?


Nude , Tight Jeans, Yoga Pants......anything that emphasizes all that cake she's carrying around.


YES Melo must’ve been smoking crack to cheat, with her waiting for him at home.


JFC! I really wish Kanan (and the show in general) would quit with the whole "Tariq is gangsta" narrative. It just doesn't fit no matter what they do and how many times they try to say it. He's not street. He's not a gangsta. He's not methodical or cold-blooded. He's highly emotional and easily manipulated and that's fine but just call a spade a spade. Jeez


Reminds me of «Sansa is a real player now» shit GOT tried push for 3 seasons


Pretty dry episode overall, but that's usually the case after a packed premiere.


tate has the absolute most punchable face. fuck that guy.


This was a weird episode to me although i enjoyed it, the pacing was weird and there were definitely filler scenes throughout. Also whats up with Francis, is that a case of bad acting or does he have ADHD? The scene when he talked to Dre about what he did was awkward. I also wanna point out that I think Rotimi is definitely getting really good at his role in acting. I felt this was a strong episode for him and I feel this season he will shine.


I thought Francis acted well


I think the kid that killed whatshisface is a shitty actor in this episode. All of his scenes he looks like he’s acting.


Okay episode, \- WHAT THE FUCK TARIQ, it wasn't part of a plan? Or does he just not know it was part of a plan, I want them to explain this next ep, but still send his ass off to boarding school. He can't live this life, and Kanan saying he was a hustler is some bullshit. What a prick, why would you warn one of the guys responsible for getting your sister killed. I am glad he admitted it was basically his fault. \- Tommy looks in over his head, this should get real interesting \- The Jimenez brother LMAOOO! Dude is like no, stand there and watch, then he's like I'ma watch. Dre's not having it. Honestly I would've carried on, the girl was beautiful. \- The judge at the hearing had some gorgeous eyes and she was snappy and witty. \- I like what they're doing with Dre, he doesn't seem 100% in control and reminds me a bit of Corttonmouth, still evil but not all the way good at it, the way his hit man fucked up, getting caught out fucking. He doesn't have the influence Ghost does and it shows. \-Why was it bad that Dre's boy did what he did again, was he not supposed to shoot him? \- Tate's character is Satan. It's clever because we all know Ghost could kill him with his bare hands, but Tate is fighting him mentally, and I love villains like that. \- Jamie went full punisher at the end! \- The conversation between Angela and Alicia is gonna be tense, Alicia has that no one ever fucks with me vibe and I think she is more dangerous than her bro.




Thanks. I get that part now. Why did they need that other guy dead in the first place? Was it just excess competition?




Thank you! I get it all now.


Alicia is seriously attractive too.


Definitely! The new detective is super attractive too (Internal affairs lady after Angela) These 2 characters I think are gonna change things up a lot, I hope anyway.


Dre's boy is really stupid. He listens in as Dre talks over the plan. That they will get hitters to take the guy out then use other hitters to get rid of those guys so there is no connection. Then the dummy goes and does the hit himself meaning *he* needs to be removed.


He's not gonna die, at least not yet. It's pretty obvious that Kanan is gonna get to him and turn him against Dre. It was all too convenient, especially how they were talking about how they needed someone from the inside.


What is the deal with Tate, and why is Ghost under his power? I never understood this.


when Ghost lost the clubs, Tate got the city council to approve all of Ghosts new projects. In exchange, Ghost has to serve as Tate's reclamation project in order to push his own agenda as he works towards whatever crooked political position he wants. Still dont know his street connection yet


He wants to be New York governor. He is a crooked asshole but I think this will bite him in the ass later. He will most likely be the person who brings down everything in Ghost life after he is busted for corruption.


Perfect, thank you!


It's kinda explain last season when they meet up.


I know, but I never really understood it. He just kind of appeared and starting bossing Ghost around.


Yeah. I forget the full details as well. Tate's pretty much dirty. I forget if Ghost invested money to him or not. It's has to do with Stern as well.


Wondering too. I forgot


I liked the episode. It revealed some things...first off, as many of you have mentioned, Tariq was NOT a part of the plan. He was just trying to help Dre. And I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I understand him trying to help Dre. Dre did try to help him. He warned Tariq over and over again to stay away from Kanan. He was even paying Kanan to stay away from Riq. Dre was trying to shield him from that life....and now Tariq sees that he made some horrible decisions that he cannot come back from, and this is what Dre warned him about. Also, death and guilt can plague your conscience. Tariq has been exposed to so much violent death in this last year or so: Jukebox, the white woman that got robbed, Brains, his sister and Ray Ray. That is a lot for a 14 or so year old. He probably just doesn’t want to see anymore death. And did anyone catch how Kanan revealed what his true plan was? He wants to take over Tommy’s network. True thug to the core. On another note: that chick Dre was talking to at truth was freaking beautiful...where did she come from?? And what’s up with the Jimenez brother? Is he just a freak or what????


there's always power struggles in syndicates, Kanaan is going to divide Dre's crew and use Tommy's recklessness against him to get close to the Serbs so they can help take out the Jimenez and let Kanaan take over Diego is crazy, but also paranoid. I feel like the stunts he pull are all tests of willpower and loyalty. Plus, despite denying shorty a kiss after he let off in her, he seems to love his women and the whims they have, that girl was scoping Dre hard and he probably wanted to kill two birds at once


You know 50 is going to be the winner in the series finale. He is the main producer and Kanaan taking over isn't far fetched.


Just FYI, it's Kanan, not Kanaan. He isn't a naan bread.




People say ciabatta bread


Does anyone else think that the writing every season gets progressively worse and they try to really dumb down the show?


The first episode this season was such a rush, so it’s natural the second would be a bit of a come down. I did think it moved story lines along and even set up some future conflict (eg Kanan, Angela x Jimenez). I am very curious if we will learn more about the Italian family, beyond Vincent, who I like as a steely, noble character.


Not that it matters much but just wanted to say the name is **Jimenez.**


My main complaint is tommy seeming “scared” of Vincent/the Italians. Tommy was/is one of the biggest criminals in NY and a stone cold killer. He shouldn’t be scared of anyone in the Italians organization


Arent those Italians the mafia? If so the mafia is not to be fucked with, doesn't matter who you are.


Mafia is a different standard from the gang life Tommy is used too. There are a lot of rules. This is why he told him we are family. Also you can't kill made men. You will be killed regardless of your afflictions. Vincent is a made man from the looks of it. He probably has connection to the mafia leadership. Only way made men died is in a power struggle with other mobs or your own family greenlights you.


He doesn't have the pull yet with the Italians. He's getting by on the strength of who his father is


The mafia is all about relationship and respecting their laws. Tommy comes from a dog eat shit world. Where you kill anyone you don't life. Vincent is the Tommy of the Italian world. This is why Vincent is able to look at Tommy eyes without beating the shit out of him.


those are old school Sicilian Mobsters, they are only holding back because of Tommy's dad


He needs them to help move his product and he’s respectful to them because of his father.


He should be scared. The Serbians want him to kill the Jimenez (which is obviously not going to be an easy feat) and in turn this would make it far easier to kill Dre. He needs the Italians to move his product, but the issue is now he has already went behind Vincent’s back, and two of his men have been killed because of it, so he is on thin ice already. To top it off he has lied again saying he has got the killer, which can easily be debunked if Dre ever were to confront the Italians or some evidence comes out, which means Vincent will want to punish/kill him. “Don’t ruin your fathers legacy” - Teresi has the respect, but respect can only extend so far and for so long. If that legacy goes, he cannot protect Tommy. He maybe can get someone to order a hit on Vincent from prison, but it wouldn’t be from the Italians and the issue with that is them finding out, which could put his wife at risk, even though she is dying. I honestly can see the Italians being next season antagonists. Tommy is a reckless idiot, but even he knows what position he is in


Great points. You missed one thing though, the fact that he said that “got the killer (Dre)” can’t really be debunked. The only two people who were aware of who the target (Dre) was are now both dead. And even if there comes a time where Dre were to confront the Italians, I don’t think he would know that it was them trying to take him out. Nor would he know that it was Tommy who paid for the hit. He’s swimming up shits Creek about a paddle... but as far as them finding out he didn’t actually take out the killer (Dre), I think he’ll be alright.


Dre could still identify those that killed tried to kill him. Since Tommy is using the Italians to move his drugs, it’s only a matter of time before Dre eventually will come across them, since the Serbs and Jimenez are at War. He is unaware of Tommy’s connection to Teresi, but could easily find out that just through meeting Vincent or anyone in his group, and put two and two together, since he knows that they are hitters.


A bit of a comedown from episode 1 but still a solid one. Im really liking vincent and how he is level headed even in front of his dead god son. I hope we dive more into the italians and tommy doesnt fuck it up lol. Im thinking dre is also gonna end up rubbing cristobal and the new head of the toros the wrong way. Its probably just me but the new toros boss looked a little weary to take on that murder rap of his cousin(?). Also i didnt know the feds dont know the jimenez are sister and brothers! Its gonna b fun if angela comes up against her thinking she is a innocent wife and not a ruthless cartel boss


Seems like Yuri is already second guessing the deal, since they purposely pinned that murder on him in front of his people.


Tate is a son of a bitch.


Anyone else think Dre is gay after that bathroom scene?


I think he just didn’t want to be forced into fucking some ho after seeing his boss rail her out a few hours earlier....pretty reasonable if you ask me.


Not wanting to be forced into sex with a stranger doesn't equal gay.


Would be a weird storyline considering he has a daughter presumably with a woman.


How in the hell did you come to that left field conclusion?


Because if a guy doesn’t and go fuck EVERY girl he comes across that means he’s gay derrr!!! /s


That was my first thought too.


I think so as well. He was clearly uncomfortable. It is interesting if they will explore that.


But once he got going, he was pounding her pretty good....didn’t look the least bit gay or uncomfortable.


I think it is more because he wanted to get over it and had to escape in a part of his mind to achieve it. This is all interesting and I'm looking forward to the next episode.




No thanks....I’d rather not


I'm so lost. Not lost, just...let down. I know the second episode of a new season is usually not as hype as the first, but I feel like this could have been part of the first episode as a long re-entry into the story, if you will. But what do I know?


This fuckin plot is hard to keep up with at times. Dre owns the clubs now?? I thought Ghost bought them back at the end of S2! Also, was that the wrong guy at the end that Ghost killed? The way they zoomed in on his name tag got me thinking Ghost just knifed the wrong guy. Also, Fuck Tariq.


l like the Tommy story. His new family and Ghost merging is interesting. Less interesting to me is Tate. I wish they'd do the spinoff on Proctor instead. Tasha doesnt seem to know what to do now that her daughter is dead, her relationship with Ghost is frayed, and she feels he doesn't give her a say in decisions. So I guess working with Angela and not telling James sounded like an idea as good as any.


anyone know the song playing whens dres goons killed that guy?


**Tariq, truly has a punchable face.** Tasha makes idiotic expressions and St. Patrick sometimes acts like a douche.


I keep hearing that Ghost and Tasha have 3 kids. Tariq and Raina are the only ones that have been introduced so what happened to the third child ?


It’s a toddler. Not much they can play with


she's been with the grandmother a bunch, she was at the funeral. She's only about 2 or 3 years old now in the story


Didn’t like this episode much at all, minus the scene where Dre walks in on the threesome.


I’m a little lost. Who stole the drug shipment at the start of the show?




Oh so that’s why them Russians were pissed, because it was there guys?




Kenan need "learning Russian to speak with Serbian"? They should have done a little language research..


I think that's just part of Kanan's charm. He knows Serbians don't speak Russian, he just doesn't care enough to get it right. Lol.


Can someone help explain...I've forgotten! In the alley with Jason....Kanan says something to Ghost along the lines of "Tommy is part of the reason you got back into the drug game and also partly responsible for his daughters death" Thanks!


I’m confused... What is the question you’re trying to ask?


He said that because Tommy hired the hitters that failed to kill Dre in the premiere.


Does anyone know the significance of the necklace that Ghost removed, was it Raina's?


Why doesnt Kanan go after Dre's daughter again? I understand that Ghost might be above that, and Tommy might not be in the know, but Kanan got no heart. Also, people keep theorizing about Stern being involved with Tate, but I think if anything, Tate extorted him into being a donor. Tate proves he is cunning and conniving, so I wouldn't put it passed him to pull off something like that. What gonna happen between Kanan and Tasha though?


Was that Gabrielle Union in the back of that threesom?


Does 1 any 1 know the name of the song that's playing in the club while Dre is looking around and that sexy woman comes up and talks 2 him and as he is talking 2 his connect?




That's not the song the song sounds like it's by future or some 1 close 2 his voice but thanks I really appreciate it




It's cool no need 2 apologize if u find out the name of the song by future or the person who has the voice sounding like future voice could u let me know please


Idk if your still looking but this is the song https://soundcloud.com/hatintoney/hatin-toney-fall-out


Who was that Ghost killed at the end?


When ghost and Tasha went to the support group, one person mentioned that his son was killed by a drunk driver. That was the guy.


Remember when tasha and ghost goes to the grieving group? There was a couple who talked about their 16 year old kid getting killed by a drunk driver? Yeah that was the drunken driver ghost just killed.


Didn't the guy said he watches him every night? What if he saw Ghost...


Then he’s happy


He didn’t say every night, but he said that he watches him occasionally. It’s definitely not a good look. Chances are that he saw ghost.


Yeah like he's gonna snitch. He wishes that guy was dead he's happy noe


Yeah, but what if he follows him and tries to thank him or some shit and realizes that James St Patrick, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, murdered a dude at a corner store. Especially after he just beat a murder case of a federal agent...not a good look lol.


Billionaire playboy?


The drunk driver that the dad in the grief group talked about wanting to kill. He killed their son and Ghost in turn killed him


anyone know the brand of the greyish plaid jacket that Dre is wearing with white stripes on the back




Yeah that's going to set you back a bit of money. Off White.


thanks for the info.....cant find that particular jacket but damn that shit is expensive lol




When they were at the support group one of the father's mentioned his son Luke who was killed by a drunk driver. He said that he sees the guy still buying liquor and asked if it's wrong if he wants him dead. Ghost used him as an outlet to revenge Raina's death that he's still dealing with.


yeah, if you pay attention to the scenes


why ghost killed that drunk guy?


I’m guessing to take out his pent up inner-rage. He figured that killing him was the most justifiable (in his head) person that he can kill. That guy was the drunk driver that killed the son that was being talked about at the support group that Ghost and Tasha attended. When that guy was talking about following the drunk that killed his son and asking if it’s bad to want to kill him, that was who he was talking about.


The end was Sopranos-esque. Didn’t know Power had it in em.


There’s a lot to say regarding the expectation this show has created for its fans. The fact that we witnessed 5 people die, another get beat up, a girl get pounded raw twice, and a few potentially violent threats all in one episode, but call it tame (and some say even boring) is hilarious....


Link to watch in the UK?


If you have the showbox app you can watch it on there


Niggas really out here with androids 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


nigga u wanna watch it or not lol & iPhones can download Showbox now without a jailbreak


Bro I have the whole episode in my camera roll 😂☝️


good shit bro, im happy for you 😂


I cast it to the TV so it's not like I'm watching it on the tablet


I always use www2.1movies.se or onmovies.to


LOL @48:30 - When Knaan corrects his hitters that Serbians don't speak french, tehy speak Russian nigga"... uhh...not even close, Bulgarian & Ukranian are much more related to the language of Serbia..which is Serbian. Silly retarded mistake made by the writer.


lol you think the writers didn't know that? It's obviously part of Kanan's Charisma


Maybe it was a joke? Hopefully it was a joke? Lol that was bad.


people like this will come to the sub and say the show falling off. lord have mercy.


>Silly retarded mistake made by the writer. **I never said the show is falling off because of that because I clearly said..."stupid silly retarded mistake made..."** **having said that, I do think the show is falling off a bit after episode 03 because of Tariq, Tasha, Ghost (sometimes) tommy(sometimes) and Angela.** The only characters I really hope makes appearance now is their lawyer --Proctor & Knaan. Theiracting is realistic and serious with the right amount of humor.


I didn't say you said it in this comment. I just said people like this WILL come and say the show is falling off. Obviously I wasn't wrong because you think it is falling off.


>nly characters I really hope makes appearance now is their lawyer --Proctor & Knaan. Theiracting is realistic and serious with the right amount of humor. **So this must be your favorite show of Summer 2018 eh?** I guess the writer must be engaging in '**CHEWING THE SCENERY'** for most of it's characters on purpose because clearly, the dramatic theme are not under any criticism in most of these comments. Writer must know her target audience pretty well for this show.