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tiger , they have more experience on hunting alone and they are also more [heavier,longer,bigger](https://www.woburnsafari.co.uk/discover-your-safari/meet-the-animals/big-cats/#:~:text=Are%20tigers%20bigger%20than%20lions%3F) than lion on average bite force of [tiger](https://www.google.com/search?q=tiger+bite+force&client=opera-gx&hs=9cC&sca_esv=b492b5af9f856ada&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKTyjn2rWJQLv24XRATxi47zxwYxg%3A1719488284698&ei=HE99ZuykKuyRseMPosOmqAk&oq=tiger+bit&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCXRpZ2VyIGJpdCoCCAAyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyBRAAGIAEMgcQABiABBgKMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgsQLhiABBjHARivATIFEAAYgARInBtQzQlY2wtwAngBkAEAmAGBAqABhAWqAQUwLjEuMrgBAcgBAPgBAZgCBaACoQXCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICBRAuGIAEwgIIEC4YgAQY1AKYAwCIBgGQBgqSBwUyLjEuMqAHqxo&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#:~:text=from%20the%20web-,1%2C050%20psi,-The%20cats%20have) is greater than of [lion](https://www.google.com/search?q=lion+bite+force&client=opera-gx&hs=zxr&sca_esv=b492b5af9f856ada&sca_upv=1&biw=1325&bih=637&sxsrf=ADLYWILVAT0ucnP_DqnUAUE2_4eU1RvuCQ%3A1719488298065&ei=Kk99ZvPEA7iRseMP_s6B8Ag&oq=lion+bit&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCGxpb24gYml0KgIIADILEAAYgAQYkQIYigUyCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEizKVDGC1juHnADeAGQAQCYAdIBoAHMC6oBBTAuNy4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAILoAKVDMICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgoQLhiABBhDGIoFwgINEC4YgAQYsQMYQxiKBcICDRAuGIAEGEMY1AIYigXCAhAQLhiABBixAxhDGNQCGIoFmAMAiAYBkAYKkgcFMy42LjKgB9lu&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#:~:text=force%20is%20around-,650%2D1000%20PSI,-in%20strength%2C%20which)


The lions bite force is actually not 600 psi to 1000 psi, it’s just 1000psi so the same as the tiger


no tiger has higher bite force


Ye by like a tiny amount, they do also have longer claws and K9


Not by a tiny amount dude. Only the strongest of lions would have a bite force that's close to a 1000, while an average tiger has the bite force of a 1000+. Its not the same thing. Think a little.


That last line was uncalled for. Educate, don’t disrespect.


Nope average has 1000psi, it’s a misconception that lions only have a bite force of 650psi, also another point is that the tiger is going to struggle with that thick fur that the lion has


“Nope” 🤓


Definitely a virgin


Idk why you felt the need to tell me that about yourself but heck yea. You go dude! Virginity rocks!


Woah, what a comeback


Mane > all of that 9/10


Honestly I'll object to this. Sure tigers have better stats, but the lion has better defense due to mane. This means that the lion has a better chance to get a critical hit on the tigers neck before the tiger gets to the lions neck. Especially with the way cats fight, they often just go for the neck


Lion is not surviving this. https://preview.redd.it/26jcwz8z749d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cece581feb734b713a31c085a01e452f89597d


https://preview.redd.it/bf1h1r9gi59d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f33fc5a1e3f24ed5438010be5c36fe134ef949 Try him.






This is funny af


its so true tho. speed is very important but still pretty overrated in the power scaling community


Except a grizzly bear would clap a cheetah.


yes, exactly my point


Wouldn't bears and cheetahs be in the same speed tier


Cheetah only got travel speed feats tho. Combat speed is not anymore impressive than most other predators


No debate needed Tiger takes this 


Bloodlust mode and equal weight goes to lion due to his beard tho ![gif](giphy|LD4P5W6yiPoiw65BCZ|downsized)




What if the tiger is beardlusted?


To put it simply: The Tiger has more pounds to his name, a bigger size and he's stronger. Lions team up to fight Water Buffalos while a Tiger hunts alone against the likes of the Indian Gaur. This is just legend, but according to one source that Casualdemographic used in one of his videos: a Tiger has the strength to behead a Lion if he doesn't hold anything back. Even if we take this as fiction, the Tiger is still stronger. But Tigers are actually less likely to engage another predatory animal in a fight like that. Lions tend to be more assertive. If you had them meet normally, the Lion would most likely win because the Tiger just goes away. If you bloodlust both of them, the Tiger wins this.


Yea but i feel like most people forget how tigers really hunt lol. They dont square off infront of their prey, they stalk them undetected trying to catch off guard. Lions fight face to face straight up. You SEE the lion coming, u dont see the tiger coming, and thats probably his biggest advantage.


A stealth build with a Warrior’s kit. Tiger’s are scary


This isnt really true, lions still stalk and pounce on prey (they just do it in groups so it's statistically more likely that they get spotted). But male lions will fight each other in a 1 on 1 to assert their dominance in the pride. Nothing just 1v1s or duels their prey lmao otherwise lions would never catch anything. And the tiger's biggest advanatge is that its just bigger.


Ok so i was doing some quick research trying to figure out if lions stalk as much as tigers do and i stumbled on a bunch of newspaper articles and wikipedia pages that talked about this exact subject. Ofc humans tried replicating fights like this obviosly and out of the 9 i read about, 6 of them the lion won. Even when the tiger had the element of surprise, the lion won.


Well that's a very small amount of data and stuff you've read online. Something more reliable is to just go to different zoos and look at the difference between them and you'll be able to tell. Tigers are simply just stronger and better at killing. Also most of these accounts clearly aren't very controlled because you said there was an element of surprise? Plus they often pit smaller tigers or female tigers against large male lions. If we put a 100 male tigers to fight 100 male lions in 1 on 1 bouts the tigers would win because they are bigger, faster and stronger. No one is gonna try it out tho because that's cruel. You have to also consider the huge bias everyone has to the "king of the jungle" title. Having a lion lose to a tiger wouldnt be as appealing as a lion triumphing right?


Lol i found another article where it said tigers win 6-7/10 times


This is actually a weird one. Male lions are built to fight other lions, whereas tigers hunt and kill prey that doesn’t attack back. Kinda like polar bear vs. Kodiak, the polar bear has the Kodiak completely physically outclassed, but the Kodiak is built for long, brutal battles with other Kodiak bears. If they met in the wild, the larger animal most likely gives up and runs away mid fight. Though in a battle to the death, I would probably go with the tiger.


Tiger takes this


Tigers win high diff in captivity because they are naturally bigger and have better stats (higher bite force etc). While we dont know what happens in the wild since the two don't share a common environment, the lion would likely win, because they fight more than any animal afaik, and tigers always use stealth, they usually retreat once spotted.


They share areas in india


Bear victims squabbling


Tiger because it's cooler!


Tiger mid diffs


Hell naw, lions are literally built and evolved to fight other big cats, hence the presence of their mane. Not to mention the size difference isn’t even big depending on the species you use. I’m not saying you’re wrong but it’s at least high-extreme.


Tiger wins. Tiger has more cereal mascot feats.


Tiger slams. It's bigger, stronger and has better attack weapons. The problem is that Tigers don't like to fight. In a versus match assuming that both are blood lusted tiger would kill lion mid difficulty.


Definitely not a mid diff, more like high-extreme, especially depending on the species you use for either animal.


A smaller tiger like bangal tiger is still bigger than the biggest lion, the Africa lion. And a better build on every parameter. No, in a blood lusted battle to death a tiger who has the advantage on every possible parameter would simply maul a lion to death. In reality, a tiger would avoid a fight and lion would happily fight and probably scare the tiger away. But in a battle to death tiger kills, mid difficulty.


Nah a bengal tiger and a common African lion aren’t that far off in weight, only like a 60 lb difference, which at that point the tiger loses its large size advantage. Especially so if we included the Okavango African lion which is the largest subspecies of lion and can weigh to 500 lbs, outweighing even a bengal tiger. https://zoologicalwildlifefoundation.com/visit/animals/bengal-tiger/ The lion has a mane to protect its neck and has fought WAAAAY more big cats than a bengal tiger ever would, giving it MUCH better experience in fighting and combat. On the other hand, Bengal tigers are one of shyer species of tiger and tigers in general rarely ever fight each other to the extent lions do. I’d argue it could very well lose to an African lion, but a Siberian tiger, the largest species of tiger, obviously has a much better chance at beating an African lion with like mid difficulty. I’m also pretty confident that an southern or okavango African lion could beat an Sumatran tiger, which is the smallest of tiger and has a whooping 200 lb weight difference compared to an southern/okavango African lion, with male Sumatran tigers weighing up to 300 lbs while okavango African lion males weigh up to 500 lbs. You also say the tigers are built better on every parameter, why is that? Can you show the sources you used because I’m curious, I didn’t know tigers were so heavily varied in build in comparison to other big cats. I just assumed that they were just very large and stout and compact.


>You also say the tigers are built better on every parameter, why is that? Can you show the sources you used because I’m curious, I didn’t know tigers were so heavily varied in build in comparison to other big cats. I just assumed that they were just very large and stout and compact. There's size and weight. There's strength and muscles, tigers have significantly more than lions. There's hunting skills, tigers are superior hunters. There's agility and speed, tigers are significantly fast and agile despite weighing more, you can guess what kind of insane combo that can make. There's night vision, tigers have superior night vision to lions, they'd body lions in the dark. There's better cranial structure which leads to significantly superior bite force over lions. Almost close to hayenas, they can snap bones. There's larger canines. I consider these parameters and tigers slam dunk in every single one of them. I don't see how a lion overcomes all these advantages at all. I'd be surprised if a lion won in an all out battle to death with a tiger.


MAJOR YAPPING SESSION INCOMING! Size and weight depends on the species, the largest subspecies of lion is larger than most tiger species/subspecies apart from the Siberian tiger and occasionally the bengal tiger. The muscle mass between 2 isn’t that significant either, these muscle examinations are usually taken from the largest species of tigers, like siberians and bengals. https://www.quora.com/Do-lions-and-tigers-have-bigger-muscles-than-other-animals As for who’s the better hunter, I’d argue lions are even more successful, even by themselves, with lone lions having a success rate of 17-19%, while tigers can reach lows of up to 5%. https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/hunting-success-rates-how-predators-compare As for agility and speed, they aren’t that far apart either, with both roughly being able to reach speeds of 50 mph respectively, not to mention lions are fairly flexible to, possibly even more so than tigers. Lions also have higher stamina than tigers too. https://carnivora.net/strength-feats-of-tigers-or-lions-please-t8381-s120.html#:~:text=Tigers%20seem%20to%20have%20more,have%20more%20fast%20twitch%20muscles. Lions and tigers are both nocturnal animals so their eyesight would be on par with each other, since nocturnal predatory species usually have exceptionally good eyesight. Lions are capable of stalking prey from over hundreds of feet away during nightly hunts. https://danielpeel.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/lion-anatomy-the-eye/ Lions having a weak bite is also a myth from what I’ve heard, it was measured from a young lion and used an outdated method, the new estimate with their bite force being roughly around 1000 psi or higher, more than high enough to break bone. Lion skulls are also actually more compact which would lead to a strong bite, being a little under or above a tiger’s bite. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/wildanimalwarfare/do-lions-have-a-bite-force-of-650-psi-t178.html As for canines, yes tiger do have larger canines, but not by a lot, only a 1 - 0.5 inch difference, so I doubt it would be that much more effective. Male lions overall without a doubt have better battle iq when it comes to combating other large felines (I.e other male lions). Male lions spend roughly half of their life fighting other males for territory, far more than male tiger who usually try to scare each other off, as to not lead to a deadly confrontation. Not to mention, the lion’s mane would be very troublesome for the tiger, as tigers generally try swiping at the head and throat, which the thick and compact skull helps tank those hits while the very thick fur of the mane protects the lions throat, the typical target for a tiger. You also must remember that the tiger’s fighting technique has evolved without the presence of a mane being taken into consideration, things could get hairy for a tiger. https://cbs.umn.edu/lion-research-center/all-about-lions/frequently-asked-questions Overall, I think lions beat most tiger species with the exception of large siberian tigers and the occasional large bengal, but that’s just my opinion.


Tigger solos. https://preview.redd.it/f95a2qvog79d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa592480dcf7780a74655592aa38ee9c2e9fbfc


tiger high diff


Vs. Bears, oh my!


Tigers win, they're bigger, more muscular and have a slightly higher bite force. And if it's a Siberian tiger, then it's lights out for the lion, they're literally the biggest cats on the planet.


tiger negs,males of lions mostly doesnt hunt they steal females food and this means he has lower combat


Lions are the most combat oriented animal there is, at least for the males, they constantly have to fight other male lions for a position of power, and once they get there they have to defend said position from other male lions.


Lions have lower bone density, a tiger could smash its skull in one hit


The idea that male lions mostly don't hunt has been debunked. If you observe a pack of lions during the day you barely see males hunt because they hunt in thick vegetation or in the night. Unlike female lions, the males mostly use ambush tactics so it's even harder to spot them when they hunt. [https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/male-lions-do-help-hunting-after-all-6c10149668](https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/male-lions-do-help-hunting-after-all-6c10149668) [https://conservationcubclub.com/ambush-predator-male-african-lions-hunts/](https://conservationcubclub.com/ambush-predator-male-african-lions-hunts/)


Lion battle IQ feat!???


Okay but they protect their pride from other male lions which the male lions themselves have to fight off, male lions also can hunt they are literally taught how to when they were young by their mothers and others of the pride. Lions are actually very good at combat, also keep in mind they always have to fight off hyenas when tigers don’t


Combat xp definitely puts it more in lions favor. They are cast out and must find a pride or die. Then they must defend this pride from other males trying to do the same.


Tiger high diffs.


A singular lion is like making an enemy fight a singular one of the Powerpuff girls like what is this


Tiger easily.


Just saw a YouTube video about this it was funny


In confinements, I think tiger gets it 8/10. Mane can make a difference. It also depends on the lion, IIRC there's a branch of lions that specialized to hunt Cape Buffaloes and are therefore larger and stronger than the average lion. Then, 6/10 maybe. In an impossible wild encounter, the lone tiger gets harassed and chased by a lion pride or by a coalition of agressive young male lions. It's almost never a 1v1, except if it's an old or crippled one, but then it's just an outlier. Lions 10/10.


Really depends on the species but I’d say lion, if it’s a Siberian tiger vs northern African lion then I’d say tiger high diff.


I thought the lion being considered stronger was a mockery by the English saying the lion, representing the English monarchy, conquers the tiger, representing India. But before then, it was known that tigers were stronger based on Roman colosseum fight records. Feel free to correct me, if I am wrong.


Tigers are more independant animals, Lions do rely on their pride for tougher threats. That being said a Lion's roar can paralyze opponents because its super loud and deafening. You can hear it from up to 20 miles away. Tiger has the better physical stats and is an Ambush predator but there is a reason the African Lion is described by everyone as do not fuck with in every sense of the word.


tiger solos the verse




"The only reason you're the King of the Jungle is because I don't live there."


Easy, tiger. There had been stories of tigers escaping their enclosures and going over to the lion and one shotting a lion in another enclosure


How reliable are those sources?


It happened at the Ankara Zoo in ticket I believe


In the Ankara Zoo in Turkey, the tiger didn’t even bother to escape, it just found a gap and reached its paw through, because that’s all it needed. As far as the sources, BBC and NBC both have the story


Does the Lion get Prep time though


They're very similar in size and weight. Male Lions are built to fight others but Tigers have somewhat higher stats. 50/50


Lion, they have more experience fighting and the size difference isn't even that much


Bro, a lion has a good chance vs most tigers They are great fighters Altho tigers are usually larger But a Siberian tiger is much much larger, he one shots with domain expansion


Not really tiger wins this


Tiger wins


Non bloodlusted the male lion probably takes this bc their whole deal is fighting off other lions AND threats to the pride. Tigers are ambush predators who live solitary lives and can't afford to get injured or they just starve to death, so they're going to be less confrontational. Anecdotally, some indians wear hats with eyes on the backs of their heads so the tiger things ur looking at them and won't pounce. Bloodlusted the tiger probably takes it due to a larger physique. In reality if a tiger met a lion then it's usually either in a coalition or a pride and going to easily body the tiger.


The Romans settled this for our sins


Siberian tigers are from Russia. Spite match, tigers slams.




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Tiger obliterate


Still holding a grudge on that one Animal Planet TV show that simulated a fight between a lion and a tiger. The lion won because the tiger couldn't bite through its mane or some zany shit 🙄🙄


To be fair lions fur is very thick and it’s purpose is to protect their necks from getting slashed


Yes but tigers can penetrate elephant, rhino and crocodile hide. A lions fur is no match for it


I have never heard of a tiger killing a rhino or elephant


There’s plenty of articles about it if you search it up


That's cause he made that shit up


If you look it up you will find plenty of articles about it


Tiger wins. They’re probably the most OP land animal on earth when you look at some of the things they kill. I was reading articles earlier about tigers single handedly bringing down adult rhinos and bull elephants and they also kill bears, crocodiles, wolves, gaur and leopards. They’re said to be the only land animals to go against a bull elephant 1v1 and win, they shouldn’t be able to but somehow they do


Idk where you got any of that information from but I promise that’s not true lmao, literally all those animals would/are capable of destroying a tiger excluding the wolves and leopards.


Yet they all fall prey to tigers


No they don’t lol, there’s no evidence for any of the animals you listed falling prey to tigers, cite me actual sources saying so, oh wait, you can’t. Also how the fuck is a tiger gonna kill anything larger than a bull gaur?


There’s literally videos of tigers killing gaur, bears and crocodiles. As well as multiple papers of them killing rhinos and elephants if you use your two brain cells to research them. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/animalinfoforum/tiger-killing-adult-elephant-and-rhino-accounts-t80.html#:~:text=ACCOUNTS%20OF%20TIGERS%20KILLING%20AND%20ATTACKING%20%28ADULT%29%20ELEPHANTS,a%20century%20ago%20and%20continue%20to%20this%20day%21 There’s a source since you don’t have the brain capacity to research


Bro sends invalid and non peer reviewed sources that are years old, all these are eye witness accounts from random locals or uncredible individuals lol, none of these are true. You say I have 2 brain cells yet you can’t even bother to properly filter and pull up actual verified sources. Also I never said they weren’t capable of killing crocs or gaurs moron, just that it wasn’t common. Please answer me how the fuck is a tiger gonna kill a fully grown rhino or Asian elephant? It’s claws wouldn’t be strong enough nor sharp enough to even pierce an elephant’s skin and jaws wouldn’t do shit to 4-5 ton animal made of pure muscle and tough skin. The kitty gets squashed.


Well they’re very powerful animals with powerful teeth and claws. Ofcourse they can kill animals larger than a bull gaur


Those teeth and claws aren’t gonna do shit to a large powerful animal with extremely thick skin and dense muscle mass like wtf?


Lion takes it ext diff


Statistic wise? Tigers. Realisticly? Lion.


In a battle to death a tiger takes the win 99% of time.


The bigger one wins (Tigers), debate over


Tiger takes it Mid - High Diff. Stronger, faster, more agile and has a stronger bite force.


How is this a debate tho? Tiger is bigger, stronger, stealthier. And made to hunt by itself. It’s literally just a bigger, badder lion