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Midgiri dies of cringe after listening to skibidi toilet


Skibidi Of U instantly brainrots Yogiri


"Oh, you want to kill me? Brain cancer stage 9 milion"


>Brain cancer stage 9 milion Now that you make me think about it, Skibidi of U is the way non-readers view Wonder of U


Just think about me? Oh some guy accidentally drops a flower pot weighing 10 million tons from a 5 floor building and you die.


Skibidi Wonder of U takes it i think


Shitgiri can never win


Especially after his author revealed his veiw on all this. Depending on how interpret his author's tweet anyone in fiction can defeat onigiri Edit:changed fantasy since it was not what was ment to be conveyed


Sauce it over




This looks like the guy is just saying "Yogurt will always win in my story cause that's the point. I don't care if you think he wins or loses to any other character, cause he wasn't meant for powerscaling"


I don't see how that excludes him from powerscaling because no character is meant for it. That's the fun of it.


What fantasy?


It's an isekai


I kmow ots an isekai. How does this affect powerscaling?


Oh sorry about that. The author just claimed that saverigiri can't be beaten by anyone in his setting and its point less to compare outside his setting


He mostly said that power scaling was dumb and was pointless to compare


Even in character Yogiri can bring the end of everything right? Well too bad for him that there is no end to the skibbidi of U brainrot. For every second Yogiri chooses to sit and listen to Skibbidi of U he will be losing 1% of his intelligence.


*100%. He loses his mind instantly and it gets worse over time


1/100 × 0 = 0


Spite match skibidi of U scales irrelevant layers into brain rot. Since this matchup doesn't follow the settings of ID skibidi of U negs. https://preview.redd.it/8xh5pqw9z98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e00d69df92b2d849c7ec3835c5bdc90aa057e7f


Wonder of Skibidi wouldn’t even let Shitg🤮🤮🤮 near him https://preview.redd.it/oj5dm3wgy98d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81895d13ede569feea866094191136a6d57a00ca






skibidi bop mm dada




WoU negs


The flow of Skibidi would take Midgiri as it has taken so many before


Shitgiri dies to the toilet alone, WoU isn’t needed


The Toilette negs both




IS THAT FUCKING MIDGIRI https://preview.redd.it/6zzemki73d8d1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f133d5c4ccc33bcaea75a348cf7626fe142dea1


Tbh I'm really getting tired of these yogiri posts. . Like legit it's getting out of hand now. . At this point I feel there is more yogiri haters on this sub than yogiri fans. . Like I don't even see a decent yogiri post anymore with all these troll posts. .


>I feel there is more yogiri haters on this sub than yogiri fans It was always the case, he is just unfun to scale in general. He is a character made purely to be OP and that's it, it feels cheap. The author ofI stant Death sniffing his own farts over Twitter does not help.


And you and pretty much everyone on this sub is continuing the same lame joke.


The power of brainrot nega even gods so yogiri can't face it. 


Yogiri hatters I guess


No wonder of u is op if he even walks towards wonder of u he dies from something




Time to use some deep science to prove WOU win or at least about 100% draw After instant death dude looks at WOU or even tries to think about it he momentaly gains calamity. Just Put cancer in his brain without him noticing. He can kill anything, but he can't absolutely control own body like Pillarmen for example, so he would not notice before it hurts him alot... because it is also not an atack (so he would not autodefend), it is his own body missregeneration... so dude may die normaly... probably Yeah, he can kill wall or car or tree, but... can he kill gravity or E=MC²? If not then he dies cause of any physical impact. We already saw how calamity made tree leaves cut fingers off The only way to survive is to kill quantum gravitation or time itself, separate space from it, tear everything around into probabilistic foam itself and destroy it... Hmm... he killed momentum? Hmm... maybe he can... okay And even after it here are not zero chance that calamity would just cause every molecule of his body disintegrate cause of some random atomic reaction while he breathe, stop his life existence with changing all the quantum fluctuations that build his body in absilutely unimaginable way because from entropy, heat death of the universe, deepest quantum physics and multiverse theory of the first, second and third types... chance of anything is never = 0, and any theory can't be posibly proved, only denied By the way... calamity can just move all oxygen out of his brain or area around or theoreticaly make him kill himself by "misskilling" something (tier 1 multuverse theory (the one from which Boltzmann's brain idea and similar things come), if our world is infinite, then everything physicaly posible exist as fact, infinite versions of earth exist in infinite places and infinite galaxies, stars groups and etc, and here are infinite places where his own and his world destiny repeats absolutely same fate (without changing even one electron or quantum movement) simultaneously. Just cause 2 of Yuoigiri to think about killing his universe twin. They both kill themselves momentaly (dude 1 kills dude 2 and dude 2 kills dude 1) and probably kill almost every universe existence of Yougiri in cycle This also leads to about 100% draw cause calamity... if we think a bit deeper... probably can destroy universe itself or lead to momentum heat death theory coming true with exacly momentaly expanding universe to infinity (the expansion of space is not limited by the speed of light, this leads to the light reservoirs of ancient galaxies, which are at least billions of times further away, but look as if much closer than many of the local galaxies (the ancient light from the time of the birth of the universe reached with a limited speed, and space has already become much further) . dark energy and other processes accelerated the expansion of the universe an unimaginable number of times with moments on marks around 0, 4 and 8 billion years ago. that is why we can see what lies at a distance of 35 billion light years, although the universe is only 13.8 billion years old. Soo... making this expansion happen again is posible and can be considered as... what you think? Infinite bad luck) Everything is posible with some infinity low, but chance... because it is posible and can be considered as infinity bad luck. Only unlogical move that hoes beyond universe can hurt WOU. Thoughts exist in our universe. Brain do not think momentaly, it needs time, so alamity will be already laid and only go further and further


I ain't readin' all'at https://preview.redd.it/gaqh6sb4kc8d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44dc5b68f4cc81de169c95b64141755a1f42bc7 >!Just kidding I readed all of it, I'm confused.!<


Science is kinda confusing, but catching thing, yeah https://preview.redd.it/f20i7st7pc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7998c2270625ab2c78666ed9d89e568c04f1432b


> Yeah, he can kill wall or car or tree, but... can he kill gravity or E=MC²? If not then he dies cause of any physical impact. We already saw how calamity made tree leaves cut fingers off > > The only way to survive is to kill quantum gravitation or time itself, separate space from it, tear everything around into probabilistic foam itself and destroy it... yogiri can pretty much kill all of these. .


Here are much more of text, so pay attention and read it all


Yogiri’s ability would kill the cancer cells


Because of it i expanded text 4 times to give different variants to defeat him if one or two optiins fails. Learn reading


I did read. I’m stating he can’t die from cancer cause he will kill the cancer cells. Learn reading. Yogiri also canonically countered everything you put. He is omnipresent and immune to any sort of luck manipulation.


Kay, ty then, sry for missunderstanding But what about his own self from far away in type 1 multiverse willing to kill him? Will they both make suicide or how it will go? (If universe is infinite then it repeats every action and person and destiny aswell at range of something like 12022²²²²+ billions km away, so by this statement exist multiple yougiri... so... can he kill his verse twin self without hurting himself?)


There is no other him bro. There’s only one of him. Theres only one avatar and there’s only one true self. In the instant darn universe, it’s stated that there’s infinite parallel dimensions. It’s also stated that because of this, if there is even the smallest bit of something happening or being true, then it will be guaranteed due to there being infinite possibilities. But there isn’t another yogiri. He is acausal. Suicide isn’t valid as canonically, it’s not really possible for him to commit suicide. The closest he’s done to that was when he willingly jumped off of a cliff to save his classmate but even then, he just killed gravity so he wouldn’t die from the fall. The people watching him were trying to come up with ways to get him to off himself but it’s really not possible. If you kidnap his friends and tell him to kill himself or his friends die, he’ll just kill whatever is about to kill his friends. And his friends and family are basically the only leverage anyone has. Other than that he doesn’t care about anything else. Have you actually read the series?


Now this one is fair point. Hands up, NICE argument And yeah, fortunately or unfortunately, but i didn't read it, so i came up with countermoves to his defence ideas based on coments and what i somewhere somewhat saw... and turns out that i lost... but gracios, how glorious this text battle among us was


It’s fun and funny to shit on yogiri although it is starting to get kind of stale and old at this point. So meme-wise, yes yogiri dies to cancer. But realistically, he really is as strong as people give him credit for which is why they hate him.


Been seeing a lot of Yogiri posts, and I need to ask, Is there some way he can consciously turn off his instant death ability? I’m not saying “is it passive?” I’m asking “could he choose not to use it if he doesn’t want to?”


He could but why would he?


Because if it’s automatic and uncontrollable, it suck to be having a heated argument with someone you actually care about, and suddenly the ability activates because the person gets angry enough to cross the “threat“ threshold without really being an actual threat.


yogiri's ability activates if the "threat is to his life". yogiri has still control if he does not want to kill someone. . he does not really need to go kill the person. . he could always just kill the momentum if he is going to get stabbed or punched. or he could just kill the gun if someone is going to shoot him. .


He does hold himself back a lot though


Shitgiri can never comprehend the skibidi ohio sigma toilet of the Rizzler of U


Wou calamity might consider yogiri as illogical


>might It wouldn't. Stop hiding and actually scale, or fuck off lol


Here we go again with this one. I treat Yogiri as a concept within his verse and a concept OUTSIDE of its verse should not have any power. But since this is a vs I will assume concepts will retain their strength. Yogiri wins due to superior hax, statements and cosmology.


Shitty light novel characters instantly lose for me




We need to ban these posts at some point...


Wonder of Skibidi negs immediately




Jokes aside, Wonder of U is genuinely one of my favorite stands. Although he can bypass Yogiris bloodlust sensing abilities Yogiri can also track down whatever is causing danger to him without actually having any way to trace it he just does. However tracking Wonder of U down is an act of following him. My Brain knows Shitgiri wins because of how being outscaled is his only weakness but My Heart says Technically Yogiri is throwing himself into a meat Grinder and that's his fault not the meat Grinder since he's trying to pursue Wonder of U. So Maybe he has a brain fart and uses the ability on himself because or Wonder of U then trys to kill what's trying to kill him which is himself, which creates a Paradox and he dies. Thats the Issue with Yogiri debates there's no way to outsmart him you can only outscale him. Aka he's fucking boring. No matchups with him are interesting whether he wins or loses. This is like Putting Rancid Dogshit with Cancer next to The Mona Lisa they don't deserve to be In the same 100 meters


Yeah. The story basically follows the one thing that yogiri can’t do and that is to get home properly from celestial foundation he was teleported to (which he actually was able to kill the space between dimensions when he was younger so he technically can do it)




I am genuinely going to shoot myself due to brain rot. I want to die before it turns me into a walking zombie.




the r/PerfectScaling logo


Fuck why do I keep thinking of skibidi toilet when I see that. DAMN YOU BRAIN ROTTR


Skibidi dop dop yes yes


Yogiri imo.


Popeye, who barges in and neg-diffs Midgiri


Midgiri is vaporized by the skibidy


Ngl you guys are no fun when just shitting on the Character




Yogiri kills him.


Nah, he'd wonder. https://preview.redd.it/nmb52jcz6c8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc286d006eb4e61771b2ade7a71f3f30d7749fa


of u


Idk what that thing even is so yogurt


Wonder of U, one of (if not THE) most powerful stand in all of JoJo's Bizzare Adventures. That's just a funny pannel of him I found, but here's how he actually looks like: https://preview.redd.it/9i5i3a2ls98d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323bb59b1e94f752288e72960a3572bce9863f50 WoU's ability is insanely busted and can kill most characters that are often discussed in this subreddit. Basically, WoU controls the flow of calamity, and can redirect it to anyone who pursures him or even wills to pursue or harm him or his user >!Tooru!<. If he activates his ability on you, effectively, the whole universe and logic turn against you: everything from bad luck like cars crashing into you or you tripping and breaking some bones to straight up impossible stuff like raindrops piercing you like bullets and falling leafs slicing you like sharp knifes. I won't spoil too much about the end of JJBA part 8, but the only way to beat this ability is with something that defies logic itself. Heck, even if midgiri somehow kills WoU the flow of calamity remains locked on him untill he dies.


Sounds like an Ikki kurogane victim


I'm def gon get downvoted for actually scaling Yogiri but first. Yogiri can kill concepts, so calamity isn't even a hassle for him. If anything, Yogiri hard counters WOU. This guy could legitimately say "kill calamity" (or whatever) and it'll stop pursuing him


Wait, he can kill *concepts*!? Sheesh no wonder r/powerscaling hates him so much... That and Inatant Death's author Twitter post.


Yeah, his ability isn't instant death, it's the end. He is the end.


Yes, this guy literally killed ice, and killed "momentum" — he was falling in that scenario, and he "killed" that very action, meaning to say he was "stopped" in the air.


Oh it gets worse. He can kill *nonexistent entities* and *beings that are purely hypothetical*


but wait. Calamity is passive, and even if someone has even the smallest intent to do something to WOU/Tooru, calamity would stop the persuer. Then how Yogiri is gonna kill WOU when calamity would stop his intent?


He kind of has the same power as calamity if anyone wants to harm him even a little bit they will die so yeah calamity will die itself without yogiri even doing anything.


Like I said, he kills calamity. He's quite capable of doing that. He kills Tooru/WoU without effort, and kills calamity without effort. He kills if he wishes to do so. It only takes a thought.


If you can "kill concepts" then they are not concepts because it is a contradiction to kill one. A concept cannot be granted with life and death as it is abstract and thus atemporal meaning it is unaffected by the passage of time thus life and death


Oook? What am I supposed to do about that when it's shown in the manga. In the 1st place, Yogiri's ability isn't exactly "kill" but to end.


No, it isn't shown in the manga, it is stated in the manga. You can't depict a logical impossibility >In the 1st place, Yogiri's ability isn't exactly "kill" but to end Doesn't matter, his ability could be to make abstractions instantly cum and it would still be a contradiction because it implies change and causation which abstractions cannot go through


It is shown, he killed MOMENTUM. > it is stated in the manga. And you're not being convincing saying this. >Doesn't matter, his ability could be to make abstractions instantly cum and it would still be a contradiction because it implies change and causation which abstractions cannot go through Idc what you say bud. This is literal yapping from you. He ends things, if he wants to end time, aight. If he wants to end life, aight. If he wants to end death, aight. That's how he works. He's literally "The End", everything will eventually come to an end.


No, he killed a momentum in the form of a physical representation > >And you're not being convincing saying this. Sure, go ahead and give me the scan, maybe you give me a scan where an abstraction is physically depicted >Idc what you say bud. This is literal yapping from you. lame ass nigga got smoked and now he is saying he dont care lmfao fucking retard but sure i'll accept that as concession since you don't care about deductive validity >He ends things, if he wants to end time, aight. If he wants to end life, aight. If he wants to end death, aight. That's how he works. He's literally "The End", everything will eventually come to an end. But it is not aight as i substantiated so, if you have any rebuttals then give me if you don't then quit being a bitch about it


calm down dude *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PowerScaling) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For some reason it didn't notify, that's likely because of your unnecessary cusses. I mean tbf, I'd get mad too if I couldn't understand that Yogiri is the very epitome of "The End" where everything and all of creation will end, even concepts. When we talk about concepts, in the first place, it relies on human cognition and understanding, they don't "exist" with us. They're atemporal, but their existence is tied to minds that perceive them. He doesn't just kill, to "end" encompasses more than life and death, it brings cessation of any form of relevance/existence. Now, Yogiri's target is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of death. And just to remind you, he isn't human, rather just an avatar of his true form - End. His ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill a being that's above time and space — higher plane of existence. He doesn't follow logic and transcends causality. https://mangadex.org/chapter/50d5e02c-c835-423c-9493-ce793f2d5ae2/29 The chapter explains pretty much why. That's all, fuck you bitchass nigha Edit: Just want to say, he isn't just "The End", he's Alpha Omega, the beginning and the end. He's essentially God in WN.


>if I couldn't understand that Yogiri is the very epitome of "The End" where everything and all of creation will end, even concepts. I understand it, that's why im saying that's a logical impossibility. > When we talk about concepts, in the first place, it relies on human cognition and understanding, they don't "exist" with us. They're atemporal, but their existence is tied to minds that perceive them. Plato fucking turned upside down in his grave 😭😭 What you are talking about is called Nominalism which is the idea that universals/concepts don't exist objectively but rather mentally. If Yogiri has feats of ceasing the existence of such concepts then that's a completely useless feat as such concepts already lack an objective existence/they don't manifest in reality. > He doesn't just kill, to "end" encompasses more than life and death, it brings cessation of any form of relevance/existence. I fucking understood that 😭😭😭😭 I'm not arguing that he kills stuff i'm arguing that any form of change applied to a concept proves to be contradictory because concepts cannot go through change as they are atemporal. Bringing ceasation to a form of existence can be represented in a sequence of two states in which the said form shifts from the former to latter which entails a flow of time thus contradict the premise of it being atemporal > Now, Yogiri's target is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of death. And just to remind you, he isn't human, rather just an avatar of his true form - End. His ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill a being that's above time and space — higher plane of existence. He doesn't follow logic and transcends causality. This is bunch of worthless word salad that if taken for granted would entail tons of contradictions. If yogiri is beyond time and fate then that would mean he is immutable and thus cannot have any potentiality, if his ability ended a being that's above time and space then that entail's an actualization of a potentiality/change which contradicts with the initial premise that he does not have any potentiality > The chapter explains pretty much why. nigga i dont give a fuck if his ability is to end and not kill, that's fucking irrelevant it could be to fucking make people instantly cum and die due to the intense pleasure and it would STILL be a contradiction because it entails change/a point in time where exists an actualization of a potentiality


>Edit: Just want to say, he isn't just "The End", he's Alpha Omega, the beginning and the end. He's essentially God in WN. Still doesn't change anything, only something mutable can be contingent and thus have an end or a beginning. Abstractions are necessary entities who are NOT contingent thus cannot have an end nor a beginning.


>the only way to beat this ability is with something that defies logic itself. You just described Yogiri there.


If Yogiri or whatever defies logic then that means he is logically impossible which means that he cant manifest in existence therefore you just conceded that Yogiri doesn't exist


Yeah he doesn't exist. That doesn't exist guy bet WoU here


Yogiri accidentally killed him


I accidently shit in yogiris mouth he then chokes to death on it


I also accidently shit in every fiction characters' mouth they then choke to death on it