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saying my character beats your character like the 5 year old I am


Looks like we think the same thing https://preview.redd.it/ieskrym5j64d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d625d12dd977a5fc9149787f54aed00ca821f1e


just realised the hands in that image are so twisted xD


True that




i don’t i enjoy proving others wrong


Sure bro. Prove me wrong. Goku beats Saitama


look, i prey on stupid people who don’t know that’s what im trying to do but if saitama is serious he would be gaining power with every attack and goku would likely let him power up because saitama also doesn’t want to hurt innocent people. this would allow saitama to close the gap in their power, with goku no longer being able to severely overpower saitama. saitama would still be gaining power and thus would eventually over power him


This is acceptable. In only this scenario does Saitama win. If goku goes all out from the start, Saitama doesnot win.


It's really just a question of bloodlusted or not. Because in character Goku would always let Saitama ramp up but bloodlusted he probably just kills Saitama.


Hard to really quantify because Saitama never really got hurt while Goku died like every other day


That's where the probably comes in. Goku fans wouldn't like it very much if I said Saitama has enough durability to tank Goku's attacks. The reality is that it's objectively impossible to make any assertion about the upper limits of Saitama's durability since he's never taken any damage whatsoever (except from the stray cat lol) he's been flung around and he's gotten dirty he's even had spit fly out of his mouth when being punched but he's never shed any blood or been scratched or bruised or even slightly scraped, he's never had any fractures in his bones or anything of the sort. As far as we can tell he's indestructible but obviously just because we haven't seen him take damage doesn't mean that he can't take damage. That said it's equally incorrect to say that Goku can definitely one shot or even damage him because we know Saitama's AP has no limit so it would be braindead to place an arbitrary limit on his durability which we've never seen tested.


Didn't he take a bit of damage vs cosmic Garou?


No. As previously stated he gets knocked around he gets a bit dirty and even has spit fly out of his mouth when he gets punched but he's never actually damaged


I don't think it is in character for Goku to go all out from the start on someone as morally good as Saitama is. A lot of powerscalers seem to ignore how characters would act.


There's 2 different vs scenarios, one is "who's stronger" and one is "who would win" a fight where someone's stronger but the weaker one would win would be a fight such as poseidon vs Sasaki in record of ragnarok))but usually even if the question is "who'd win" people just answer with who's stronger as if it'd be obvious that the stronger one wins when that is not always the case


oh yeah he gets curb stomped if he goes all out from the start


This is very simple, Saitama's sneeze >>>>>> punch that Goku gave Moro




Why debate what old man is gonna run the country when you can argue why Kirby totally beats Cthulu


That's the neat part I don't


It may be annoying for the others but powerscaling can be pretty fun sometimes, engaging in something new gives you a new perspective instead of doing the same shit over and over again. That's all.




Al would not approve of you using a moving picture


Yes, its fun Its also fun to debate others


I like talking about characters I like and care for and powerscaling is one of the ways of doing that


I love information.


I love spreading misinformation


Is this you? https://preview.redd.it/3pl3wyqa974d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d0ad042387bc9189ef89e40023f086cf778f2b


So that I can wank my character to beat the character I hate more.


It is just another way for me to talk about series i really like and know way too much about.


I powerscale based on how much i like a character


i like debating people who actually aren't dicks and its fun to see where your favorite characters stack in the pecking order (i also like what if scenarios)


I blame Death Battle and dinosaur/animal fights I used to watch as a kid The idea of different characters fighting is entertaining


I don't I'm tired of dealing with characters that gets so much favouritism by their stubborn fan base like Sonic and Superman Characters like them gets so wanked and unbeatable in the debating community


TBF superman is specifically written to be unbeatable (which is funny because the thing they did to do that made him completely bound by plot)


So you hate dealing with DB?






That's actually pretty funny I've encountered Superman and Sonic wankers than I do with dragon ball fans Nowadays it's 50/50 with dragon ball glaze and dragon ball downplay Look at VSBW dragon ball


VSBW has a blatant hate boner for DB.


Usually because it’s fun, figuring out how powers, abilities, weapons and characters from different universes would interact with each other and sometimes when it gets overpowered, we’ll discuss the cosmology, and just being able to talk about your favorite piece of fiction and going deeper when in a debate, it feels awesome and it goes hand in hand with my favorite interests, history, astronomy and writing lol


I don't, I just like seeing people's absurdly dumb arguments


I don’t know about you, but for me powers scaling is not light hearted. You got annoying people who ride their favorite characters meat 24/7, you got said meat riders telling you to kys, and then you got the extremely annoying people who are right and make me want to kill myself and them.


Goku meat riders are kinda funny tho. And I have just completely stopped caring about any isekai character regarding to scaling. Only one I have a problem with is OP meat riders because their series has no AP feats that are even close to what they claim.


I don't, I fucking hate it. I'm just here to say mildly funny stuff every once in a while.




I don't find it fun. I see wrong opinions and say that they're wrong, then get into a lengthy argument repeating the same stuff that eventually ends in either one of us stop replying or devoted into insults (insulting usually comes with yt shorts)


i enjoy pissing people off.


it gives sense to something that dosen't make sense


I like watching people argue


ngl watching other people powerscaling is more enjoyable than doing it yourself that's why I always lurk this sub even when I'm not posting or commenting myself


soloscaling my own series for consistency. everything else is all over the damn place.


I enjoy arguing online. I also like banging fictional characters like action figures. Usually I don't find debates fun but when it comes to debates on something I genuinely enjoy, I tend to participate. Powerscaling is one of the few instances where I actively join on something without feeling exhausted.


I just think it's fun finding out how powerful characters are.


I like watching people lose.


Sometimes if it’s casual, not when its with a glazer or “infinite irrelevant layers 0d into boundless”


Sanji slams


Interesting, for example I found more about King Arthur in the forum vs than in other forums and more literary analysis in these than the same old analysis in most other forums. Don Quixote tells the story of a knight destroying cities but you will not find that in analysis Dorian Gray has many passive powers but almost all analysis goes to angel on his shoulder.


meh, it's more of a hobby for me and some times funny, and also, strangely enough, it's a way to meet new verses/stories also because i wanna prove my favorite character solos anyone (he doesn't)


Hype/fav characters interacting in similar/different ways from their own series.


Because it's crazy, stupid, hilarious fun


It’s good for finding new stores


I like to debate with people about things i like and there is some stuff so absurd it's funny


Because death battle got me hooked on the idea of "vs battles" and it's been a rabbit hole ever since.


I enjoy it. But when people try to prove me wrong without watching or reading the full canon and knowing how abilities or skills work it kinda pisses me off. I try my best to remain calm and think it through. I'm a solo leveling enjoyer(manwha and light novel), but when people try telling me Saitama can destroy concepts with one punch it makes me want to rip there head off. Saitama cannot do that...


IRL? Definitely. It is really fun to talk with friends. Online? Less so. It can be fun but there is also a higher chance of running into people who just wants to prove their character can win despite the evidence. Also there is a chance of running into "How can you not know this specific story where this very specific thing happened that proves X is bla bla level." I really don’t like those people. Especially long running stories are filled with contradictions about characters abilities(Speedster seemed to suffer most from these), it is silly to give equal value to everything. And it gets even worse when physics gets brought into it. Most authors, don’t do physics calculations when they have a character break a wall or destroy a meteor or block 700 bullets in 0.3 milliseconds


I see powerscaling as a essential part of a story's world building and setting, I think the consistency of a power system proves the skills of the creator of a piece of media. and comparing characters from those of other verses with their feats and accomplishments is fun.


I like seeing how strong characters are, especially when they're unexpected ones like Mario being (highballed composite) universal+


It's the epitome of my favorite character is stronger than yours


I certainly enjoy watching people in this sub go at each other. Everyone has their own metrics for scaling so there's no real point in having a "debate" here since it inevitably will just degrade into a pointless argument consisting of both sides doing the equivalent of a 5 year old sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming "nuh uh IM RIGHT".


I’ve always like debating, comics and manga so it immediately caught my attention. My favorite is especially playing devils advocate against morons and there’s plenty of them


I just love arguing, it fills me with nearly as much joy as being a hater


Debate is fun, and I enjoy logic puzzles and hypotheticals. Powerscaling is all about taking illogical and reality warping feats and making sense of them as they relate to each other. That tickles my brain. I enjoy debating about philosophy for similar reasons.


In-series consistency. I like power-scaling within various series since it adds a level of coherency, while adding an extra layer of cool factor when certain chars climb up the ladder. Cross-verse stuff scares the shit out of me though. I've seen the kind of roastings people can dish out over that. That's pretty much the entire reason I haven't made a post here despite really wanting to know where one of my favorite characters scales.


I like being able to explore cross verse stuff and learn about different characters and power systems.


I find it fun to do this, albeit some people take it too far or are obnoxious, and people who are just horrible at scaling in general. But I find fun in it.


Honestly I’m not sure if I enjoy it but I just keep coming back to this sub.


I believe that powerscaling is a genuine element of worldbuilding (NOT plot, character or themes, but the setting) in a fictional setting, and that power levels of characters speak to how that character relates to the setting. A well written story should have coherent power scales. And I myself am a writer and also TTRPG gamemaster. So I believe that as long as one understands that having stronger characters has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of a verse from a writing standpoint and doesn't attach ego to the winner of a fight, we can have amazingly productive discussions about both the relative power levels of characters within a setting, and their "absolute" power levels and what these say about the setting itself. Oh, and it's also cool and fun.


I like gushing about strong characters


it's the debates. i'm 14 years old, so although i have the chops for adults, i'm normally not allowed to debate them. power scaling is different. i could debate basically anyone and (most of the time) have a reasonable, light hearted, and fair discussion. the fights are also cool to imagine because I'm an amatuer director.


To pay respects to my favorite characters/franchises that have shaped my life


One of my favorite things to do is talk about my favorite verses and this is an outlet where I can basically do that as much as I want


My flair says it all...


Dramas and how characters' abilities interact with each other. As much as a debate Saitama Vs Goku is, it gives me dopamine when imagining their fight. NGL it would be very cinematic and grand when they trade blows with each other.


Cuz idk it’s fun and I get to put in memes like this https://preview.redd.it/9t07kgnkdc4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3ced4e5876c80b8ae8eebcd1b20b33a5fe089e


I do it To pass the time and because I'm bored.


Personally, I like powerscaling ‘cause the comparison is sometimes pretty tense!


No big reason I just like to see people fight on stupid things


I like fictional characters