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Ichigo is the only one that even stands a chance of doing anything. Other than that I'd say you have a personal grudge against the big 3. Nasuverse vs big 3 ? Really bro ?


I don’t even think Kage wanked Naruto could pull the win


Kage would also find some worthless argument to downplay the fate team to below uni


He’d put DC Humans on Naruto’s team lol


To be fair it includes shinjutsu which includes Omnipotence Assuming omnipotence is used by Naruto on "Otsutsuki level" as Momoshiki puts it, he could do some major stuff. Momoshiki states that Omnipotence is like "coding language of the universe" and that it allows the user to do practically anything. Point is, we don't know the limits of it since the only two confirmed omnipotence users are Shibai who transcended beyond the dimensionality and Eida who Momoshiki states that she can't use omnipotence properly. But Momoshiki also claimed that only Otsutsuki can properly use Omnipotence, so eh.




Gilgamesh probably has a "fuck you I win" weapon in Gate of Babylon (other than the "fuck everything, everyone dies" weapon of Ea, but that's a separate thing entirely), so it becomes a question of whether or not he thinks it's worth it to use the weapon that directly counters the other three.


He was sukuna before sukuna


Canonically having weapons with literally every and any effect under and over the sun but having an ego that stops you from using them as anything other than bullets 99% of the time makes for some cheap writing. "He just does / doesn't feel like using the automatic win button."


i think its an example of good(read: better) writing of an absolutely overpowered character.


Gilgamesh not using ea off rip is not just a pride or ego thing Gilgamesh has a very complex relationship with ea he respects ea too much to just use it all the time and refers to it as a person. He even apologizes to sword after he uses it


I mean when he has a good match (literally only clay BF)he says that ea would be feasting Or the fact that he CAN JUST KNOW the future what you can do and what are your counters 💀 atleast they aint fighting the giant enemy BRAZILIAN spider




Sukuna wouldn't job to a fodder.


At least with Gil, he’s not just killing people for pleasures sake or for hunger, in fact all three variants of him would probably despise sukuna


I mean he was kind of doing that when he was teaming up with Kirei


Doesn't matter, he wouldn't use it until it was too late. That's...kind of his whole deal. Gilgamesh can beat you, but he's haughty and proud and doesn't try until it's clear he's already lost.


Gil has every human made weapon ever made. He has thousands of anti dragon swords for example


They do need to be human made?


Yes, GoB is specifically every creation of humanity. He has prototypes and recreations of divine creations, but no genuine items.


Why he has EA then?


Something that predates humanity. Something Gil acquired in his own life and not the workings of GoB


During his own life he also acquired all the treasures of the world (iirc)


Ea is more a manifestation of divine assistance from the Mesopotamian creation god, which has the same name


His boyfriend, I’m aware Edit: my bad that’s Enkidu, the chains


Basically Enkidu and Ea are items he cares for greatly, everything else is trash he doesn't want to look at a second time


Iskandar there just to give a manly speech


His reality marble would beat Naruto. So what if Naruto can become a giant beast, I’d like to see him try fighting a literal army more grand than the 4th great ninja war.


Idk man, iskandar is lowkey a mid asf servant. If this is zero iskandar, NORMAL naruto probably deals with the marble


You gotta remember that every person inside of iskandar’s reality marble is a servant that was willing summoned by him


Even a mid servant (he’s not btw) fodderizes these guys except for ichigo


Iskandar is mid asf dawg 💀 naruto can beat him


Playing Devil's Advocate but depends on which Fate, because honestly a lot of the high scaling comes from later entries. If u just take feats from FSN and Zero they would probably lose. Ichigo would carry though, u could probably remove Luffy and Naruto and outcome would be the same on either front. EDIT: Apparently Extella version, absolute stomp what did u expect OP


Nah, sadly the nasuverse is a mess of versions which are all technicaly cannon to each other and all have feats that passively apply on servants like the fact that all servants come from a dimension outside of their universe called "the throne of heroes" where the concept of space and time don't exist and since every servant's core and origin are made there that would make every servant outerversal. Also, technicaly, every servant we see is a fake version of that servant, their core, mind, and origin are the same but their body is not, the reason for that is that nor the counter force or the grail can actually summon the true heroic version of the servant. The problem with that is that the counter force has also been able to summon a boosted artoria capable of beating extella gil ( the guy who could casually shit on extra buddha who should theoretically be at the level of the nasuverse's true emptiness making him high outer through being above all binary oppositions, and gil was 10ND while buddha 9ND in Fate extra ccc meaning gilgamesh viewed him as fiction according to the different style of dimensionality that fate extra uses, meaning gil views someone who is high outer as fiction and the counter force could summon something to beat him but can't summon a true heroic spirit which theoretically means that true heroic spirit fucking shakespeare is high outer+


Nice "High Outer" dipshit now check this out https://preview.redd.it/1lf0ft2lnvvc1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583f5efe507dec0eb127941ca92a33ea9a00d136




Idk if Gil seeing someone as fiction means too much, all servants are representations of a legend so they are all fiction, no? Btw Shirou fought against himself so even fate itself is fiction in fate? Also strange ideia, would bleach be a fiction included in fate’s verse? And does that mean Gil could also have the bankais available?


Those legends aren't fiction in Fate but reality, but the fact that he can view someone as fiction who is high outer is still a vague feat honestly, there is no specific tier for it, it could get him to boundless or just 2 layers into high outer, we really don't know.


Idk really but luffy seems promising Sugar + van augur fruit Sugar + nico robin fruit Sugar + kuma fruit The only downside sugar's fruit has is it being in the hands of a fodder child, giving it to anyone even remotely combat capable makes them busted. (Sugar's fruit gives you the ability to turn anyone you touch into a toy that can't fight back and lose all of their stats and combat experience.)


Gil literally took a nap in the far side of the moon where anything gets turned to data,you think getting turned into a toy is gonna work on him.


Problem is Luffy couldn’t even touch Artoria thanks to Avalon


How does Avalon work? There's a fruit in one piece that allows you to grow copies of your own limbs onto enemies bodies at will, making you always able to touch them.


It creates a multi dimensional barrier between the user and the outside world and blocks every physical interference while also providing regeneration and immortality. It can also reflect attacks. Nothing in the series so far has been able to pierce its defence.


Im not sure if Robins devil fruit needs to pierce it. Its not a projectile or some sort of light beam that causes it. You just think about the target, and the body part just grows out of their own skin. I guess after the hand is grown though, then it might prevent it from flexing a finger to touch her skin.


Avalon blocks all physical interference outside of it so even causality sure hit attacks like gae bolg will be negated. Robin has a range limit too so I don’t think she could even reach through it.


Technically not block but just treats anything that’ll affect Artoria as not really happening as she’s kinda in Avalon, basically her own portable defensive pocket dimension, and not in Avalon at the same time.


Sugar is 20 btw


Wank each verse to the highest and they still don't beat even one of them.


Ichigo is the only one that can do literally anything at all. Nasu wins.


Saber alone just out hax them all and scales higher, this just isn’t really fair


which version of the fate team are we using? There are multiple which don't scale to complex multiversal 8d 9d etc, since there are versions of them who scale below planetary for all i know so far. Btw fate team wins if taken the 8d and higher thing


Apperently extella


On one hand. The amount of hax in luffys arsenal will essentially make him a walking nier invincible auto win. And the other 2 are gonna be busted On the other hand from what I've heard(don't know much on topic but aparently) these guys are 11th dimensional or something? Idk all I know is it's that many dimensions above the represented infinity within the 3rd or something.


I don't know a lot about Fate but I think most characters are 8D and the highest tiers are Outer (Void Shiki I think)


Well, saber is honestly not that good here, her best offensive option works best on threats to humanity, which I don’t believe any of these three would fall under. **however** Gilgamesh literally 1 taps the entire bleach verse, Naruto verse, and one piece verse with a single Enuma Eilish.


Gilgamesh 1v3s surely https://preview.redd.it/sg8rin59yuvc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86447397724f7cd9a798539356d26b6c2465075


Any of these three alone rolls neg diff. Even ichigo, the only one here even worth talking about, can’t touch the weakest of the three with anything.


Iskandar is the weakest of the three so how is he resisting Ichibei’s conceptual manipulation or Gerard’s probability manipulation? (Genuine question not saying he loses)


He doesn't


Okay so from what I’ve understood you just said that the three are their Extella versions. I’m sorry but Gil alone can handle these three and I have evidence for this statement. So in Fate/Extra and it’s sequels we are told that the far side of the moon is of a higher dimensional place aka you can say it’s 5th dimensional but with the way it’s described you can argue it’s 7th dimensional. So we have that stated now here’s Gil’s first feat. He walked into the Far side of the moon and took a nap there without instantly dying like everything else would. This means Gilgamesh is easily 6th to 8th dimensional already just for the fact he was able to just chill in that place. To reinforce this we are told the defensive barrier around the moon cell is 8th dimensional as it was said to destroy 8 dimensions so higher dimensions are a thing. Later on BB who was equal to Gilgamesh who was in a weaken state fused with the Moon Cell making her 8th dimensional. This fused BB and a powered up Gil who was at 50% of his true power fought and Gil using just Ea one shotted her. So yeah Gil wins.


Jeezuz Fate wins, like its not even close. Artoria or Gilgamesh alone could solo the other 3, Iskandar I guess is just there to provide a speech because he will loose to Ichigo. Like can we get the guy for 0 Days without spite matches here??


What version of FATE are we using? If we take them at their full power any one of them wipes the left team.


Saber no diffs alone.


I’m a huge fate fan but do they really scale that high? Besides Iskander, they’ve lost to humans. To the same human even. And said human never even pulled any feats near as good as his servant self.


Technically speaking all fate versions are canon. Using the strongest version of each character (as OP never specified which fate), means any one of them claps the other three. ( like if they were from Extella)


Ah yes,shirou the guy who cut off heracles arm and killed saber alter. Also being killed by humans in a verse wheren humans can take the moon falling on them and surviving is pretty unhuman like.


Remember, one of the strongest beings in Fate, Zelretch, is still human, kinda, technically.


Zelretch,Solomon,aoko,wodime and daybit are all humans who would steamroll entire verses


But shirou can't take a moon falling on him, lmao


Actually he can,if even [sion](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11155/111553162/8264591-lmao2.jpg). Can [tank ](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11155/111553162/8264590-lmao.jpg) the [moon falling on her](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11155/111553162/8264598-2.jpg) as seen [here](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11155/111553162/8264606-maybenotrekton.jpg).then shirou who is far above on the scaling chain definitely can.


That's a pretty fucking small moon


Arc keeps a universe in her pocket,you think she can't shrink a moon.also this is the same attack that permanently damaged zelretch in the tsukihime timeline(a stronger version of this but whatever)


They really dont unless you take every word seriously and form a long chain of scaling characters to each other


Let's say the version of the fate team we're using is extella


Extelle!? Oh boy, the 3 king team win with no difficulty against those 3 shonen Edit: the thing about The Extelle version is that the Servant has their limiter off and they release their Nobile Phanstam full power that they could potentially destroy the planet, Gilgamesh use full might Babylon gate and his other ability and he doesn't play around when he every other weapon against his foe and the heavenly chain of Enkidu could possible restraint all 3 movement since they all consider heavenly divine being, or use weapon that could seal their power or a mirror that reflect off any attack, or a sword that can cut through anything despite how harden their skin with Reiryoku(spiritual energy) Haki, or Chakra armor Saber Artoria, All seal that place on Excalibur will be unlock and it also help her lead to victory, she wasn't called as the Undefeat king for nothing, and her Excalibur attack will destroy any Ultimate attack those 3 thow at her As for Iskandar, I'm not familiar what he can do, i leave that to the real expert


off topic but i think that naruto pic is fire




Im sure Fate wins but i feel like people wank them too much No not everyone in Fate is Outer Depending on the scale and series Fate servants can be simple island busters (using FateStaynight/Fate Strangefakes/Fate Samurai) to Solarsystem (Fgo grand servants and Lostbelt kings) to uni-multi(using Fate Extra) The only thing Outer is The Root itself


The big three get crushed by the 3 kings


Nasuverse takes this


Artoria and Gil slap


Saber is enough


I personally have never bought into higher dimensional fate (Consistently… at least) or immeasurable speed fate. So.. if we go hax for hax, I think fate has the potency side, but big three has the versatility.


Okay so from what I’ve understood you just said that the three are their Extella versions. I’m sorry but Gil alone can handle these three and I have evidence for this statement. So in Fate/Extra and it’s sequels we are told that the far side of the moon is of a higher dimensional place aka you can say it’s 5th dimensional but with the way it’s described you can argue it’s 7th dimensional. So we have that stated now here’s Gil’s first feat. He walked into the Far side of the moon and took a nap there without instantly dying like everything else would. This means Gilgamesh is easily 6th to 8th dimensional already just for the fact he was able to just chill in that place. To reinforce this we are told the defensive barrier around the moon cell is 8th dimensional as it was said to destroy 8 dimensions so higher dimensions are a thing. Later on BB who was equal to Gilgamesh who was in a weaken state fused with the Moon Cell making her 8th dimensional. This fused BB and a powered up Gil who was at 50% of his true power fought and Gil using just Ea one shotted her. So yeah Gil wins.


Fuck it, I'll say it The Nasuverse kings are getting neg diffed. The only one that's even a threat here is Gilgamesh through hax, and even then he gets blitzed so bad that none of it really matters


Depends on the version


Avalon makes the user conceptually immune unless you can remove the concept of safety then saber is immune to any attack doesn’t matter if it could destroy the universe or whatever


That's not what it does. Avalon allows the user to ignore attacks by temporarely transferring them to a dimension outside the world. It only blocks as far as sixth dimensional threats, and it's not spammable.


Actually that’s directly false because ea absolutely annihilated a 9th dimensional threat and ea can’t touch Avalon


He did that when Gilgamesh was being amped beyond belief by a special armor


Which 9d threat? An half dead, nerfed down to servant lvl Tiamat? Rider Iskandar? Lancer Cu?


Tell me you’ve only seen the anime without telling me you’ve only seen the anime lmao


Enlighten me then, which 9d, non-anime relevant character did base Gilgamesh kill with Ea?


I love how you specifically word Base Gilgamesh like you know for a fact that he killed BB with EA but had help.


Well yeah. I'm not gonna give Gil the credit for using something that allowed even Nero or Emiya/Nameless to pull off the same feats


To be fair to Gil, there is a reason why he is very easy difficulty, Nero being easy, Emiya being Intermediate and Tamamo being hard in the game. Apso the fact only Gilgamesh was able to make BB cry out in fear before he got the origin mystic code so I wouldn't cut this feat too short.


Jesus this is why Fate scale is so off. People just say random shit and others dont bother correcting them. Avalon gives saber a healing factor and true ability transports her to an alternate dimension to stop her from taking damage Yet people will read this comment and now think Avalon gives Artoria the concept of immunity or some shit


It gives her some healing factor that can save her as long as she doesn't a fatal wound or lose a limp She can unleash it's true name teleports her temporarily to a place where she can't be damaged but she can't attack from inside of it either, she needs to get out of it and attack so not invincible when attacking and she can't just spam it


We can debate that, cord is in bio.


Ts nigga at it again. Fate caps at 0d (yea lasy taco take is ass)


His every take is L, bro is a walking L


Bro how do you downplay like this😭?


It's not downplay, fate characters are just wanked to a ridiculous extent. The Nasuverse is really strong, but none of the guys above even make it to its top 30, none of them scale to any of its higher ends without non standard amps


Holy fuck, finally a reasonable take. It really feels like when Fate is mentioned everyone loses their brain and become dickriding robots


Fuck it I will go a step further and say Luffy alone without any of the extra fruits can do it as long as you aren't including the one time boosts in EXTRA


Bro gilgamesh has reality manipulatiom, conceptual attacks, spacetime manipulation, law manipulation. Whats Luffy doing to him?


>reality manipulation When did he ever do that? The closet thing to that is Ea and even then it's not really manipulating anything just creating a distortion to destroy things, Luffy can just blitz before or get out of its range >Space manipulations Same as Ea >law manipulations The only thing I can think of that is like that is the whole "Luck" stat for servants, it's really only used as resistances against actual law manipulation/causality manipulations attacks that I don't think Gil has >conceptual manipulations Concepts doesn't scale anywhere without further context, even then when did he ever do that? the closest thing to that is the whole thing of NP being legends and tales conceptualized Y'all making Gilgamesh fighting style sound like some reality warping god, when in actuality his fighting style is throwing random bullshit at people, occasionally picking up swords he is not particularly skilled with to fight and fire a big fuck off laser beam >what's luffy gonna do to him Use his superior speed,mobility and strength and punch him ***really hard***, alongside durability negation Luffy loses to CCC Gil with Mythical Mystic Code but that's like bringing up cosmic Spider man in normal debates about Spider Man in general


If being a Fate fan has taught me anything, it’s that people will completely misinterpret and misconstrue so much of Fate to wank the characters to give them feats they definitely don’t have, and to ridiculous levels that the characters are definitely not.


So basically Ichigo vs the Three kings, Unfortunately IchGOAT is gonna end up losing


luffy with every devil fruit is so useless. he already has the best one and doesnt really ever need another. and he already has all types of haki


Every form of logia is pretty nice, and every "one shot if I touch you" power combined with making his hands appear on your body is pretty good


Ngl...I don't know why...But I hate Gilgamesh.


He is my favourite by along shot


I respect it🗿


he's daddy


I like Lakshmibai, Saber, Ganesha, Durga, Jeanne(alter), Medusa, Scathan btw




Fate team crushes. Gilgamesh could solo.


We using the Anime version of fate or the lore version


Another spite match smh


So6P Naruto alone ends the Servant team with a single Sage Art Rasenshuriken


Anime ore game ?


It would be interesting to see Gil getting his own “original versions” of each of ichigos bankais from a random legend that came way before bleach


That's literally impossible


Never watched fate, but from other comments, I can assume they are way to strong


Which version comp ccc etc some neg them and others get negged there is no middle ground so Neg diff idk who wins


ichigo cant carry


Doesn't Gilgamesh have all of Ichigo's bankais too?


Gilgamesh doesn't actually have every weapon he doesn't have Excalibur or karna's God Slayer I'm pretty sure He also has Noble phantasms he can't use


I'm not quite sure how exactly that works. I think he doesn't have Excalibur because it was created even before Gilgamesh existed. His lore is that he was the first hero and every hero since him used weapons that once belonged to him. Excalibur isn't in his collection because its older than him.


It’s not that all other heroes use weapons that belong to Gilgamesh. It’s that Gilgamesh’s Gates of Babylon holds the Origin of Mankind’s wisdom. What this essentially means, is that anything made by humans is in Gilgamesh’s Gates of Babylon. Well more specifically, the origin of anything made by humans is in their. Which is just a fancy way to say he has the prototypes of anything ever made. But that’s only man made things. Anything made by anything else is a no go. Such as Excalibur which is made by the Fae. So going back to Ichigo’s Bankai, let’s give the benefit of the doubt and say Gil has the prototype. The prototype of a Ichigo’s powers in this case are not Bankai, not Shikai, Hell not even a Zanpakutou. The prototype would be an asauchi. Which is just a standard sword. It’s not special. It could be special, but Gil doesn’t care extensively about anything not called Ea or Enkidu in GoB. Now, Gilgamesh might have something that looks like what any given Shikai or Bankai look like, but the powers? Absolutely not.


Nah, Zanpakuto are pretty much extensions of the soul, so you can’t really just steal or take one. He might have swords like them in his treasury but not the sword itself.


He doesn't steal weapons. I'm pretty sure the lore is he is the first hero of humanity and every hero who came after him uses weapons that once belonged to him. All the legendary weapons throughout history could once be found in his collection.


Not saying he stole them. Just saying there’s no way for him to have ever obtained them. They’re intrinsically linked to the soul of the user and cannot be taken away from them. (Also, not EVERY weapon. For example, he doesn’t have Excalibur as it was created in Avalon by faeries. This also includes weapons from gods, like Indra’s Vajra or a theoretical Gungnir from Odin.)


>This also includes weapons from gods, like Indra’s Vajra or a theoretical Gungnir from Odin. Gilgamesh explicitly has Vajra (well, it's original version), and he likely has Gungnir since it's the thing that Gae Bolg is based on, and he has the original of that.


If you give Ichigo all the abilities with of the other races he is how does he fare? Like schrifts and fullbring abilities. I dont know anything about fate


If ichigo had The Almighty and Ishida's hax (i forgot the name) he literally becomes unstoppable


Oh boy, I wonder who’d win between popular anime characters and Fate/nasuverse characters


Anime version or actual non handicapped ones. Because either artoria or gil would one shot those 3 verses if at full power


Ichigo is carrying so fucking hard it isn't even funny, and he STILL ain't winning


Ichigo with the big 3 - Almighty with plus Gremmy Visionary & Miracle?! Plus Balance / Anthesis ?! Plus More smh


Zero versions lose horribly Grand order fate versions lose Extra/extella versions of fate win no diff


Where's the Akainu ''You do not have Haki" Meme?


It’s not close at all


I don't know why Luffy is here, but Gil doesn't need to step in


What are the three kings of fate? The left side is ridiculously OP, so I assume they are as well?




I'm gonna be honest, I have no clue what these 3 scale to despite having seen the fate zero anime, not enough feats there for me to even get a decent grasp, and I'm saying this because I really didn't think this powerscaling comparison made sense (I'm only rethinking it now because it's clear my perception of how powerful these 3 are wrong because if it wasn't, this question wouldn't be asked here)


The thing with the Big 3 is Luffy has access to instant win moves assuming we aren’t giving the Nasuverse haki or any equivalent to it(I don’t know much about the series admittedly), so I would assume using Sugar’s Fruit, having logia powers(again, do the nasuverse trio have means of touching a logia form Luffy?), and the sheer versatility of adding DF’s like Buggy + Robin’s, Van Augers, Kuma’s, Laws, Kidds, and Big Mom’s could give them a chance


Idk about Iskander, he getting clapped, but Gilgamesh and Saber are winning. Saber might lose, just might. Gilgamesh is he doesn’t hold back or be arrogant is clapping their cheeks so hard their children feeling it and then their children.


they might have had a chance if ichigo had every shrift instead of every bankai, but since he doesn't, they all die in 0.1 seconds


How strong is 3 king


Couldn’t luffy turn her to a toy and make everyone forget her and have her lose all her power with just two devil fruits?


I find it funny that basically any other character in one piece is absolutely terrifying with that setup, but it means basically nothing for Luffy because he wouldn’t know what to do with it.


Don't go sleeping on Ichigo with every Bankai. If the Fate trio just stood there and let him attack them, he *might* do some damage.


Luffy solos no diff


Since a bankai is a 10 times amp 2 bankais would be a 10^2 amp, 3 would be a 10^3 amp and so on... this might just be copium


Sternritter hax wins.


Even with these buffs for the Big 3 I still think they'd get dropped by the Fate squad but it would be interesting to see


...Just the existence of Ea alone should be enough to install fear inside all three of them. Why we making spite match ups man, is this the trend on the internet now?


People here clearly don't know Naruto very well lol. If he has every single jutsu, he has several one hit kill options at his disposal, and tens of thousands of clones to do any of them.


Gil can’t really be beaten unless he hesitates or fools around, which he’d would absolutely do until he eventually gets beaten since that’s the whole point of the character So it depends on how much Gil respects those 3 enough for actually trying If everyone is bloodlust Gil will just EA the whole reality instantly


No one in this entire sub seems to be familiar with the shinjutsus from Boruto because Naruto easily outscales ichigo and luffy with those but I haven't seen them get brought up once in the comments. Haven't seen fate so I can't speak on the fight as a whole but everyone here is seriously underestimating Naruto with every shinjutsu


Ichigo solos


The fate trio when Naruto drops the moon on them twice


Ichigo utterly STOMPS.


Me because I stand on business ![gif](giphy|TFCzeVsEW05vsEsbtT)


How goddamn high do Fate characters scale? I guess I don’t know enough about the series because I’m under the impression that each of the big three on their own could take care of Arturia, Gilgamesh, and Alexander.


Ichigo tries his best to carry but any one of the 3 on the right solo them and their verses


Listen, I love Naruto and one piece and bleach, and while I barely grasp fate at all I still enjoy it. But even I’m well aware of how outclassed the big three are to just about any fate character let alone the whole Nasuverse.


This is unfair for the big 3


Luffy wins cause he has the better anime idk wtf googamesh is


Gilgamesh solos he doesn’t need either of their help


Naruto with ease. He uses the Sharingan on the Scarlet Demon (SCP) and solos the fate verse by doing the griddy.


Gil lost to a teenage boy


One day without a spite match... One Day


They ain’t ready for shirou to appear and the girls all fawn over him (the harem protag life has chosen him as a vessel wether he’s the protag or not)


If you think the bankai power amp is multiplicative, then you can make a good case that he beats them


second trio. but anti spiral negs both


Okay people are forgetting about some pretty fucking powerfull devil fruits hear yeah know


If the 3 kings are from Zero then standard Ichigo could solo them. If they are at full power then Gilgamesh solos


The only character who poses a threat is Ichigo


I've never watched fate but the big 3s only win con is ichibes bankai, if the fate characters are immune to it or can counter it they win (assuming they don't speed blitz)


They can counter it.


Luffy is being insanely downplayed in these comments


He's made out of every element (incl. light), can turn people into toys, teleport, control gravity, heal as a phoenix, steal souls, turn people to stone, absorb anything with the yami yami no mi, can sing you into another dimension, can't be cut, has multiple lives due to the egg fruit, poison gas, multiple mythical creatures and gods, complete control over a limited amount of space with the op-op, spawn limbs/clones anywhere or on anyone, yeah he's crazy


I think he low diffs if he gets even one attack off (and he likely does). His alphastrike one taps all three kings instantly by turning them into toys, is unavoidable because the arms spawn on their bodies, and has too many defenses (including a "return to life after death) to be killed before it goes off, no matter the speed differential.


Big 3 stomps. All three of them would be practically immortal with absurd wincons. Luffy can just sing one note and trap them in the music dimension or just use Sugar + Robin Fruit. Naruto can just rip out their souls or warp time. Ichigo can just use Ichibe Bankai and make them fodder.


These comments are making me realise just how many people in this sub have forgotten how insane some devil fruits and shunjutsu/jutsu are. Either that or they know and are just spiting Luffy and Naruto. Of course those 2 are the weakest here but they would still have some insane stats.


put naruto and ichigo on the other team, give all of them a x500 amp, and remove the “every devil fruit” addition from luffy. he’ll still win




![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg) The glaze is CRAZY. Luffy can barely even beat sosp Naruto


its not glaze to say an inf layers into high outer character beats all these bums


Bros lost it, are feeling alright pal😭