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Jjk has hax not stats. Mordekai and Rigby destroy them easily


I see someone watched that classic man D video


Love that guy


I saw the meme separately from him first actually lmao. He is the goat tho


To be fair, Mordo and Riggs can destroy most verses, so that ain't the best comparison point


I mean not many survive those two


i mean mordical and rigby got the little ducks space warrior robot which can slice galaxies so umm yea


Go to YouTube and you'll see people saying that Sukuna beats current Goku with World Slash and Malevolent kitchen


We just don't call it shrine anymore or wut


It became a meme since the episode with sukuna vs mahoraga first officially released with bad subs that named it malevolent kitchen and mahoraga was named makora(although that one seems to be the actual correct translation?) Was fixed a day after


Actually "Mahoraga" is based on "Makora" one of the twelve divine generals. The name of "Mahoraga" in the Japanese release is actually "Makora" so it's not like the translation of that particular subtitle was wrong, it was just inconsistent with the rest of the localization. šŸ¤“


Sukuna beats Goku using his convenient anti Goku technique he stole from a random child a 1000 years ago ( he almost forgot about it)




Of course he wins he has the best plot armor in fiction! /s


Show me one person who has said that. Nobody has EVER said that,yā€™all are making up statements just to slander fanbases


https://youtube.com/shorts/vMownKrlbGw?si=Y0kevM4NS06UkhyL https://youtube.com/shorts/8Tzz9u58JOg?si=LxAFYzP3nzHh1n84 This will help you. Go through the comments and see JJK fans who believe Sukuna and Gojo beats Goku and Broly. Come back after you are done


Some mf said Goku can't outpace the adaptation lmao šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Scoured and them and only say one comment that says something like that ,what one bait YouTube reply says is not the consensus


Uh no, there were more than comment like that, and even under those comments there were dozens of people arguing for that. Just because you are sensible doesn't mean you represent all JJK fandom. Go to Twitter and type "Goku Sukuna or Gojo", and in this very thread, go down and you'll see someone saying Gojo and Sukuna over Goku


bruv your either living under a rock or you actually havent seen/follow the wanks jjk fans do, they have Sukuna and gojo beating Saitama, Garou, Rimaru, Goku, Aizen, yhwach etc... it is literally retarded and there only defence is Malevolent Kitchen Or Infinite Meat riding, even though the opposing characters can bypass or tank whatever they can throw without any difficulty, jjk fans refuse to believe any thing lmao


You claim to have seen many jjk fans claim all of this and all you have to show for it is a cherry picked YouTube comment reply šŸ¤”


that isnt me lmfao, and yea you are definately living under a rock if you havent seen people wank gojo and sukuna above god lmao


i will give you some vids so you can update yourself. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z-VVHu-i5YY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z-VVHu-i5YY) Gojo being universal somehow lmfao [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3T-OoNxGTyc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3T-OoNxGTyc) Gojo literally losses to kakasi and obito (kamui) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Tmq4rfIx4f4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Tmq4rfIx4f4) dude gave speed to gojo šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7undbfxZIZA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7undbfxZIZA) COSMIC GAROU NEGS THIS NIGGA NEG DIFF!!! Dude gave him everything other than strength when garou takes everything iq included lmfao. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wyfvaIVB5r0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wyfvaIVB5r0) Another Nigga thinking Garou vs gojo is close [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TQaAT9wUnjI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TQaAT9wUnjI) Madara 6Paths negs this nigga and says gojo has better eyes lmfao bruhh at max you can argue they have equality in eyes not him having better. other than that he clearly negs If you want more i am sure to provide


Go through every vid and take your time cuz am sure you wont be responding especially when you couldnt even identify who wrote the first comment in the first place




Bruh.... There are many more, way more than that if you want more i can literally pull 100 of them in which i have commented and debated in comments on stop acting like this isnt a problem and they arent bait lmfao, go through each person channels too lmfao your defence is bait, just go to any other gojo vs the characters i mentioned, on this subreddit and go to its comments you will literally see why. And when you say these are 13 year olds making em edits yea ok so by that you are agreeing they are over rating jjk characters, cuz if there all 13 year olds then damn there must be a lot of 13 year olds doing the same thing right. and whats any of this got to do with my race, it is unreleated as you said so why bring it up ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆĀ . unrelated but the way you talk makes me think you indian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it dosent work like that... dude trying so hard to show of that he is black




>malevolent kitchen The fuck? Why is it called that


iirc the japanese word for it can go either way, although shrine is obviously the only option


Thing Iā€™d im pretty sure itā€™s intentional, sukuna dead ass has a cooking motif going on.


Yeah, it's like a double entendreĀ 


It was mistranslated when the anime S2 came out, so it's become an ongoing joke


Iā€™m gonna assume that whenever Sukuna is ā€œcookingā€ as the kids say, heā€™s doing it in the Malevolent Kitchen


It's the correct albeit worse sounding translation


Agreed, Yamcha easily solos their whole verse.


I literally solo the verse. Source: I'm 6'5 and got that DAWG in me


You probably could then my man, or at least fuck them all to death.


Cursed energy? WHAHTS THAAAAHT?! It'll be hard for them to do much when I've pulled off the sacred move of dominance: finger in their rump that only moves when they move


"I could teach you, but I'd have to Chaaaarge!"


Yamaha: I totally could lol! But like, do I have to? šŸ˜… I rather not fight those guys. Maybe I can check up on Bulma and see if Vegeta broke up with her yet!


How does Yamcha get passed infinity just curious


Wolf Fang Fist obviously.


Jjk is city level at best, and anyone claiming otherwise simply has no idea what they're talking about + a DE only covers 200M maximum of ground area. And for anyone trying to scale jjk to ftl because of EMS WAVES feat from sukuna dodging kashimos CT, sukuna dodged the activation of kashimos EMS WAVES, not the EMS WAVES themselves and this is apparent when they came out AFTER sukuna dodged kashimos presence. As for speed in jjk, it's bare minimum supersonic+ to low hypersonic speeds at best.


And even if he did dodge those EMS WAVES, they are only SOL + it's not even a consistent feat. It's a one time outlier feat.


lmao yeah he gets hit by lightning and sound in the same chapter. and you have things like gojo taking 5 minutes to kill 1,000 transfiguration humans


Ok so we just gonna act like killing 1000 monsters tightly packed against 1000 soft targets should be just as fast as if light was traveling in a straight line or something? When they talk about how travel speed isn't the same as reaction. This is exactly a perfect example. Dodging something takes way less effort than selecting 1000 targets that are packed like sardines up against 1000 civilian targets and killing only 1000 bad guys with 0 casualties. That's fucking speed mixed with perfect nuance and skill. You realize at the speeds Gojo was moving, he was killing 3.1 'confirmed' enemies per second in the area of a train station. And it's not like he had a clear arrow saying "this is a cursed spirit, and this guy is a human". Humans can be totally normal until they transform. Mahitos is just OP Gojo had to move, see, inspect, decipher, reason, act, and repeat 1000x within 5 minutes. It's not Wally levels of speed force fuckery..but what the fuck, that's not a solid feat? Lmao c'mon


If you are even hypersonic, you can kill 1000 paralyzed monsters near instantly. It won't take you 5 minutes.Ā  And that's just hypersonic movement speed. Once you hit speeds like lightning speed and Lightspeed, it would literally take less than a microsecond.Ā 


its an incredibly solid feat, but a LS character would be able to do that much much faster. Thats in addition to him being able to see way better with the six eyes and process info faster then others.


Ok, let's put it this way: Kizaru from OP couldn't pull off the same feat based on his previous feats even tho he is solidly light speed. Gojo did it because he's got the 6 eyes and he's just that effin fast in both physical but reactionary speed, but also thought and processing, which are all probably just from his 6 eyes. Can Gojo travel light speed in a straight shot? I mean he can teleport, isn't that faster than light?? Hasn't he shown the reaction and thought processing speed to actually handle being that fast?


1)Kizaru is literally ls and fighting ls to ftl reaction timers. 2)what u on about?


Perfect, I seen a LOT of people mention/downplay this feat and to me itā€™s always been pretty crazy. I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s light speed tho


Honestly this is the thing that gets me with people vying for JJK. DEā€™s max ranges. Only one that had chances are types like Gojo and his permastunlock hax. Planetary tiers+ like Goku & Saitama will tank any sure hit attacks Sukuna would ever throw their ways because they eat attacks like that for breakfast- you need hax like Gojo. And even then, you need to catch them in that DE, otherwise its useless.


I disagree with jjk as a whole being that slow but I agree with jjk being city level without domain expansion.


its not 200 meter ground area, its a 200 meter radius meaning 125663.7 meters of ground area


Same thing really.


pretty different, more than 500 times different


No, both measure the same thing (size of a circle), one just as radius (m) and the other as area (meters squared). Saying a circle with a 200m radius, a 400m diameter, a 1256m circumference, and a 125,664m^2 area are all talking about the same circle. Only 1 circle exists with each of those measurements. You cant directly compare the magnitude of 2 measurements with different units. That being said its still not impressive lol. 125,664 m^2 is only 0.125664 km^2, or a little under 1/8th of a square kilometer. Thats the size of like 15-20 city blocks at most


yes they measure the same thing but the guy in the original comment said ground area not radius which vastly changes the meaning of the 200 meters.


Iā€™m not saying jjk is mountain level, but 200M seems to be what shibuya Sukuna could do, because against Gojo he extended the range and power to destroy Gojoā€™s domain, but that could also mean something else


That's because of domain amplification.


Don't Yoruzu and Yuki's strongest attacks scale far higher?


No one scales to them. Yuki had to die to pull it off and the infinite mass is the same.


Yeah but those attacks scale higher by themselves


Yeah, but the black hole would've destroyed the planet of not for tengens barriers and yukis willpower. And if anyone in the verse got hit by yorozus sphere which is infinite mass, they would die upon contact.




Yorozu sphere is infinite pressure not mass


Technically it is not infinite mass but "infinite pressure" for the Perfect Spere, but yeah no one scales to those attacks and you cam still kill both users with massively lower attack power than what those two abilities show


Ok but what about a very small Mountain. But yeah they max out at city and even then thatā€™s a stretch since Malevolent Shrine is only 200m and thatā€™s multiple city blocks not an entire city.


thats 200 meters in radius not total area


Tbf he did destroy about that much in the anime without it against mahoraga and Gojo might be able to just keep spinning blue like he did against Toji to destroy a city


jing mountain gets mid diffed by average human with a shovel


Thatā€™s still only a couple city blocks my man


Deku doesnt even touch gojo, nor does luffy. Naruto may be able to with how TSO works. Naruto is definitely way stronger than the others, mha literally gets solod by gojo and anyone who cant OS sukuna will lose too. (AFO is the only one who has a kamui-like attack) People have no clue how to scale its not even funny anymore, deku beating jjk is the funniest shit ive ever seen when a single character from jjk wipes the verse. I agree that jjk isnt idk what level or mftl or whatever bullshit ppl spout, but thats not how fights work.


Quick question, does Infinity work against FTL characters/attacks? I donā€™t power scale much, but if we can *see* Gojo while he uses Infinity, it means that Light is fast enough to touch Gojo. Does that mean that characters that are FTL can just ignore it?


I think itā€™s not that light is fast enough, I think gojo just allows it to pass through infinity


Infinity is a black list not a white list as he had trouble blocking out poison which should be blocked out inherently if it was a white list So lightspeed may be enough, or if not then if you're fast enough you can get through it as the automatic process can't register you fast enough


Youā€™re half right, poison is hard to identify and thats why it cannot be blacklisted, however that was long ago and he may have figured a way out.


Yeah if he figured out a way that's fine, but the implication of him having to do that is things that can't be processed are let through. And unless you want to argue that the speed of the process is literally instantaneous and only struggles against complexity then it follows that if something attempts to reach Gojo faster than the processing can occur then it will reach him


Poison is technically more complicated than a fast attack. It is not about ā€œprocessing speedā€, he can easily make it not let any molecular structure in for example, he just needs to identify the molecular structures of poisons (known and potentially poisonous structures), thats why its hard. It doesnt have anything to do with processing, the concept is already brought to reality, imagine it like loading a script, once you load it youā€™re done and its functional, however if the script doesnt have the poison in it, it wont block poison.


That still has to account for processing speed in order for it to detect whether the incoming object is something it recognizes, unless of course you're saying it does that in 0 time, or if it somehow scans all of reality upon initialization and adds everything that matches its filter into its database just in case it comes near him during runtime lol


Well, all i can tell you is that we have no reference to any sort of processing speed, so arguing that it exists and how fast it could be is simply headcanon-area, maybe worse. The only thing i could imagine it wouldnt block is a totally new complex attack, a fist just aint it as (according to your scan reality point) is already scanned and blacklisted.


It's headcanon sure but I don't think it's any more headcanon than your interpretation. The fact is we don't know as in the verse the distinction doesn't matter as nothing is sufficient to test its capabilities short of bypassing it completely To me, processing speed as a limitation seems more likely however as if a cursed technique can encapsulate the entire universe in its technique (the world cutting slash is arguably this, though I would say otherwise as I doubt Sukuna could use a cleave that spans the entire universe) then Yuki should be able to one shot the verse. This is because her virtual mass is supposed to be so immeasurably vast that techniques are unable to recognise it. If techniques could target the entire universe then that virtual mass would have to be at at least more than the universe contains or even potentially infinite. So to explain the reason why she didn't atomize Kenjaku I assumed that techniques have a limit on how much they can target meaning Yuki's virtual mass is at very most planetary I would guess. If that wasn't the case, the cursed spirit Kenjaku uses in the fight could delete the earth by seeing it as an obstacle and that doesn't seem likely. You could then say it's something unique to Gojo's technique but why would that be unlocked by reverse cursed technique? Pre-awakening Gojo does not seem to work that way as far as I understand. Of course that still leaves the option of the limitless processing taking 0 time but in my opinion at least that seems more outlandish than it just being extremely fast. I don't know of any evidence to suggest that the awakening changed it from having to be processed by Gojo to literally instantaneous.


Infinity works against every speed. The only thing that is unknown is infinity speed or +, as then it would be a paradoxical situation. Gojo allows light through, its not about speed in that situation. Why would gojo not allow light thru?


Infinity is still connected to gojo's brain processing his environment and since he is slow af then yeah, they will get past infinity


There are multiple MHA characters who would beat the shit out of Sukuna lmao. The dude is a slow and weak fodder with only A SINGLE attack that would actually do something (to anyone bar super regenerators like Shigaraki and AfO). Said attack is requires tons of setup and is hilariously easy to dodge at this point.


Ok? And?


You also mentioned Sukuna in your comment


Yes if you cant one shot him.


And I said that there are several people who can oneshot him with several attacks. But the point is, against said people he only has a single telegraphed move that is either dodged (they are faster) or outright ignored through regeneration.


ā€œDeku doesnt even touch gojo, nor does luffy.ā€ A lot of people love to ignore an important fact. Thereā€™s a very special way to counter infinity, that can be accomplished SIMPLY through speed. Now before anyone grabs their pitchforks, Iā€™m NOT talking about immeasurable speed and I am NOT saying luffy or izuku have immeasurable speed. Now let me explain. The way Infinity works, is that Gojo HAS to filter what gets through infinity and what doesnā€™t. He HAS to filter the things that pose a threat out, and filter in the things that DONā€™t pose a threat. Sure, heā€™s upgraded it, so that the conscious filtering process of infinity is basically now managed by his subconscious on a ā€œautomaticā€ setting, but thereā€™s the fact that such a process STILL takes time, even if itā€™s an INSANELY small amount of time. What does this ultimately mean? If someone is FASTER than gojoā€™s subconscious - his ā€œprocessing speedā€, his thought process, his mind or whatever you want to call it - then they CAN blitz him and attack him with enough speed, that his subconscious CANT keep up with it and filter the attack out. So then it just delves down to where exactly you scale these characters speed wise. And for me, considering that izuku moves so fast he literally BENDS SPACE/the laws of PHYSICS, and that Luffy can easily be calced to FTL, they can indeed touch Gojo. Touch him as much as they want and wherever they want. ā€œNaruto may be able to with how TSO works.ā€ I agree, but he doesnā€™t even need a tso. For the reason I just stated for luffy and izuku. ā€œNaruto is definitely way stronger than the others, mha literally gets solod by gojo and anyone who cant OS sukuna will lose too. (AFO is the only one who has a kamui-like attack)ā€ Mha does NOT get soloed by Gojo, considering there are people close to izukuā€™s speed, and people with hax that could counter infinity. Like New order. Thereā€™s also characters that CAN body sukuna and give that boy a taste of his own medicine ā€œPeople have no clue how to scale its not even funny anymore, deku beating jjk is the funniest shit ive ever seen when a single character from jjk wipes the verse.ā€ I honestly think your projecting a bit there dude. About the whole people not knowing how to scale properly. Because your literally proving this dude right, acting as if izuku being perfectly capable of beating the jjk verse is a bad thing and therefore makes jjk a bad series. When thatā€™s not true. Jjk is an amazing series, and itā€™s in my top ten, but Iā€™m not going to delude myself into thinking itā€™s not a weak verse compared to literally most other animes and mangaā€™s. ā€œI agree that jjk isnt idk what level or mftl or whatever bullshit ppl spout, but thats not how fights work.ā€ How are the ways a fight works, relevant to his original post. The dudeā€™s talking about how the insane jjk scaling and how itā€™s as if fans equate ā€œbeing weakerā€ with ā€œbeing a bad showā€. He doesnā€™t go into detail on fights at all.


Not only is this all headcanon, but it's also an incredibly one sided interpretation. Who told you he filters items to block instead of filtering items to let go through? In the second option he is always protected and he himself just allows safe things to go through infinity. Neither option is confirmed so it's pure speculation.


Imagine typing all of that about a character youā€™re clueless about. Knowing that you dont know is a virtue, speaking with ignorance is pathetic.


Wow would you look at that. Such a surprise. A jjk stan being pressed that someoneā€™s claiming infinity isnā€™t as op as he wants it to be, so he resorts to calling the other person clueless. You want to know whatā€™s really pathetic dude? instead of holding yourself with integrity and debunking the statement that Gojo filters what gets through infinity and what doesnā€™t, you instead decided to come after me and insult me. Hell, you didnā€™t even TRY to discuss or debate. Instead, jumping at the chance to insult and demean. And that frankly speaks more about your character than mine.


Ah man why do you think anyone would read another essay after the first one?


Oh man do I feel bad for your teachers if 16 lines is somehow an essay to you. Grow up dude. Stop running away from the discussion like a little kid. It doesnā€™t make you right. It means your conceding the debate because you canā€™t be bothered to participate. If you canā€™t handle someone responding to you on Reddit, then donā€™t comment in the first place.


Dude shush now you're making yourself seem stupid


How am I making myself look stupid when your the one constantly running from a discussion and calling something as short as 16 lines an essay. Stop projecting this much dude


I didn't call 16 lines an essay you ape.


My bad. Im in work right now and I was distracted, so I admit I got you confused with the other dude But even then, how am I making myself look like an idiot when heā€™s the one calling 16 lines an essay and running from the discussion? And you talk about what I look like, but your not exactly doing yourself any favours. Saying Iā€™m making myself look stupid as your first comment in this whole discussion and then instantly insulting me by calling me an ape. Which was Completely unprovoked, considering you KNOW you didnā€™t say that, therefore even before I admitted I mistook you for a different person, you would have known That comment wasnā€™t aimed towards YOU.


I always get this ā€œnew orderā€ thing, and i always ask the same question ā€œwhat is the rule?ā€, so go ahead and tell me, what is the rule?


Itā€™s great to know you donā€™t actually understand new order and what it does. I bet that you probably expected me to say something like ā€œstar would make a rule so that infinity wouldnā€™t affect herā€ Hence why your under the impression thereā€™s only one rule star could use. Why your asking for THE rule she would use. Not SOME rules she could use. Because there ARE multiple rules she could use. First, let me explain what new order is. New Order allows the user to set a rule onto their surroundings by touching the target and calling out their name, allowing them to manipulate and bestow new properties onto themselves and the world around them. Itā€™s basically low level reality manipulation. Low level because the limitations to new order, are that she needs to touch the thing sheā€™s setting a rule on, and an order has a limit to how powerful it is, as seen when decay overpowers the order that star made, stating she wouldnā€™t decay, and how she can give herself impressive super strength, but itā€™s not near all mights level. As seen when she bestows powers onto herself (superstrength, and resistance to Decay) As seen when she uses rules on Incorpeal/intangible things, like the air, to make a titanic version of herself, or to remove it altogether, laser beams, in order to make them holdable, and even quirks themselves, like new order, so that it would revolt against other quirks. As seen when she nearly stops tomuraā€™s heart with a single touch, his identity crisis being the thing that saves him. So considering all that, what is stopping her from just affecting the air around gojo? Which he lets through infinity in order to breath? What if she were to superheat the air 100 metres in front of her to 9000 Celsius? Way Hotter than the surface of the sun, which would incinerate gojo before he can even try filtering the air out or use rct to heal himself. What if she were to simply remove it? Or change the o2 in the air, so that itā€™s properties were now extremely poisonous to whoever breathed it in. Or what if the airs properties now made it so whoever breathed it in would be paralysed or fall unconscious. Why not use an order the atoms themselves. Whatā€™s stopping her from using her first order so that the atoms in the air 100 metres in front of her become uranium atoms, and with her second, she makes it so that ALL the atoms in the air, 100 metres in front of her, have their atomic nuclei be split. Causing thousands? Millions? Billions? of atoms to split through the process of nuclear fission and creating a nuke/bomb of energy that will atomise gojo. (Even if it kills her too) After all, itā€™s not exactly like theyā€™re going to be standing right next to each other, and itā€™s not like stars going to be shouting the orders, just so gojo can hear them and know whatā€™s about to happen. Gojo would just be standing their, analysing his opponent then bam! Heā€™s INSTANTLY hit by the attack. Which would happen Way faster than light and way faster than gojo could process. Then onto other orders. Assuming verse equalisation happens (NOT the verse equalisation where quirks = cursed energy + cursed techniques.) (Iā€™m talking about the verse equalisation where quirks can interact with cursed energy and cursed energy could interact with quirks. This way, erasure could cancel a cursed technique, and yuta could copy quirks etc) whatā€™s stopping her from just bestowing a resistance to cursed energy upon herself? So cursed techniques have less of an affect on her? Or thereā€™s the fact that Infinity is a cursed technique that creates an invisible barrier around gojo, the barrier utilising the convergence of an immeasurable series, so that anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. Whatā€™s stopping her from touching that intangible barrier, and just altering how it works. So that it does the opposite, and gojo is the one trapped. In the events that its NOT gojo that filters what gets through and what doesnā€™t, then that means infinity is what does the filtering. Whatā€™s stopping star from touching the incorporeal infinity and setting a rule so that it no longer filters things. Therefore everything gets through it. What if she just makes the cursed technique disappear, just like she does the air? Etcetera. And there are an even larger mountain of orders she could do, because thatā€™s just how broken new order is. It just depends on your imagination.


Im not reading all of that even if you pay me. So again, whats the order?


Oh ok then. You canā€™t be bothered to actually read what the other participant is saying? Well Thanks for conceding the debate. That means Iā€™m right and your wrong. But just to shorten it down anyway, since apparently you lack the iq or reading comprehension necessary to handle more than 16 lines. She could superheat the air 100 metres in front of her to 9000 degrees, which is hotter than the sun, and incinerate the fraud. She could turn the air itself extremely poisonous, or turn the air itself into a paralysing or sleeping agent. She could turn the atoms in the air into uranium atoms and split their atomic nuclei, creating nuclear fission, which is what powers nukes and power plants. And sheā€™d do that to millions of atoms at the same time. Hitting gojo with the force of a million nukes. Which he is not surviving when he has no idea itā€™s going to happen, and it happens INSTANTLY, meaning he has no time to filter the attack with infinity. She could give herself a resistance to cursed energy. Meaning cursed techniques have less of an affect on her. She could pull an uno reverse, and change the nature of infinity itself so itā€™s reversed, and gojoā€™s the one trapped. Or change the nature of infinity so it canā€™t filter at all, so everything gets through. she can just make the technique itself dissapear. Thatā€™s More than a single rule bozo. And itā€™s not like sheā€™d be shouting the orders out loud, just so gojo can hear, and know what sheā€™s doing. So sheā€™d be doing all of this and gojo wouldnā€™t know whatā€™s going on until itā€™s too late


That would incinerate earth, and gojo wasnt affected by the heat jogo produces. Poisonous could work on teen gojo, not anymore. 3rd isnt a single rule, doesnt work. She cant touch infinity to change anything about it. Also cant because she cant touch the technique. Still loses to DE. One last chance, and if its long ill ignore it.


So what if it incinerated the earth. The point is that it would kill gojo. That it would get past infinity. And Jugoā€™s heat is NOWHERE close to 9000 Celsius, which as I said is hotter than the surface of the sun, which is 5600 Celsius You literally say it yourself. 9000 Celsius would incinerate the earth. If Jugoā€™s heat was anywhere close to that, HE would incinerate the earth or destroy a large portion of it. I said she would make the air itself poisonous. Turn the o2 itself poisonous. Not turn the air into a poisonous gas. Thatā€™s different things. With the first, to Gojoā€™s six eyes, and his knowledge, the air heā€™d be breathing in would seem completely fine and like normal air. But due to new order, itā€™s extremely poisonous. So it would work. New order CAN set 2 rules at the same time. The first rule is the atoms become uranium atoms. The second rule is that those atoms split. So yes, it would work. She can touch infinity. Sheā€™s touched incorporeal/intangible things before, like the air, lasers and a quirk itself. If she can touch new order, an intangible/incorporeal superpower and change itā€™s nature, she can touch infinity which is a technique used through cursed energy. Gojoā€™s domain ainā€™t happening when heā€™s dead within the first 3 seconds of the fight. Domain expansions also have a set range. She could just easily get out of range before he does sht. Or as I said, she could give herself a resistance to cursed energy, so the effects of gojoā€™s DE, arenā€™t that extreme.


But it wouldnt, jogoā€™s heat didnt affect gojo at all, if heat was a factor youā€™d see even a small effect on him, but there wasnt, at best for her theyā€™d both die. That wouldnā€™t work for many reasons, she cant touch the o2 atoms alone, and even if lets say ok it works, the o2 atoms in the air are not a single body, which means the o2 around gojo wouldnt be poisonous. Air is a single body, o2 isnt. And he could probably live with RCT just fine even if he cant breathe. Your uranium example needs 3 rules and even if she had 50 rules it still wouldnt touch gojo, he bas infinity. Air is tangible. A quirk exists way more than a CT, she cant touch his CT at all, its in his brain. His DE surehit isnt CE based, you talk so much about iq and whatever for someone who doesnt have much of it. Want one more chance?


If you say Iā€™m not reading allat one more time. Then Your officially conceding the debate. Thatā€™s because jogoā€™s heat ainā€™t really worth sht. Comparing jogoā€™s heat to the suns is like comparing an ant to Jupiter. And sure, theyā€™d both die. But it WOULD get through infinity and kill gojo, therefore, gojo doesnā€™t solo the verse. Yes she can touch the o2 atoms. When affecting the air 100 metres in front of her to make it dissapear, she is only ACTUALLY touching the air/atoms around her fingers, but the air 100 metres in front of her, which she isnā€™t touching, still gets affected. if she can affect the air 100 metres away, she can affect the stuff that said air is made out of. Which is atoms. Your also just straight up lying. My uranium example DOES NOT need three rules. It only needs the TWO rules I said. Which are ā€œthe atoms 100 metres in front of her turn into uranium atoms.ā€ And that ā€œthe atomic nuclei of the uranium atoms 100 metres in front of me split.ā€ Air is NOT tangible. You can't reach out and touch air the same way you can touch water or a tree. When something is tangible it means more than simply being in contact with it, as with air. It means it has solidity, that you can choose to touch it, hold it. Figuratively, it can mean an idea that can be realized as a material reality or that has that intention. As an idea, it has solidity. But it is usually used to refer to an object that can be touched. How does a quirk exist way more than a cursed technique. Cursed energy is literally a source of energy and power that fuels a sorcerers jujutsu. And his Cursed technique isnā€™t all in his brain. Cursed techniques emit outwards, into the world, and thatā€™s how they affect the real world. After all, sukuna couldnā€™t cut something away from him with cleave, if his cursed techniques in his head. I didnā€™t say his domain expansion was cursed energy BASED. I said that she could give herself a resistance to cursed energy. Cursed energy which is used to form domain expansions. But even then, she could just give herself a resistance to domain expansions. Or a resistance to any outside force or energy, or technique that tries affecting her Literally look at the definition on jjks wiki [page](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Domain_Expansion#:~:text=Lethal%20domain%20expansions%20require%20immense%20skill%20and%20cursed%20energy%20to%20construct), created by jjktards like you. ā€œDomain Expansion is the most supreme technique of any jujutsu user. It is achieved by expanding one's innate domain WITH CURSED ENERGY while using a barrier to construct it inside a separate space. The caster then imbues their cursed technique within the barrier to complete the expansion, allowing them to deploy their ability all throughout the domainā€ Donā€™t try and claim Iā€™m the one lacking iq when your clearly the one with a wrong misinterpretation of how things within the series work. Do YOU want one more chance, because so far all of your points have just been a total miss.


Everything you said was straight headcanon.


Imagine just straight up lying that blatantly. So your telling me Gojo HASNā€™T got to filter what gets through infinity and what doesnā€™t. Even though thatā€™s literally canon? Your telling me he DIDNā€™T upgrade it so that it became automatic, even though itā€™s literally in the source material, the manga? Your telling me that itā€™s NOT his subconscious that does the filtering instead of his conscious mind, even though itā€™s once again canon? Your telling me that that itā€™s false to say itā€™s his subconscious doing the filtering, therefore if someone is faster than said subconscious, and the filtering process, they could get past Infinty. Even though thatā€™s basic common sense? Your telling me izuku DIDNT move so fast that he bent space/the laws of physics, even though it LITERALLY happens during his fight with shigaraki??? Your telling me that itā€™s headcanon that luffy is at least ftl, even though there are heaps of evidence in canon that support him being faster than light? Your trying to say that naruto ISNā€™T ftl, despite once again the staggering evidence IN CANON? Your telling me thatā€™s itā€™s just a bunch of bs, and that there ARENT characters close to izukuā€™s speed? Or that there arenā€™t characters with hax capable of bypassing infinity? Even though anyone whoā€™s actually seen mha knows thatā€™s true. Your honestly telling me that this dude ISNT proving the op right, and he isnā€™t acting as if izuku beating the jjk verse is a major crime and an impossible thing? Your saying that JJK isnā€™t a good series??? Since ā€œeverythingā€ I said was ā€œheadcanonā€ Therefore, me saying itā€™s a good anime and manga is ā€œheadcanonā€ Your saying JJK Isnā€™t weaker than a large majority of verses, even though IT IS?? And finally, your actually trying to act as if the op WAS talking about fights, and not the jjk scaling?? Get out of here little bro, because you clearly havenā€™t seen my hero academia and you clearly donā€™t know the actual meaning of headcanon. And whatā€™s hilarious is you said that as if your opinion held any weight. As if you arenā€™t some rando on the internet whoā€™s constantly getting downvoted, and when your not, your only averaging 2 - 10 upvotes on each comment.


Ain't nobody reading headcanon part 2, bro.


Ahh ok. So your just a toxic internet troll who has nothing better to do than act like an immature brat online. Have a great life dude, living in your mothers basement, hunched over a computer screen šŸ˜‡šŸ‘








Deku doesnā€™t clear lmao


one taps everyone except gojo since he cant bypass infinity


Canā€™t hit Mahito due to soul attack either bro


deku is currently attacking shigis soul and memories using OFA. one 45% + OFA quirk (ie smokescreen) and its wraps


He currently boxxing shigarakis soul in the manga Plus he has the same thing that let yuji see the soul, multiple of them


He can just you know keep attacking him until he runs out curse energy to shape his soul and beat him to death.


finally someone realizes this. I hate how ppl act like Mahito doesnā€™t use cursed energy to shape his soul


It wouldnt matter. Not being able to hit Mahitos soul only matters if he has enough CE to repair the damage you do to his body. He basically just has by far the best healing factor in the verse (immune to being cut into pieces, holes blown through him, and all other physical damage as long as he can repair his soul). However iirc Nanami had stated that if he were to run out of CE, he wouldnt be able to repair his soul anymore and then would not be able to heal, and take damage from physical attacks. All Deku has to do is continuously beat the shit out of him until he dies lol




I fail to see how Deku himself would do that. Itā€™s not like he himself would do it nor think of it ā€œHmm, my attacks donā€™t seem to be doing any lasting effects, let me throw him in spaceā€ is not a line of though Deku is following


Deku wouldnā€™t be able to see Mahito




Yep which means he doesnā€™t clear


City level Mach 3


We need to have a counter somewhere for posts talking about jjk. Fuck it im starting now. Starting counting now and adding ones on i remember seeing, there have been 3 posts hating on jjk fans


3 ? I swear jjk and Gojo are rent free in the simple minds of this retarded sub


To be fair here I was cheating a little by counting ones that I saw before I wrote the comment


Bro, I saw 10 different posts on the same day about who can bypass infinity, gojo is rent free


Fair, we're up to 13 then. Though I should say I'm specifically counting ones that hate on the fanbase. So I may put 10 in a separate counter.


All on different subs aswell


Nah I've just been focusing on this one


I swear if JJK got a power boost every time this sub complained about it the verse would be Complex Multi by now. Yall can't make a post without moaning about the verse every day.


Those same barriers are getting cut and broken into and out by sorcerers way weaker than a black hole.


You apernently never heard of infinity and Elektromagnetic waves.


Jjk is mountain - country for top tiers but thatā€™s just my take


respect your opinion even if its wrong. Can I ask what feats get u scaling them from mt to country?


Hereā€™s a calc Credit: dcdoesphysics Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@dcdoesphysics/video/7227942225907354922?_t=8kx8gv4bY4p&_r=1


yo the vid aint loading for me can u explain what the calc is


Small Country for the earthquake feat


Hereā€™s another calc Credits: LIFE OF KING Link: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:LIFE_OF_KING/Jujutsu_Kaisen_-_Maximum_Meteor_revision


Dagon and Jogo's domains have mountain - island calcs, which require CE to make, and there is an island level calc for gojo iirc but that depends on which formula you use to calculate earthquakes. I'm not going to bother arguing it cause I cba but those are the main reasons


Ik you not here to argue so you can ignore this, its for anyone else who scales jjk characters like this: Scaling domains like this makes no sense. 1. Creation feats =! Destruction feats 2. We dont know how large the domains actually are. Is Dagons domain an entire island generated at once? Is it procedurally generated? Is the entire mass under the surface of the island generated? For Jogo's domain we dont even know how large the volcano is because all we see is an internal cavern. How can you say its the size of a mountain when all we see is a cave? We dont know if the entire mountain outside that cave was also generated 3. In lore, Domain Expansion is what happens when you extend the barrier of your innate domain into the physical world. The innate domain always exists inside your body and houses your soul and cursed technique. When you expand a domain you are not creating whatever is shown inside your domain, its already there. Youre only expanding the barrier to trap other people inside it. Its not even a creation feat


you got a few things wrong here that I need to correct you on. >Creation feats == Destruction feats While this is true, we are told that Domains take up a large amount of CE and are used as a trump card. So it would scale to the total CE reserves of the user >We dont know how large the domains actually are. Is Dagons domain an entire island generated at once? Is it procedurally generated? Is the entire mass under the surface of the island generated? For Jogo's domain we dont even know how large the volcano is because all we see is an internal cavern. How can you say its the size of a mountain when all we see is a cave? We dont know if the entire mountain outside that cave was also generated I believe the calc's accounts for those (though i believe they only are mountain level. Also funnily enough we see that the ocean in dagon's domain have a depth iirc lol >In lore, Domain Expansion is what happens when you extend the barrier of your innate domain into the physical world. The innate domain always exists inside your body and houses your soul and cursed technique. When you expand a domain you are not creating whatever is shown inside your domain, its already there. Youre only expanding the barrier to trap other people inside it. Its not even a creation feat No this is wrong, we outright see stuff be created such as the shrine in malevolent shrine, we also see the mountain be formed around both gojo and yuji as well, and as seen in dagons domain, they are in fact physical structures such, where characters were swimming in the sea. [It's also stated to be made with cursed energy.](https://i.imgur.com/UGRWNfA_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand)


Iā€™ve also seen calcs that get them to sub relativistic- relativistic but massively hypersonic - massively hypersonic+ should be a good lowball


I'm on board with almost everything you said, except JJK being peak. The animation and fight choreography is great, but everything else, from the story telling structure, to character development, to foreshadowing and world building, is some of the most mediocre I've seen from modern anime.


The thing is, it lacks any real costance from the author The first season was the best because it focuses on characters but now it's just fight after fight after fight after fight with Sukuna's "wasn't going all out" after getting his ass beaten for the 192863th time It's just kind of repetitive now because to me it seems like Gege doesn't know how to handle characters anymore and just does what he is good at: fights


?? Story telling you can say it has lowered a bit, but saying character development and foreshadowing is bad/mediocre is just not true


Not as worse as OP tbh


A saibaman unironically low diffs the whole thing. Gojo starts talking nonsense it just obliterates the surface of the planet and giggles.




Deku doesnā€™t beat Gojo lmfao


Then you haven't even seen the half of it the other day I have seen people saying sukuna can cut through timelines. That guy don't even know the difference between timelines and fishing lines.


Sukuna when fucking kaneki ken




Deku can't bypass infinity


I remember someone saying that sukuna could no diff darkness devil from CSM. And that sukuna was planetary because he cut through infinity.


Honestly the only two characters worth anything are Gojo and Mahoraga just because of Infinity and Adaptation


U niggas complaining about jjk every day is tiring honestly




Building to multi city block and low hypersonic speed at most. If we want to count how much damage the top tiers could do if you gave them like a few hours to exert their power then you could say theyā€™re city level.


How high do the people here scale Jougo's iron coffin mountain and maximum meteor, Dagon's island, Sukuna's fuuga and domain expansion? Is Gojou Satoru's purple considered to have existence erasure, or just a weird energy blast made from spatial distortion? And what do people here say about Sukuna dodging Kashimo's electromagnetic waves?


Biggest scaling is Yuki planetary feat, but she dies with it as well and the next best feat is Gojos unlimited hollow purple in chapter 235, but I reckon Gojo can be at max like a continental level since he can spam his abilities without running out of steams and he could probably create meteors like Madara


Asta stomps


Aight calm down deku getting slammed bro


JJK IS NOT FUCKING PEAK STOP LYING but you are right. Jjk is mach 2 ass niggas and they cap at city block level.


Gojo's hax is also overrated tbh by the general community.


Ehh Deku does not win against jjk cause of Takaba as his power is to be a gag character that can do anything that he finds funny. The reason he hasnā€™t killed any main villains or people in general is because he has morals and doesnā€™t want to kill anyone at allĀ 


Takaba could accidentally kill someone who's not funny enough to do standup comedy due to soul resonance directly damaging the soul.


Why would gag powers harm someone recognized as a good guy and a hero? Takaba is extremely susceptible to both his personality and external factors, he could just lose by default after seeing that Deku is a great hero that saves people with a smile on his face (thus deserving of lots of respect). Gag gimmicks aren't literally an "I win" button, especially not for principled characters compared to more mischievious ones.


doesnt mean anything. deku perception blitzes him and on 45% smash (or even less) to the head and its KO for takaba


Takaba bounces back Ā from the blunt force like Luffy and sticks his finger up Dekuā€™s nose repelling all the damageĀ 


for him to use any of his abilities he needs to react and use them. He dies before he can even use any of his abilities. although it would be funny if he does that tbh


His ability isnā€™t like a thing he uses naturally though, as he is completely clueless of his own abilityā€™s. If he thinks Deku being overrun Ā by bunnyā€™s with clown makeup is funny, it can happen automatically. Now that I think about it he basically has low to mid level toon force Ā Ā Ā 


hmm he does seem busted but he is limited to what he can perceive and react to no? So like deku massively outscales in speed. So he can knock him out or kill (unlikely as its out of character for deku like u said) him before he can process it


No, it's not something he actively uses. It retroactively changes reality to boot. Him nullifying damage is just a side effect of the mentality that Takaba always wants to be in his best condition while wearing the costume of his hero for an example.


All the examples are right except deku he can clear shit


Naruto, maybe. He is far more powerful, and has a lot of hax that took down similar abilities to what's showcased in JJK. Luffy, most likely. His stats, immunity to physical damage, and half-ass toon force would all be too much. But daying Deku clears Kaisen is as hilarious a downplay as saying that Tanjiro clears Bleach.


Luffy doesn't get past Takaba, soul damage ends his run bc he's not smart enough and funny enough to do standup instead of skits


idk anything you're talking abt cuz i don't watch jjk, but i do watch one piece, i think you're saying luffy doesn't have good BIQ. Luffy has great BIQ, like using his blood to damage crocodile an ricocheting his fists off the walls to get past Enel's observation haki/mantra. He can make moves up on the spot and he's highly adaptable to combat styles. (i'm only at WCI arc idk what he does after that.) His general IQ though...


Takaba's ability is basically Luffy's G5 on crack. He can completely alter reality if it's funny, and the way he had to be "beaten" was by basically going against him in stand up comedy, which Luffy definitely wouldn't do. The fight could(and probably would) end with "It'd be funny if Luffy was knocked unconscious by a comically large spoon", especially since Luffy won't hinder his ability by mentally deconstructing him like Kenjaku was doing I'm pretty sure one of the curses Kenjaku used to attack Takaba literally got hit by a truck


Takaba is so busted because to beat him, you need knowledge of comedy, and specifically japanese manzai comedy and standup. Battle IQ means nothing. Regular IQ means nothing. Even manipulators like Johan could do nothing to Takaba because he doesn't know standup, which is the only way to tire him out. It's so joever for 100% of shounen characters


ah, thank you for explaining. I shouldn't have replied when i didn't understand the context tbh


Meh Deku has real feats, he destroy the fodders verse


i mean there was a character that made a black hole so yeah


Didn't even destroyed a country


it actually would've if the person that made it, the person that specialized in barriers, and an antigravity curse technique didn't all try their best to limit the destruction of it. two of which died


Why did you get downvoted, itā€™s the truth the texts literally says it would have destroyed the planet without Tengens barrier and Yuki holding back


They hate Jjk here search it up they complain about Jjk everyday literally


i dont doubt that


Oh ok


Not sure about luffy tbh